She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 23

Chapter 22 – Death Certificate

In the oncology department, every patient in a bed can write a story of joys and sorrows.

Some people are very lucky. They have a partner and children who are in the same boat through thick and thin.

Some people are very unfortunate. They survive alone in the sea of suffering, and after they die, there are still chicken feathers left behind.

The two got out of the car, didn’t even have time to put the suitcase home, took a taxi non-stop and rushed to the hospital, carrying the luggage directly to the second tumor area.

Before entering the office, I heard a menacing sound of slapping the table from a distance, and a man’s loud voice: “My mother and I are on the same household registration book. What is she? Give her or not?” Me?! There is no such reason! Do you think so?”

A group of patients and family members gathered around the door of the office, looking inside.

The head nurse put her hips on her hips and shouted: “Don’t besiege here to watch the fun, there are still people who want to come in to prescribe medicine and talk to the doctor!”

He went in again to persuade: “Speak well if you have something to say, don’t pat the table, we still have to work, and other patients still need to see a doctor.”

The man lowered his voice slightly: “Then you guys give me my mother’s death certificate, and I’ll leave as soon as I get the certificate, and I don’t want to make trouble with you, I also want to go back to work to earn money, I’m not free.”

Zhang Yue typed the medical records on the computer, without looking at him, and said in an impatient tone: “According to the regulations, only one copy of the death certificate can be issued. I have already given it to Teacher Zhou. It is useless if you make trouble with me. I complained to the medical department, and that’s all I have to say!”

When Jian Qing returned to the ward, the onlookers and their family members gathered around the door to make way for her.

Jian Qing dismissed the onlookers coldly: “Don’t gather around here, go back to your room.”

Her unsmiling and serious appearance is quite deceiving.

Although they like to watch the excitement, everyone is a little afraid of Dr. Jian, so they reluctantly looked inside for a few times, then carefully glanced at Dr. Jian’s icy face, and dragged the people around them away slowly.

In the office, behind Zhang Yue sat a middle-aged man in his forties, with a yellow face, thin, half of his head bald, his hands crossed his chest, and his legs were crossed. , I will come to the hospital when I have free time, sit behind you, and watch you work. I have also studied, and I am considered a half-intellectual.

Jian Qing didn’t have time to change into a white coat, so she went in directly, and first asked the surrounding medical staff to disperse to do their own work, then pulled a chair and sat down, confronting the middle-aged man in person: “Give me two years ago You called and told you to come to the hospital, but I didn’t hear you calling your mother so kindly.”

The indifferent tone was as always ironic.

When Lu Yinxi was not familiar with her, she would occasionally taunt her so much that it made people itch with hatred.

The middle-aged man is Teacher Zhao’s unrelated stepson. His surname is Wang and his name is Enyi.

Two years ago, Mrs. Zhao fell ill and was admitted to the hospital. After being diagnosed with cancer, Jian Qing asked for the contact information of her relatives, called him, and asked him to come to the hospital to complete the admission procedures.

In order to prevent doctor-patient disputes, when the hospital treats some “anonymous people” who have no relatives, no reason, and no friends, such as homeless people, they must first report to the medical department and obtain the approval of the medical department before admission; if there are still immediate relatives, the hospital will generally first Contact the relatives, urge the relatives to come over and sign the agreement.

Two years ago, when Wang Enyi heard that Mrs. Zhao had cancer, he hung up the phone without saying a word.

That year, Mrs. Zhao held the report card and sat alone on a blue chair in the waiting area of the outpatient clinic, her small body becoming more and more stooped.

When Jian Qing got out of the outpatient clinic and saw her sitting there alone, she said, “You can call a neighbor, and I will admit you to the hospital.”

Mrs. Zhao asked her neighbor Mrs. Zhou to accompany her, and Jian Qing dared to admit her to the hospital officially and give her treatment.

Later, she asked Wang Enyi to contact Wang Enyi many times to complete the formalities, and Wang Enyi directly blocked the hospital’s phone number.

