She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 117

Chapter 116 – Home

Once, Jian Qing tried her plan for the future, but she couldn’t answer half a word.

Now that she could hand in an answer sheet, Jian Qing forgot about her and just looked at her silently.

“It doesn’t matter, from 25 to 30 years old, you still have 5 years to consider whether you want to marry me.” Lu Yinxi said softly.

She just made a belated answer, answering about future plans.

Jian Qing let go of Lu Yinxi’s hand, put the palm of her right hand on her cheek, and said lightly: “We knew each other earlier, right?”

She always remembers the name she chanted and wrote down when she gave up the idea of committing suicide—Lu Yinxi.

Lu Yinxi nodded, and said softly, “We’ve known each other for a year.”

Jian Qing gently stroked her cheek: “What was our relationship before?”

Lu Yinxi bit her lip and asked back: “If you can let me say the words of marriage, what kind of relationship do you think we have?”

Jian Qing remained silent, tracing her face with gentle eyes.

Lu Yinxi is used to Jian Qing’s silence, but this is his own confession…

How could she be so calm and silent?

“You, do you not like me anymore? Or, you can’t accept the same **** in reality?” Lu Yinxi asked tentatively.

The eye sockets are still red, like a bunny.

Jian Qing gently stroked her tear mole, but still did not speak.

Seeing the hesitation and wavering of the person in front of him, Lu Yinxi gritted his teeth, and said harshly: “If you don’t like me anymore, I won’t pester you, I will work hard, and I can not like you! “

Jian Qing was amused by her gritted teeth, and there was a faint smile in her eyes: “How hard is this?”

Lu Yinxi answered the joking question seriously, and refused to give up the self-esteem and pride in his heart: “I won’t see you from now on, I won’t contact you, I won’t follow any news about you, tell me, don’t waste time on someone you don’t love. In my person, after three to five years, maybe I will be able to fall in love with others.”

“How could you confess like this?” Jian Qing frowned and sighed softly.

I didn’t say how much I love it, let me say that I can do it without liking it.

Those presuppositions haven’t been realized yet, but just hearing Lu Yinxi say that she can fall in love with others, her heart is broken into pieces.

Lu Yinxi said softly: “If you don’t like me anymore, and I still stalk you, you will hate me even more and disrespect me even more. Whether it’s you or someone else, if I The person I like has a good character, just tell me clearly; on the other hand, if I know that I don’t like it, I still want to be vague and ambiguous with me, and I can’t help but respond, like a begging dog puppy, that’s pathetic. I can’t be like that.”

A healthy relationship should make each other better. Even if it is a love that cannot be responded to, you will see and learn many beautiful qualities from that person, instead of falling into worries about gains and losses, self-doubt, and self-deprecation in a vicious circle.

Jian Qing didn’t speak.

She really appreciates people who can afford it and let it go.

Because of herself, it is not easy to let go.

“Yinxi, I really need time to think about it.” Jian Qing also responded seriously, and implicitly used double negatives, “I don’t dislike you.”

If it were someone else, Lu Yinxi would think cautiously and conservatively, if there is no dislike, then it is not like liking, it may be indifference.

But this person is Jian Qing, her Jian Qing, she can be more confident

— that is like it!

The brief confession and date are over, and Jian Qing wants to drive Lu Yinxi home.

Lu Yinxi doesn’t take a car, but wants to take her to take the subway.

Jian Qing asked her: “Aren’t you afraid of being recognized?”

Lu Yinxi shook his head: “Don’t be afraid, it’s almost Chinese New Year and there are few people. Besides, I’m wearing a mask, scarf and hat, and I haven’t become popular enough to be known to everyone.”

She dragged Jian Qing into the subway station, and many passers-by along the way cast their gazes on them.

Jian Qing is tall and tall, wearing a navy blue double-breasted coat, she looks more mature and restrained.

Lu Yinxi suddenly reached out, tore off her gray scarf, and put his own white scarf around her neck.

After exchanging scarves, Lu Yinxi lowered his head and took a deep sniff.

A cold fragrance that penetrates the lungs.

Her favorite flavor.

She took a few more sniffs, and whispered softly: “Mr. Jian, you can slowly consider whether you want to marry me, but this year’s Chinese New Year, whether you want to go home with me, you have to give me an answer within three days.”

Jian Qing looked at her: “Does your family not mind?”

“My mother is the only one left in my family. I talked to her last time when I went home. As long as I don’t do illegal or criminal things, things that destroy the bottom line of morality, or things that damage my self-esteem, she will not interfere with my feelings. Yes Now, I don’t know if you still remember what I told you, she is a cardiothoracic surgeon, and she is walking with you.”

Jian Qing’s eyes were dim: “Is she going to check my thesis?”

When Lu Yinxi heard this sentence, he burst into a smile, remembering that when he first met her, he secretly checked her thesis with his mobile phone in his hand, and was caught by her.

“Don’t worry, your academic level will definitely pass.”

After going down the stairs, the two walked to the corner and stood side by side, waiting for the bus.

Standing, Lu Yinxi used his little finger to hook Jian Qing’s left little finger.

With icy knuckles hooked in his hands, the reminder of the subway entering the station sounded in his ears, and the train rumbled from a distance, and a train carriage passed by quickly.

