She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 79

Chapter 79: Lord of the tower.

This servant chief is obviously also a mage. The robe on her body is made of silk with a very complicated magic circle embroidered with gold and silver threads. At first glance, she knows that she is a very particular lady. Although this lady I don’t seem to like the knight very much, but I still arranged a very comfortable room for Alice. Alice is not very clear, if she hadn’t had such a red hair, whether she would be treated like this. But she didn’t ask about it.

After the room was arranged, she called a servant and took Alice to find Miss Anne.

Miss Anne is the chief secretary of the tower master. Her office is located outside the tower master’s office. All people who want to meet with the tower master must pass through her. This young lady has the authority to arrange a timetable for Archmage Thales. When and when Archmage Thales meets, it is almost entirely out of her judgment. To a certain extent, she said, It is not an exaggeration that she is the most powerful person in the Frammel Mage Tower.

However, it is difficult for people who meet Miss Anne for the first time to realize that she is such an uncrowned king.

She looked very young, she looked only one or two years older than Alice, wearing a pale green robe with almost no magic circle embroidered on it, and she looked very simple.

Alice didn’t dare to say that she must be very young, and the looks of the female magicians always seemed not to match their age. It’s like if the Duchess didn’t say anything, Alice would never have guessed that Liliel next to the king might be the mother of Lord Etienne-she looked almost the same age as Lord Etienne.

Although the secretary in front of me looks young, she may be in her 30s or 40s.

Alice informed her of her name, stating that she wanted to meet with the Archmage Talus. After hearing her words, Miss Anne looked at her with a scrutinizing look:

“Excuse me for being rude, your surname today was not determined at the time of birth, right?”

“You are right, this is the surname given by the lord.”

“Are you from the Flammel family?”

“I was born in Potzta,” Alice replied, “As for whether my life is related to the Flamel family…I don’t know it myself.”

“The information you provided is very vague.” Miss Annie commented coldly, “I want to know, are you coming to the Frammel Tower on purpose now to understand your own life experience?”

“I don’t deny that I want to learn about my life experience by the way during this journey.” Alice said to her, “but the reason for my coming here doesn’t stop there. I’m here to send a letter to the archmage. Due to the special nature of this letter, I must personally hand it over to the archmage.”

If you can’t clearly state your intention here, even if you have Flammel’s red hair, I will not be able to let you meet the tower master. This is my duty. Please forgive me. ”

The attitude of the secretary, Miss Anne, was very firm. Alice knew that she could not meet the Archmage Talus without revealing her mission, so she had to take out the letter and show her the seal of His Majesty the King.

“It turned out to be so.” Miss Anne nodded clearly, “This is indeed something that only the tower master can determine. But now the tower master is meeting guests. Please stay here for a while, and I will do it later. Go and inform the tower owner.”

There is a very comfortable couch in Miss Anne’s office. Alice sat down here, and a servant immediately brought her tea and snacks. Alice waited for almost half an hour, and finally waited until the visitor of the Archmage Tales left, then Miss Anne walked into his office, and after another ten minutes, she came out to inform Alice that it was time to go in.

In this way, Alice met the Archmage Talus smoothly.

While sitting and waiting in front of Miss Anne’s sofa, Alice took a moment to guess what the Archmage Talus looked like. His age is similar to Master Roma and His Majesty, and he has hair of the same color as Alice. For some reason, Alice always imagined that the person might be a short fat man. It may be as majestic as His Majesty, but it should not be as handsome as His Majesty.

Because of these unfounded imaginations, when Alice first saw the Archmage Tales, she hardly realized that it was the tower owner himself.

Although the master of the Flamel Wizard Tower, Talus Flamel Archmage, is already forty-four years old, he is proficient in alchemy and has a good face. In the eyes of outsiders, he is in his early thirties. The hair is bright and eye-catching, and the face is particularly white. This person has a slightly melancholic face, and it is difficult to imagine that the heads of all mages in the eastern region would have such a face.

When Alice entered the door, he was standing by the table.

He is tall and dressed in a triple robe that symbolizes the identity of the tower master. The first is white fine linen, the second is black silk, and the third is translucent veil.

