She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 13

Chapter 12 – Secret

Jian Qing’s strength is very light, and Lu Yinxi can easily break free, and he can even joke: “Zhuang point, you are at school, you are the people’s teacher.”

The night was dark, there were only two or three people running on the playground, and the stands were dimly lit with yellow lights.

Jian Qing still looked at Lu Yinxi with that indifferent expression, waiting for her answer.

She rubbed the bridge of her nose, thinking, if she said that she had traveled through time, this world is a virtual world made up of words, she might be escorted to the psychiatric department again by Jian Qing.

She tentatively asked: “Did you watch time-travel TV series or novels when you were young?”

Jian Qing didn’t answer.

Lu Yinxi sighed: “Well, at first glance, you look like someone who had no childhood, so what TV did you watch when you were young?”

Jian Qing saw through her little trick, and flicked her forehead lightly: “Don’t change the topic.”

Not daring to pretend to be smart enough to deal with it vaguely, Lu Yinxi rubbed his forehead, and responded seriously: “I am really Lu Yinxi, and that one is also Lu Yinxi, but you can really see me as a more comprehensive, A more real personality—what kind of eyes do you have? Are you trying to arrest me and send me to the psychiatric department? I won’t go!”

Jian Qing stretched out his hands and rubbed her head twice to calm her emotions.

She asked Jian Qing: “Doctor Jian, why do people need to see a doctor when they are sick?”

Jian Qing knew there was something in her words, so she didn’t look at her like a fool, and replied calmly: “Because of the pain.”

“Well, because of pain. Although mental illnesses such as DID are demonized in the field of film and television literature, people have many stereotypes, but I have common medical knowledge, and I know that the essence of disease is harm, which will bring physical and mental harm The pain, scientific medical treatment is the best solution.”

Jian Qing interrupted her short composition speech: “Say what you have to say.”

Lu Yinxi choked for a moment, and said concisely: “I’m not sick, don’t send me to see a doctor.”

After a pause, I felt that the words were too short and not convincing enough, and continued to add: “If I feel pain, I will take the initiative to seek medical treatment. My compliance is very good, and I will take injections and medicines honestly. Now I don’t feel pain, don’t Take me to the psychiatric department. Only when you send me to the doctor will you really feel the pain.”

Jian Qing glanced at her indifferently: “So eloquent, it seems that people are often brainwashed.”

“Thank you for the compliment. People in our industry live in front of the screen, and it’s more flattering to speak more eloquently.”

Jian Qing didn’t speak again, she put her hands on the edge of the stands, and her eyes fell to the distant horizon, as if she was thinking about the credibility of Lu Yinxi’s words.

Lu Yinxi gently tugged at the corner of her clothes: “Don’t send me to see a doctor again, okay? I’m really not sick.”

Every time he speaks soft words, Lu Yinxi always pulls Jian Qing’s clothes and shakes them.

After shaking, Jian Qing’s heart softened.

Lu Yinxi was sure that she would soften her heart.

Sure enough, Jian Qing didn’t press her any more, fearing that Lu Yinxi would catch a cold, she returned the coat to her: “Put it on.”

Lu Yinxi put on his coat, supported the stands with both hands, and lifted his body up, trying to climb up the stands. He tried twice, but failed.

Jian Qing reminded: “There are steps on the left and right sides.”

“I won’t go up.” Lu Yinxi had the backbone not to go up, and pulled Jianqing’s clothes, “Come down, I’m hungry.”

The people’s teacher in the stands glanced at Lu Yinxi, supported her shoulders, and jumped off without dignity, falling into her arms.

It’s like throwing yourself into a hug.

Lu Yinxi subconsciously raised his hand to hug her, but the next second his arms were empty.

Leng Xiang went away, Lu Yinxi looked at her back and followed her pace.

After walking a few steps, Jian Qing suddenly stopped, and Lu Yinxi almost bumped into the back of her head.

She turned around on the spot, lowered her eyes to look at Lu Yinxi: “Did you just want to hug me secretly?”

What sneak hug? Can a handy thing be called stealing?

Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing’s long eyelashes, shook his head, and was about to refute, Jian Qing directly put his arms around her waist and walked towards him.

body attached.

Through the thick coat, I hugged gently for a few seconds.

In a very short time, Lu Yinxi still felt her cheek brushing against the tip of his ear, the cold and delicate touch, like a spark of fire, scorching his whole ear, scorching hot.

A hug in less than five seconds.

After letting go, Jian Qing said: “Fulfill your wish.”

Her tone was too serious, and her face was indifferent. Lu Yinxi was stunned for several seconds before realizing that she was being molested.

