She is a Great Demon Hunter

Chapter 16 - Old man and dog three


Was the dog demon just saying that he would give Yaodan to himself?

The big dog’s gray hair is still dripping with water, the carpet under the feet has already been wetted by a large piece, and the dog’s hair is tightly attached to the skin, exposing the wound that has not been completely scabbed inside, it looks Very pitiful.

Mi Wan really wanted to see the expression of this demon carefully, but from a furry dog ​​face, she could hardly see any expression.

But in the middle of the night, he ran so hard and ran straight into her bedroom. This spirit was no different from finding death. I dare not lie to myself.

“Your demon … what’s the use?” Mi Wan asked.

“Wang Wangwang ~~” The demon strongly recommended his role as a demon.

(You can refine medicine, you can increase cultivation, and … you can also increase … the possibility of the next generation of demon clan becoming fine, although it is not useful to humans, but you can sell it, it can also be worth a lot of money.)

In addition to the last item, the benefits the barbarian said have almost no appeal to Mi Wan. And the last one is sold, it is estimated that she still needs to find a demon trader herself. Such a troublesome thing, it is better to directly rob.

(Cough, of course, this refers to the bad monster.) Mi Wan silently added a sentence in his heart.

Mi Wan is very curious about what kind of thing will make this dog demon willing to give Yaodan to himself.

“What do you want to change with me?” Mi Wan asked.

“Wang Wangwang ~~~”

(The old man is ill and is being treated in the hospital. I think you will take the money to the hospital to treat him.)

“After paying the medical expenses, will you give me the demon pill?” Mi Wan squatted down, making her eyes parallel to the big dog, and no longer looked down on it from the top.

“Wang Wangwang ~~”

(I promised the old man to accompany it to the day of death, so Yaodan will wait for the old man to die before giving it to you.) The demon added.

“Then … you want to hit a white stripe.” Mi Wan chuckled.

“Wang Wangwang ~~” Big Dog’s voice was anxious, and the dog’s head shook heavily.

(I ’m not going to lose my debts. I do n’t want to live any longer, so I wo n’t run away. If you do n’t believe me, you can put a ban on me.)

“If I want your demon pill, I can kill you and take it directly.”

“Wang!” The big dog froze, feeling that his body was colder than running in the rain just now. If it weren’t for the dog hair to have been wet by the rain, it would have been erected at this moment.

“Miss.” At this moment, a person came up from the corner of the stairs and said to Mi Wan with a blanket in his hand. “Ye Guanjia said, this big dog does not run well in wet conditions. Let us clean it up.”

“Then take it by the way to take a bath.” Mi Wan patted the dog’s head and scolded with a smile. “I’m stupid, I’ll see you again after washing.”

The man walked up to the big dog with a blanket, still a little dazed.

“Relax, it is cruel and does not bite.” Then, Mi Wan glanced at the big dog again. The big dog knows the current affairs very well, sobbing immediately and lying on the ground in a clever way.

“It’s pretty good.” Seeing the big dog get down, the man felt relieved. The blanket was opened to wrap the big dog, and then he held it firmly. During the period, he even threw a dog head. “You’re quite heavy , Take you to take a bath. “

After the big dog had taken a shower and had dried his hair for more than half an hour, Ye Guanjia had already made people ready to eat. There is no special dog food in the old house, and the food is the food left over from the dinner and the mixed food.

After bathing, the big dog seemed to be particularly pitiful. While it was eating, it was accompanied by a nurse nurse who helped to bandage the wound. The gentle movements were more careful than the bandage of the finger of Miwan. .

“This dog is so pitiful, he was injured all over, and it was raining again. Dr. Zhao went to get some anti-inflammatory medicine.”

“I am using this medicine for people.” Dr. Zhao said silently.

“Everyone can use it, and the dog will certainly be able to use it too. Go get it …”

“…” Dr. Zhao had no choice but to go back to the house in pajamas to get the medicine. Before he came, he prepared a lot of trauma medicine, which was used to prevent Mi Wan from self-mutilation. Now Mi Wan is not much use, but it is all for this dog.

Everyone stayed in the old house with Mi Wan, and it was hard to get out. This came a dog, and everyone was fresh, and they ate around the dog and fed it.

When was the big dog so devastated by human beings, but it also prevented Mi Wan’s **** prestige from daring to resist, and suddenly his face was lifeless. He was even forced to do some stupid gestures like shaking hands with several humans.

