She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 24

Chapter 23 – Accompany

In the 1970s and 1980s, the housing area of enterprises and institutions was limited, and the dormitories arranged by the units for employees were all student dormitory-like tube buildings.

The tube building is adjacent to the work unit. There are 3 to 4 households living in each floor of the building. Everyone shares a long and narrow corridor. At the end of the corridor is a public bathroom and toilet.

In the last century, after entering a work unit, leaving a bungalow, and living in a high-rise, people would be so excited that they could not sleep at night.

Back then, countless families got married and had children here, and the sound of cooking pots and pans, couples quarreling with red faces, and children crying and joking could be heard clearly among neighbors.

After decades of ups and downs, the walls of this building have long been covered with a layer of gray and black, the walls are mottled and peeled off, and the dilapidated stairs exposed the steel bars.

Like an old man who has reached the end of his life.

The residents of that year have already moved into spacious and bright high-rise buildings with their children. The remaining families are either elderly people who do not want to live with their children, or are not financially able to buy new houses, so they can only continue to live here.

Lu Yinxi carried a large bag of fruit in his hand and stepped up the stairs: “My mother and I lived in such a building before, and we could see the hospital from the balcony.”

She is willing to share her past life with Jian Qing, show herself to her openly, and wants to be understood by her.

I also want to know her.

Too bad she rarely talks about herself.

She only said: “Some fresh graduates, or long-term patients, will rent here.”

Housing prices in Jiangzhou City are ridiculously high, and the areas near the city center with hospitals and schools are even more expensive.

Some students and sick families cannot afford the high rent in the community, so they choose to temporarily live in this dilapidated tube building.

The stairs are located in the middle of the tube building. When you go up to the third floor, you can faintly hear the sound of vegetables entering the oil pan and the sound of stir-frying.

Jian Qing took Lu Yinxi to turn to Room 301 on the left and knocked on the door.

The door was wide open.

It seems that there are only two families 301 and 302 left on this floor.

Lu Yinxi turned around and looked at 301 next to him.

The door of room 301 is also open, but the items in the room are a bit messy, and there are a few cardboard boxes at the door, as if they are packing up and preparing to move away.

“Hey, Doctor Jane, Doctor Xiaolu, why are you here?”

Lu Yinxi mentioned the fruit and smiled slightly: “Teacher Zhou, let’s take a look at you.”

Teacher Zhou quickly invited them into the room: “Sit down for a while, I’ll go and turn over the vegetables in the pot. It’s noon, have you eaten? If you haven’t eaten, stay and have a meal together.”

With lunch settled, Lu Yinxi scratched his head and whispered, “I knew I should have bought something to bring here.”

Jian Qing looked around the room.

The interior is clean and tidy, and there is a piano in the corner of the living room.

Teacher Zhou is a retired music teacher. He plays the piano well. Even though his hair is gray and his face is wrinkled, he can vaguely see the elegance and quietness of that year.

There are many group photos hanging on the wall. Lu Yinxi looked at them one by one, and saw the young teacher Zhou holding her husband’s arm with a bright smile.

She couldn’t help sighing: “Ms. Zhou was so beautiful and temperamental when she was young.”

Jian Qing looked over, hummed, and praised: “It looks good.”

Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing and said, “In the future, I will take more photos of you. When you get old, young people will be amazed when they see your youthful appearance.”

I just don’t know, who was by her side at that time?

Who would be so lucky to spend a lifetime with her hand in hand?

Hearing Lu Yinxi’s euphemistic praise, Jian Qing turned her head, took a fixed look at her, and responded dryly: “You are also pretty.”

After speaking, he turned back and continued to look at the photos on the wall.

Over the years, Lu Yinxi had heard all kinds of compliments, and thought he was already immune. Hearing the words of praise from the person in front of him in a cold voice, he still felt a little joy in his heart, and couldn’t help but smile.

“Ms. Zhao was good-looking when she was young.” Jian Qing pointed to the group photo on the wall.

In the group photo, Mr. Zhou is wearing a plain white dress, and Mr. Zhao is wearing a scarlet dress. The two put their shoulders on each other, looking at each other and smiling.

When Lu Yinxi met Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao was no longer good-looking. He was tortured until he lost his hair, his face was haggard, skinny, and his wrinkles were always crowded when he laughed.

