She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 12

Chapter 11 – Live Up To

Jian Qing and the director analyzed the situation slowly: “I have observed for a while, she has no sensory disturbance, no thinking disorder, no emotional disorder, and in the differential diagnosis, schizophrenia in the category of mental illness can be ruled out, which is more like that in the category of mental illness. multiple personality disorder.”

Multiple personality disorder is a kind of mental illness, also called dissociative identity disorder, or DID for short, that is, the personality characteristics of two or more roles in one person.

Lu Yinxi stood up and wanted to pat the table, but Jian Qing held her shoulders and pressed her back on the chair: “Be obedient.”

Lu Yinxi sat down obediently, and argued, “I’m not sick.”

The old director looked at her more kindly

—Every patient who is forced to see a doctor will say that he is not sick.

“Don’t make trouble.” Jian Qing stood behind her and put his arms around her shoulders, his tone was much gentler than usual.

Continue to describe the condition with the director: “At present, I only found two personalities. The previous personality knew nothing about medical knowledge, and his personality was relatively weak and non-aggressive.”

“The current personality is a woman with a relatively mature personality. She has independent memories, behavior habits, ways of thinking, self-awareness, and a certain understanding of medical knowledge.”

Director: “Is this one showing strong aggression now?”

Jian Qing: “Fortunately, there is only one point.”

Isn’t this just saying that she is a bit fierce in disguise.

Lu Yinxi grabbed Jian Qing’s arm that was holding her, and couldn’t help but want to take a bite.

But doesn’t biting it prove that she is really aggressive?

The director asked: “Do the two personalities know about each other’s existence?”

Jian Qing said: “I don’t know. She will lose time, can’t remember what happened in a certain period of time, and even forgot my name at first.”

The director asked: “Are you prone to depression?”

Studies have shown that most DID patients are accompanied by depression.

“No, short-term contact found that this personality is more cheerful, but she was traumatized in her childhood and suffered isolation and bullying by her peers.”

The director nodded: “Childhood is a critical stage in the formation of personality. Many DID patients have suffered psychological trauma in childhood. The derivation of another personality is a kind of self-protection. Of course, this situation is more complicated, and it is still not easy to diagnose. In this way, do it first. A few scales.”

The more he said, the more outrageous he was, even discussing the scars of his childhood, Lu Yinxi was so angry that he lifted Jian Qing’s sleeve and bit her left wrist viciously.

Unexpectedly, there was a heart-pounding pain in his arm, and Jian Qing let out a “hiss”, and loosened his strength to encircle Lu Yinxi.

Taking advantage of her pain, Lu Yinxi stood up and pushed her away, and walked out of the consulting room quickly.

Scum, scum, bastard…

Lu Yinxi cursed in his heart as he walked out of the hospital quickly.

She took a few deep breaths, and silently recited “Don’t Get Angry” in her heart.

After reciting the sentence “lose your temper over trivial things, why bother thinking about it later”, Jian Qing caught up.

Seeing that indifferent face, Lu Yinxi instantly became angry again, pointed at her, and cursed word by word: “You are a bastard!”

Turn around and leave after cursing.

Jian Qing was neither angry nor explained, and followed Lu Yinxi silently with a distance of one meter.

Lu Yinxi walked aimlessly, and unknowingly wandered to the campus again.

She stood in front of the sign, locked the location of the campus playground, noted down the location, and with a good sense of direction, accurately groped to the playground.

The person behind him was like a mute, silent.

Lu Yinxi suspected that he turned around now and slapped Jian Qing, but Jian Qing was still so calm.

With such a person, you can’t even quarrel.

Lu Yinxi is not a suffocating temperament, but he doesn’t want to vent his emotions through quarrels.

When she arrived at the playground, she took off her coat and hung it on the railing, **** her hair, squatted down to fasten her shoelaces, did some warm-up exercises, and then jogged along the 400-meter track.

