She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: Inside the mage tower.

The price ratio in the east has always been higher than in the west. Alice calculated the prices and the hard work of Corimo and gave him ten gold coins and some change in her pocket. Corimo murmured, a little bit too little.

“Forget it, forget it.” As he said this, he put the money in his pocket. “This is considered a legitimate business after all. Earn a little bit less, so it’s just as accumulating virtue for me. You have to vouch for me, etc. After you enter the Mage Tower, can this ring really fall by itself?”

“Don’t worry.” Alice said, “As long as the tower in front is really the Frammel Tower.”

“Absolutely can’t be wrong,” Corimo said. “A little further ahead, you can see the guard post in the tower. With your hair, they must let you in. As for whether you can achieve your goal, then It’s not that I can tell…In short, I won’t say much about the farewells. I’m having a terrible headache to stay here… Good luck and goodbye.”

“Good luck also.” Alice replied casually, “I wish you don’t be caught and beaten to death by your previous customers when you are doing business at the gate of the country.”

Alice’s words can be regarded as a real wish, but it is a bit mean. Corimo grinned and grinned, not blushing. Probably a thick-skinned face is a must in this line. If Corimo would be stabbed like this, he would not choose to do this line.

The two said goodbye, and Alice rode forward alone. She walked very slowly, admiring the nearby scenery as she drove her horse forward.

There are many farmlands near the Frammel Master Tower, which seem to be vineyards. Alice has also seen some similar scenes on the way here. These vineyards are under the shelter of the Mage Tower. In addition to providing a large amount of wine for the Mage Tower, they also have to pay taxes to the Mage Tower. For most mage towers, this income is not high, but it is the most stable source of income, which can guarantee the most basic expenses in the mage tower. But the Flamel family probably doesn’t need to rely on the income of the vineyard.

Not long after Alice walked along the path, she ran into a barricade. As Kelimo said, this is the guard post of the mage tower. Two mages are here to stop the pedestrians passing by:

“The front is the Frammel Mage Tower, and no one can move forward.”

The two mages were violent and looked fierce. Alice paid attention to the clothes and hair color of the two men. Both of them were black and wore the robe of an adult mage, but there was no conspicuous decoration on the robe. And magic circle. Judging from this situation, it is obvious that among the Flamel Wizard Towers, there are probably a lot of wizards like this who are not from the Flamel family.

Of course, Alice could not explain her intention here. She remembered what Corimo had said when she was parting, and pushed her hood up slightly, revealing her hair of the same color as the Flamel family:

“I have important things to meet with the tower master Talus Archmage.”

The red hair of the Flamel family is like a pass here. Although Alice did not wear a wizard’s robe, the two wizards let her pass without asking any more questions. Not only did her tone become gentle, she also took the initiative to She provided some information:

“If you want to see the tower owner, you can probably enter the tower after you have made an appointment. You just need to put the horses in front of the tower. Someone will take care of you and you won’t lose them.”

The attitude of these two mages was really obvious, and Alice had a better understanding of the meaning of her hair color here. Thinking that she was bullied because of the color of her hair when she was young, Alice’s mood at the moment is really a bit subtle.


She did not dismount, but thanked briefly, she continued to ride forward, leaving the two wizards looking at each other, until her horse ran out of sight, and one of them asked her companion:

“The one who just passed by, should be the relative of the tower master? Seeing that she is not wearing a robe, she should be married to the nobles in the west?”

The other nodded sharply:

“I look like, ordinary wizards don’t have this kind of tolerance.”

If Alice heard the speculation of these two guys, she would have to laugh out loud. But at this time she did not hear anything, just rode forward.

This post was still a short distance away from the Mage Tower itself. Circelian ran so fast that the Mage Tower was getting closer and closer to Alice, allowing her to see its full picture.

Although the Frammel Mage’s Tower is named after the “tower”, it is not just a lonely tower. In fact, this building is magnificent, even larger than the Yunji Castle that Alice is familiar with. This is the first time in her life that she has come to the Frammel Mage Tower. For some reason, there is a sense of familiarity. At this moment, there seems to be something in her blood that has never appeared before is agitating, and it seems that something is calling her, telling her in her ears that she should stay, because this is hers. The place where the soul dwells.

If you change a person who is not strong enough, I am afraid it will be hard not to be affected by this atmosphere. But Alice knew deeply that it was not a sweet hometown for her.

