She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 111

Chapter 110 – To Meet

The hospital departments will subdivide medical groups, and Gu Mingyu is not a doctor in the lung cancer group.

Lu Yinxi didn’t expect his mother to know anything.

I just hope that she can come forward and help me contact Uncle Zhao, a relative in the Public Security Bureau, and use the public security system to find out if there is a doctor named “Jian Qing” in this world.

Gu Mingyu stopped chopping vegetables in his hands, looked at Lu Yinxi, and asked suspiciously: “What does the doctor in the oncology department do? Are you feeling unwell?”

As he spoke, he reached out with a garlic-smelling hand and touched Lu Yinxi’s neck to check if there were any swollen lymph nodes on his neck.

Lu Yinxi couldn’t laugh or cry: “Mom, I’m not sick, I just want to find such a person.”

A man who appeared in her dreams.

She didn’t change her face and told a lie: “It’s a netizen on the Internet. Our company is more interested in her experience and wants to ask her to help us make a movie about tumors.”

Gu Mingyu withdrew his hand: “How can I remember this? There are so many doctors in the country, and I’m not a lung cancer practitioner. If your father is still here, your father is a tumor practitioner, so maybe he would know about those little doctors.”

She has a certain reputation in the local area, only the juniors remember her name, she can’t remember the name of the juniors.

“Then can you ask Uncle Zhao to help me find it?”

“Even if you can find it, your Uncle Zhao can only help you see if there is such a person in your local area, and he has no authority to check for people from other places. Is she a licensed doctor?”


“Then go to the official website of the Health and Medical Commission by yourself, click on the doctor’s practice registration information to check there, enter the name, province, hospital, and find out if there is such a person. The police will only check other people’s information when they handle cases, and don’t just let people do it for you. , That’s public power for private use.” Gu Mingyu educated her with righteous words.

Lu Yinxi nodded and was scolded.

If she knew the province and the hospital, where would she need to ask someone, she would just rush over there.

At noon, the mother and daughter had lunch together.

The two of them didn’t talk much, Gu Mingyu kept piling meat into Lu Yinxi’s bowl, and Lu Yinxi devoured it all.

On the days of vacation at home, Lu Yinxi used various relationships and paid a lot of money to ask people to help find them. At the same time, he printed out the list of affiliated university hospitals in provincial capital cities and first- and second-tier cities across the country, and entered them one by one on the website of the Health Commission. information, and at the same time did not give up searching for the novel I read.

Every night, she had trouble falling asleep, lying on the bed tossing and turning, thinking briefly.

Unable to fall asleep, he got up again, turned on the computer, and tried to get bits and pieces of relevant information from the ocean of the Internet.

She didn’t dare to imagine, what would she do if all that was really a dream and those people and things couldn’t be found at all?

Or, those people and things exist, but they are in an untouchable space and dimension, what should Jian Qing do?

If we can no longer see each other in this life, it is tantamount to parting from life to death.

Look, look, look, just keep looking.

Lu Yinxi put his work aside, took half a month’s leave with the company and the team, postponed many activities, and devoted himself to finding someone.

If there is no such a person in this world, then she will find a way to get back to that world.

If she can’t see Jian Qing again in this life, then she won’t fall in love with others for the rest of her life.

Two weeks later, the person she hired with a lot of money sent her a message——

[There is such a doctor in Shanghai, but he was suspended a year ago for prescribing counterfeit medicines, and he no longer works in the hospital. When I asked the people in the hospital, they all said that they couldn’t be contacted, the phone couldn’t be reached, and there was no one at home. I don’t know where to go. where is it. I’ll check again. 】

Lu Yinxi immediately bought a plane ticket and flew to Shanghai.

Gulu Gulu, the sound of bubbling in the water.

Small bathroom, closed doors and windows, dim light.

Bloody blades and unsealed narcotics were scattered on the ground, and scarlet and pure white were mixed in the bathtub in the corner.

The scarlet is blood, bubbling out from the ulnar artery at the wrist, and the pure white is foam, covering the body like snow.

With a sound of “crash”, someone broke out of the water.

The woman was completely naked, her wet long hair was messily scattered on her back, covering the blood-red tattoos on her shoulder blades.

She came out of the water and clutched the artery in her left wrist. She was extremely pale due to excessive blood loss.

She turned on the faucet, cleaned and rinsed the wound, walked out of the bathroom quickly, dragged out the medicine box, bandaged herself to stop the bleeding, then wrapped the wound with plastic wrap, went to the bathroom, took a shower, and washed the blood off her body.

After lying in the bathtub, slitting her wrists and committing suicide, she had two dreams during the short period of coma.

In the first dream, she killed the trafficker who killed her sister, and pushed the trafficker’s daughter into the formalin pool, intending to drown. Afterwards, the doctor was troubled, and before she was brought to court by the medical rioters, she prescribed medicine and set fire to the family of the doctor. Kill, kill, kill, the dream is full of killing, her world is stained red with blood. In the end, the person she cared about the most committed suicide and left her. She had no interest in life, took medicine, lay in the snow, and waited silently for death.

In the second dream, she met a different person, a person as soft as clouds.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on her lips.

For that person, she is willing to let go of all her hatred and not take revenge on anyone. Even if her faith is destroyed in the end, she will just go far away with that person to heal her wounds sadly.

However, in the end, that person still disappeared and left her again…

The scene in the dream was vivid, she held her forehead and tried to recall the name of the person in the dream

——”Deer Drinking Creek is the deer drinking creek of ‘Frost Falls, Bears Rise to Trees, Forest Empty Deer Drinks Stream’. It was winter when I was born, and my mother said she dreamed that a deer crossed the jungle and jumped to the stream Drinking water, that’s why I gave me this name…it’s easy to remember.”