Mi Wan saw them having fun and went back upstairs. When the big dog saw Mi Wan left, he stood up as soon as he could, and followed Mi Wan to the room despite the retention of everyone. After coming in, the big dog did not speak, but just crouched in front of Mi Wan, staring at Mi Wan with a pair of dark eyes.

“Close the door.” Mi Wan motioned for Big Dog to close the door. The big dog who had just squatted stood up again, closed the door in the past, and then squatted back again.

“Don’t look at me like this, your demon pill is really useless to me.” Mi Wan took out a packet of potato chips from the bed and ate it. “The bunch of effects you just mentioned are only a bit The attraction is selling money. “

“Wang Wang!”

(Then you can use it to sell money, and I can tell you to whom you can sell more.)

“How much is it?”

“Wang Wang Wang …”


“So little?” Mi Wan suddenly lost interest.

“Wang Wang ~~” Big Dog paused for a moment, then hesitated and called again.

(Then you can sell my demon pill to my mother, you should be able to sell 200,000 more.)

“Your mother, you want your mother to avenge you.” Mi Wan raised her eyebrows. Letting him take his son’s demon to find her mother, Mi Wan asked herself that killing demon countless can’t do such a cold-blooded thing.

“Wang Wang ~~”

(No, after I degraded five years ago, in her eyes, I was no different from an ordinary dog. In fact, if it was n’t for me to run fast, she had dug my demon to give my younger brother.)

“…” I underestimate your demon clan.

“It sounds pretty miserable.” Miwandun felt that the demon was so difficult to live, and he still remembered to collect the medical expenses for the old man who kept it. Humbled.

“Wang Wang ~~” Big Dog continued.

(If you agree, I will give you my home address.)

“Don’t tell me anymore, I’m afraid I will destroy your family in the past.” Mi Wan warned.

“Wang Wang ~~” (It doesn’t matter.)

It doesn’t matter what you do. I’m afraid I have an impulse, and the peaceful life that I finally get will have to end here.

“Bid price, one million.” Mi Wan is not about to waste time. She extended a finger to the big dog and directly offered the price.

“Wang Wang ~~”

(But my demon pill is not worth a million.)

“Who wants your demon pill.” Mi Wan slapped his head at the dog’s head, and the big dog’s eyes shot Venus. “All said that your demon pill is useless to me. I let you give me a million. It ’s my medical expenses for your treatment. “

“Wang Wang ~~” (I’m not sick.)

“You are not ill, what is the monster poison in your body?” Mi Wan asked.

Mi Wan’s words fell, and the big dog who tried to talk to Mi Wan suddenly stood up, walked a few steps forward excitedly, and then the whole dog froze, staring at Mi with a look that he wanted to believe but could not believe Wan Wan.

“Knowing that you have no money.” Mi Wan didn’t seem to realize the shock to the big dog, and continued to explain, “I can make an exception and ask you to write an IOU to grant you a year.”

“Wang!” (I agree!)

The big dog’s response instantly shone the sensor lights across the floor.

“It’s two o’clock, quietly.” Mi Wan glared at the big dog.

The big dog immediately fell down obediently, whispered softly, and there was a pitiful look all over him.

After a while, the dog actually learned to be cute.

“Wait.” Mi Wan got out of the bed, pulled out a pen and paper from the desk, and wrote down the loan note himself, and then brought it back to the big dog to read, “Do you recognize the word?”

“Wang!” Of course it recognizes words. Before degradation, did it go to school? After sweeping a million notes, Big Dog again agreed.

“Then press a paw.” Mi Wan placed the loan note next to the big dog’s paw and motioned to press it.

The big dog couldn’t wait to lift the front paw and stepped on it, but the big dog who had just taken a bath was too clean at this time, and there was no mark on one foot.

“…” This embarrassing scene made one person and one dog stunned at the same time. Just when Mi Wan considered whether the dog’s paw could break the blood mark, the big dog ran out smartly. Hearing the sound, he ran to the yard. After a while, the big dog ran back again. The first thing he rushed into the room was to step on the loan sheet fiercely, leaving a wet, fresh mud paw print.

“Wang!” (Press OK.)

Mi Wanti slipped up and wondered how long this mud paw print could last.

“Come on, forgive you and don’t dare to dismiss the account.” Mi Wan put away the loan slip carefully, and then began to treat the big dog.

