She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 116

Chapter 115 – And You

During the activities in Beijing, Lu Yinxi did not contact Jian Qing, one was because he was too busy, and the other was because he wanted to give himself some time to plan for the future.

In the virtual world, Jian Qing once asked her about her plans for the future, but she couldn’t answer at that time, but now, she can hand in an answer sheet for Jian Qing’s reference.

She first came out to her team and told them about her sexuality.

As a celebrity, every move will be placed under a magnifying glass, observed at 365 degrees without any dead angle. The staff of her team have accompanied her through many years of ups and downs. They are colleagues and partners, and they are emotional and reasonable , she will tell them—

“I like women, I’m gay.”

The manager opened his mouth wide in surprise.

A colleague from the publicity group patted the table: “Did you get a video of you having **** with a girl?”

Lu Yinxi blushed slightly, raised her manager’s mouth up, and shook her head at her colleagues in the publicity team: “No, I just came out with you.”

The colleagues in the publicity group patted their chests and felt relieved: “That’s good, as long as you don’t go to bed, keep any confessions, hugs, and kisses, I can make you a best friend.”

Lu Yinxi chuckled.

There are quite a few stars in their circle who can be both male and female, but in the domestic environment, paparazzi usually take photos of people who would communicate with the star team and make a deal, so they should not be exposed easily, otherwise it would be tantamount to cutting off people’s fortunes.

People in any industry will not easily do something that is too offensive.

Unless there is a grudge.

Between women and women, any ambiguity can almost be said to be the intimacy of friends.

Although this road is difficult, as long as two people work together, there is nothing difficult.

The manager pinched her cheeks and asked, “Did we keep you from talking about boyfriends, did you feel depressed?”

Lu Yinxi patted her paws away, rubbed her cheeks, and said in defense, “No, it’s easier for me to have a crush on girls!”

Since she was a child, she has never been attracted to the opposite sex. Later, the company and the team banned her from dating men, and she didn’t care.

The assistant said firmly: “Sister Yinxi, you must be talking about someone behind our backs? Last time, I looked at you as if you were lost in love.”

The colleagues in the publicity group immediately took out a small notebook and took notes: “Is it a woman, what kind of work do you do, inside or outside the circle? How did you meet? Is the relationship stable?”

A series of problems need to be reported to prevent being caught off guard after being exposed by the media.

Lu Yinxi organized the language: “An outsider is a doctor. It’s not a talk. We used to be together, but we separated for a while, and we haven’t officially been together yet. How did we know each other? How should I say this? It’s a virtual world.” I know you…”

“Good guy, on-set defense, company defense, all precautions, I can’t prevent you from online dating!” The assistant looked sad that my cabbage was raped.

Online dating…it’s very close…it’s like talking about an online dating in the holographic world, and now it’s running now.

Lu Yinxi was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: “It can be regarded as online dating. We separated online for a while, and now I went to find her offline.”

“You are still the one who took the initiative!” The assistant was even more sad.

This master is something they hold in their hands for fear of falling and holding it in their mouth for fear of melting, how can they take the initiative!

Lu Yinxi still had a cheerful smile on his face: “She is very good, very good, very good, what does it matter if I take the initiative?”

What’s more, the person who was more emotionally active in the past was Jian Qing, but she was the one who avoided it.

Everyone looked at her helplessly.

The assistant looked at the manager: “Sister, this kid is on the right track!”

The manager raised his forehead and said: “It’s okay, the relationship is not stable yet, and there is still a chance to beat the mandarin ducks.”

As soon as she heard that she was going to beat the mandarin ducks with a stick, Lu Yinxi said anxiously: “The queen mother is alive, and she can’t break us up!”

The agent touched her head: “A baby who has never seen the world, regardless of the same **** or the opposite sex, I don’t like the combination of insiders and outsiders. You are not from the same world at all. The circle is completely different. It’s easy. Separate. Even if it’s insiders and insiders, how many divorces do you think every year, each playing their own way?”

The deer drank the stream but smiled and said nothing.

If it is said that they are not from the same world, it was only in her cognition that they felt that they were not from the same world.

