She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 10

Chapter 9 – Distance

On the day when the stitches were removed, Lu Yinxi still went to the dental department and handed himself over to the interns to practice.

In teaching hospitals, doctors at the attending and director levels no longer need to do basic tasks such as stitch removal, but leave them to interns, who may be more proficient than them.

Jian Qing just finished the outpatient clinic, so he turned a corner and came to the Department of Stomatology to pick up Lu Yinxi and go to the cafeteria for dinner.

She stood beside Lu Yinxi, folded her arms, and stared at the intern’s operation.

Seeing her, the intern shouted tremblingly, “Hi, teacher…”

Interns are considered to be at the bottom of the hospital’s food chain. No matter which department they see, they have to call out to teachers.

Jian Qing glanced at the intern, and replied politely: “Hello.” Seeing that his hands were shaking from nervousness, he walked away, turned around to talk to his old classmates.

After she walked away, the intern was visibly relieved, and the demolition was finished in three steps.

Lu Yinxi got up from the dental chair, rinsed his mouth, and said politely: “Thank you, I missed your get off work time.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay…” The intern brother took off his gloves and washed his hands, rubbed his face nervously, then took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone from the pocket of his white coat, and mustered up the courage to ask for contact information: “I’m sorry last time …I’m not very skilled at sewing, can we add a WeChat account? I’ll treat you to milk tea…”

The peach blossom luck came too suddenly, Lu Yinxi covered his cheeks, and subconsciously looked in the direction of Jian Qing.

Jian Qing was immersed in looking through the cases of oral and maxillofacial tumors, and seemed not to notice the movement here.

Lu Yinxi was not interested in these paper figurines, so he politely declined the request.

The intern moved her lips vividly, but before she could say anything, Jian Qing stood up and walked over.

“Let’s go, let’s eat.”

Lu Yinxi waved his hand and said goodbye to the dentist and intern.

Walking on the road, she asked Jian Qing: “Eat the cafeteria or go home?”


“Is there any clinic in the afternoon?”


“Are you in the ward this afternoon?”


After asking several questions in a row, Jian Qing answered concisely.

Lu Yinxi could tell that she was not interested in chatting.

This person is usually not talkative, not that he has poor communication skills. It can even be said that his communication skills are very good. Sometimes he will gently remind the patient to let his family members accompany him in order to deal with the subsequent notification of some unfavorable test results.

Now he looks indifferent and doesn’t answer, he just doesn’t want to chat.

Lu Yinxi pursed his lips, and tactfully did not speak again.

When she was sick, she would feel that Jian Qing was not so cold and the distance between them was not so far.

Perhaps, taking care of patients and being close to patients is just a professional habit of doctors.

Lu Yinxi didn’t have the soft and sticky feeling when he was sick, and his sanity regained, and his brain would send out alerts from time to time, warning himself to keep a certain distance from this person.

Knowing that it is best to keep a distance, but because of Jian Qing’s attitude of being close and far away, a little grievance sprouted.

After finally suppressing the grievance, Lu Yinxi reacted belatedly

—She actually started to care about Jian Qing’s attitude.

A small piece of the carefully constructed psychological defense collapsed because of a dependence during illness.

In fact, Jian Qing’s attitude towards her was not warm from the beginning to the end.

During the class time, business affairs are treated equally; outside the class time, the communication between each other is almost zero, like strangers living under the same roof.

Except for the first night, and the sick night.

The first night was the closest to her body. She was covered with thorns from inside to outside, piercing Jian Qing to the point of blood.

The night of her illness was the closest to her psychological distance. She let go of all her defenses, approached, relied on her, played petty temper, and Jian Qing accepted them all.

Then, she began to yearn for the peace of mind and warmth when they were close to each other.

Not caring is a very personal emotion, and not bringing personal emotions to work is the basic quality of the workplace.

Lu Yinxi has been in the society for a while, understands this, and in the afternoon, he still obediently follows Jian Qing like a little tail.

She tried not to care.

She just wants to re-familiarize with the medical environment, put herself in the role, finish filming the medical drama, get the money, and fly away.

But the number of times to see Jianqing has unconsciously increased.

Jian Qing lowered her head and rolled up her cuffs, her eyelashes drooping.

Her eyelashes are long and curly, and when she droops or closes her eyes, it will weaken her sense of coolness and distance.

Lu Yinxi looked at her and couldn’t help but want to get closer, count and touch her eyelashes.

