She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 9

Chapter 8 – Get Ill

Avoid spicy food after tooth extraction, and can only eat liquid or semi-liquid food. Jian Qing touched the stitched left palm and told Lu Yinxi: “The next meal should be light, and I will cook. If you feel uncomfortable, please tell me .”

Lu Yinxi nodded gratefully. These days, she only eats from cafeterias or takeaways, and she hasn’t eaten the meals made by Jian Qing herself.

Unexpectedly, on the first night after tooth extraction—

Jian Qing cooked a pot of hot pot full of aroma, and in front of Lu Yinxi, cooked the small fat beef, boiled tripe, and vegetables slowly, eating with gusto.

Lu Yinxi, with a dull face amidst the aroma, held a bowl of bland egg custard, spoonful after spoonful, swallowing hard.

The next night, Jian Qing got off work late and didn’t cook in person, so he packed spicy crayfish and came back.

She hadn’t removed the stitches on her left palm, and it was inconvenient to peel off the shell, so she ordered Lu Yinxi to peel it off for her.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads.

Lu Yinxi smelled the spicy and fresh scent, and was so bullied that she was about to cry. Resisting the urge to poison her, she peeled them off one by one.

Deliberately, absolutely intentionally retaliating, she should also avoid the injury of her left palm, but she would rather hurt herself by 800 than kill the enemy by 1000.

A cruel and petty woman…

Jian Qing looks gentle, eats elegantly, picks up a piece of shrimp meat, chews it slowly, and eats it slowly. His eyes are glued to Lu Yinxi’s face, and he speaks slowly: “You’re scolding me in your heart again?”

The cold tone made Lu Yinxi shake his head like a rattle in fright, holding up the rice porridge and swallowing slowly.

On the third night, Lu Yinxi couldn’t stand her anymore and planned to run away from home.

It’s better to go outside and eat batter alone in the cold wind than to be tortured by Jian Qing.

Unexpectedly, before he walked out of the house, his footsteps faltered for a while, and then his whole body became hot, which made his head feel chaotic.

I have a fever.

Infectious fever after tooth extraction.

The oral cavity is an environment with bacteria. After tooth extraction, people with low immunity, such as the elderly and children, are prone to infection if they are not careful.

She had been infused in the hospital before, but unexpectedly she was still recruited.

The quality of this body is much weaker than that of the real world.

Lu Yinxi supported his head, calmly rummaged through the medicine box, and took his temperature.


If the fever caused by tooth extraction does not exceed 38.5°C, it is good to take anti-inflammatory drugs at home.

Lu Yinxi fed himself medicine, poured a large cup of hot water, took a pillow and lay down on the sofa with his eyes closed.

When Jian Qing came back from get off work, the living room was not lit like it was a few days ago, it was dark and cold.

She stood at the entrance, stunned for a few seconds, and when she came back to her senses, she slowly peeled off the buttons of her coat with both hands, but the gloomy coldness accumulated in her eyes little by little.

He took off his black coat, hung it on the coat rack, and glanced at the shoe cabinet—

Deer Drink Creek’s boots are still there.

did not leave.

The gloomy expression instantly eased a bit.

After Jian Qing changed her shoes, she walked to the living room, and with the faint light outside the window, she saw a group of figures huddled on the sofa.

She walked over and wanted to reach out to touch Lu Yinxi’s forehead, but she was afraid that her cold hands would freeze someone, so she put them on her neck to warm up first, and then touched it.

Hot forehead.

Lu Yinxi, who was half asleep and half awake, frowned when he heard the slight movement.

The air she inhaled and exhaled was hot, her throat was sore and dry, she opened her eyes, and saw a beautiful and indifferent face.

The wings of his nose fluttered, and he sniffed vigorously. Someone’s originally clear and cold fragrance was covered by the alcohol smell of hand sanitizer gel.

So he frowned slightly, and muttered in a low voice: “You have been pickled by the hospital…”

It’s only burning and confused, so I dare to be so bold, and I despise the angel in white who saves lives and heals the wounded.

Jian Qing flicked Lu Yinxi’s forehead lightly, took a thermometer to measure her body temperature, and asked, “Have you taken your medicine?”

Lu Yinxi lay on the sofa, hugged the pillow, and said softly: “I took anti-inflammatory drugs…”

His voice was dry and hoarse, not as pleasant as usual.

Jian Qing turned on the light and went to pour a cup of warm water: “Drink more hot water.”

Lu Yinxi took the water glass and smiled.

This statement is often ridiculed by straight men and perfunctory. In fact, from a medical point of view, it is good to drink more hot water.

