She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 15 - Old Man and Dog II

The egg laid by chicken essence has a great effect. If you eat one, you can catch the effect of a century-old ginseng. The effect will be worse if Yaoxiu eats it, but after Mi Wan uses the secret method, the effect should not be too much worse. But ten eggs, Mi Wan was made twice, and the medicine was given to the elder brother, but the wound on his chest showed no signs of healing.

There is only one explanation for this phenomenon, that is, the elder brother of the tree demon is too seriously injured, and the tonic effect of the egg is only as good as him. But the effect should also be some, otherwise the elder brother of the tree monster will not take her medicine.

It seems that only after his spiritual power is completely restored, I personally go to test the injury of the tree demon brother.


Mi Wan was thinking about it. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Someone who was stealing snacks was startled. He quickly put the snacks in the cupboard into the cabinet before walking over to open the door.

“Zhangsao?” Zhangsao stood there with a quilt outside the door.

“Miss, haven’t slept yet.” Zhangsao asked.

“Not sleeping.” Mi Wan shook her head, it was only nine o’clock, how could she sleep.

“It has cooled down today, and there is heavy rain outside again. I’m afraid you’re cold at night. I’ll send you a thick quilt.” Zhangsao said, she walked in with the quilt on, and started making beds for Mi Wan.

“No, I’m not cold.”

“Ye Guanjia said, Miss, your body is recovering. It can’t be sloppy at all.” Zhangsao smiled. “I just dried the quilt yesterday. You must be fluffy and comfortable with your cover on.”

“Thank you Zhangsao.” Standing beside the bed, Mi Wan had already smelled the light fragrance on the futon, and it was really comfortable. She really loves bedding after five hundred years, silky and soft is more comfortable than her underwear.

“Miss, let me close the window for you.” After making the bed, Sister Zhang noticed the open window in Mi Wan’s room again.

“Don’t shut it first, the room is a bit stuffy, I want to breathe.”

“Remember to close the window when you sleep. This rain is estimated to stop until tomorrow morning. Be careful and cool.” Zhangsao found that the air in the room was not very fresh, so she did not insist on closing the window, just reminded.

“it is good.”

Sent Zhangsao away, Mi Wan flipped out the snacks from the cupboard again and lay prone at the window to look out. She doesn’t like rainy days.

This rain is going to rain till tomorrow morning, so I still can’t get out today, and I haven’t gone out for several days.

Mi Wan took out his phone unwillingly to check the weather forecast.

Rain, rain, rain …

After three days of rain, this is to suffocate me. I really hope that the black technology in five hundred years will not be so accurate, and it will be sunny tomorrow morning.

About five kilometers away from the Mijia old house, there is an old community in disrepair. Because of the low terrain, the rainwater will flow back into the community every time it rains. For this reason, the residents of the community have moved out one after another, and the people who still live in this community now only have some old people who have no money to move, except for migrant workers.

The owner of the stray dog, Mr. Liu lived in this community, and unfortunately, his house was on the first floor. Every time it rained heavily, the rainwater would be poured into his living room directly from the yard.

“Maomao, don’t move on the bed, I’ll move things in.” When the old man came back from work, the house was already filled with water, and the big dog left at home was crouching carefully on a stool. He quickly took the big dog to his bed, fearing that the wound that his big dog had not fully healed would be infected with water again.

“Wang! Wangwang!” The big dog barked a few times, but the old man couldn’t understand it.

(Do n’t go, those things are worthless, do n’t move.)

In fact, there is nothing outside, just a few pots of vegetables grown by the elderly to save money.

Big Dog especially wants to jump down to stop the old man, but it is very clear that if it gets wet with the bandage on his body, the old man will definitely take it to the pet hospital to re-bandage, and the bandage money is enough for the old man to buy food for several months. That’s why it’s clearly under such heavy rain, but it has been enduring not to go out to pick up the old man.

The big dog looked worriedly at the old man’s pots, one pot, two pots … five pots, and three pots.


Even if it was mixed with thunder and rain, the big dog still heard the sound of the flower pot cracking clearly, and what he was most worried about still happened.


(Old man!)

The big dog couldn’t care anymore. He jumped directly from the bed with a hind leg kick, and the water in the room instantly soaked half of his body. The big dog rushed out of the living room and saw the old man fainted in the rain curtain. He was lying on his back on the ground, next to the broken vegetable pot and a few green seedlings.

“Wang, Wangwang!”

(Old man, old man you wake up.)

The big dog used his own body to block the rain falling on the old man’s face, while using his paws to fiddle with the old man, but the old man still closed his eyes tightly and didn’t respond.

How to do? How to do?

The big dog raised his head violently, then turned and rushed out of the yard, and ran to the door of the yard next door, flapping wildly.

“What’s wrong, what sound … isn’t this the old man’s dog next door?”

“Has Liu Bo had an accident?”

There is a young couple living next door, who came to work from a field. Seeing the big dog pulling their clothes and going outside, they guessed that it might be the elderly.

The two hurried to the next door and helped lift the old man onto the bed.

“Hurry up and find out, where did he usually take the medicine?” They have been neighbors with the old man for several years, knowing that the old man needs to take medicine often.

“Wang Wang!”

When the young couple turned around, they saw that the big dog was pulling a drawer with its front paws. The two of them hurried over to open the drawer. Sure enough, they saw a medicine bottle inside, but when they opened it, it turned out to be empty.