Amidst the noise, Lu Yinxi turned his head and looked at Jian Qingjiao’s side face: “Doctor Jian, Chinese New Year is almost here. After Chinese New Year, you are 30 years old. You bad guy will tell me that you don’t have the energy to accompany a A girl in her 20s who acts out every time, tells me not to provoke you…”

Jian Qing took Lu Yinxi’s hand instead, a little puzzled: “How do you say some weird words?”

Because you’ve said those words before…

Lu Yinxi lowered his head and kicked his toes, then looked at Jian Qing, and continued: “I confess to you today, just to tell you that I don’t want you to see me as a whim, I’m serious , I want to be with you. You accept my confession, and then you can’t go on a blind date. You want to fall in love with me.”

Jian Qing hummed.

After getting on the subway and sitting in an empty car, Lu Yinxi was still chattering: “Blind date is not good, those men must come here for your good looks, and want you to give birth to him, you and I They all have studied medicine and know how harmful it is to a woman’s body to have a child. I will not let you have a child. Of course, I will not give birth to you. If you like children, we can adopt one. But you don’t seem to like children, so let’s raise some small animals, cats and dogs, I even thought of the name, the cat is called ‘Fa Cai’, the dog is called ‘Ping An’, you seem to dislike cats that shed hair, I promise I’ll do a good job of sanitation…”

Looking at the stop sign, Jian Qing raised her hand and rubbed her forehead.

Why can she talk so much?

“Also, obtaining a certificate abroad is just a formality, and it has no legal effect in China. If you don’t like the formality, we don’t have to go to obtain a certificate, but we can hold a wedding, and we can do intentional guardianship. For the rest of our lives, we will be each other. Guardian. This is all my plan after the age of 30, and you still have 5 years to investigate me slowly.”

Jian Qing turned her head and asked Lu Yinxi: “Aren’t you investigating me?”

“I’ve checked it out, you’re pretty good, you treat me well, you look good, your abilities are good, and your character isn’t too bad.”

Jian Qing frowned: “Not counting?”

Lu Yinxi whispered: “You should know your own nature better than me.”

Jian Qing squinted at her.

She tilted her head, leaned on Jian Qing’s shoulder, and changed the subject: “You forgot a lot of things. It would be best if you could remember. It doesn’t matter if you can’t. As long as you are safe and by my side, we will That’s enough.”

If Jian Qing can’t remember, she will keep those memories by herself for the rest of her life.

Jian Qing looked down at her, and the blank area in her heart was gradually filled.

Lu Yinxi tilted his head and leaned on Jian Qing’s shoulder: “I want to sleep for a while, I struggled all night last night, should I confess to you, I didn’t fall asleep all night.”

She took out the wireless earphones, put one on her ear and the other on Jian Qing’s ear, and slowly closed her eyes.

An old song was played, “So You Are Here Too”.

Does that person only exist in dreams? Why do I use up all my strength, but in exchange for half a lifetime of memories.

If it weren’t for your longing for eyes, if it wasn’t for my redemption mood, meeting people in thousands of mountains and rivers, oh so you are here too.

The train kept moving forward, and they sat in the carriage, cuddling each other.

“Ah Qing, do you change shifts during the Chinese New Year? Three times the daily salary.”

In previous years, Jian Qing would not go home to celebrate the New Year, and was willing to stay in the department on duty.

This year, Jian Qing was not assigned to a shift, and the colleague who was assigned to be in her thirties was the first to approach her to discuss changing shifts.

Jian Qing hesitated for a moment, then refused, “No change.”

The colleague thought that the money was not enough, so he stretched out five fingers: “Five times!”

“No change.”

“Ten times! Colleagues, don’t be too ruthless.”

Jian Qing still said: “No change.” After a pause, he added, “It’s not about money.”

She has an appointment this year.

Colleague clicked his tongue: “This is so weird, why did you change your gender? Have you found a partner?”

Jian Qing replied ambiguously: “I want to go home.”

“Oh, go home, you have to go home and have a look, I haven’t seen you go home for several years. All right, I’ll go to Xiao Zhang to discuss whether we can change classes.”

The Chinese New Year class is the hardest to change. Everyone wants to reunite with their families. Generally, only local colleagues will switch with out-of-town colleagues as appropriate.

Everyone is not short of money, what they lack is time to spend with their families.

Two days before New Year’s Eve, Lu Yinxi stayed at Jian Qing’s house and did not leave.

These days, she has to ask frequently: “Doctor Jane, will you go home with me?”

“Mr. Jian, would you like to go home with me for the New Year?”

The day before New Year’s Eve, Lu Yinxi hugged the doll on the sofa and asked again: “Doctor Jane, I’ll take you home for the New Year, okay?”

Jian Qing fiddled with the potted plants that Lu Yinxi bought back in the living room, and replied: “Okay.”

The author has something to say: good noon, thank you for the little cutie who put in the moonstone, okay~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-08 12:28:26~2021-06-09 13:41:26~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: Muran 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 2 sharks; 1 Ellie, yqueen, and Yi Qingxuan;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 4622662150 bottles; I am not good at math, slightly slightly 20 bottles; 10 bottles of Shark; 7 bottles of Ellie; 4 bottles of M_Lion; 1 bottle of North Tour and Yangon;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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