The whole demon of Big Dog was infested with monster poison by 70%. In fact, the most labor-saving method should be to clean the demon poison from Big Dog Demon and then let it slowly purge out the poison from the body. Finally Then complete the transformation. However, considering that the big dog was going to the hospital to take care of the old man, and had to make money to pay for himself, so Mi Wan made an exception to help him clean up the demon poison together. Fortunately, the first stage of Mi Wan’s drug addiction has been quit, and recently it has not been too exhausting, so this step can be achieved. But by the end of the treatment, it was already dawn.

“Thank you, I will definitely return the money to you.” After the treatment was over, the big dog was finally able to spit out words. He bent his front knee and thanked Mi Wan. Then he ran out of the room without looking back, and soon Miwan could not feel its magical power.

“I’m exhausted.” Mi Wan lay back on the bed and started to sleep with a quilt wrapped in it.

Next door across the wall, Fan Chen stood in the wet morning and evening, looking at the big dog’s vigorous posture and smooth demon power, and thoughtfully turned to the next door. His fingers inadvertently brushed a vine on the balcony, and the green vines began to grow tiny flowers and bones. The vines stretched along the courtyard wall to the next door, and covered the entire window sill.

When he owed the debt, Mi Wan knew that Big Dog dared not pay the bill, but he did not expect him to pay back the money so quickly.

A week later, a teenager with the same breath as the big dog found Mi Wan who was eating a barbecue in an alley.

“Here.” The demon’s voice carried a characteristic clearness of the young man, wearing a cheap white t-shirt, tall and slender, and his skin slightly darkened.

Mi Wan can’t see the beauty and ugliness of animals, but judging from this human figure, the demon used to be a handsome guy.

“What’s this?” Mi Wan took the paper handed over from the other party and looked at it. It was Zhang Wanted. “The murderer escaped from prison and offered a reward of half a million?” There was a handwritten address below the wanted order.

“The address is written on it. Take it to the police station to receive the bounty.” Said the boy.

“Why didn’t you pick it up and transfer it to me directly?” Mi Wan asked.

“I don’t have an account.” The teenager looked a little embarrassed. When he was born, he had filed with the Demon Hunter Association, and he naturally had an account, but five years ago he suddenly degenerated into an ordinary dog ​​that could not be transformed. His account, so he is now a black household.

Mi Wan was clear and put away the wanted order, as if the demon gave the “silver ticket” and she ran a hard trip to the bank to raise the money.

“And …” The teenager hesitated and said, “Can you give me 100,000 if you get the money? The old man’s hospitalization fee has not been settled, and I will give you the remaining 600,000 next time. “

Knowing the idea of ​​the pair of men and women playing the old man’s house next door, the teenager will naturally not let the medical expenses become an excuse for the other party and must be paid back as soon as possible.

“You told him your identity?” Mi Wan asked.

“Well.” In fact, he didn’t admit it. He just appeared in the old man’s ward. The old man stared at him for a while and then recognized it. Asked if he was Mao Mao, the young boy admitted his identity. Soon afterwards, the spouse next door came over and offered diligence. He slammed people out on the spot.

The old man reprimanded him for this matter, but the boy was too angry to tell the old man the wishful thinking of the couple. The old man was silent for a while and only said: “No matter how they plan, they saved me A life. “

The young man thought that the old man was too weak and kind, but he was not as angry as before. In short, no one could cheat the old man.

“OK, get the money, I will send it to you.” Mi Wan nodded.

The boy thanked him, left the old man’s address, got up and left.

As soon as the teenager left, Mi Wan wondered how to put the money out. It was definitely inappropriate for her to go out to the police station because of her inconvenience. When thinking about it, Mi Wan took out her mobile phone and turned to sparrow essence. Phone number.

“Little sparrow, do you want to come out and have a kebab?”

“…” Sparrow essence.

There is a saying, although the sparrow is small and full of organs, cough, this metaphor is a bit inappropriate. Anyway, Mi Wan mainly wants to express the meaning that although the sparrow essence is a bit weak, but the efficiency is not bad, but The bounty was sent to her in three days.

“This wanted police station has been searching for a long time. As soon as I knew where he was hiding, I arranged a policeman overnight and was arrested on the spot. As soon as their director was happy, they immediately gave me a bounty. Take it here. “Sparrow said, handing a square wrapped in newspaper to Mi Wan.” I have already transferred 400,000 yuan to your account. This one hundred thousand yuan is the cash you want. “

Mi Wan took out his mobile phone and returned 20,000 to the sparrow essence on the spot.