This is the political center of the east, where the most powerful magicians in the entire east gather. Therefore, this is probably one of the most dangerous places in the entire east. God knows how many open and secret struggles there are, and visitors like her who don’t know anything about her inside, if they don’t pay attention, they might be involved in some complicated incident. And she is under the orders of the lord and the king, no matter what, she must not fail.

A variety of complex moods attacked Alice in a head, and Alice tried her best to suppress her own mood, not allowing herself to show a little bit of fragility. This showed on her face, making her look more arrogant and indifferent than usual. Generally speaking, most of the wizards put on such a face, which makes Alice’s expression especially coordinated here.

When she finally reached the main entrance of the Mage Tower, she rolled over and got off her horse. Immediately someone dressed as a servant came forward, ready to lead the horse to the stable.

This is the place of the mages. As a knight who doesn’t understand magic at all, Alice will inevitably feel nervous in it. She deliberately dazzled herself, and after dismounting, she did not allow the servants to come near, but just said a few words to Cecilian’s ear.

Cecilian whispered and disappeared into the air with a face. Alice didn’t look at the surprised expressions of the servants, and walked into the mage tower with her head high.

As soon as I entered the Mage Tower, I saw a huge rotunda. There is no window or lamp in the rotunda, only a huge rough magic crystal stone is decorated in the center, emitting a soft light. Magic crystal rough is an important material for making enchanted gems, and it is extremely valuable. If such a large piece of rough crystal is made into an enchanted gem, it can probably provide enchantment for tens of thousands of weapons. I am afraid that the collection of gold coins forged by the entire kingdom will not be enough to buy it.

However, such precious items were only used as ordinary decorations and lanterns at the gate, which really surprised Alice.

She vaguely remembered that Corimo seemed to have told her that the Flamel family controlled all the magic mines in the eastern region. Although they distribute various magic ore to the mage towers in the east in a certain proportion every year, most of the magic ore is firmly in the hands of the Flamel family.

Alice didn’t know much about things like operating mines. But it is easy to imagine that if all the magic mines are in the hands of the same family, they can easily control the price of enchanted gems. With such financial resources, the prosperity of the Flamel family is also obvious.

Just look at the rough magic crystal at the door and you will understand that the wealth possessed by the Flamel family is probably in a range that most people can’t even imagine. It’s no wonder that His Majesty the King desperately wants to form an alliance with him. With such an ally, no matter what kind of person the opponent is, there is probably no need to worry.

Alice was marveling at the wealth of the Flammel family when a woman’s voice suddenly sounded, startling her:

“Who is your excellency? What’s the matter when you visit for the first time?”

The woman’s voice reverberated in the rotunda, and Alice looked around, but no one was seen.

This lady who refused to show up was obviously not as easy to deal with as the mage at the front post. She directly pointed out that Alice was visiting for the first time. Obviously, Alice’s hair color did not affect her judgment.

“I’m the knight led by West Felix, Alice Quint.” Alice reported her name, “I came here by the order of the superior, and the purpose is to send a letter to the incumbent. The tower master Talus Archmage.”

The lady’s voice sounded again:

“In that case, please leave the letter and I will forward it for you.”

“This letter is very important,” Alice emphasized. “I am not an ordinary messenger, but a titled knight. I must personally deliver the letter to the archmage and get his reply.”

“Then you probably need to wait for a few days.” The woman’s voice continued, “Your Excellency the tower master is very busy, probably not free to summon a knight.”

I don’t know if it was Alice’s illusion, she felt that when the female voice said the word “knight”, it seemed to have a somewhat ironic tone.

But it didn’t matter, Alice didn’t care about the slightest irony, as long as she could see the tower master.

“It’s okay,” she replied, “I can wait a few days.”

The other party didn’t say anything again, Alice waited for a while, only to see a lady with the same red hair color as Alice opened a tent, walked into the rotunda, and came to her.

“I’m Natalie Flamel.” As soon as the lady opened her mouth, Alice knew that she was the person who was talking to her. The accommodation here. But if you are very urgent, you can also go to see the tower owner’s secretary, Miss Anne, who has the schedule of the tower owner. If she thinks your matter is important enough, she will arrange it for you and contact the tower owner in advance Your Excellency met.”

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