Her appearance is very good. When Lu Yinxi saw her for the first time, she felt that she was as beautiful as a flower in a mirror, like a moon in the water, unattainable.

After a little contact with her, I felt that she was gloomy and perverted, her personal morals were corrupt, and even her face became hateful.

I have been in contact with her a lot. Looking at her again today, I suddenly realized that the white coat on her body fits very well, like a tailor-made white windbreaker.

It seems to have fallen into the triple state of “looking at the mountain is a mountain, seeing the mountain is not a mountain, and seeing the mountain is still a mountain”.

Lu Yinxi lowered his head and smiled.

Doctors at Jian Qing’s level no longer need to write medical records in person, that’s the job of interns, graduate students, and residents.

There is one medical record exception—

Medical records of clinical trials must be written by researchers themselves.

She has two or three clinical trials at her fingertips, and she is often blocked in the office by research assistants, forcing her to type medical records.

She would complain in a low voice with no expression on her face: “I haven’t written this thing for two or three years…”

While making complaints in a low voice, he was typing on the keyboard seriously.

Lu Yinxi would think that Dr. Jian, who was forced to work, was a little cute, and couldn’t help laughing.

The smile was so bright that Jian Qing caught him right away.

Jian Qing looked at her and raised her eyebrows lightly.

Lu Yinxi couldn’t laugh for a moment, she lowered her head and silently recited the material at hand.

Jian Qing does not have the task of teaching interns, and is only responsible for teaching graduate students, residents, and advanced students.

She never intentionally made things difficult when she was teaching ward rounds. She would pull out cocoons and guide the thinking of subordinate doctors from the outside to the inside. She seemed to know all kinds of intractable diseases, like a walking textbook, which attracted countless admiring eyes.

Lu Yinxi remembered hearing gossip from junior doctors last time, saying that when Jian Qing was in charge of teaching interns, almost every intern fell in love with her, and the rumors made the director of the medical department talk to her. Men are no longer accepted.

Wei Mingming is the only graduate student under Jian Qing, and she can be regarded as her founding disciple.

Wei Mingming has a carefree personality, and he takes care of chores such as taking out food and delivering materials.

After delivering the materials, he would say to Jian Qing unceremoniously, “Boss, I’m thirsty and want to drink milk tea.”

Jian Qing sat in front of the computer and tapped, without looking at her: “It’s not healthy, drink less.”

Wei Mingming: “You bought it for us last week!”

Jian Qing: “I drank it last week, but it’s gone this week.”

Wei Mingming looked at Lu Yinxi for help.

Everyone in the department knew that the two of them were acquaintances, and they seemed to be distant relatives.

When Lu Yinxi received the call for help, he hesitated for a moment, made an “OK” gesture, moved to Jian Qing’s side, and tugged at the corner of her white coat: “Doctor Jian, I want to drink too.”

Jian Qing turned her head and glanced at her, then turned back to look at the computer screen, and also said coldly: “It’s not healthy, don’t drink it.”

Immediately forbid her to drink.

The next second, he took out the mobile phone in the pocket of the white coat: “Order some juice.”

Lu Yinxi put his hands behind his back and made a “yeah” gesture.

Wei Mingming stepped forward to take the mobile phone, and opened the takeaway app skillfully: “Juice is also available, which one can I order? I want to pick the most expensive one, boss, what do you want to drink?”

After typing out the medical records, Jian Qing looked at the CT scan on the computer: “Don’t drink, go and make me a cup of coffee.”

Wei Mingming, who was buried in ordering takeout, raised his head and broke the stage: “Boss, is coffee healthy?”

Jian Qing’s cold gaze swept over.

Wei Mingming put his hand to his mouth, and skillfully zippered to shut up.

If she didn’t shut up again, she was worried that she would be stitched up by Jian Qing.

Lu Yinxi consciously took over the work and went to the boiling water room to help Jian Qing make coffee.

Drinking coffee in the hospital does not pursue the taste, but only to dispel sleepiness, and the brewing method is simple and rude.

Put the coffee powder and sugar, pour boiling water, and the strong aroma penetrates into the nasal cavity.

Lu Yinxi gently stirred the amber liquid in the cup, and couldn’t help but wonder if Jian Qing heard the conversation between himself and the dental intern in the morning, why did he suddenly have a prejudice against milk tea…

And vaguely noticed that her attitude towards herself had changed slightly.

Seems to have gotten some kind of favouritism from her.

Does that mean that she also likes to be close to each other?

Lu Yinxi didn’t dare to confirm.

