She Chooses To Destroy the World

Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Life in the tower.

During this week, Alice has been trying to avoid thinking about her father’s affairs, just getting along with those young apprentices of the mage who are similar to her age.

She rarely spent time with her peers in her life, and these young apprentices were completely different from those she had known before. When they first came here, Alice only saw them running around holding books, writing essays frantically all night without sleeping, thinking they were just a bunch of nerds. However, when she was accepted by the apprentices of the mage and formally regarded as one of them, after participating in several secret dances held in the dormitory, she discovered that these people’s lives had nothing to do with the rules.

There is no need to mention what happened at the secret ball, it was an extremely exaggerated nonsense, which made Alice, who had seen a lot of the world, been dumbfounded.

At this point, their style of behavior may be a bit like mercenaries, but theirs is different from the mercenaries that Alice is familiar with. The mercenaries knew that they were likely to die in the next battle, so they lived a day without tomorrow, but these future archmages never thought that they would die, they were looking for stimulation themselves.

“This is to experience the essence of this world more deeply.” At a secret ball, an apprentice once said to her solemnly, “Only by having a deeper understanding of the world, can you be more likely to become an archmage with profound magic power.”

The tutors in the mage tower explicitly forbid holding dance parties in the dormitory tower, but as long as someone organizes them, the apprentices here will never miss a carnival. They would get drunk at the dance party in the first half of the night, and in the second half of the night they would drank the anti-drinking potion while rushing to the course papers, and then they would take the papers and red eyes to the morning class, in case they were accidentally in class. When you fall asleep, you will enjoy the caring treatment of being topped with cold water by your instructor.

In this atmosphere, thinking about who your father is is almost a thing of incompatibility, and even seems a bit ridiculous. Alice also followed the crowd, followed the young apprentices upside down, and learned some common knowledge of spells that the wizards only understand. Although she is not a believer in the **** of the night, she can’t draw as effective as the wizards. Law circle. But being able to recognize the main purpose of a simple magic circle at a glance is probably a technique that most people can use.

This state continued until the Archmage Tales sent someone to summon her, and Alice realized that she could no longer avoid this incident.

The word “father” began to linger in her mind constantly. She tried to imagine, but she couldn’t imagine what that person would look like anyway. In the past, when Alice took a self-portrait in the mirror, she occasionally spent time seriously looking for parts of her face that were completely different from her mother, but putting these parts together could not form a complete face. Thinking of the word “father”, Alice felt more incredible.

Is it really possible to find that person? If that person stood in front of her, what should she say to him? It is difficult for Alice to imagine that there is such a person in this world, and Alice feels that he is more like an illusion.

However, no matter what she thinks, since Archmage Talus summoned her to go, she couldn’t avoid it.

Alice went to the tower master’s office alone. When she passed by Miss Anne’s desk, she hoped that Miss Anne could give her a hint, telling her why the tower master was calling this time, whether it was for official business or related to her father. News. It’s a pity that Miss Anne didn’t say anything, she gave her a look and motioned for her to go in by herself.

Alice knocked on the door. The door opened automatically, allowing her to enter. Perhaps because there are no particularly important guests, this time, the lord of the tower did not wear a triple robe like the last time, but a lighter and more casual silk robe.

The mages seem to like silk very much. The light and close-fitting silk robes have a special drooping feeling, which can reveal their good-looking figures. The beauty of the tower master Talus Archmage is really too dazzling, and Alice is a little afraid to look up at him. She always feels that if she looks at him with an admiring male look, it is disrespectful to this great mage.

In this week, Alice has heard a lot about the Lord of the Tower. The story from the mage tower is completely different from the rumors from the outside world. Although the tower master seldom appears in front of the apprentices, he has long occupied the third place in the tower’s mentor’s charm ranking list. It’s worth expelling. At least so far, it seems that only Miss Anne is completely immune to his charm, which is probably why she got the job.