“Big brother, what are you doing?” Sparrow Jing surprised.

“Your errand fee.” This sparrow essence deposit is only tens of thousands of dollars, which is really shabby. Since you can do things for her, you can’t let people run errands.

“Dad … you … it’s so polite.” The sparrow is so excited, he has worked so hard for so many years, and he is still a social animal with a monthly salary of 8,000. I didn’t expect to run a leg for the big man. Earn twenty thousand.

“Big brother, there is such a thing in the future, please come to me at any time.” Sparrow essence, who was fascinated by money, has long forgotten the warning that his friend Ji Jingjing made him less exposed to Mi Wan.

“Okay, if you have any profitable business in the future, you can also introduce it to me, and I will give you a commission.” Mi Wan said casually.

“Business?” Sparrow stunned.

“For example, like Ji Jingjing, it is difficult to transform.” Mi Wan recalled the promotional advertisement he saw recently. “Through your introduction, I can consider giving it a 10% discount.”

“Big brother? Are you willing to continue to treat the demon?” Sparrow essence is unbelievable.

“Why, isn’t the Association of Demon Hunters not allowed?” Mi Wan asked subconsciously, seeing the sparrow’s reaction so great.

“No, I’m just surprised. After all, you are a demon catcher. We are a demon catcher. There is no such demon catcher … It has helped our demon demon with a clear position.” Sparrow explained.

Although it seems to be peaceful between the demon catcher and the demon clan nowadays, the battle and comparison in the dark have never stopped. Both parties are afraid that the other party will be strong to break this balance. The demon catcher can’t wait for all the demon clan to be exterminated with demon poison, and the demon clan also hopes that human beings will awaken few demon masters.

A demon catcher can cure the demon poison of the demon clan has surprised the sparrow essence. Where dare he hope that this demon catcher will continue to help the demon clan.

“How can this be said to help? You contribute money and I contribute. This is a fair and reasonable, mutually beneficial business.” Although Mi Wan is not short of money now, it does not prevent her from making money. No one will dislike it after all. More money. Besides, the relationship between the original owner and the family is so stiff, and I do n’t know when it will be swept out, so it is just necessary to master a stable money-making technique.

“Then … if the monster poison is more serious than Jingjing’s situation, can you cure it?” The sparrow squinted with hope, thinking of another friend of her childhood.

“It depends on how serious it is? You’d better bring it to me.” Mi Wan was not arrogant enough to feel that she could remove any demon poison. She can easily remove the sparrow essence, chicken essence and demon poison from the demon because the three monsters are not high in demon power level. If a demon power level is high, she can’t guarantee it. For example, the elder brother of the tree demon next door hasn’t seen much improvement after so long.

“Okay.” The sparrow essence put a heavy emphasis on it as if she had made up her mind. “I’ll take leave to return to the land tomorrow.”

Anyway, he also earned a salary in the next three months, so he does n’t have to worry about his salary when he asks for leave.

Separated from the sparrow essence, Mi Wan found the home of him and Lao Liu at the address given by the demon. As soon as he walked to the door, the courtyard door was opened by the demon from the inside. This demon must have smelled her from afar.

The demon clan of this canine is trouble. When she was chased and killed by the demon clan five hundred years ago, she could find them everywhere, but she really had a headache.

“Here.” Mi Wan handed over 100,000 yuan in his left hand.

The young man took it without hesitation.

“And this … for your grandfather.” The right hand passed two boxes of milk.

“Thank you.” The boy who took 100,000 yuan without saying thanks, whispered thanks.

“Maomao, who is coming?” At this moment, the old man’s voice came from the house.

“Do you … want to come in?” The teenager saw Grandpa awake and hesitantly looked at Mi Wan. Although he didn’t like the monster catcher, the monster catcher had helped him, and he also brought gifts to the old man.

Mi Wan was hesitating, and anxious Liu Lao walked out wearing slippers, and when he saw Mi Wan, he ran over excitedly and dragged her into the house.

“Maomao, go pour the water.” Liu Lao asked his grandson to pour the water, and then he pulled Mi Wan to thank him, “Girl, did you know that Maomao is a demon, not an ordinary dog, so I will save that day?” it.”

(No, I just saw that you could n’t hold it and helped me to the hospital. The two thousand dollars were not mine.) Mi Wan denied it and smiled.