Jian Qing treated Mrs. Zhao under the condition of taking great medical risks.

Seeing that Jian Qing was wearing ordinary clothes, Wang Enyi asked in a bad tone, “Who are you? Do you know me?”

Zhang Yue stood up: “Sister, why did you come back early?”

As soon as Wang Enyi heard it, he asked, “Are you in charge of his leader? Then you don’t care about things?”

Jian Qing didn’t answer, but said coldly: “We only issue one death certificate, if you want to come every day, we can only invite people from the security department to come every day.”

When the patient dies in the hospital, the doctor will issue a “Medical Certificate of Resident Death”, which consists of two pages, one of which is kept on file by the hospital, and the other page has triple copies, which are kept by the family, the police station, and the funeral home respectively.

“I am her nominal son. You gave the death certificate to someone else. What should I do? How can I go to the Public Security Bureau to cancel her account? After all, she is also a member of my family. Even if she is alive, she has a bad relationship. Let’s help her with her funeral.”

The well-informed doctors and nurses in the office all sneered from the bottom of their hearts, what they said was better than what they sang.

What account? Fearing that there would be some house or inheritance to be transferred, they eagerly came to grab the death certificate.

A doctor in the medical team next door said: “You can ask whoever Dr. Zhang gave to you. You have never been to the hospital to take care of you before. Of course, our hospital chooses to give it to someone who knows everything.”

Wang Enyi: “If I can find her, do I need to come to the hospital to see your faces?”

He hasn’t contacted his stepmother for more than ten years. He doesn’t even know where she lives, and he doesn’t know the name of her colleague or neighbor. He saw her neighbor send it on her mobile phone in a family group of dozens of people this morning. After receiving the death obituary, I realized that the person had left, so I quickly asked for leave with my work unit, and went across the city to the hospital to get the death certificate.

The name of their stepmother is on the real estate certificate of their house, and they need to obtain the death certificate of the stepmother before the house can be transferred to him.

Jian Qing looked indifferent: “Whoever pays the money on our side, whoever takes care of the patient, will give the final death certificate to him.”

Zhang Yue followed up and cooperated: “Ms. Zhao spent more than 100,000 yuan on treatment in our hospital in the past two years, and it was all paid by her neighbor. Why don’t you pay the medical expenses for her neighbor?”

The other doctors agreed, “That’s right, you can make up the payment, and we can help persuade her to give you the death certificate.”

When it came to money, Wang Enyi became excited and raised his voice again: “Where did she pay it? It was the money in my mother’s bank card! Now the remaining money in my mother’s bank card may be taken away by her.” Already!”

Jian Qing shook her head, and said coldly: “Most half of her monthly pension is given to your ‘mother’ for medical treatment.”

In the past two years, this “filial son” who has “my mother” in his mouth has never visited the hospital once.

Knowing that this was unreasonable, Wang Enyi put down his upturned Erlang legs, touched his bald head, and said forcefully: “Well, I won’t argue with you. According to the law, I am her son in name, so do I have the right?” Take her death certificate? If you don’t give it to me, are you breaking the law?”

Jian Qing took a tough attitude and never backed down: “I studied medicine, not law, and I don’t understand those things, but I understand that the law stipulates that children have the obligation to support and support their parents. If you want to talk about the law, you can go to the medical department and talk to the medical department. For those who study the Fa, we still have to work here. If you don’t leave, I’ll call the police and let the leaders of your unit come to judge by the way.”

When it came to the unit, Wang Enyi stood up, pointed at Jian Qing’s nose and said harshly: “You wait, I will go to the leader of your medical department, don’t regret it, and you will be left without a lawsuit!”

He single-handedly rushed to the hospital to grab the death certificate. He didn’t have any courageous people around him, and he didn’t dare to make a scene in the ward.

Seeing him go, Jian Qing opened Mrs. Zhao’s medical records, checked whether the medical orders, reports, informed consent forms, and signatures were complete. There are no omissions in the medical record documents.