At that time, they all had the courage to stand together and face everything without reason. When it came to reality, they shied away.

They walked through spring, summer, autumn and winter together in a strange world, and now, Jian Qing has forgotten everything.

Jian Qing has been sharing updates in Moments these days. When she sculpts something, she will always send it out. There is a hint of pride in her words.

Lu Yinxi decided to take a hit on her self-confidence, and posted a post that only she could see, and put Nalan Xingde’s “Long Lovesickness” on it for her to guess.

[One journey through the mountains, one journey through the water, walking towards the bank of Yuguan, with thousands of tent lights in the middle of the night. As soon as the wind changes, the snow changes, and the dreams of the hometown are broken, and there is no such sound in the hometown. 】

It is about the homesickness of the frontier army during their journey.

Lu Yinxi has learned this poem since elementary school, but it is only today that he truly understands the nostalgic feeling of being in a foreign land and dreaming of returning to his hometown in the poem.

At night these days, she often wakes up in the middle of the night, dreaming about people and things in that world.

Dreamed that Lan Zhou and Chu Yan were engaged; dreamed that Jian Qing’s sister, Jian Yan, received a charitable donation from Jian Qing in her name, and she was looking for Jian Qing’s whereabouts; dreamed that Wei Mingming said he would never contact her again. I am no longer my mentor…

She didn’t know if it was a dream, or something that really happened in that world.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with them.

Both she and Jian Qing disappeared in that world, and Jian Qing was not from that world at all.

No wonder I’ve always stayed out of the crowd and couldn’t blend in…

Jian Qing saw the poems shared by Lu Yinxi, pondered for a while, but didn’t understand what it meant.

Searching the Internet, looking up literature, and reading various interpretations, I only know that it is an expression of homesickness.

It turned out that she had shared the wood carvings for so many days, and this person didn’t pay attention at all, but was only a thinker.

She doesn’t share anymore.

But still continue to carve wood carvings.

Wood carving became her hobby.

She didn’t see Jian Qing’s carved woodcarving for a week in a row. Lu Yinxi hugged her mobile phone and kept updating the news. She couldn’t help but wonder if she blocked herself.

No way, didn’t you just post a poem?

Lu Yinxi quickly retweeted some of the latest diagnosis and treatment guidelines released by the tumor community to show his concern for medicine and to show that he is not some literary youth who hurts the spring and the autumn.

Jian Qing remained silent, so she took the initiative to send a message to Jian Qing.

[Doctor Jian, good evening, are there any wood carvings recently? 】

Jian Qing held back for a minute, and sent Lu Yinxi her newly carved deer, rabbit and gourd.

Lu Yinxi lay on the bed, propped his chin with one hand, and typed with the other:

【so amazing! [Strong][Strong][Strong]]

She sent three thumbs up emojis to encourage Jian Qing, and then asked: [Why do you always carve deer? [shy]】

The little deer is the most skillful little animal that Jian Qing can carve. When she was in that world, the first finished product she carved was a rough little deer.

She didn’t expect Jian Qing to say “because of you”, but she expected to see euphemistic answers such as “it feels familiar” and “I don’t know why, but I just want to engrave this”.

Seeing the news about Lu Yinxi, Jian Qing took a picture of the blueprint and showed it to her:

[The other small animals in the drawing you gave me have been cut out, only this elk remains, and I learned from watching the video about rabbits and gourds. 】

Deer Drinking Creek: …

She couldn’t detect it, was this a little surprise for her?

【I went to take a shower. 】

Lu Yinxi didn’t want to chat with her anymore, and ended the topic by taking a bath.

After returning from the shower, Jian Qing’s figure was still lingering in his mind, Lu Yinxi resigned to his fate, and went to chat with Jian Qing again.

She only wanted to text, but accidentally clicked on the voice call. She hurriedly pressed the button to end the call, but the call was connected instantly.

Lu Yinxi was stunned, not knowing what to say for a while.

She estimated that the person on the other end of the phone was also stunned.

For a while no one spoke, only the rustling sound could be heard.

Lu Yinxi coughed, cleared his throat, and said, “Mr. Jian, good evening, I accidentally pressed it.”

