She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 3

Chapter 2 – Canary

“No.” Jian Qing let go of her hand, and retorted coldly, “I don’t have any diseases that can be transmitted through blood.”

You are mentally ill!

Lu Yinxi glared at her viciously as his stomach was overwhelmed. He raised his left hand to cover his mouth, trying to suppress the urge to retch, and wiped his lips vigorously. Soon, the back of his hand was stained with bright red blood.

Jian Qing dug out the medicine box, sat on the other side of the sofa, observed the wound on his left palm under the light in silence.

From the tiger’s mouth of the left hand to the horizontal crease of the palm under the little finger, a 5 cm long oblique wound was seen.

There are two most feared palm cut injuries caused by sharp knives. One is nerve and tendon rupture, which needs to be repaired with local anesthesia; the other is infection with Clostridium tetani, which causes tetanus.

When confronting each other just now, she reached out to **** the dagger, but Lu Yinxi let go almost instantly, allowing the dagger to be snatched away by her, so the cut on her left palm was not particularly deep.

The dagger has been sterilized by soaking in alcohol, so there is no need to worry about getting tetanus.

Compression to stop bleeding, debridement and suture to avoid wound infection.

It is not difficult to stop blood wounds, but the trouble is that the left hand is injured, and it is inconvenient to suture with the right hand alone.

The wound was 5cm long, without sutures, prone to repeated bleeding, slow healing, and prone to infection.

After cleaning his left palm with povidone iodine and normal saline, Jian Qing searched through the medicine box, but found no skin staples and devices or medical glue that could replace the needles, so he had to bandage it first to prevent the wound from being exposed to the air for a long time.

Lu Yinxi caught a glimpse of her skilled and professional movements, as if she had practiced hundreds of times, and finally remembered that this person was a doctor.

Medical Oncologist.

It is the same profession as the former Luyinxi.

Sensing her gaze, Jian Qing turned to look at her.

Their eyes met, Lu Yinxi gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, turned his head away, avoided staring at each other, and looked at the French windows in the living room.

The floor-to-ceiling windows were tightly covered by black curtains, preventing any light from entering.

The huge living room is like an airtight cage.

Five minutes ago, after a slap, Lu Yinxi finally remembered why the name “Jian Qing” sounded so familiar.

She read it in a novel.

Last night, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse. Beside the bright moon, there were two extremely bright stars.

The news reported that it was a rare celestial phenomenon, double stars with the moon—Venus, Jupiter, and the moon appeared in the night sky at the same time.

She moved a computer and sat outside on the balcony, watching the moon and stars while processing emails from work.

Some advertisements popped up in the lower right corner of the computer from time to time, and she closed them over and over again, but a novel promotion popped up that she couldn’t close no matter what.

In desperation, I clicked in and took a look, and found that it was an urban romance novel, the hero was a thoracic surgeon, the heroine was an actress in the entertainment industry, and the title of the book was “Starlight at the Blade’s Edge”.

Lu Yinxi is an actor and has also studied in medical university for two years. She is familiar with both the medical and entertainment circles. She couldn’t help but take a second look and found that there was a female supporting role in the book with the same name and surname as her.

Even with the same name and surname, family background, appearance and hobbies are almost all written according to her, and it is also written that she was taken care of by a woman.

It’s just bullshit.

Lu Yinxi hastily browsed through a few pages, then scrolled directly to the back, and found that the cold and indifferent funder in the early stage had become a murderous villain at some point.

She hurriedly searched for her ending, and saw the “Deer Drinking Creek” in the later stage, betraying the benefactor again and again. In a rage, the gold master imprisoned her in the villa. She couldn’t bear it anymore and chose to commit suicide, and was finally buried under the plum tree as flower fertilizer.

The same name and the same surname are too dramatic. After Lu Yinxi skipped and read the novel, he wanted to close the webpage, and clicked the mouse several times in a row, but there was no response.

It looked like the web page was stuck, so she closed the computer cover, forced it to shut down, took a shower and went to bed.

Who would have thought that upon waking up, he would enter this strange world and become a canary. In the future, he would be buried under the plum blossom tree by this cold and beautiful woman as flower fertilizer.

Lu Yinxi withdrew his gaze, wrapped his arms around his knees, and curled up in the corner of the sofa, his eyes were red, the more he thought about it, the more desperate he became.

Jian Qing followed Lu Yinxi’s line of sight and looked at the floor-to-ceiling windows for a few seconds.

She packed the medicine box with one hand, and when she was about to put it back, she glanced at the back of Luyinxi’s blood-stained hand, opened the medicine box again, took out a pack of sterile gauze and hand sanitizer gel, and walked to Luyinxi In front of Xixi, hand it to her.

Lu Yinxi turned his head and ignored it.

The kindness was not accepted, Jian Qing didn’t say anything, put the things on the coffee table, and took Lu Yinxi’s left hand with his right hand.

“Don’t touch me!”

Lu Yinxi subconsciously wanted to break free, but was held tight.

In desperation, she grabbed Jian Qing’s injured left hand, squeezed it hard, squeezed the wound, and tried to stab her so that she would let go.