Of course, it should not be too hot (above 65°C). Too hot food will damage the esophageal mucosa, the epithelial cells of the mucosa will fall off after being burned, and new cells will divide and grow in the esophagus.

Repeated scalding and shedding will result in repeated division and growth, while gene mutations occur during cell division, and the more times of division, the greater the probability of mutation.

Among them, there is a kind of mutated cells that will break free from the shackles that shackle themselves, avoid the pursuit of the immune system, plunder the nutrition of normal cells, and run amok in the human body, attacking cities and territories—the so-called cancer cells.

In a word, long-term consumption of too hot water or food will increase the risk of esophageal cancer.

The knowledge learned in the past is played back in my mind one by one. Lu Yinxi once deliberately avoided everything related to medicine, but now he always thinks of it inadvertently.

She took small sips of warm water, moistened her throat, and silently thought about the reason.

Perhaps, in a strange world, facing strangers one by one, familiar things can bring some insignificant sense of security.

Her brain subconsciously helped her find a sense of security.

The human body is an exquisite instrument. Regardless of whether it accepts the changes in the external environment subjectively or not, the body is always subtly coordinating and adapting to the changes in order to integrate into the environment as soon as possible.

The smell of alcohol was still floating in the tip of his nose, Lu Yinxi seemed to think of something, suddenly threw away the pillow, staggered back to the bedroom, ran out again, and stuffed a box of things into Jian Qing’s arms.

Jian Qing opened the package and saw that it was a brand new hand cream.

A few days ago, while shopping for daily necessities, Lu Yinxi saw the hand cream on the display shelf, and inexplicably remembered Jian Qing’s hands, so he bought it, but he couldn’t find a reason to give it to her.

Today is just right, with a valid reason—

“Hands smell of alcohol, put some fragrance on them.”

Jian Qing looked at Lu Yinxi, but said nothing.

She has always kept few words and never showed her emotions. She has extremely beautiful eyes with dark jade-colored pupils. When she stares straight at people, she can make people’s hearts jump.

Uncomfortable being stared at, Lu Yinxi squeezed the water glass tightly, mustered up courage, and whispered to her: “What are you looking at? I bought it with your money, and the wool came from sheep.”

She came to this world penniless, and even her body was taken care of by others. All expenses are now borne by Jian Qing.

She recorded the account on her mobile phone, and planned to return it all to Jian Qing when she left.

Being murdered, Jian Qing just let out a light oh, put away the hand cream, and said, “I’ll put it on later, I still have to cook.”

Lu Yinxi reminded: “You should also apply it before going to bed at night, and you should apply it frequently, and apply a thick layer.”

In the hospital, you have to wash your hands dozens of times a day. If you don’t take good care of them, how rough will your hands be?

Jian Qing nodded and asked her, “What do you want to eat tonight?”

Lu Yinxi froze for a moment, then beamed with joy: “I want to drink broth.”

She was tortured for two days and two nights. She could only smell the smell of meat, but she couldn’t eat half a ounce of meat. She was about to die of hunger. Even if she can’t bite the meat now, she still has to pour some meat-flavored soup into her stomach.

Jian Qing went to the kitchen to get busy, while Lu Yinxi followed her from the living room to the kitchen like a clingy cat, dragging her hot sick body.

I was dizzy from the fever, my willpower declined, my self-control was not as good as usual, and my mouth was like an unlocked box, babbling nonsense out.

“Why don’t you have a big bed of 500 meters and a housekeeper and nanny?”

She used to read through books and novels, the protagonist either kicks the male lead and embraces the female lead or is wealthy, she transmigrated and became a canary, and the beneficiary who followed was not well-received and did everything by herself.

Even cooking has to be done by yourself, shouldn’t it be some kind of aunt?

Jian Qing didn’t laugh at her silly words, and answered the question cooperatively while cutting the green onions: “It’s not that much money.”

During fever, the cerebral cortex is in a state of extreme excitement, the metabolism of brain tissue is accelerated, and it is in a state of relative hypoxia, which in turn leads to brain cell dysfunction, and the external manifestation may be talking nonsense.

“Your family is rich.”

This paper man is a veritable rich second generation, the kind who can go home and inherit the family business if he doesn’t become a doctor.

“Theirs, not mine.”

“Why do you bring me back if you don’t have any money?”

“You let me take it.”

Lu Yinxi snorted softly, unable to recall this memory.

She read novels by skipping. She didn’t know the plot, and the memory of the original owner was also intermittent and incoherent.