“Okay.” Jian Qing replied lightly, “Me too, I bumped into it by accident.”

Lu Yinxi laughed and asked, “What are you doing?”

“Carved wood.”

“What is engraved this time?”

“Ginkgo biloba.” Jian Qing replied softly.

“Why do you carve ginkgo leaves? My hometown is full of streets.”

Jian Qing didn’t answer this time.

In the hometown of Luyinxi, many ginkgo trees are planted.

She missed her hometown, and Jian Qing wanted to carve some leaves from her hometown and give them to her.

Lu Yinxi is used to Jian Qing’s silence, so if she didn’t answer this question, she changed the subject again.

One question and one answer, you come and go, chatting until late at night, Lu Yinxi gradually became sleepy, and fell asleep listening to the sound of carved wood.

“Sometimes, to heal; often, to help; always, to comfort.”

Another group of interns went to the oncology department for interns.

The trainee looked up at the slogan in the Office of the Second Tumor District, and read it in a low voice.

Towards the end of the year, the director of the medical department went to the clinic and went to various departments for inspections. He repeatedly emphasized the need to ensure the quality of medical care and abide by the eighteen medical core medical systems. When he saw the new trainees and interns, he couldn’t help but say more A few words—

“When you practice medicine, you stand in the clinic with one foot and the court with the other. When you come to the clinic, you must first learn to protect yourself. When you encounter things, ask and teach. Even if you are scolded by the teacher, don’t make decisions without authorization. , When you are young, don’t be afraid of making mistakes, don’t be afraid of being scolded, sometimes you will be scolded even worse by patients and family members if you don’t get scolded by your teacher or your superiors.

Of course, you can’t provoke the relationship between doctors and patients. There are still many simple and kind people. It’s just that if you walk a lot at night, you will inevitably encounter a few difficult and vexatious people.

When encountering difficult situations, try to deal with them calmly and don’t irritate the other party. You are scholars and they are soldiers. It is unreasonable for a scholar to meet soldiers.

Be sure to report to the superior doctor and the medical department as soon as possible. If you report it, if something happens, the responsibility on your body will be shared and it will be smaller. We have a department director who is very smart. He often reports to us that what happened to a patient in our department recently may be more troublesome and prone to accidents. In this way, we will intervene early, if there is any problem, if there is any sign of difficulty, we will control the risk early…”

The students nodded repeatedly.

The director of the medical department left with a bunch of people, and the department secretary of the oncology department introduced the department to the trainees: “Our oncology department is a life-long learning, like now we also need to study professionally every week to absorb the latest The results of international research are not something you can use for a lifetime after a few weeks or a few months. If you have thoroughly learned the knowledge of tumors, and you go to other internal medicine departments in the future, you will feel nothing more than that. Tumor knowledge is where the tumor grows. You have to learn, and the content of other disciplines has become a part of your knowledge system. Students who like to challenge themselves and like to keep learning, welcome to apply for postgraduates in the oncology department…”

Subject knowledge, lifelong learning, and so on are too empty for students who are about to graduate. Whether they can make money and whether they can get a job is the primary consideration for everyone.

After introducing the department, the secretary began to group the students.

Jian Qing’s group was divided into two trainees and one intern.

Batch after batch of students come every year, but she can’t remember so many names, so she calls them “classmates” uniformly.

The younger brother who was in charge of meeting/teaching interns went out for consultation, and these new students looked forward to Jian Qing.

Jian Qing threw a copy of “Eighteen Medical Core Systems” to each of them: “Read first and memorize first, and bring the teacher back later, and then take you to rounds.”

She hadn’t brought the trainees/interns in person for a long time, and when she showed them the materials, she felt a sense of familiarity.

It seems that someone has been treated like this before.

She was stunned for a moment.

The head nurse walked in and announced the news excitedly: “A celebrity donated a piano to our department through the Red Cross. The people at the Red Cross said that they would call volunteers every week. Our ward is here to play the piano!”

“Which star? So generous!”

“I don’t know how to call it. Maybe you young people understand it better. It seems to be called… Lu Yinxi, yes, Lu Yinxi!”

A female student said, “That’s my idol!”