Bright red blood oozes out of the bandaged palm again, and there is a sharp pain in the palm, Jian Qing doesn’t say a word, still doesn’t let him go, just frowned.

Seeing the blood, Lu Yinxi turned pale, stopped struggling, and stared blankly at the person in front of him.

Does this person feel no pain?

Seeing her calm down, Jian Qing took a deep breath, then picked up the gauze soaked in disinfectant gel, and wiped the blood stains on the back of her hand for her.

A strong smell of alcohol entered the nostrils.

A familiar and long-lost taste.

Lu Yinxi was a little dazed.

After a while, a warm touch covered the corners of her lips.

Jian Qing began to wipe the blood stains from the corners of her lips with a gauze soaked in warm water.

Her movements are very light, her eyes are focused and serious, as if she is carefully polishing a delicate sculpture.

Lu Yinxi regained consciousness, pressed her hand, said with red eyes: “I’ll do it myself, don’t bully me.”

Jian Qing paused.

Her left palm and cheek still hurt badly…

Who is bullying whom?

Without saying anything, Jian Qing handed the clean gauze to Lu Yinxi, walked to the French window, and threw the dirty gauze into a trash can covered with a yellow garbage bag.

After Lu Yinxi wiped the blood stains, he raised his wrist to wipe away his tears, then looked at the blood-stained gauze in his hand, hesitated for a few seconds, walked over, and threw the gauze into the trash can.

Yellow garbage bags are generally used to install medical waste.

Jian Qing stood by the French window and clicked on the electronic screen on the wall.

The curtains automatically spread to both sides, and the moonlight poured in, making the ground bright and clean.

Lu Yinxi looked up.

Outside the window, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, beside the bright moon, there are only two extremely bright stars.

Turning her head again, she looked at Jian Qing on her right.

Jian Qing stood quietly under the moonlight, her profile was like jade, her back was as straight as a pine, her temperament was as cold as snow, she was as beautiful as a fairy who sucked the essence of the sun and the moon.

Is this person cultivated from ice cubes on a high mountain?

It’s so cold that it can freeze people to death.

Jian Qing noticed Lu Yinxi’s gaze, turned her head, and looked at her too.

They looked at each other silently.

Seeing the bright red and swollen palm print at close range, Lu Yinxi was a little embarrassed, avoided looking at each other, and looked out the window.

Outside the window is the garden, where many plum trees are planted, blossoming red plums, like rouge, standing on the branches, with two or three pieces of thin snow perched on the branches, one red and one white, complementing each other.

Before the flowers were under the moon, Lu Yinxi had no intention of admiring them. He took a step back and was about to leave, but his left wrist was entangled by the cold and delicate touch like a poisonous snake.

Jian Qing clenched Lu Yinxi’s wrist tightly, not letting her go.

The wrist was firmly clasped, and Lu Yinxi couldn’t break free.

Thinking of this man’s vindictive temper, she was a little afraid, and she stumbled and argued: “Doctor Jane, it was wrong for me to slap you, but I just defended myself with a dagger. You wanted to grab it yourself. I didn’t intend to hurt you. Besides, it was you The one who insulted my personality first… You, you still have a disagreement, strip me of my clothes…”

Jian Qing remained silent, standing in front of Lu Yinxi, clasping her left wrist with her intact right hand, pressing against the floor-to-ceiling window glass, looking at her coldly with downcast eyes.

“You, talk carefully…don’t get so close…” The tip of the nose smelled the unique cold fragrance of a woman, and the surrounding air seemed to be getting thinner. Lu Yinxi couldn’t help but take a half step back, and pressed his back against the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Jian Qing took a step closer, staring at her with dark eyes, as if she wanted to see the inner soul clearly through the outer shell.

As soon as they retreated and moved in, the two got closer, body to body, nose tip to nose tip, and their breaths blended and intertwined.

Under the moonlight, the two figures on the ground were close together, like a pair of intimate lovers.

After staring at it for a while, Jian Qing turned her head slightly, her red lips opened and closed: “I remember you are right-handed, when did you become left-handed?”

The warm breath brushed towards the pinnae, Lu Yinxi’s heart beat violently, and his back tensed unconsciously.

How can this be argued against?

She is indeed left-handed (left-handed), and she subconsciously used her left hand in many actions just now.

But the original “Deer Drinking Creek” in the book is not.

The “Deer Drinking Creek” in the book is a character created based on her, but not all of her.

She thought of the usual excuses for amnesia after time travel in TV dramas, but without serious traumatic brain injury and no psychological stimulation, pretending to have sudden amnesia in front of a doctor is tantamount to throwing an ax at the door of the class.

What’s more, amnesia does not make a person suddenly change from right-handed to left-handed.

“I’ve always been…” A thin layer of sweat broke out in the palm of my hand, Lu Yinxi explained half-truth, “Before I was afraid of being discriminated against by you, I pretended to be normal. This is the first time I have been with you for such a long time tonight, I am too nervous , forgot to cover up…”

She was going to take a gamble.

At this point in time, the two had only met a few times, and tonight was the longest time they spent together.

Just bet that Jian Qing and her are not close friends.

“You are very used to using your right hand, not pretending.” Jian Qing looked at her with cold eyes, “You have to tell the truth.”

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