“Maomao told me that he can be turned into a human only after he cured his illness. I really don’t know how to thank you.”

(No, it’s easy to give money.) Mi Wan continued to smile.

“Drink water.” The teenager brought a white porcelain bowl and saw Mi Wan looking at him, explaining awkwardly, “There are no more cups at home.”

“Yeah, don’t disdain your girl.” He is usually alone, and no guests come, so there are no extra cups at home.

“Don’t dislike it.” Mi Wan really doesn’t dislike it. She used the broken tiles five hundred years ago. What a porcelain bowl is. After a brief chat, Mi Wan found an excuse to leave, and the old man asked the teenager to send Mi Wan out.

“You seem to be hostile to the family next door.” When I just came over, Mi Wan found that there was a remnant of the demon power on the door of the house next door, which was obviously destroyed by him deliberately.

“Yes.” The teenager did not conceal, “When the old man was sick before, they wanted to take advantage of the old man’s house.”

“So what are you going to do?” Mi Wan looked at the teenager.

The teenager was silent for a moment, and said not very reluctantly: “Although I am not very willing, the old man said, no matter how they intended, he saved his life in the end, so I was not allowed to look for their troubles. I will take medicine later Fee doubled back to them, as long as they do n’t make any crooked ideas anymore, I wo n’t treat them like that. ”But they wo n’t have good looks either.

After the teenager was degraded, he was abandoned by his family and wandered outside for another five years. His character was radical. He could do this because he really cares about his grandfather. However, the day after he came back, he went to the house to find the couple’s troubles, so that now they saw the teenagers detouring, and the medical expenses dared to let the teenagers pay them back across the courtyard wall. It is estimated that when the teenager repays the money tomorrow, they dare not live here again.

“Well.” Mi Wan nodded. “The remaining 600,000 will be paid back as soon as possible.”

“I will.”

“Also, I let someone help me get the bounty for the police station, and gave the other party 20,000 errands fee, you remember to give it back to me together.” Mi Wan said again.

“… OK.” The teenager gritted his teeth and never met such a stingy person. “I will go to the Monster Hunter Association to re-register tomorrow. When I have an account, I will directly send you money, and there will be no errand fees. . “

“That’s good.” Mi Wan nodded and walked away contentedly.

Half a month later, when the demon boy paid off the final payment, Mi Wan finally waited for the release of the sentence and the time when she and the demon catcher association agreed to register.

“Miss, you seem to be thinner.” Zhangsao came carrying a stack of side dishes and looked at Mi Wan who was sitting at the dining table and said sincerely, “Your face is also good.”

“Really, it seems that drug use and weight loss are still effective.” But today, when she was “released from prison”, she looks bad. In order to go out early today, she didn’t even sneak out last night.

“Miss, what nonsense?” The Ye Guanjia on the side immediately turned black when he heard that Mi Wan was not available.

“It’s a joke. I know that this is the result of my persistent exercise in the last month.” After withdrawal from physical addiction, according to Dr. Zhao’s instructions, Mi Wan had to exercise for an hour every morning and evening. Poor Mi Wan sneaked out every night to play crazy until early in the morning, and came back to sleep for an hour and had to get up again. It was strange that he would not be so thin.

Of course, if she can eat less supper at night, it is estimated that she can lose more weight.

“Right, right,” Zhangsao echoed. “The most important thing to lose weight is to control your mouth and step your legs.”

“What do you mean?” Mi Wan didn’t quite understand.

“Just eat less and exercise more,” Ye Guanjia explained.

“Yes, my daughter loses weight like this.” Zhangsao has a daughter who just started working this year. “My daughter’s weight grew from ninety pounds to one hundred pounds in one year because of physical development. At that time, she was clamoring to lose weight every day. Later, she ate no food, ate a little fruit every day, and went to run in the morning and evening, but I did not expect to really reduce her. “

“Eat fruit every day?” Mi Wan stunned.

“Yeah, one apple in the morning, one in the evening, sometimes half, and occasionally eat a little chicken breast, without oil and salt, and boil it and boil it and eat it, saying it is a diet meal.” Zhangsao looked at her own lady Asked, “Miss, would you like to try it? My daughter’s diet meal was made by me, I still remember it.”

“No, no thanks, thank you!” Just kidding, so many delicious foods in the world, still eating fruit every day, and not putting oil and salt, is this worth the development of the food culture for 500 years? As such, she might as well not lose weight.

