She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 63

Chapter 62 – Ethics

To prevent misunderstanding, Jian Qing added two more words: [Taking a bath. 】

It wasn’t a call, nor a video, Lu Yinxi patted his cheek, and said it was nothing, and replied: 【Aren’t you afraid of your phone falling into the water? 】

Jian Qing: [Put it in a sealed bag. 】

Working in a hospital, I don’t know how many messy germs are on my hands, and mobile phones are frequently touched items. Everyone is used to putting them in a disposable sealed bag.

Lu Yinxi felt relieved and asked: [Why are you taking a bath now? At this point, aren’t you lying in bed? 】

Jian Qing: [Shopping. 】

When the female compatriots in the department and laboratory heard that they were going abroad, they forced Zhang Yue to undertake many purchasing tasks. Zhang Yue didn’t know those cosmetics and luxury goods, so he took Jian Qing to the shopping mall.

Zhang Yue is a kind old man who responds to requests, but Jian Qing was impatient at first, and refused.

Zhang Yue was so anxious that he scratched his head and used the aggressive method: “Xiaolu also likes to make up and dress up. If you go abroad, if you don’t buy some gifts for your cousin, you can’t justify being a cousin!”

Jian Qing followed.

With a weakness, it seems that it becomes easy to be manipulated.

The two chatted with each other.

Lu Yinxi counted the time to meet each other with his fingers, and said: [When we meet next time, I will pick you up at the train station, and we will pretend to be the first netizens to meet. 】

She began to write scripts for the two of them again, and they chatted with each other online for ten years, and the chat sparked.

Jian Qing pointed out: [Ten years ago, your biological age was only 10 years old. 】

Chatting sparks with a ten-year-old child, she is too sinful.

Lu Yinxi: […You still think of me as 15 years old, I am 15 years old, you are 19 or 20 years old, what were you doing at that time? 】

Jian Qing: [Study abroad. 】

For the students of the joint training system, the school pays the tuition fees, but the living expenses still have to be paid by themselves, so she works while studying.

Lu Yinxi: [At that time, I was just in high school, a boarding middle school, and I met many classmates and friends. When they saw that I was writing and eating with my left hand, they would praise me in a very appreciative tone for being smart and powerful; Friends are a group of gentle and kind people, and I have learned a lot from them. 】

Her childhood shadows came out with her own resistance, and were completely healed by her classmates and friends in middle school.

She met a group of very warm people during the period of shaping her character and forming her three outlooks.

Jian Qing recalled her middle school and found that she didn’t have any good memories.

Lu Yinxi just asked: [What about you? 】

Jian Qing didn’t want to neglect her, and replied: [I am 13 years old in the first year of high school, 1~2 years younger than my classmates, and I can’t chat with them. 】

She has a withdrawn personality and has always been alone.

Before the age of 13, she lived with her mother, and the junior high school she attended was the worst middle school in the local area.

Half of the students in class are sleeping and playing with their mobile phones; in biology class, the teacher talks about physiological knowledge on the stage, and the students dare to speak dirty words to tease the teacher down there, making the teacher cry; Scratching each other’s hair and cheeks, and swearing at the mouth; on weekends, boys make appointments, often with rolling pins, iron rods, knives, and sticks.

Fortunately, she had excellent grades at that time, and the deskmate was a beautiful girl who was also a school bully. She lent her homework to the school bully to copy, and she became the person under the school bully’s protection. No one dared to harass her for three years in junior high school.

After the age of 13, she was taken back to Jane’s house by Jian Zhenghe.

Then transfer to the experimental class of one of the top and famous high schools in the local area.

The experimental class, after class, is not as lively as the ordinary class next door. The class adopts a final elimination system. The students are all seeded players who will hit the top universities. Experimental class.

Her grades in the original junior high school were not bad, but in high school, she was surrounded by classmates with superior family backgrounds, all-round development, and elite education since childhood. In contrast, her foundation was a little weak.

Throughout the first year of high school, she was at the end of the crane, and was almost kicked out several times.

By the second year of high school, she was firmly in the top five of her grade.

Several brothers and sisters of the Jian family were sent to prestigious universities at home and abroad by streamlining administration and donating sponsorship fees. Only she and Jian Yan were admitted by themselves.

She chatted with Lu Yinxi about her high school and junior high school, and while chatting, her mood suddenly became very cheerful, and a faint smile hung on the corner of her lips.

Lu Yinxi squatted on the crude studio, staring at the phone.

She looked at Jian Qing’s words, imagining Jian Qing’s appearance back then, with a smile on her lips.

The times she never participated in were revealed in the dialogue with each other one by one.

Not talking about love, not talking about love, just sharing each other’s past life experiences like friends, is enough to make her happy all day.

After the foreign meeting ended, Hu Jianjun’s team flew directly to the international airport in H City.

In the morning, I was invited to give an academic lecture in the hospital of H City. In the afternoon, Hu Jianjun chartered a car and drove the team to the suburbs to visit the site of a Japanese army that invaded China.

Zhang Yue looked at the ink-colored italics engraved on the stone tablet at the door, and read aloud: “The site of the 731st Unit of the Japanese Invasion Army. This is the place where the Japanese Army conducted human experiments, right? It’s notorious.”