Deer drinking stream.

Deer drinking stream.

The memory in the dream was gradually being forgotten. She recited the name silently, fearing that she would forget, she dried herself quickly, put on her clothes, came out of the bathroom, found a pen and paper, and wrote down the words “Deer Drinking Creek”.

After writing the last stroke of the word “Xi”, she suddenly couldn’t remember, why did she write this name?

Memory is like a plate of loose sand, blown by the wind, drifting away a little bit.

She watched helplessly as her memory drained, powerless to do anything about it.

After a while, she looked down at the writing on the paper—

Deer drinking stream.

The frost falls, the bear rises up the tree, the forest is empty and the deer drinks the stream.

Seems to be the name of an actress.

Why did you suddenly write down this name?

“How much do you know about the new regulations in 2020? The 12th meeting of the 13th National Congress passed the revised “Drug Administration Law”. The old law has 10 chapters and 104 articles, which are now revised to 12 chapters and 155 articles. Comprehensive and systematic revisions have been made to define counterfeit and inferior drugs, and the situation of being punished as counterfeit and inferior drugs has been deleted, and overseas legal new drugs that have not been approved in China will no longer be punished as counterfeit drugs.”

Jian Qing drove the car, listened to the new regulations of 2020 popularized by the host of the car radio station, and drove to the hospital.

When we arrived at the medical department of the hospital, the director of the department and the director of the medical department were making tea and waiting for her to come.

The director of the medical department said earnestly: “Little Doctor Jian, you will go back to the hospital and go back to work starting tomorrow. If you can regain your courage and go on the road again, you are the best.” He gave a thumbs up and said, “It’s okay this time, no You made a fuss, didn’t make the news, and punished you for a year, so you must pay attention to medical safety in the future.”

The director of the department said: “Now that the law has been changed, new drugs can be recommended in the future. Where did you go a few days ago? Why can’t you get in touch?”

Jian Qing said: “A few days ago, my mother passed away, and I went back to deal with her funeral.”

A year ago, she recommended a foreign new drug to a terminal patient. After the patient died, the family of the patient reported her to the Health and Medical Commission, saying that she prescribed fake medicine and killed the patient; the Health and Medical Commission ordered her to suspend her practice for one year. Activity.

A year later, one evening, she received a call from the hospital saying that her mother had died unexpectedly.

She sent her mother’s body to the funeral home, and when she returned home, she felt that there was nothing to worry about in the world, so she took medicine, lay down in the bathtub, and cut her wrists to commit suicide.

In a daze, it seemed that he had some dreams. After waking up from the dream, he no longer wanted to seek death.

She wants to survive.

It seems that I forgot something.

She wants to survive, remembering those things, as if waiting for something.

Life gradually returned to normal.

Walking on the commercial street, Jian Qing would often be attracted by a billboard of a female celebrity.

A very beautiful actress.

Black hair and red lips, pure appearance, with a slender and clean bookish air.

Last year, he also won the Best Newcomer Award for a certain literary film.

Jian Qing looked at the portrait on the huge billboard from a distance, and looked at the name of the actress on the upper left.

Deer drinking stream.

She read it over and over in her mind.

Throbbing, heartache, pity, all kinds of complex emotions mixed together, she never followed the entertainment circle, but followed this celebrity’s Weibo.

Jian Qing has collected a lot of Weibo updates, media reports, past TV shows, movies, posters, and magazines.

She would always look at the star’s face, lost in thought, and there were some images in her mind, but they flashed by like a fleeting image.

The winter rain is continuous, and the pedestrians on the road are in a hurry.

After getting off work from the hospital, Jian Qing walked onto the flyover holding a **** umbrella.

The overpass has a roof, and passers-by who forgot to bring their umbrellas hurried up to avoid the rain.

A busker holding an erhu took this opportunity to play the erhu in his hand.

The winter rain is desolate, the tune is bleak, and the sound of the erhu makes people want to cry.

The man hiding from the rain put coins into the entertainer’s bowl and asked, “Brother, what song is this?”

“”Thoughts Across Time and Space”.”

Jane glanced at the unshaven busker, bent down to throw in a hundred-yuan bill, and left holding an umbrella.

Walking down the overpass, a girl who hurried over to hide from the rain ran towards her, and almost ran into her arms.

She sideways away.

The girl wore a mask, covering her forehead, and glanced at her.

It was just a casual glance at first, but the moment he looked over, his gaze seemed to be glued to her, and he never moved away from her.

She looks back.

The rain poured down the head, and slid down the girl’s cheeks to her neck. The soft hair was stuck to her forehead, which looked beautiful and weak, and one couldn’t help but want to brush that strand of hair away for her.

Jian Qing didn’t reach out, she held the black umbrella, looked at her, turned her wrist slightly, and the umbrella tilted a little towards her.

The person in front of him had red eyes, and took a step closer. With wet eyes, he stared at the person under the umbrella without blinking.

The rain was falling, and the desolate tune of the erhu rang in my ears. The umbrella in Jian Qing’s hand tilted a little bit towards her, and said softly, “Hello?”

The person in front of him took off his mask, wiped away the rain and tears from his face, revealing a pure and beautiful face.

Jian Qing stared at this familiar yet unfamiliar face and was stunned.

The author has something to say: Dr. Jian has no real memory in the book; in reality, there is no memory in the book~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-0206:13:29~2021-06-0309:22:40~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: Muran 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Ellie, little **** No. 1, I have a friend who said 1;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 39 bottles of Qixing; 29 bottles of Yuki; 19 bottles of wooden pigeon; 10 bottles of 38324116, Yumeng married; 6 bottles of Ellie; 2 bottles; 1 bottle of books;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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