Ignore the existence of Jian Qing the whole time.

In the last month of the semester, not many people came to exercise. There were only a few students on the playground, as well as the faculty and staff of the hospital.

Jian Qing took out the mobile phone in his pocket and turned the volume to the maximum.

There are often clinical emergencies, and no matter whether you are on duty or not, you may be called back to the hospital.

She hugged Lu Yinxi’s coat hanging on the railing, walked to the self-service machine at the entrance of the playground, and bought a pack of wet tissues and a bottle of salty drink.

Then I walked back to the playground, went to the stands, asked for a piece of draft paper with the students around me, and sat on the edge of the stands.

She opened the sleeve of her left hand, looked down at the tooth marks, thought for a moment, then looked up at the deer drinking stream on the runway.

Lu Yinxi immersed himself in running, turning all the grievances and resentments into sweat and evaporated.

After running a lap, I habitually look up and look at the direction of my coat.


He slowed down his steps, looked around, and finally saw a familiar figure and his coat in the stands.

Bah, imitating Dong Yong and stealing fairy clothes, shameless!

Lu Yinxi snorted coldly and continued to run around.

On the second lap, she began to let go of her anger and resentment, and silently made a fitness plan in her heart.

In the final analysis, she is an actress, not a medical student anymore. She has basic skills in body and lines, and she cannot waste her time just because she entered this strange world, and she may return to the real world one day.

It is advisable to keep an eye on the scenery, everything in front of you is just passing by, and returning to the real world is the most important thing to care about.

On the third lap, Lu Yinxi glanced at Jian Qing’s direction again.

Jian Qing happened to be looking at her too.

The two stared at each other for five seconds separated by a long distance.


Lu Yinxi snorted again, and turned his eyes away.

Still a little wronged.

After getting along for so many days, I finally gained some trust, and I am willing to share my past life with her, tell her about my childhood, tell her about my parents and family, and show her the scars of my childhood.

Since she was a child, she has only peeled it off and shown it to her.

But she felt that she was sick, so she took it as a medical history and showed it to others.

Her trust being betrayed was the saddest thing for her.

The nose was a little sour, Lu Yinxi sniffed, and ran silently, deciding not to talk to that scum again.

On the fourth lap, a large amount of lactic acid accumulated in the body, the legs were sore and weak, and the body’s oxygen supply was insufficient. I couldn’t help breathing through my mouth and couldn’t concentrate on thinking, so I slowed down the speed even more.

The limit of this body is five laps.

Jian Qing’s gaze always followed Lu Yinxi.

Some students around recognized Jian Qing and greeted Jian Qing in surprise. Then she looked away, turned to politely nod in response, and then continued to look at Lu Yinxi.

A mischievous classmate winked and gossiped: “Teacher, do you want to exercise with your boyfriend?”

Jian Qing shook her head.

“Then who are you with?”


An angry puffer fish.

The classmate didn’t understand: “What?”

“Student, there are still ten days before the exam, have you finished your review?”

From the teacher’s soul torture, the classmate carried a heavy schoolbag and left holding his heart: “Goodbye, teacher, I’m off to endorse.”

After Lu Yinxi ran five laps, his legs were as heavy as lead, and his heart beat violently, as if he could hear the blood rushing and roaring in his veins.

Anger vented, she took a final lap walk along the track to gather her thoughts.

She glanced at Jian Qing who was left out in the cold, and wanted to walk over, and asked arrogantly: “Do you know what’s wrong? What’s wrong?”

However, the reality is that after her anger subsided, she saw that alienated and indifferent face, like a student who didn’t do her homework and saw a teacher, and couldn’t help feeling guilty.

It’s all the fault of that scum, when she doesn’t talk or laugh, there is always a strong sense of oppression, which makes people dare not look at her.

Her intuition is too sharp, her heart is as careful as a hair, and she has touched people up and down without making a show.