Only one collar of the white linen is exposed, and the lower part is invisible. On the black silk, the constellations are embroidered with gold threads. If a magician who is proficient in astrology sees this robe, he can tell the robe. The above not only embroidered all the constellations that appeared in the summer sky, but also connected them in a very clever way to form a magic circle. A magic circle like this can not only protect the safety of the master of the robe, but also Increase the master’s mana by two to three times.

On the outermost layer of light gauze robes, there is a magic circle embroidered with silver thread. This magic circle is not very obvious, and it is hard to see the effect, but it is covered on the silk magic circle, shining slightly.

A snow-white hand stretched out of the sleeve under the triple robe, holding a staff, which was made of meteorite, dark in its entire body, and a huge magic gem embedded on the top. The gem is the same color as his hair and looks beautiful.

Wands are not necessary items for wizards. In fact, most wizards in the eastern region cannot master the skills of using wands to cast spells, and can only use magic circles. This is mainly because the mana in most wizards is not enough to cast spells instantly. But generally speaking, a mage who can become a tower master has this ability. Therefore, a staff like this has become a symbol of the power of the tower master.

When Alice saw the staff in his hand, she knew that the person in front of her was indeed the tower owner of the Framel Mage Tower.

Alice saluted him and presented Her Majesty’s letter. Archmage Thales sat back at the table, opened the wax seal on the letter, quickly read it, and then raised her eyes to look at Alice:

“What’s written in this letter is very important. I need to spend some time thinking about it before I can write a reply. Do you have anything else besides this?”

Earlier, Alice felt that this person did not seem to have the majesty of the tower master, but when his eyes looked at her, Alice felt her body trembling slightly.

Alice has met many wizards and knows that they are very arrogant. But the arrogance of the Archmage Tales seemed to be better than others, and there was something very cold in his eyes, which made people feel terrified after seeing it.

Alice settled down.

“Here is one more please, it comes from my lord Duchess Sifelix.” She said so, taking out the box with the beaded crown, and showing the beaded crown to the Archmage Talus. “My lord back then Once asked the mage of the mage tower to enchant the crown. Now its original enchantment has been destroyed, my lord hopes to return it to its original state.”

“I’ve seen this thing before.” Archmage Talles seemed to be very interested in it, and even his tone changed a little. The wizard enchanted together. This thing is very delicate, but the original enchantment was not perfect. Since I became the tower master, I haven’t personally enchanted anything, but I am very interested to do it again.”

Alice breathed a sigh of relief:

“The Archmage Talus is willing to enchant this beaded crown personally. The Duchess will be very happy. This is an item she loves very much, and she is willing to pay a considerable amount for it.”

“It doesn’t matter what the reward is, you just have to talk to Annie.” Archmage Talus admired the beaded crown while continuing to talk to her, “Annie told me about you. You came here to think Looking for relatives?”

Alice did not expect that the secretary, Miss Anne, actually told Archmage Talus all her previous answers. This makes her a little nervous.

“I’m here to find my father.” Alice said, “According to the information I know, he should be a mage with red hair, so I thought, maybe he should be…Flamel’s family people?”

The more she talked, the less confident she became. In the end, what had already been determined in her mind became a question.

After listening to her, the Archmage Talus raised his head and glanced at her again.

His eyes stayed on her hair for a moment, then he spoke to her in a very soft tone:

“It looks like this is indeed the case. Your father should be a magician from the Frammel Mage Tower. Depending on your age, I think your father must be at least thirty-five years old. Now there are three in the tower. There are not many male wizards over the age of fifteen. I can ask Annie to check it for you and do some inquiries in private.”

Hearing him say this, Alice was relieved:

“Thank you so much.”

Archmage Talus didn’t seem to take her gratitude to heart, but just gestured to her to end the conversation. Alice bowed to him, turned and left the archmage’s room.

For the next week, Alice stayed in the Frammel Mage Tower.

Life here is pretty interesting. The apprentices of the mage are always busy running around, constantly complaining about their instructors. With her red hair, Alice easily got acquainted with them. They treated her as their own, and even lent her a robe once, and asked her to take an astrology lesson in place of an apprentice.

In this way, time passed quickly, and a week later, a servant came to look for her:

“Miss Anne asked me to send you a message, the tower master wants to see you.”

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