“How can it be empty, he is not the first thing to get a monthly pension is to get medicine.” The wife looked at her husband puzzled.

(Is it to save yourself the treatment fee?) Big Dog immediately thought of this possibility.

“Do you want to go to the hospital?” The old man’s breathing is getting weaker and weaker. The man is afraid that his life will be in danger if he is not sent to the hospital again. But once it was sent to the hospital, it would cost money, so he looked to his wife for solicitation.

“Send.” The wife promised happily and went back to the next door to get a phone and called an ambulance.

The ambulance came quickly. The old man was sent to the ambulance. The husband of the young couple took the money and followed the ambulance. The big dog was left in the house.

The big dog squatted anxiously at the door, deeply annoyed why he couldn’t be transformed, if he could, then he could go to the hospital with an ambulance at this time.

“Your dog is quite heartfelt.” The wife of the young couple stared at the big dog and exaggerated with a smile.

“Wang!” Thinking of the couple’s move to save people just now, the big dog gave her a rare response. Usually this woman looks very stingy, but did not expect to have a good heart, the big dog suddenly looked at the woman.

“It’s pretty good, can I get you something to eat? Do you want bones?” Then, the wife took the big dog to the next door and gave the big dog the bones left by her dinner.

The big dog thought that the woman ’s husband would definitely call back in a while. If he wanted to know the old man ’s news the first time, he had to follow the woman, so he obediently followed.

About twenty minutes later, the man really called back.

“Wife, the hospital has to pay 10,000 yuan for hospitalization fees.” The man’s voice came, and the big dog raised his ears instantly.

“So much?” The woman was taken aback.

“Yeah, this is just the beginning, and I don’t know whether to make up for it later.”

“Hand it over, I’ll transfer the money to you later.” After hesitating, the woman gritted her teeth.

“Wife, how can you be so generous suddenly?” He could not understand the stinginess of his wife, so the man was surprised for her generosity.

“What do you know, this old man is alone, and he can’t live for a few years now. We save him once, let him owe our favor, and then find a way to bring his house over.” The woman abacused Crackling, completely unaware of the whine warning sound in the big dog’s throat behind him.

(Humans, there are really few good things.)

“Wang!” The big dog roared and rushed up.

(No injuries are allowed.)

Suddenly remembered Mi Wan’s warning, the big dog’s movement stopped suddenly.

The woman heard the call, looked back, and found that the big dog seemed to be normal, and then went back to call: “When we work like this, when will we be able to afford a house? This is an opportunity for us. You said, I would n’t agree to have a baby before I did n’t have a house. This old man became so ill, and he still works every day. The down payment is enough. It does n’t matter if the person is not dead. At that time, we will let him pay the medical expenses, and if we do n’t come out, we will pay the house to us … “

Big Dog hates not to rush to kill the woman who is counting the old man’s property, but he also knows that if he bites the woman, he will be killed himself. In fact, from the beginning of degeneration, he has no idea of ​​living, but it promised to have been with the old man, and must always accompany it, so it can’t die before the old man.

The big dog thought for a moment, then turned and ran out of the house.

“What’s your voice?” The man heard the movement.

“It’s okay, the dog went back to the next door …”

The big dog ran out of the community and ran to the convenience store that Mi Wan frequented under the wind and rain. Relying on its only non-degraded sense of smell, the big dog still found the taste it was looking for in the smell that was almost disappeared by the rain.

“Wang!” Big Dog rushed into the rain curtain again.

Fifteen minutes later, it stopped in front of a tall courtyard wall, and then found a very hidden dog hole along the wall and drilled into it.

“Wang Wang Wang!”

(The demon catcher comes out!)

It was already late at night, and a big dog barked in the house, waking everyone in the old house instantly. Everyone wore pajamas and slippers and ran out in shawl to find out.

“Where is such a big dog?”

“How did this come in?”

“It seems to have been injured!”

“It ran upstairs?”

“No, that’s the lady’s room …”

“Quick, let the lady not open the door.”

A group of people chased the big dog Wu Tuo and ran upstairs, but they were still too late to remind Mi Wan. When the big dog ran to the bedroom door, Mi Wan just opened the door.

“Miss, be careful!”

Mi Wan glanced at the crowd who wanted to approach and was scared by the big dog. He smiled comfortably, and then slowly lowered his head, staring at the scarred falling water dog at the door.

“sit down.”

Big Dog took a step back without any hesitation to sit back, and it was incredibly well-behaved.

“Miss … you … know this dog?” Ye Guanjia asked tremblingly.

“Know, it doesn’t bite.” Mi Wan appeased.

“Do not bite, just bite.” Ye Guanjia dared to go forward a few steps tentatively. It seemed to find that the dog really did not bite, so he was more assured. … “

“It should be hungry, Ye Guan, you help him prepare something to eat, I will bring it down in a moment.” Mi Wan said.

“Okay.” Ye Guanjia responded, hesitating for a moment, and asked nothing, so that he was ready to go.

Everyone saw that there was nothing wrong, and they all slowly spread out, and in a moment there was only one person and one dog left in the corridor.

“Running in the middle of the night, looking for death?” Because Mi Wan couldn’t go out, Mi Wan was in a bad mood.

“Wang Wang!”

(Do you want my demon pill?)

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