“I think this idea is good. Sister Zhang, from today, slowly reduce the three meals a day of the lady. While the body recovers, the fat is also reduced together, so that the possibility of missed relapse can be completely eliminated. “Ye Guanjia really thinks this idea is more and more amazing, don’t you just take drugs to lose weight, then I will help you reduce fat together.

“…” Whatever happened to prevent me from eating, Mi Wan stunned. Although the snacks outside are delicious, Sister Zhang’s craftsmanship is also very good, she does not want to give up on both sides.

“I won’t take the Xiaolongbao behind.” Zhangsao glanced at Mi Wan with encouragement. “Miss, hold on, who made us do not have the physique of not eating fat, so we can only avoid it.”

“…” No, please don’t, the body is not, but my soul is a physique that does not eat fat.

For a breakfast, the standard is half less than before. Mi Wan can see the determination of Ye Guanjia and Zhangsao to lose weight for themselves. Why dare not speak out, so I had to comfort myself, eat more to make up when I go out later.

After breakfast, Mi Wan couldn’t wait to go out. Before leaving, he was called by Ye Butler: “Miss, I just hit ten thousand dollars in your account. This is your pocket money this month.”

“Isn’t it one hundred thousand a month?” Mi Wan wondered, how did the pocket money shrink?

“The young master said that you are still in the observation period, so your pocket money needs to be controlled. Of course, if you have anything to buy, you can tell me directly, I will buy it back for the young lady.” Ye Guanjia reminded, “There are You must go home before 8pm, and Dr. Zhao will perform a physical examination on you after you go home. If you are not qualified, you do n’t want to go out again. “

This was to worry that she would relapse as soon as she went out. Mi Wan couldn’t help crying and laughing. How trusting she was: “Uncle Ye, rest assured, I have given up so much energy to quit the poison and I won’t relapse.” “

“It’s good to understand, but supervision is also necessary.” Ye Guanjia smiled comfortably. “I let the driver send you where I want to go and tell him.”

“Thank you, Uncle Ye.” After more than two months of getting along, Ye Guanjia’s attitude toward her became more and more kind, and Mi Wan naturally got closer to him, and the title gradually changed from the steward to Uncle Ye.

When the car drove out of the Mijia old house, Fan Chen seemed to be going out, wearing a dark blue windbreaker, standing tall at the door, just in front of the car from Miwan.

“I can go out!” Mi Wan half of the body leaned out of the car window, beckoned to Fan Chen excitedly, and the old man could feel her excitement.

Fan Chen smiled slightly and considered it a response.

“Miss, do you know the gentleman just now?” The driver asked Mi Wan when he greeted the man just now and asked curiously.

“I don’t know, I just look at him as handsome.” Of course, Mi Wan can’t know, otherwise the wall climbing at night will be exposed.

“Mr. Fan is not only handsome, but he is also particularly successful.” The driver obviously knew Fan Chen.

“Mr. Fan?” Mi Wan was stunned, as if at this time, she realized that she and Shuyao had known each other for more than two months, and they didn’t know their names.

“Yeah, Fanchen Chen.” The driver nodded excitedly.

“Emperor?” Mi Wan was stunned. Isn’t it a socialist country now, where is the emperor?

“Yes, but this Mr. Fan is very low-key and never appears in newspapers and magazines. It ’s not surprising that you do n’t know Miss. I also visited the neighbors with Ye Guanjia when I first moved in. I only knew that Mr. Fan lived here. “The driver was interested in seeing Mi Wan and continued,” Mr. Fan is a famous land king in our country, and his use of hoarding land is also unique. Other people buy land for building, only Mr. Fan, I bought the land to build a forest park. “

This place.

“And the gardeners of their company are particularly powerful. Many rare and endangered plants can be planted in their parks, which is amazing. Every year, many experts from all over the world will visit Mr. Fan’s park.”

Nonsense, anyway, it’s a tree demon. Is he still growing inactive plants?

“The most amazing thing is that he used to spend 50 million yuan to buy a piece of land contaminated with heavy metals. At that time, everyone was thinking, can you still plant trees here? It turned out that it was five years. Time, stunned, was planted a forest. Even with the price of the house prices that fell to the bottom, it rebounded again. “The driver smiled a little and proudly said,” Our hometown is in that area, and my mother originally said to When I moved away, I said that people who lived for a long time were susceptible to illness. As a result, Mr. Fan’s woods grew. Not only did our family not have to move, but they even tripled the house price. “

No wonder Fan Chen is so worshipped, feelings are one of the beneficiaries.