Lu Yinxi recalled the night when they first met, Jian Qing’s scrutinizing gaze, the persuasive questioning of pulling his left hand, and, if there was any temptation that seemed like nothing.

On the first day of crossing, she was suspicious.

Lu Yinxi wiped the sweat from his forehead. The anger and grievance faded away, and her sanity regained, and she tried to think differently.

The symptoms Jian Qing observed, such as personality mutations, memory loss, and childhood trauma, are indeed in line with the symptoms of DID patients.

She is a doctor, and seeing those symptoms can only be related to mental illness, not ghosts.

In the field of spirituality and psychology, peeling off the embarrassment of the past and showing it to the doctor is like taking off the coat to accept the doctor’s physical examination. The patient may feel ashamed, but the doctor can only see the disease in his eyes.

Whether to live up to trust or not is completely subjective and personal.

From an objective point of view, it is the most direct idea of a doctor to treat illnesses.

Thinking about it in another place, Lu Yinxi dragged his heavy steps towards the stands step by step.

Jian Qing sat alone at the front edge of the stands, looking down at her from a high position.

She approached, raised her head awkwardly, and looked up at the sitting person.

There is no hostility in the eyes anymore, they are clear and clean, like a pool of spring water; sweat is beading from the tip of the nose, the cheeks are white and rosy, the lips are slightly parted, and a slight panting can be heard when you get close.

Jian Qing stared at Lu Yinxi for a few seconds, lowered her eyes, tore open the wet tissue packaging bag, took out the paper, brushed her broken hair, and wiped her sweat.

Forehead, cheeks, neck.

Lu Yinxi was used to being taken care of by his assistants, so he didn’t feel that there was anything wrong for a while. He raised his head and twisted his neck cooperatively, and let Jian Qing wipe himself clean. Let her wipe the sweat off her palms for herself.

As soon as this action came out, both of them were stunned for a moment, and then met their eyes again.

Lu Yinxi recalled that the night they first met, Jian Qing wanted to help her wipe the blood on the back of her hand, but she resisted extremely, and squeezed the wound on Jian Qing’s left palm with her backhand.

Now, she is willing to take the initiative to reach out and let her wipe it.

The subconscious reaction of the body is honest.

Lu Yinxi looked away, a layer of heat rose in his ears, but he didn’t withdraw his hand.

Jian Qing held her hand, carefully wiped her fingers one by one, broke the silence, and took the initiative to say: “Calm down?”

Lu Yinxi hummed.

“With your personality, what line of business do you engage in?”

Unable to hide it from her, Lu Yinxi answered honestly: “Actor.”

“Do you have an assistant to take care of you for basic necessities?”

Lu Yinxi nodded again, and then reacted: “You think I’m squeamish?”

Celebrities do have assistants to take care of them when they go out, and some of them can stretch out their clothes to eat and open their mouths.

“I’m a party member.” Lu Yinxi emphasized with a blushing face, “If you don’t take a needle and thread from your fans, you will do everything you can by yourself. Sometimes you just ask for help when you really can’t move your hands, like wiping your sweat. Sometimes you are just too tired. Don’t want to move…”

Jian Qing smiled.

Very light very faint smile, fleeting.

Lu Yinxi turned her head away, her face turned even redder.

In the next second, she heard a reasonable but unexpected apology.

“I’m sorry, Comrade Party Member, I took you to see a doctor without asking for your opinion.”

The embers of anger were completely extinguished by this low-pitched apology, and Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing.

While wiping her fingers, Jian Qing continued to explain: “I was worried that you would hide your illness and avoid medical treatment, so I cut it first and played it later. I didn’t pay enough respect.”

This kind of calm and peaceful attitude is what Jian Qing only has when facing patients.

Lu Yinxi bit her lip and whispered harshly to her: “I’m not sick, don’t treat me as a sick person.”

After a moment of silence, he lowered his head and looked at his toes, feeling a little sad.