In short, after listening to the crazy words of the female apprentices, it is difficult for Alice to face the tower master with the same caution when she met last time, but the tower master herself does not care what others think of him. He sat at the table and said to Alice:

“I have already written half of the letter to your king. I have already started repairing the magic circle on your lord’s crown. In about half a month, both things can be done. As for your father’s affairs, I asked Annie to check. Now there are 47 male mages over 35 years old from the Flammel family. After this week, the preliminary investigation concluded that among the 47 , No one thinks that they might have a lost daughter who has reached the age of eighteen.”

Hearing this conclusion, Alice didn’t know whether she should feel disappointed or breathed a sigh of relief.

But the words of the tower master did not finish:

“…This number does not include those who are temporarily out and those who have left the Flamel Wizard Tower. Annie has sent someone to look for the list… But you can probably also see that Annie is always busy. , So there may not necessarily be results before the other two things are completed.”

“Ah… it’s okay.” Alice said relieved. “It doesn’t matter if I can’t find it… I didn’t expect to find it all at once.”

Your Excellency the tower master shook his head:

“Since I promised you, it would be better to complete it. Besides, I think you have already made preparations to meet with your father before?”

He was right, Alice was indeed prepared before. If she returned without success just because of a momentary cowardice, she would probably regret it when she returned to the royal capital.

The tower master saw her decision in her eyes, and then continued to ask her:

“Do you know your mother’s name? Or… Is there any other information that you think would be useful? Maybe it can help us narrow it down a bit.”

Alice nodded:

“My mother’s name is Jenna, and she is a follower of Fogner. As for other things…I don’t know very well.”

“Jenna?” Archmage Talles repeated, “This is a very common name. Do you know the last name?”

Alice shook her head.

She never knew her mother’s surname, her mother had never said this to her, and she had never used that surname outside. She seems to think that since she has left home, she has nothing to do with it.

“Since she is a believer of Fergna, she should not be of aristocratic origin, nor is she from the eastern region.” Archmage Talus said softly, “This kind of information seems to narrow the scope, but actually makes things more difficult. It’s done. Many wizards have traveled to the west. Although a little embarrassed, I have to say that many of the wizards in our tower are not very careful about their private lives during their travels.”

Even if the Archmage Tales didn’t say that, Alice could imagine it.

The archmage stood up, walked around the table, faced Alice and continued:

“You have been living here for a week, and you can probably realize that the lives of the wizards are completely different from those of ordinary people. The wizards have no family. Although Flammel is called a family, it is actually just a group of red people with the same blood. The collection of Fa Wizards, their actions are often illogical, just relying on temporary passion…Your father may not even know your existence.”

“I know.”

The Archmage Talus sighed:

“No matter who it is, I hope that person won’t let you down too much.”

“I won’t be disappointed, I didn’t have any hope at all… I was just curious and wanted to see what kind of person it was.”

The archmage looked at her with interest:

“If I had a daughter like you, it would be a very interesting thing. I don’t know your faith…Have you considered becoming a believer in the God of Night?”

Alice shook her head:

“I already have a **** who is determined to serve my life.”

“That’s a pity,” said the great mage. “You and the apprentices here seem to get along well. I can see that you like dancing parties, and the astrology class is also very interesting, right?”

prom? Astrology lesson?

So… during this period of time, she taught classes for people and participated in secret dances… Do you know everything about the archmage?

Alice’s eyes rounded in surprise.

“Young people are always overconfident, they always think they can fool the eyes of the elderly.” The archmage blinked at her. “No one is going to ban the dance, it’s just because the instructors are all opening their eyes and closing them, those children Our usual pressure is too great, and we really need some relief.”

“Since there is no plan to ban the dance party, why is it banned?”

The archmage paced up to her and smiled at her:

“Forbidden things are more exciting, aren’t they?”

Alice looked at the tower master dumbfounded, and saw that he turned and returned to her seat to sit down, raised her head and said one last word to her:

“In short, this is the case. During this time, you can consider whether to join the Mage Tower. In a few weeks, I will ask Annie to find you again. At that time, if there is no problem, you should be able to find your father. I will arrange for you to meet at that time.”

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