So, I said what was on my mind: “I don’t remember, I asked you to take it and you took it?”

Jian Qing didn’t answer and fell into silence.

Lu Yinxi misunderstood her silence.

Over the years, Lu Yinxi has read a lot of goofy scripts, such as double lovers, seeing things and thinking about others—suddenly possessed by drama, and said angrily: “Do you have another Bai Yueguang who can’t love you and went abroad? I Bai Yueguang, who looks like you, will kick me away when your Bai Yueguang comes back?”

Menacing, as fierce as a cat with fried hair.

Jian Qing looked up at Lu Yinxi, couldn’t hold back, and chuckled.

The laughter is very nice, like a feather falling on the tip of the heart, which disturbs people’s itch.

Lu Yinxi avoided looking at each other, turned his back to Jian Qing, lay on the door, and scratched the door with his paws: “You still laugh at me…Why are you like this…You are not only a scum…You are also such a scum…”

The tone became more and more aggrieved.

Jian Qing sighed inaudibly, and explained: “No, don’t think about it.”

She doesn’t have any messy white moonlight.

Lu Yinxi got up from the door, like the leader of the inspection work, put on a similar expression, then lowered his voice, and said softly: “The floor of your house is so soft, it’s soft to step on.”

Jian Qing glanced at the floor.

The floor is paved with hard polished tiles

—It was really badly burned.

She walked over, pulled Lu Yinxi out of the kitchen, pressed her onto the sofa, and took her temperature again, which was over 38.5°C.

“I’m going to take antipyretics.”

“I’m fasting, I’m hungry, I don’t take medicine, I want to eat.”

Jian Qing wrapped her in a blanket, took an ice pack, wrapped it in a thin towel, and put it on her forehead to cool down physically: “Stop running around, sit and rest, and call you when you’re done.”

He was dizzy from the burning, but Lu Yinxi was in an inexplicably happy mood, and pulled Jian Qing’s clothes to reason: “I have bad teeth, your meat should be cooked softer, and the recent rice should be steamed softer, too. You can eat delicious food in front of me. Also, you can’t hold grudges like this anymore. You are probably the reason for my illness. Originally, you saw my naked body, and I slapped you. It’s flat… I accidentally hurt your palm, and I also suffered from toothache, now it’s really even, don’t hold grudges, we live under the same roof, we have to share weal and woe…”

After a bunch of unreasonable tirade, Jian Qing stretched out her hand and gently stroked the tear mole at the end of Lu Yinxi’s eyes, without saying anything.

She felt that she had picked up a little ancestor and brought her home.

Really shared joys and sorrows.

There is no difference in treatment. Tonight, both of them are egg custard, served with lean meat broth.

Jian Qing’s cooking skills are very good, Lu Yinxi drank all the soup contentedly, and showed Jian Qing the bottom of the empty bowl: “Can you continue to cook tomorrow when you have time? I still want to drink it.”

Jian Qing nodded in agreement.

After the meal, after taking the medicine, Lu Yinxi lay down on the sofa again.

Jane took a shower, hugged the computer, and sat beside her to write the application for the scientific research fund.

Today, Lu Yinxi spent almost all of his time on the sofa. He would rather curl up in the corner of the sofa than lie on the big bed in the room.

The room is big and the bed is big, but it seems too spacious for one person.

She wants to be with someone.

When sick, it is always easier to feel lonely and powerless than usual, especially in this strange world with no relatives and friends, she only knows Jian Qing.

Jian Qing is also a doctor.

Doctors can bring a great sense of security to patients.

Although she didn’t wear a white coat at home, Lu Yinxi smelled the familiar cold fragrance on her body again, like the cold air inhaled into the nose when it snows in winter, the clear and clean smell reminds people of the snow in their hometown sky.

Lu Yinxi sniffed her breath, listened to the sound of “da da da” on the keyboard, and fell asleep in a daze.

Occasionally, the sound of keyboard tapping would stop, and the world would fall into silence, and then a cold palm would come over, with the palm pressed against the forehead, and then flipped over, and the cold back of the hand would stick over.

Wait until the palm temperature is the same as the forehead temperature, then switch to the other hand.

Consciousness was ups and downs, Lu Yinxi only felt peace of mind.

After both hands, which were as cold as ice cubes, warmed up, the faint sound of keyboard tapping sounded again, accompanied by a low sigh: “It’s better than a hand warmer.”

Lu Yinxi moved his fingertips, swallowing back the emotion in an instant, hating himself for being so weak from the burn that he couldn’t get up and bite her.

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