This person doesn’t know the real reason for his anger…

I trust her, and I only want to confide in her about the past, but she has failed that trust, failed that uniqueness, and is still apologizing solemnly, thinking that her actions are not respectful enough.

She didn’t know that at a certain moment, she became her only one.

It’s just that it’s hard to speak out this kind of thoughts, if you speak out, it’s too bitter and lingering, like complaining that your lover doesn’t understand your mind.

They are not lovers at all, not even friends.

Lu Yinxi couldn’t speak, so he sighed heavily.

Jian Qing was still looking at her, waiting for her response.

Not expecting this ice cube to comprehend, Lu Yinxi sighed softly, changed his soft posture in the past, showing a maturity that did not match his appearance, and said in a gentle voice: “Doctor Jane, your judgment is wrong, my childhood No trauma. Although I was isolated and ridiculed because of my left-handedness, I have bullied those who really bullied me——

The one who tore up my homework, I also took a lighter and burned his;

The one who stuffed caterpillars into my drawer, I went to the vegetable field to dig earthworms, caught non-poisonous snakes and stuffed them into her schoolbag;

Those who dare to hit me, I will hit back, and after the beating, I will complain to the teacher first, and I will cry heartbreakingly while hugging his mother’s leg in the field, pretending to be bullied miserably, so that everyone is biased Me, he will be punished by the teacher, his mother will beat his **** to bloom…

I was really timid. When I resisted for the first time, my whole body was shaking with fear, and my words trembled. After those people left, I squatted on the ground and cried for a long time.

However, I don’t need to derive other personalities to protect me, I never need the protection of others, I will protect myself. “

The voice fell to the ground, and the palms were wiped.

Jian Qing didn’t speak, and looked at Lu Yinxi silently, as if looking at a stranger.

Lu Yinxi took the wet tissue in Jian Qing’s hand and ran to the trash can in the distance.

Looking at her slender back, Jian Qing remembered that that night in the country villa, she was the one who was slapped and cut open by a knife, but she huddled in the corner of the sofa with red eyes, aggrieved and sad, and said outrightly, “Don’t bully me.” I”.

It turns out that he has been doing this since he was a child.

Jian Qing lowered his head and stroked the scar on his left palm, smiling slightly.

After throwing away the trash, Lu Yinxi trotted back, and Jian Qing handed her the salt water drink: “Replenish water.”

Lu Yinxi gulped down a few mouthfuls, then grabbed Jian Qing’s left hand, lifted up her sleeve, and looked at the tooth marks left by her under the dim light.

The bite was deep without breaking the skin.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

The clinic is in a state of occupational exposure all year round, and will come into contact with patients with various infectious diseases such as hepatitis B, AIDS, and syphilis. As a clinician, it is definitely dangerous to have exposed wounds on the body.

Jian Qing lifted up the sleeve of his right hand, brought his bright wrist to Lu Yinxi’s lips, and said lightly, “You can keep biting if you’re out of breath.”

Lu Yinxi patted her right hand away.

In the past two weeks, during shift time, to prevent occupational exposure, she has been wearing medical gloves on her left hand, and she doesn’t know how the wound looks.

Lu Yinxi put down her sleeves to cover the teeth marks, and turned to observe her palms.

The incision on the left palm had already had its stitches removed, leaving an ugly scar about 5cm long.

Lu Yinxi stroked the scar back and forth with the pulp of his index finger: “Your lifeline and emotional line have been cut off by me, what does that mean?”

Does it mean that they are destined by fate?

There was a warm touch and an unbearable itch in the palm, and Jian Qing withdrew her hand: “Do you know fortune-telling?”

Lu Yinxi nodded, with a bright smile in his eyes: “Yes, I calculate that you will live a long life.”

She hoped that the person who took the script of the villain would be safe and happy in this life, and live a long life.

Jian Qing looked into her eyes, stretched out his hand, and made a very unseemly gesture – squeezed her chin.

“Be honest, who are you?”

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