With his hands in his coat pockets, Jian Qing walked slowly ahead, while Lu Yinxi followed suit, with red ears, muttering in a low voice.

“What is my wish? My wish is not to hug you. Don’t be too affectionate. Do you want to hug me?”

Jian Qing hummed in his heart.

She wanted to hug her, since she said “I don’t need other people’s protection”, she wanted to give her a hug.

You don’t need the protection of others, but you can need a hug.

Jian Qing occasionally cooks in person, but most of the time they don’t have so much free time, and the two of them can only eat in cafeterias, restaurants or takeaways.

Today I went to a hot pot restaurant, hidden in an alley at the back door of the hospital.

Jian Qing’s diet is light, while Lu Yinxi likes fresh and spicy food, so the two ordered mandarin duck pot.

In the steaming heat, Lu Yinxi is so hot that the red lips are bright and teary.

Jian Qing’s demeanor is gentle, and the hot air around her makes her look like a fairy.

Lu Yinxi wanted to tear this fake fairy out of the mortal world, so he took the food from the spicy pot and put it in her bowl: “You eat.”

Jian Qing glanced at her, and still finished eating slowly without changing her face.

Deer Drinking Creek: …

Jian Qing: “I stayed in Sichuan when I was a child.”

It’s not that I can’t eat spicy food, I just don’t want to eat spicy food.

It is rare to hear her take the initiative to talk about herself, so Lu Yinxi silently wrote down this point of information: “Have you been here for a long time?”

“12 years.”

Lu Yinxi nodded: “That was a bit long.”

She wanted to ask about Jian Qing’s age. Doctors who graduated from the eight-year undergraduate program are generally relatively young. Jian Qing looks only twenty-six or seventeen years old, but he is already an associate chief physician. No matter how young he is, he should Also around thirty years old.

Then I thought about it, women generally don’t like to reveal their age, especially when facing the elderly, it is impolite to ask about their age.

Lu Yinxi stopped asking.

“Jane Qing.”

She called out to Jian Qing solemnly, so serious that Jian Qing thought she was going to announce something important, put down the chopsticks in her hand, looked at her eyebrows, and listened carefully.

Lu Yinxi suddenly noticed another advantage of Jian Qing, politeness.

She is cold-tempered, unsmiling, and at first glance, other than indifference, she is not easy to get close to.

But in fact, he is considerate, attentive and polite. No matter who greets him, he will respond positively; when talking seriously, he will watch the other person’s eyebrows and listen carefully; Hearing any negative emotions or negative comments; Colleagues and students who are familiar with her will unscrupulously joke with her, act coquettishly to her…

The more he counted, the more advantages he found. Lu Yinxi rubbed his face, thinking that this scum has so many bright spots, and they were never mentioned in the original book.

After not hearing Lu Yinxi speak for a long time, Jian Qing picked up the chopsticks to eat again.

Lu Yinxi boiled a few slices of meat at the bottom of the clear soup pot for her, trying to stimulate her with the age difference and arouse her sense of morality and shame as a teacher: “Doctor Jane, I was almost born when you were in junior high school.”

“You are studying history, geography, biochemistry, and I am breastfeeding and changing diapers.”

“You were admitted to high school, and I just started kindergarten.”

“You’re in college, and I’m still in elementary school.”

“You got your Ph.D. and you’re working, and I’m almost in high school—”

Jian Qing interrupted her softly: “Get to the point.”

Lu Yinxi picked up a piece of meat and put it in Jian Qing’s bowl, his eyes were full of affection: “As long as you don’t take me to the psychiatric department, from now on, I will respect and love you as my half-sister.”

The subtext is: There is no messy relationship between the sisters, so don’t say anything about sleeping with each other in the future.

Jian Qing put down her chopsticks and asked, “How big is your personality?”

Lu Yinxi just wanted to pretend to be 20 years old, but Jian Qing added: “You are not only 20 years old, you have to tell the truth.”

The tone is firm and beyond doubt.

Lu Yinxi lowered his head and said truthfully in a low voice: “It’s 25…”

Jian Qing stared at her with cold eyes.

Staring at Lu Yinxi so ashamed, he wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury himself in it.

“I was wrong…” Lu Yinxi boiled a plate full of beef, placed it in front of Jian Qing, folded his hands together and apologized, “Sister, I was wrong, I won’t lie to you anymore…”

Jian Qing frowned slightly, and warned in a low voice: “Don’t shout like that.”

She doesn’t like being called that.

Lu Yinxi accepted it as soon as he saw it: “Okay, Doctor Jian, I will never lie to you again…”

While being good-looking, she guessed that maybe it was because of their relationship that calling her sister too immoral; or, she really had a younger sister.