Zhang Yue said: “Don’t worry, Senior Sister, I have checked everything. If we are really standing in the dock, we are not at fault. Let him make trouble.”

Lu Yinxi interjected: “Don’t worry, he dare not sue.”

Zhang Yue: “How do you know Xiaolu?”

Lu Yinxi: “I heard from Mr. Zhao that he works in Bureau X, and he doesn’t dare to make a fuss within the system. He only dares to talk about it in our hospital.”

The stepmother got cancer, and the son in name failed to fulfill his duty of support and assistance. As soon as he died, he rushed to the hospital to get the death certificate. When the trouble became serious, it was reported to the work unit, and then he was reported. Whether the inheritance could be obtained was hard to say. destroyed.

Jian Qing is also aware of this.

She never chats with patients about family matters, but she will collect the patient’s family information at the beginning and keep it firmly in mind.

There is a set of fixed procedures for handling doctor-patient disputes. First, the medical department is involved in the settlement, and the hospital negotiates to resolve it; if it cannot be resolved, it can apply to a third-party arbitration institution to intervene in mediation; if the mediation fails, it will be brought to the court for adjudication.

Most people follow the process, but sometimes, when they meet some people who are also in the system, they don’t like to follow the process.

Instead, they will choose to use relationships, find favors, find leaders, and use power to suppress them.

So be more cautious.

Jian Qing rubbed his forehead: “Zhang Yue, please call and report this situation to the medical department first, and I will talk to the director.”

The department director of the second tumor area is Hu Jianjun, who is also Jian Qing’s mentor.

Hu Jianjun holds several positions, doctoral supervisor, academic leader, head of the comprehensive tumor center, and vice president of the hospital. Most of the time, he flies around the country and participates in conferences. .

He is usually not in the director’s office of the ward at this time, but in the vice president’s office in the administrative building.

Jian Qing briefly reported the situation, and Hu Jianjun sat on the office chair, bowed his head to sign the document, and said in a serious voice, “You watch and deal with it.”

In his early years, he was an elegant doctor, but now he has been in a high position for a long time, he is not angry and majestic, and his happiness and anger are not displayed.

He used to be her mentor, and now she is her superior. He led her to grow step by step from the clinic. A large part of her clinical behavior style was learned from him.

Jian Qing replied: “Okay.”

Hu Jianjun raised his head, looked at her, and asked, “Not yet married?”

Jian Qing said, “I won’t marry.”

“Then work hard.” Hu Jianjun lowered his head and continued to correct the documents. “Girl dolls don’t necessarily have to marry and have children. They can do scientific research and clinical work and lead students to make some achievements. Go home and have a look when you have nothing to do, and stay with the family.” Man, your dad asked me about you last time.”

Hu Jianjun has high hopes for himself as a proud student, and people in the department are spreading rumors that he takes her as his successor.

When he said these words, it was from the standpoint of the teacher, not the standpoint of the department director. Jian Qing changed the title: “Well, thank you teacher.”

Back in the office, Zhang Yue and Jian Qing said: “Director Jiang’s opinion is to see if we can persuade Teacher Zhou to bring back the death certificate to Wang Enyi.”

The director of the medical department has been coordinating the relationship between all parties inside and outside the hospital all the year round. He is used to making peace with the muddy mud.

Jian Qing didn’t make a statement, but looked at the time and said, “Got it, I’ll watch it after work in the afternoon.”

After work, Jian Qing and Lu Yinxi first threw their luggage back to the apartment, and then went out to look for food together.

On the way, passing an old tube building, Jian Qing pulled Lu Yinxi to stop.

“Do you want to go up and have a look? Teacher Zhou lives here.”

The author has something to say: It’s just a chapter of the plot, today I can say good morning_(:з」∠)_

*Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-02 23:58:52~2021-02-04 06:24:27~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Tianjie Xiaoyu, Big Big Shrimp, Clam, Knight1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 40 bottles of silent acquiescence; 12 bottles of aKUMA; irrelevant. 2 bottles; 1 bottle of distant fish and water-cooled Yinhe fish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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