She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 64

Chapter 63 – Embrace

“Since some experts pointed out that it is unreasonable, then you can change this paragraph.” Director Zhou Hongmao sat in front of the monitor of Group A, waving a cattail fan, and answered the consultation call from the director of Group B.

“How to change it? Let me think about it…

You, let’s change it to a doctor who issued a critical illness notice in the operating room, saying, “Maternal hemorrhage is life-threatening.” The husband of the pregnant woman cried bitterly after hearing this, and said, “It must be kept safe.” The doctor explained to him that “the hospital has no According to this rule, the law stipulates that the child must be kept safe first, and the husband became anxious and threatened, “If my child is gone, I will let you be buried with me!” ‘

—Look, with such a change, there will be dramatic conflicts, hot topics, and doctor-patient disputes!

Xiaoqian, you need to be more flexible in doing things. “

Director Qian from Team B on the other end of the phone hurriedly responded: “Okay! I will change it as you said! The director is wise!”

Zhou Hongmao hung up the phone, shook his head and said, “This young man’s head can’t easily turn the corner.”

The people around gave a thumbs up and complimented: “That’s right! Director Zhou, you are the Dinghaishenzhen of our group! You have eaten more salt than we have eaten rice, and we all rely on you for your support!”

Zhou Hongmao enjoyed hearing it very much, and the cattail fan in his hand became more and more joyful.

He has been in the film and television industry for decades. Actors join the group through relationships, bring screenwriters into the group, add plays, and roll plays… What big winds and small waves have you never seen? As long as he makes a move, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

People in the entertainment industry have sweet mouths, and they always put compliments on their lips. You compliment me, and I compliment you.

Zhou Hongmao was complacent for a while, coughed, and calmed down: “Okay, don’t flirt, rest well, the actors return to their positions, let’s continue filming!”

On the side of group B, Director Qian leaned back in his chair, thinking about adding a scene to himself: “This scene is well changed! The child is gone, and the family members come to make trouble with knives. As for me, I will stand up and replace the doctor.” Blocked the knife, got stabbed several times on the body, still stood upright, stood in front of the doctor, shouted like thunder, ‘Who dares to come over’!”

An Ruosu next to him was angry and funny: “Director, what do you think of Zhang Fei from Changbanpo? A roar scares away millions of soldiers?”

Everyone on the set laughed. Director Qian scratched his head, but couldn’t hear An Ruosu’s sarcasm: “That Changbanpo is Zhang Fei? I’ve always remembered it as Guan Yu, look at my memory…”

“This baby is stupid.” Lan Zhou shook his head and chuckled, squatted under a big tree to enjoy the shade, took out his mobile phone, continued to have **** with Lu Yinxi, and asked in a low voice: “Hey, Yinxi, where are you?” You have been practicing in the hospital for two months, do you know that Dr. Chu has a partner?”

Lan Zhou only practiced in the hospital for a week because he went home to attend the funeral for his grandfather.

Lu Yinxi squatted next to her, and first reminded her: “Wear a mask, you are prone to allergies.” Then he asked knowingly, “Teacher Ramen, have you taken a fancy to him?”

“How is it possible!” Lan Zhou’s cheeks were flushed, and she quickly denied, “It’s only been a month since I broke up…”

Lanzhou and Lu Yinxi have been together on the set for more than a month. From the beginning, Lu Yinxi politely called “Teacher Lan”, now he can call “Sister Lanzhou”, or “Miss Ramen”, “Teacher Ramen”, and then Or, call them by their first names.

She explained: “It’s been a month, not a week. If you come out completely, there’s nothing wrong with liking someone else.”

Lan Zhou was the one who broke up without warning.

If the party who has been abandoned or broken up still feels sad for the old relationship, this kind of affection cannot move others, it can only move oneself, which is just a waste of emotion.

Lan Zhou shook his head and denied: “It’s not like I like it.”

At most, I just appreciate Chu Yan’s outspokenness and rigor.

Lu Yinxi smiled slightly, and said in his heart, you will really like him in the future and want to redeem him.

She looked at Chu Yan in the distance.

Chu Yan sat behind the director and carefully watched the performance of the actors.