“By miss, where are we going?” The driver praised Fan Chen all the way, and looked at the city center for more than ten kilometers. Then I remembered and asked where Mi Wan was going.

Mi Wan reported an address to the driver.

It was also a coincidence that the Demon Hunter Association was on the other side of the city. From the eastern suburbs, it happened to pass through the city center, and there was no detour.

After half an hour.

“Miss, this is it.” The driver parked the car.

Mi Wan glanced outside, and found that this is a training school, and the office building is a bit old. At first glance, this Association of Demon Hunters has no money.

“Xiao Zhang, you go back first. I guess I can’t go back at night. I will call you at that time.” Mi Wan said as she got out of the car. She stood at the gate of the school for a while, and was hesitating whether to call Bai Feng to let him come out to pick herself up, and suddenly an unfriendly voice rang behind her.

“Fat, let Jean, get in the way.”

Fatty? Mi Wan frowned, turned around, oh, isn’t this the yellow hair catcher who met the bat demon that day and met the acquaintance as soon as he came.

However, Huang Mao’s demon catcher apparently didn’t recognize the person in front of him as the fat man he despised that day. Huang Mao made an emergency stop, then stepped on his right foot, the skateboard under his feet jumped up and was caught by him, and continued towards Mi Wan Complained: “Aren’t you letting me give up? I wasn’t able to slide in at a stretch.”

“Can’t you just go in? I wasn’t able to stand quietly at the door for a while.” Mi Wan opened his mouth, looking at who was more unreasonable.

“Hey, You.”

Huang Mao hasn’t been so stern before, just to sneer, he was stopped by a gentle male voice: “Xiangzhen.”

Mi Wan looked at it, and was an acquaintance again, Huang Mao’s brother Black Mao … cough, no, black-haired young man.

“You are here to report the class, I will take you in.” The boy seemed to know his teacher’s character, and smiled apologetically at Mi Wan.

Mi Wan nodded and followed the two of them. When he reached the lobby on the first floor, the boy asked again, “What class do you want to report?”

“Do you still need to ask? You will know from the body type, weight loss class chant.” Huang Mao couldn’t help but said.

“Xianzhen, apologize.” The boy raised his eyebrows, his voice irritated.

“I … I’m sorry.” Huang Mao blushed, but did not expect to listen to his brother.

Mi Wan smiled, walked over seemingly indifferently, and then used his weight to jump up slightly, stepping **** Huang Mao’s feet. With a whine, Huang Mao squatted directly on the ground.

“You …” Brother Huang Mao, who was surprised by the change, failed to react.

“I deliberately stepped on it, it hurts.” Mi Wan smiled.

“You …” Huang Mao looked at his brother aggrievedly, “Brother, you still asked me to apologize to her.”

“I’m sorry! Look, I apologize, you should also forgive me.” Mi Wan continued to smile.

“…” The dark-haired boy was speechless for a moment. Although the other party’s approach did not agree with it, it was strangely irrefutable. But I understood what it means to lose nothing at all.

“If you were not a woman, look at me not …”

“Oh, Xiaozhen, make your brother angry again?” At this time, a fat man in a tunic came down the stairs, waving a paper fan in his hand, with a little ink on his fingertips, not on his chest. A famous brand: calligraphy teacher Zhu Bicheng.

“teacher Zhu.”

“Instant Noodle Pig.”

Mi Wan and the black-haired boy spoke at the same time, and at the moment when they saw the graceful Zhu Bicheng waving gracefully at the moment, his body suddenly stiffened, and then he took two steps backwards. before.

Two brothers: “…”

Mi Wan sighed: This pig demon still has the same agility.

“Bang!” Soon, there was a loud and long closing sound from the building.

“You … know Mr. Zhu?” The dark-haired youth asked.

“Know.” Mi Wan nodded.

“He seems to be afraid of you?”

“Maybe … it’s because I prefer pork.”

At this time, Bai Feng, who estimated that Mi Wan had almost arrived, personally came down from the upper floor, and noticed a fat man with a strong sense of presence as soon as he got out of the elevator. According to the information, isn’t Miss Mi’s a fat man? Bai Feng suddenly had a happy face and greeted him with a polite look: “Master Mi, you are here.”

Master Rice?

The master rice?

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