On the day of donating the piano, Lu Yinxi flew from Beijing to Shanghai and went to the Red Cross to sign for confirmation.

The person from Red Ten asked, “Do you want to take a group photo at the hospital?”

She shook her head and said with a smile: “It’s there to save the sick, I won’t interfere with the medical order, just send the piano there.”

Lunar New Year is a week away.

After she and Jian Qing met for a few times, due to work reasons, they separated and kept chatting online.

That stuffy gourd couldn’t hold back a few words, and she was almost always taking the initiative to lead different topics.

Back in Shanghai this time, Lu Yinxi took Jian Qing to the Huxin Pavilion in the university town to watch the snow.

Last year, in that virtual world, Jian Qing promised her that she would pick lychees from school for her to eat in summer, and take her to see the snow in Huxin Pavilion in winter.

The current Jian Qing doesn’t remember the promise she made at all, so Lu Yinxi has no choice but to fulfill it herself.

The cold wind is expected to be steep, and the sky, clouds, mountains and water are white up and down.

Jian Qing had already stood in the middle of the pavilion, waiting for the arrival of Lu Yinxi.

During the winter vacation, when the students returned home, they were surrounded by an empty and vast expanse of whiteness. Actually, she didn’t like it very much.

And I can’t find a reason why I don’t like snow.

Inexplicably, I hated it.

When did you start hating?

“Teacher Jian, I’m here!” Lu Yinxi was wrapped in a coat, and appeared in front of Jian Qing, with the tip of his nose flushed from the cold.

“Why make an appointment here?” Jian Qing pulled Lu Yinxi a little closer to block the cold wind blowing from all directions for her.

“Because you promised me in your dream that you would take me to see the snow in the Huxin Pavilion. Moreover, I want to tell you many, many things.”

The Huxin Pavilion was the first scenery they saw after they understood each other’s intentions, and Jian Qing made the first promise here.

“What did you say?” Jian Qing took Lu Yinxi’s hand and rubbed it gently.

Lu Yinxi looked into Jian Qing’s eyes, and said seriously: “I want to talk to you about my future plans. As a person, I don’t have particularly lofty ambitions, I just want to have a peaceful and peaceful life with my lover and family. Spend a lifetime together. I am 25 years old this year, and I will be filming for another 5 years. When I am 30 years old, I will quit the industry. After retiring, the first thing I want to do is to study abroad and learn what I want to learn, whether it is science or engineering, humanities and social sciences Either way, anyone who is interested wants to learn; second, I want to shoot a medical documentary; third, I want to marry you.”

Jian Qing was stunned: “Married?”

Lu Yinxi’s eyes were red, looking into Jian Qing’s eyes, he confessed softly: “Yes, marriage. Although you have forgotten, you once asked me questions and my plans for the future, I remember all of them In my heart, now I can say it – I love you, I don’t want to leave you, I want to spend my whole life with you. If you agree, I will take you home during the Chinese New Year this year.”

The author has something to say: Jane (breathing in): You haven’t even talked about love, and you’re going to get married?

Deer (sigh): To be honest, we have been living together for a year

It’s the finale! The ending this time should not be too hasty _(:з」∠)_The next book, I will first fill in the online game pit where I practiced pens, it is probably a free short story with tens of thousands of words, and then I will see if it is written in advance The theme of mental illness is also the theme of survival on a deserted island. In fact, I still want to write an article on ancient criminal investigation. The CP is tentatively scheduled to be Wu Zuo and Jin Yiwei, but my writing skills may not be able to support it. Wait until I hone my ability to write plots. There are also Xianxia, Kuaichuan, and supernatural Wait for the brain hole, take your time~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-07 09:18:26~2021-06-08 12:28:26~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: Muran 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 3 for Quexun; 2 for Ellie;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 37 bottles of Confused Meow Sauce; 24 bottles of cooking when sleeping in the world; 20 bottles of Zhuyin; 11 bottles of painting style hunting novels; 6 bottles of Mo Mo and Mo Ting Feng Yuan; 5 bottles of Dai Lu, Seaaaaaaawind, An Yu Yu; 1 bottle of Zhi Bei You;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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