His hair has grown a lot, and it hasn’t been cut since the Chinese New Year until now. His beard is unshaven, and his whole person looks vicissitudes and decadence.

Lu Yinxi looked at it for a while, and told Lan Zhou: “He had a fiancée who died unexpectedly at the beginning of this year, which was a great blow to him. The hospital gave him a three-month vacation to let him adjust his mood. .”

He still doesn’t want to go back to the hospital, and doesn’t want to take the scalpel again.

Lan Zhou looked at Chu Yan, his eyes became a little pitiful.

Lu Yinxi couldn’t help standing in the perspective of a friend, and reminded: “It takes a lot of suffering to fall in love with such a person.”

Don’t fall in love with him easily if you can.

Lan Zhou looked at Chu Yan’s decadent face, thoughtfully: “Yes, he is so pitiful, and the people who will like him in the future are also pitiful. The living are no match for the dead.”

Lu Yinxi sighed, and thought, Miss Ramen, you are that poor person…

She bowed her head and recalled the plot in the book—during the days of the crew, Lan Zhou met Chu Yan who was at a low point, and since then started a bitter secret love and the road of redemption.

She didn’t read the plot after the crew carefully, and couldn’t remember what happened, so she skipped directly to the ending part.

At the end, Lan Zhou and Chu Yan got engaged, ushering in a happy ending.

At the end, Jian Qing was dressed in black, took a lot of drugs, lay in the snow, silently waiting for the end of life…

Some images flashed through his mind, Lu Yinxi felt a sharp pain in his chest, and his eyes were almost red.

She found that she could no longer stand by and watch Jian Qing’s ending.

Now, just by imagining that scene, there is an overwhelming sense of grief, the internal organs seem to be messed up by someone, and the pain is so painful that people can’t breathe.

Lan Zhou withdrew his gaze and noticed that Lu Yinxi was in an abnormal mood. He stretched out his hand and shook it, and asked, “What’s wrong? You suddenly look sad?”

Lu Yinxi came back to his senses, rubbed his eyes, turned his back to Lan Zhou, and used the most vulgar excuse: “There is sand in my eyes.”

Lan Zhou couldn’t help laughing, and said in her heart that she was still a little girl, and she was comforting others just now, and turned her head to feel sad first.

She patted Lu Yinxi’s shoulder lightly, and comforted her softly like a child: “Shouldn’t you also think of your first love? Don’t be sad. You were so old-fashioned and comforted me just now. There is no grass anywhere in the world.” , there are many handsome men in the world, people from the past are not worthy of your pity for him…”

The more comforting the more outrageous, Lu Yinxi was amused by Lan Zhou’s words, quickly adjusted his mood, turned around, and wanted to expose this problem: “Stop talking about this, let’s continue to play tricks.”

Lan Zhou didn’t ask any more questions, and with a hum, he picked up his mobile phone and started to form a team match. He chatted while playing: “I have lived in an orphanage since I can remember, and I fight with a group of children who share the same illness every day. I am The oldest one also has to help change the diapers of the two or three-year-old little sister.

One day, a couple who came to adopt a child saw me changing the diaper, pointed at me and said, “I will take care of others, I must be sensible”, so they adopted me.

I thought I would have a family from now on, but the month after I was adopted, my adoptive parents died in a car accident, and there was only one unrelated grandfather who picked up trash for me to study and brought me up.

When I was studying, my classmates didn’t like to play with me. I took the initiative to ask them to play. They said that I smelled like garbage and asked me to take a shower first.

I take a shower every day, and put my clothes out to dry in the sun. I know that they just don’t want to play with me or make friends with me.

Later, when I became a star and gained a bit of fame, they all came to contact me one by one. They sat next to me at class reunions and chatted enthusiastically. I don’t know how good friends we were back then.

In fact, I don’t have any friends at all, and I can’t make any friends in the entertainment circle.

Xiaolu, you are kind to me, I can feel it, I am very happy to meet you, you can tell me what you are sad, if you can feel better when you say it. “

She lacked love since she was a child, and she can remember a little kindness from others for a long time.

Lu Yinxi didn’t speak, silently feeling guilty.

This month, she approached Lan Zhou, treated Lan Zhou well, did not seek fame or wealth, and acted very sincerely, but the purpose of approaching was not pure at all—trying to make friends with him and subtly change her ending.