Because of this vague guess, his heartbeat suddenly became chaotic for a few beats.

In the hospital, there is not much time and space to sort out personal emotions.

After making coffee, Lu Yinxi returned to the office and saw Jian Qing talking with a gray-haired family member.

Sitting next to the family member was a young patient in a hospital gown who looked less than thirty years old.

Solid tumors are closely related to age. Most of the patients in the oncology department are middle-aged and elderly patients. However, in recent years, young patients in their teens and twenties have gradually increased.

Cancer presents a trend of younger age.

“The test results came out. CT showed that the lesion had not shrunk, but was a little bigger than before. The original chemotherapy drug may have produced drug resistance, that is to say, it failed and didn’t work. Next, we need to change to a new chemotherapy regimen.”

As always, with a calm and flat tone, those who are not familiar with the medical environment will feel that the doctor is too indifferent at first.

In fact, there is already a touch of thoughtfulness.

When the medical staff in the oncology department talk in front of the patient, they are afraid of stimulating the patient’s emotions, so they avoid using words such as cancer and tumor.

Knowing the progress of the disease, the patient’s face was pale, and the family members were anxious, looking at the doctor with pleading eyes.

This is the normal state of the oncology department. Doctors announce to patients time and time again the failure of the plan and the progress of the disease;

Jian Qing did not stop to comfort her, and continued to calmly discuss the treatment plan with them.

Wandering and hesitating can’t bear it, but it can’t solve the problem.

Experienced doctors have become accustomed to point to the nail on the head, face the problem directly, inform the family members of the patient’s true situation, and propose follow-up alternative treatment options.

Facing the problem directly is the best and necessary choice for both doctors and patients.

“You’re still young.”

After the patient and his family members left, Lu Yinxi looked at the patient’s lung CT with regret.

“28 years old.” Jian Qing lowered her head and took a sip of her coffee.

“How long has it been?”

“Phase IV.”

Lu Yinxi lowered his eyes.

28 years old, only 3 years older than her, life is very good, facing death at this age, who would not want to struggle to survive?

Jian Qing glanced at Lu Yinxi, and stuffed a copy of “Introduction to Oncology” into her arms: “Come to class with me later.”

She has two theory lessons for the students at 4:00 p.m.

Lu Yinxi pulled away from the heavy emotions and asked, “What am I going to do?”

Do you need a special person to serve you tea and water in class?

Jian Qing: “Listen to the class.”

The north wind howled.

The Department of Clinical Medicine of Jiangzhou University is only separated from the affiliated hospital by a wall, and doctors can rush to the teaching building after taking off their white coats.

Walking on campus, Lu Yinxi is like a child forced by his parents to go to school, facing the north wind, walking step by step, reluctantly.

The campus has been covered by winter snow. Lu Yinxi stopped in front of a clump of green plants, stretched out his hands to pinch the leaves of the trees, and gently folded them to reveal a piece of ice leaves with clear veins.

When she was a child, in the winter in the countryside, she often peeled off the ice flakes that had condensed on the leaves, and ate them in her mouth, chewing them until they were crunchy.

Thinking of childhood memories, his heavy heart was relieved a bit, Lu Yinxi pinched the ice leaf, and looked at the tall figure in front of him.

Did she call herself out because she was afraid that she would be depressed if she continued to stay in the oncology department?

Thinking about it this way made me feel very soft.

Lu Yinxi caught up and grabbed Jian Qing by the corner of his clothes: “Mr. Jian, I will give you a leaf.”

Jian Qing took the crystal-clear ice leaves: “If you keep walking slowly like this, I will be caught by the medical department and be late.”

“Hey, is it considered a teaching accident if you are late for 5 minutes? As long as you are not caught by the director, you can still intercede if you are caught by other teachers in the medical department?”

Many of the teachers in the medical education department of the hospital are doctors who have resigned to the second line of clinical practice.

Coming from the clinic, I naturally know how busy the doctor is. Occasionally, I will turn a blind eye when I catch him being late once or twice.

Moreover, most of the students who come to teach students are doctors at the level of deputy directors and chief physicians. There are advantages and disadvantages to selling personal favors. Maybe one day relatives and friends will need this kind of personal relationship when they seek medical treatment.

Jian Qing avoided this question, tapped the ice leaf twice with his fingertips, and asked Lu Yinxi: “You know hospitals and medical schools very well, have you ever studied medicine and stayed in a hospital?”

The cold but determined tone shocked Lu Yinxi to put away all his soft thoughts in an instant.

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