The house is made of red bricks and red walls, and some walls have been mottled and peeled off.

A group of people entered the east side of the building, stood in front of the restoration floor plan, and chatted with each other.

“Back then, they called it the ‘Kwantung Army Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Unit’. They said they were studying epidemic prevention. Pooh! In fact, they were doing human experiments here.”

“The builder of the unit is a doctor of biology, Shiro Ishii, who is keen on researching biological weapons, bastard!”

“Look at these names, gopher breeding room, poison gas laboratory, frostbite laboratory…”

“They collected a lot of germs, such as anthrax, cholera, plague, gas gangrene… They were all injected directly into living people for experiments, and they also performed vivisection. When they evacuated, they blew up the main building of the experiment.”

“Those criminals are at ease. After the war, the United States exchanged research data with them, exempting them from war crimes.”

Everyone scolded the **** in their hearts! brute! not human!

From the schematic diagram to the crime evidence exhibition hall, the exhibition hall not only has shocking pictures, but also holographic images to restore the scene of vivisection.

Back then, those people were tied to wooden stakes, and the plane dropped bacterial bombs from the air. After the people were infected with germs, they were taken back for vivisection, their internal organs were taken out for observation, and then the corpses were directly pushed into the crematorium.

Everyone held their breath and couldn’t say a word.

The doctor who was supposed to save lives and heal the wounded became a murderous demon.

How evil can human nature be?

Hu Jianjun said: “Come to H City, I think I should show you this place. In the oncology department, you have to deal with human experiments. You have to remember that drugs and medical technology are to cure diseases and save lives, and you must follow ethics.” , follow the Declaration of Helsinki, guarantee the rights and interests of the subjects…”

In recent years, there has been an incident of “gene-edited babies” in the scientific community. Since then, Hu Jianjun has particularly emphasized medical ethics.

If in the past, Jian Qing heard Hu Jianjun’s humanistic education content, she just ignored it, but now, she remembered that Lu Yinxi also pulled her clothes and said: “Medicine is to save people, don’t use it to do bad things.”

Don’t do bad things, don’t do bad things…

She hated only those few people. Counting the time, some of them were about to be released from prison.

In the suburbs of Jiangzhou City, in the studio.

Outside the operating room, a young man was pacing back and forth. Suddenly, the door of the operating room opened, and a male doctor rushed out and shouted, “The parturient has a sudden hemorrhage, and the situation is critical. The family members of the parturient, should you protect the older or younger? Hurry up and sign!”

The man squatted on the ground in pain, covered his head with his hands, and howled loudly.


The howling stopped abruptly.

In front of the monitor, the director of Group B stood up and said angrily, “Who? Who yelled kah? I didn’t yell kah!”

Chu Yan also stood up, and said seriously, “I called.”

All the people present shot in unison.

Lu Yinxi was teaming up with Lanzhou to play a game. Hearing this, he looked over, but his operations didn’t stop.

“Hey, Doctor Chu.” The director immediately put on a smiling face and asked, “What’s wrong? Is there a problem?”

Chu Yan is the instructor personally appointed by Mr. Jian, and he dare not offend.

Chu Yan replied: “This part is unrealistic, don’t shoot it. Is that how your script was written?”

An Ruosu retorted: “Hey, I didn’t write this paragraph.”

She couldn’t write this kind of brain-dead episode, because the actor brought a screenwriter into the group to add to the scene.

The acting male doctor took off his mask and asked loudly, “Why is it unrealistic? Isn’t this something that happens often?”

Chu Yan explained word by word: “In a regular hospital, a regular doctor will not ask questions about who can be saved and who cannot be saved. The doctor will judge, and will not let a family member with no medical knowledge judge. Family members only have the right to know, not the right to choose. The mother is a natural person, and the fetus is not born, which is a non-natural person. Laws and medical ethics require that the life of a natural person be protected first. Just keep it big.”

The male actor still used the same rhetoric: “We are making TV, not documentaries, so why be serious?”

The director nodded in agreement: “That’s right, when you’re filming, you need to pay attention to dramatic conflicts and to mobilize the audience’s emotions. It’s better to protect the adults or protect the children. After struggling with pain, the protagonist chooses to protect the children. Once this clip is broadcast, it will definitely trigger The audience’s heated discussions. What feminist issues, maternity issues, conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, you can all get involved, this is a hot topic!”

Lu Yinxi sneered, stood up, stood beside Chu Yan, and said bluntly: “For the sake of drama conflicts, for the sake of popularity, regardless of the basic facts, then our drama is not called a hard-core medical drama, it is covered in medical skin Eight o’clock dog blood drama. Our crew is not sincerely paying tribute to medical workers, but just using medical care as a gimmick to consume medical workers.”

The director spread his hands: “Xiao Lu, what you said, I am not a human anymore…”

Lan Zhou put away the phone and handed the ball to Director Zhou Hongmao for them: “Why don’t you ask Director Zhou, I don’t think it’s reasonable.”

The author has something to say: I will go to Bibo to transfer you a documentary about Unit 731, if you are interested, you can watch it.


[1] Documentary: “The Truth About Unit 731”; Source: NHK

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