Lu Yinxi asked tentatively: “Mr. Jian, if one day I am no longer in this world, will you miss me a little… just a little bit?”

Jian Qing looked at her silently without answering,

Lu Yinxi rubbed the bridge of his nose, looked away, not daring to meet her eyes: “Stop talking about that, I’ll help in the kitchen.”

Food is the paramount necessity of the people.

The life of ordinary people is very simple, no matter how much life and death you have experienced in the hospital, and the warmth and coldness of human relationships, when it comes time to eat, you have to cook and eat.

The three of them had a simple lunch. After the meal, Mr. Zhou went to the 301 next door to continue tidying up.

Lu Yinxi and Jian Qing helped together.

While cleaning up Teacher Zhao’s belongings, Teacher Zhou told them about the past.

“Old Zhao and I have been colleagues and neighbors for decades, and we have forgotten our friendship. She graduated in her twenties and came to teach in our school. I was still a student in her first class, and I went back to teach after graduation. Be a colleague with her, and be an old sister for a lifetime.”

“She was married once before, and her husband treated her badly and would beat her. The people at her house advised her that when men make mistakes, just bear with it and let it pass. I advised her not to bear it, and she should leave Li, don’t be soft-hearted. When she left, her natal family felt ashamed and arranged another marriage partner for her.

The husband of the second marriage is considerate to her, but her stepson treats her badly and often scolds her. Her husband is soft-hearted and caught in a dilemma.

She cried every day at that time, so I advised her not to go back, just live here at the school, eat in the cafeteria, save money, don’t go home to be angry, and can be my company. When I get old, my son and I will replace her She is old age.

She really moved out, lived here, and didn’t go back for decades.

Her husband came to her a few times to persuade her to go back, but I said beside her, ‘what’s the point? Going back is not to be bullied by your son’, scolding him away. Her natal family felt that it was disgraceful to marry and live outside without going home to serve men, so they told her to go back, but they were also driven away with a broom. “

Lu Yinxi smiled slightly, and really couldn’t imagine the quiet and elegant Mr. Zhou scolding, copying a broom and chasing people away.

“I asked my son to recognize her as a godmother, and I will support her until the end of her life. Unfortunately, he passed away earlier than us. He fell into the water and drowned the year before last. I send a white-haired person to a black-haired person. Now, I send her away again Old Zhao.

Old Zhao was sick with this disease, and wanted to leave a long time ago. She was afraid that my son would feel bad if I died, so she wanted to spend more time with me, so she endured it for so long… She hasn’t slept well at night this month. , went to the hospital last night, took some painkillers, said it was much better, and asked me to go home and bring her some change of clothes, maybe I will stay in the hospital for a few days, who knows that I will leave when I come back It’s…”

At this point, she choked up, took off her glasses, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Lu Yinxi patted her shoulder to comfort her.

Jian Qing also stopped and looked at her.

After a while, Teacher Zhou patted Lu Yinxi’s hand, put on his glasses again, and asked Jian Qing: “Doctor Jian, you came to see me today, do you want to persuade me to take the death certificate back to that person surnamed Wang?” ?I’ll tell you directly, I won’t give it to him, you let him find his own way.

Old Zhao also paid half of the money for their current house. In order to treat this disease, Lao Zhao spent all his savings, sold his house, jewelry, and valuables, and never saw him visit or ask a question. Now as soon as Lao Zhao leaves, he will come to pick up the bargain. You can compare your heart and see if it is you, will you give it? “

Lu Yinxi wanted to defend Jian Qing, and wanted to say that Jian Qing never established personal relationships with patients and family members, and he brought himself to visit today, not to persuade him about the death certificate.

Just after saying the word “Teacher Zhou”, Jian Qing gave her a wink, shook her head slightly, and signaled her not to talk too much.

Lu Yinxi shut up obediently.

Jian Qing asked by herself: “Mr. Zhou, what are you going to do next?”

Teacher Zhou said: “I’m an old man, I can go anywhere. The savings for the past two years have been used to treat Lao Zhao’s illness, and I owe a lot of money. I will pay it back slowly with my pension. My daughter let me In the past, help her take care of her granddaughter, and I will find her after I finish Lao Zhao’s funeral.”

Jian Qing was silent for a moment, nodded and said, “I understand.”