When she met Lan Zhou, she had the same mentality as when she first met Jian Qing—a usable paper man and tool man.

She didn’t care about Lan Zhou’s life experience, she didn’t care about Lan Zhou’s emotional state, and she never noticed that this “tool man” in her eyes had a kind and soft heart.

Having been in society for a long time, the more I can realize that gentleness and kindness are a rare and precious quality.

Lu Yinxi was silent for a long time, then said in a warm voice: “Lan Zhou, I know how to play mobile games, client games, stand-alone games, and any game I can play with you; I don’t have much experience in love, but I will know whoever you want to chase in the future.” I can help you with suggestions; I am not picky eaters, and I can accompany you to eat food from all corners of the country and the streets and alleys; I sing very well, and I have practiced vocal music for a while, unlike you who are incomplete, so you can pull me there when you need to show off …”

After a lot of rambling, the central idea is: she wants to make friends with Lan Zhou.

Lan Zhou glanced at Lu Yinxi, and teased, “Confess to me? Are you greedy for me?”

The screen interface of Lu Yinxi’s mobile phone was so frightened that it instantly went dark—a human head was sent in the game.

She rubbed her wrists, moved her knuckles, and said with a smile, “Stop it, even if I like the same sex, I don’t like yours.”

Lan Zhou is cheerful, open-minded, humble and easy-going, and also writes good articles. She is a well-known young talent in the industry.

At the beginning, Lu Yinxi and Mrs. Zhao talked about the blind date, and proposed that the ideal type is a person who is cheerful and enthusiastic, open-minded, gentle and humble, and has a high literary quality.

Now Lan Zhou fits these presuppositions, but she doesn’t feel any emotion.

What moved her heart was a person who was completely opposite to her pre-set ideal type.

On Sunday night, Jian Qing returned to Jiangzhou City.

Lu Yinxi snapped his fingers, counting the time when the two met.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday…

On Tuesday evening, Jian Qing was going to take elective courses in the old campus at night, and Lu Yinxi could meet her.

On Sunday night, Lu Yinxi began to think about what kind of clothes and makeup to wear to meet Jian Qing on Tuesday evening.

She imagined the scene of meeting in her mind countless times, imitating and imagining every conversation and every expression in her heart.

Thinking about it, smiling.

All over her body, every cell was full of anticipation for the meeting. Although she was not in a formal relationship, she felt the anxiety and longing of being in love.

On Tuesday evening, Lu Yinxi took leave in advance, went back to the hotel to wash up, put on new clothes and shoes, and drove to the subway entrance to pick up people.

We made an appointment to meet at 17:30, and at 17:00, she was looking around at the entrance of the subway station.

At 17:30, Jian Qing dragged her suitcase and showed up at the entrance of the subway on time.

Across the turbulent crowd, Lu Yinxi quickly caught her figure and locked his eyes on her.

She was wearing a navy blue long shirt with the cuffs rolled up, revealing a section of lotus forearm, revealing a somewhat capable aura.

The dark-colored clothes were a bit dull at first, but when Lu Yinxi saw her, he felt that the whole world brightened up a bit.

In the midst of the noise, the two looked at each other quietly for a moment, and at the same time broke into a smile.

Jian Qing smiled, and Lu Yinxi smiled openly.

The two walked towards each other, and when their bodies were about to get close, they stood still and traced each other’s faces with their eyes.

Jian Qing remained silent, and let go of the handle of the suitcase.

Lu Yinxi smiled slightly, and opened his hands, ready to cooperate with her and give her a big hug.

Opening her hands, she was about to hug her, but Jian Qing suddenly squatted down, causing her to miss her hug.

Jian Qing helped Lu Yinxi fasten the loose shoelaces, and told him thoughtfully: “Walk at your feet when you walk, and be careful not to fall.”

She raised her head, but Lu Yinxi hadn’t had time to retract her hand.

She raised her eyebrows and mocked lightly: “Dapeng spreads its wings?”

The romantic and sentimental atmosphere of the long-lost reunion was completely destroyed, Lu Yinxi suppressed his smile, snorted coldly, turned around in anger and was about to leave.

Jian Qing stood up, hugged her from behind, and embraced her.

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