She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 2

Chapter 1 – Stunning

The moonlight is like water, soaking the whole house.

Lu Yinxi woke up from his sleep, for a moment he didn’t know what night it was, where he was.

She blinked twice blankly, and her eyes slid to the huge French window on the right.

The curtains are not drawn, and outside the window is the first snowfall and a full moon in the sky.

In winter, after the snow.

On a full moon night, everything is silent.

I haven’t seen such a bright moonlight for many years. In my impression, I only saw it in the countryside when I was a child.

At that time, in midsummer, grandma was holding her, with a cat lying on her lap, enjoying the coolness in the yard and admiring the moon.

It was so beautiful that it was unreal, like being in a dream.

Are you still dreaming?

His temples throbbed and his mind was extremely chaotic. Lu Yinxi closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead.

It’s time to wake up and catch up with the announcement.

She stretched out habitually, stretched out her left hand, and suddenly touched a lump of softness.

It felt particularly warm and soft to the touch. She subconsciously held it and pressed it.

Five fingers felt the rebound of vitality, Lu Yinxi froze, opened his eyes and looked to the left.

In the next second, she withdrew her left hand as if burning, pulled up the quilt to cover her chest, and shrank back.

A woman lay beside her.

Under the moonlight, the woman’s black hair was like a waterfall, scattered between the pillows, her eyebrows were picturesque, her nose was straight, and her temperament was cold, as if she smelled the smell of thin snow on the branches.

Does snow have a smell?


In the winter in the countryside, the heavy snow crushes the green pines for a whole night, and the door is opened the next day. The green pines turn into Qiongzhi, the snow is wrapped in rosin, and a breath of air-conditioning is sucked into the lungs. It is clean, biting, and refreshing. .

Lu Yinxi sighed softly.

Sure enough, he was still in a dream.

How can there be such a beautiful moonlight in reality?

In the moonlight, there is such a stunning woman lying beside her…

After realizing the current situation, Lu Yinxi slowly lowered his guard, loosened the quilt covering his chest, and looked down at his clothes

—The scarlet nightgown, brand new, without the slightest trace of mess, a belt was loosely tied around the waist, the neckline of the nightgown was wide open, and under the collarbone, the scenery was infinite.

this dress…

Could it be that the self in my dream likes to walk in a **** and wild style?

Unexpectedly, he was so sullen, Lu Yinxi hurriedly gathered up his collar, fastened his belt, then turned his head, staring at the beautiful face of the woman beside him.

She remembered that she had read Freud’s “The Interpretation of Dreams”, which said: Dreams are the fulfillment of human subconscious desires.

I can’t help being a little disappointed in myself

– Well, I didn’t pursue it.

It’s rare to have a spring dream, skipping the lingering before the event, and jumping directly to sleeping together after the event.

What a loss.

Lu Yinxi rubbed his forehead and chuckled, and found a reason for his brain: probably because the other party is of the same sex, his brain couldn’t weave specific details, so he simply skipped it.

After all, living to the age of twenty-five, she really has no experience with the same sex.

There are quite a few gays in the industry she works in, or rather, many people are gender-neutral and can be both male and female.

In Vanity Fair, there are many sensual people, and she doesn’t want to be that kind of person. It’s not what she wants to start a relationship rashly and then end it without knowing it.

She doesn’t like chaotic relationships, no matter the same **** or the opposite sex, she just wants to love someone seriously.

One-night stands, nurturing, unspoken rules, drunken sex, these words are far away from her

—So, the current situation will only appear in a dream.

Strengthening this idea, Lu Yinxi looked at the woman on the bed, hesitated for a moment, approached cautiously, knelt beside her, stretched out his left hand, wanting to touch her.

It’s just a dream.

The flower in the mirror, like the moon in the water.

The moment his fingertips were about to touch her red lips, Lu Yinxi stopped abruptly.

She was afraid of waking her up.

Her sleeping face is quiet and soft, like an ink painting under the moonlight, quiet and simple, suitable for shades.

Lu Yinxi couldn’t bear to wake her up.

The slender fingers rested on the red lips without touching them, the warm and long breath brushed over the fingertips, and the fingertips trembled slightly.

Lu Yinxi curled up his fingers, retracted his arms, quietly, only tracing her face with gentle eyes.

Then he raised his head and looked at this strange room under the bright moonlight.

There are three white walls and one floor-to-ceiling window. There are few items in the room, and the bedside table can be seen at a glance.

There is a stack of periodicals and magazines on the cabinet, a dark blue ballpoint pen, a black glasses case, and…

A gleaming dagger.

Why put a dagger by the bedside?

Lu Yinxi frowned in puzzlement, and felt that this dream was too real in an instant, and what he saw with his eyes showed every detail.

Just as he was fascinated, a touch of cold softness suddenly wrapped around his left wrist, Lu Yinxi subconsciously looked at the woman on the pillow.

The woman on the pillow closed her eyes slightly, rubbing the center of her eyebrows with one hand, and pinching Lu Yinxi’s wrist with the other.

The wrist was pinched so painfully, Lu Yinxi frowned slightly, before he could make a sound, the hand that was clasping Hao’s wrist was pulled suddenly, Lu Yinxi’s half of his body was unstable, and he fell into the woman’s arms.

The strength of the wrist was released, but a pair of hands tightened around the waist.