The latter guess is more reliable.

After all, for such a duplicity scum, I am afraid that he will not feel ashamed because of his immorality, but will be faintly excited.

After the meal, the two of them didn’t go home immediately, but walked around the street to digest food.

Lu Yinxi wandered to the door of a bookstore and stopped.

Jian Qing sensed her thoughts and led her in: “What do you want to buy?”

Lu Yinxi went to the children’s area to choose picture books: “Sangsang’s birthday is coming soon, give her some books.”

Sangsang is the youngest patient in the second tumor area. Bone cancer recurred and metastasized after amputation. Her parents were busy working to save treatment fees, so they had little time to accompany her. She could only read books by herself in the ward.

Lu Yinxi felt pity for that well-behaved and quiet girl from the bottom of her heart.

She was shopping in the children’s area, while Jian Qing carefully selected the display racks in the electronic product area. His gentle and cool demeanor attracted the attention of many people.

After Lu Yinxi selected the picture books, he went to find Jian Qing.

Jian Qing picked out a white watch, lifted Lu Yinxi’s sleeve, and tried it on her left hand.

Lu Yinxi joked: “You want to give me a watch? This doesn’t look like a famous brand, it’s not interesting. Isn’t this for children?”

Jian Qing lowered her head to fasten the watch strap for her, and said lightly: “Wear it, it has GPS positioning function, and the emergency contact is set to me.”

After speaking, he took the picture book in Lu Yinxi’s hand and went to pay.

Lu Yinxi was stunned in place, and understood her intention almost instantly

——She is really concerned about herself, worried that she has another personality, and worried that when the other personality wakes up, she will forget what happened during this period, fall into a state of confusion and panic, or wander alone on the street, accidentally get lost.

The heart seems to have been soaked in a large piece, and the subtle and soft emotions spread to the limbs.

Lu Yinxi stroked the wristband of his watch and looked at Jian Qing.

They will leave sooner or later, they are not people from the same world at all, just like two intersecting lines, meeting briefly at a certain point, after the intersection, they go further and further away.

Does the distance make sense?

Back home, Lu Yinxi took a shower, wrapped in a nightgown, took a starry sky projection from his bedroom, squatted at the door of the bedroom, and did psychological work for himself.

She gave herself a watch, and she gave her a starry sky lamp. That didn’t mean that she would repay Qiongju with a papaya, but that she wanted to owe her everything.

Well, it’s not a gift of tokens, it’s just a clear distinction between grievances and grievances.

With a “creak”, the door was suddenly opened, and Lu Yinxi squatted on the ground in a daze, without reacting, she looked up at the woman in a black nightgown by the door.

Jian Qing crossed her arms and looked down at her: “Wait for me to give you a seat?”

Lu Yinxi hurriedly stood up holding the starry sky lamp, and took a step forward, wanting to enter Jian Qing’s bedroom.

Jian Qing blocked the door, not letting her in, her face sank like water: “What are you doing?”

The last time the child came over with a pillow in her arms, she was slapped in the end, and her palm was stitched several times.

“I…” Lu Yinxi hesitated to speak, hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low voice, “I’m not here to do something bad this time.” Put the starry sky lamp in front of Jian Qing, “Send it to you.”

Jian Qing was unmoved: “What?”

“The projection of the starry sky, you can count the stars when you can’t sleep.” Lu Yinxi squeezed into the bedroom sideways, turned off the lights, and turned on the starry sky lamp to project onto the ceiling.

The bright white light faded, and the light blue starlight flooded in like a tide.

Lu Yinxi looked up at the stars all over the ceiling: “I know you have something on your mind. If you don’t want to say it, I won’t ask. You have a secret, and I have a secret. If one day, you want to confide, tell me again. If one day, I trust you enough, I will share my secret with you.”

Jian Qing stood under the starlight, silently looking at Lu Yinxi.

Lu Yinxi took her hand and walked to the bed, wanting her to lie down and look at the starry sky: “Stop sleeping with the light on all the time, the light is too bright, it will affect the secretion of melatonin, so you always have insomnia. You lie down See if it’s bright enough? If not, I’ll adjust it again.”

While walking, she looked up at the ceiling, didn’t pay attention to her feet, suddenly slipped, her body leaned forward, her center of gravity was unstable, she took advantage of the situation and threw Jian Qing down on the soft quilt, causing Jian Qing to let out a muffled groan.

Full of Leng Xiang, Lu Yinxi lay on Jian Qing’s body, at a loss, looking at the face so close, he said in a trembling voice: “Doctor Jian, I…I really didn’t mean that…”

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