When it was time for work in the afternoon, Lu Yinxi stayed in Tongzilou to help Teacher Zhou sort out Teacher Zhao’s belongings, while Jian Qing went to work in the hospital alone.

As soon as she changed into a white coat at the hospital, Director Jiang from the medical department called and asked her to go to the medical department.

What good can be done by being called to the medical department?

Jian Qing had a rough guess in her heart.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the director’s office, he saw three middle-aged men drinking tea and chatting at the table, enjoying themselves happily.

The old loach Director Jiang, Mr. Zhao’s stepson Wang Enyi, and a man of medium build in a suit and leather shoes.

Jian Qing knocked on the door: “Director Jiang.”

“Little Jane, come in.” Old Loach said with a smile on his face, “Lin Ke, this is the backbone of our tumor area, the apprentice of Vice President Hu, Xiao Jian, this is Director Lin of Bureau X, come to us today The hospital is doing an examination, so come find me for tea.”

Jian Qing glanced at Wang Enyi, and shook hands with Director Lin politely.

As expected, Wang Enyi did not go through the formal process, but went to find a relationship and wanted to be private.

Director Jiang poured her tea and said a few words about the situation. Jian Qing cut to the chase and said, “There are still patients in my ward. Let the leaders make a long story short.”

Director Lin smiled and said, “That’s right, Enyi and I are college classmates. I also heard about his mother’s death. I know there is a misunderstanding…”

He explained what he heard from the beginning to the end, and then begged Director Jiang and Jian Qing to be flexible and issue another death certificate.

Wang Enyi, who was still in the ward in the morning, changed his serious face in the afternoon, sat in front of the sofa, put his hands on his knees, and pretended to be filial and regretful in front of his old classmates and Director Jiang.

Some people have been in society for a long time, and they become chameleons. They can change their faces faster than anyone else when they watch people order dishes.

Jian Qing didn’t expose him, and she also knew that Lao Niqiu called her over because she wanted to share some of the responsibility with her.

After all, according to the rules and regulations, the death certificate of a medical institution can only issue one copy. One page is kept by the hospital, and the other page is divided into three pages, which are kept by the family members of the upper link. Can be cremated.

As the leader of the medical department, Old Loach didn’t dare to take the lead in violating the regulations.

She stepped down the ladder given by Director Lin, and said thoughtfully, “I have a solution.”

Director Jiang asked: “What method?”

Jian Qing: “Isn’t there a copy in our medical record room?”

Director Jiang waved his hand: “No, the original cannot be given, our hospital must keep the stub of the original.”

The old loach stood firm at key points.

Jian Qing said: “Instead of giving the original to Mr. Wang, a copy is given to him, and then stamped with the hospital seal to prove its validity.”

Wang Enyi asked: “Is the stub from the hospital exactly the same as the death certificate from the family?”

Director Jiang said: “It’s different. The content of the stub in our hospital is more detailed, and the medical record room should report it based on the information of the stub.”

Jian Qing added: “The house transfer procedure requires a death certificate. It is just to confirm that the original householder is really dead. Whether the certificate is a hospital stub or a family deposit is not the most important thing, as long as the authenticity and validity are guaranteed.”

Director Lin thought it was reasonable: “Then give me a copy.”

Director Jiang was about to call the medical record room, but Jian Qing said, “No hurry, there is one more thing that needs to be discussed with Mr. Wang.”

Wang Enyi put on a grateful face: “Director Jian, tell me what you say.”

Jian Qing’s expression was dull: “I misunderstood Mr. Wang before, thinking that Mr. Wang was a wolf-hearted person who didn’t support his mother, and ran to the hospital to fight for the inheritance as soon as his mother died.”

These words sounded like scolding, Wang Enyi’s face turned red and white, and said with a dry smile: “It’s okay, it’s okay, no need to apologize, I know there are many people like this in the hospital, it’s not surprising for you to think so, director, but it’s really me and me The stepmother had a deep misunderstanding, and it’s not that she didn’t have any feelings. I regret it very much now…”

Jian Qing shook her head and said solemnly: “Don’t regret it, there is a chance to make up for it.”

Wang Enyi: “Huh?”

Jian Qing: “Ms. Zhao’s funeral expenses and Mr. Wang will pay for it. Also, Mr. Zhao has a neighbor who has accompanied and cared for your old mother for the past two years. She has advanced a lot of money and owed a lot of foreign debts. Mr. Wang, you Just replenish her in these two days.”