The two soft bodies pressed against each other, Lu Yinxi buried his head on the side of the strange woman’s neck, his lips brushed against the smooth and delicate skin, and his mind went blank for an instant.

Dazed for a few seconds, Lu Yinxi hurriedly moved his lips away, propped himself up, and met the gaze of the strange woman.

She has a pair of very beautiful eyes, like autumn water, like cold stars, but her gaze is extremely cold, looking at herself is no different from looking at a stone on the side of the road.

Everything touched was soft and warm that is unique to women. Lu Yinxi had no place to rest his hands, and his eyes wandered for a moment, so he leaned on her shoulders, whispered, and asked, “What’s your name?”

The person under him didn’t answer, and his eyes showed a hint of scrutiny.

She loosened the restraint a little, and stroked Lu Yinxi’s neck with her right hand attached to Lu Yinxi’s back.

Lu Yinxi continued to speak: “My name is Lu Yinxi, which is the deer drinking creek of ‘Frost falls, bears rise to trees, and forest is empty. Deer drinking creek’. I was born in winter, and my mother said that she dreamed that a small deer crossed the river. Jungle, jumping to the stream to drink water, gave me this name…It’s easy to remember.”

With a serious look, it looks like a kindergarten kid introducing himself in class.

Childish and serious.

After a pause, Lu Yinxi asked softly, “What about you? Tell me your name, okay?”

Even if Chun.

Very serious.

The woman below her had clear eyes, and her cold fingers lingered from the back of Lu Yinxi’s neck to her earlobes, and they gently squeezed and twisted slowly, word by word, and said: “Simple simplicity, simple simplicity, clear water. “

Simple, simple…

Lu Yinxi recited it silently twice, remembering it firmly, and a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

The name is very familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere…

The earlobes were already flushed red, so Jian Qing used her thumbs instead to gently scratch the brown tear mole under Lu Yinxi’s eyes.

The ambiguity floating in the moonlight entangled little by little, and Lu Yinxi squeezed out a trace of clarity, breaking the silent and ambiguous atmosphere: “Did I meet you somewhere? This doesn’t seem like the first time we met…”

“The first time we met, in a private club.”

“And then?” Lu Yinxi frowned, unable to remember which private club he went to and met this person.

This person is so good-looking, if she sees it, she will never forget it.

“Then—” Jian Qing stroked Lu Yinxi’s brows with her fingertips, her tone was calm, her eyes undiminished, “I brought you home.”

As soon as these words came out, the ambiguity instantly condensed under the moonlight.

Lu Yinxi slowly sat up and distanced himself from each other: “What do you mean?”

What to bring home?

Nurturing? Or a one night stand?

Either way, it can’t happen to her.

Even if it’s a dream, even if this person is good-looking, you can’t insult people like this casually…

Jian Qing reached out, opened her belt and nightgown, and answered her question with actions.

The belt was loosened, and the nightgown slipped off like water and was stacked around her waist. The moonlight kissed her back reverently, making her skin as delicate and flawless as suet white jade.

Lu Yinxi was naked. Sitting on Jian Qing’s waist, her upper body was naked, and all her tenderness faded away.

She closed her eyes to hide the anger surging in her pupils, raised her left hand, and with a “slap”, slapped the person below her hard across the face.

With a “snap”, the refrigerator door was closed casually.

A woman in a black dressing gown stood by the refrigerator.

The woman was tall and slender, with red and swollen cheeks, and a cold expression. The bright red blood snaked down the crevice of her left finger, tick-tock, and collected all over the floor.

She pulled a thin towel and wrapped it with a medical ice pack from the refrigerator.

The ice pack was pressed against the face, and the biting chill melted into the flesh and blood along the texture.

Jian Qing remained calm, covering her face while looking at the sofa in the living room.

The person on the sofa had black hair, red lips, clear eyebrows, hugging his knees, red eyes, slender, clean and wronged, as if she was the one who was beaten.

Sensing Jian Qing’s gaze, Lu Yinxi looked up at her.

Looking at each other for two seconds, Lu Yinxi’s lips paled a little, subconsciously raised his left hand to tighten his collar, and shrank his body to the corner of the sofa.

Like a frightened kitten.

Jian Qing put down the ice pack, walked over, and looked down at her from a height.

Lu Yinxi stared at Jian Qing for a few seconds, then lowered his head, looked at her left hand that was bleeding continuously, felt palpitations and dizziness for a moment, his face became paler, and tremblingly said: “You, you bandage it…”

After slapping the man, Lu Yinxi picked up the dagger from the bedside table to defend himself. Unexpectedly, the man grabbed the blade without blinking, pulled the dagger and threw it on the ground.

It’s like a madman to **** the blade with his bare hands.

Jian Qing turned a deaf ear, raised her hand to look at the blood on her palm, then looked at Lu Yinxi’s pale lips, thought for a moment, bent her index finger, and lifted her chin.

Lu Yinxi was still in shock, holding his breath and not daring to move.

The chin was lifted, and the blood-stained thumb covered the soft lips. Along the lip line, from left to right, slowly apply it until the lips were bright red.

The fingertips are cold and the blood is warm.

The red liquid seeped into the mouth along the cracks of the lips, the smell of blood diffused, and the tip of the tongue tasted the taste of blood. Lu Yinxi trembled slightly, his eyes were as red as a rabbit, and he turned his head with difficulty, cursing: “You are sick!”

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