Director Lin once again felt that his words were reasonable, and patted Wang Enyi’s shoulder: “Old classmate, you really need to make up for him.”

Wang Enyi’s face became even uglier, but in order to maintain the “filial son” personality, he still forced a smile on his face and said, “It should be…”

The next step is to discuss how much to make up and how to make up.

After dealing with them, Jian Qing returned to the second tumor area, stared at Lu Yinxi’s white coat for a while, and then threw herself into her busy work.

Lu Yinxi helped Teacher Zhou tidy up his belongings all afternoon. He was so tired that his waist ached and his back ached. He returned to the apartment, took a shower first, then slumped on the sofa wrapped in a bathrobe and ordered takeaway.

While waiting for the food to be delivered, she finally freed her mind to think about what happened during the day.

Although the possibility of sudden death cannot be ruled out if a solid tumor develops brain metastases, she still broods over Teacher Zhao’s death.

It seems that it is already doomed in the dark.

If in the original plot, Teacher Zhao is destined to end in death, then even if she prevents Teacher Zhao from committing suicide early, Teacher Zhao will still have other accidents that lead to death.

If this is the case, does it mean that everyone’s ending is doomed and cannot be changed?

In the original book, both she and Jian Qing committed suicide with an unhappy ending. Is it really irreversible?

No, she refused.

Why should her fate be in the hands of others? By someone else’s few lines of text?

She will not commit suicide. Her first class in college is to respect life. No matter what situation she is in, she will never give up her life.

Even if she can’t return to her own world in the end, she still wants to live in this world.

With a strong desire to survive and a belief in confrontation bursting out of her heart, Lu Yinxi opened the memo on her mobile phone and checked the few plot points that she had recorded.

She wants to try again to see if the fate of others can be changed.

When Jian Qing came back from get off work, he happened to bump into the delivery man downstairs and brought the delivery back.

When she got home, she took off her coat, took the takeaway, walked to the sofa, and asked the person on the sofa, “Can you order something?”

Lu Yinxi wanted to be obedient, hugging the fluffy doll, and looked at her with sparkling eyes like small animals: “That’s right, after you get off work, you just happen to be able to eat the takeaway I ordered yourself, do you feel very happy?”

Also, do you think she is considerate and sensible?

Jian Qing looked into her eyes, and dismantled the stage very disrespectfully: “Doesn’t it usually make you feel happy if you cook the food yourself?”

What is ordering a takeaway by yourself?

Didn’t hear the compliment, Lu Yinxi snorted, stood up, grabbed the takeaway from Jian Qing’s hand and walked to the dining table: “It’s good to eat, don’t pick.”

After taking two steps, she came back again, looked at Jian Qing’s indifferent face for a moment, and asked earnestly, “You look a little tired today? Do you want to give you a hug? One hundred yuan per time, no extra money within one minute.” There is a fee, and after 1 minute, for every 2 minutes of hugging, an additional 50 yuan will be charged.”

Jian Qing sat on the sofa, rubbed the space between her eyebrows, and looked at Lu Yinxi calmly: “My registration fee is only twenty.”

The two sat and stood one by one.

It is rare for Lu Yinxi to condescendingly look at Jian Qing. She restrained the thought of touching her head, leaned down to look at her, smiled, and said softly: “It’s fine if you think it’s too expensive. I’ll be in a good mood one day. I’ll give you a free hug when you’re here, wash your hands and eat now, and when you’re free the day after tomorrow, let’s go to the park together?”

Jian Qing hummed, paused for a second, keenly grasped the details in the words, and asked, “Why do you want to emphasize the day after tomorrow?”

Lu Yinxi was stunned.

Does this ice cube have mind reading skills?

The author has something to say: This chapter is published on a regular basis, everyone, please continue to say good morning~~~

Ps: I have a lot of moonstones in the backstage. It seems that the source is obtained after being recommended. Although I don’t know who it is, but it’s recommended by the little cute crab. Hold on to the cute kiss (* ̄3 ̄)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-04 06:24:27~2021-02-05 04:04:30~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Tianjie Xiaoyu and Wang Yi;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 14 bottles of Wang Yi; 10 bottles of Lin Jian; 3 bottles of aturee; 2 bottles of XX; 1 bottle of Yuanyu and Zhiye;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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