She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 65

Chapter 64 – Affection

Time freezes and the crowd disappears.

The waist was tightly encircled by someone, and the back was pressed against her arms. The spring shirt was light and thin, and it was easy to feel the warmth and softness of the body.

The clear and cold fragrance penetrated into the lungs, Lu Yinxi sniffed her breath, and his heartbeat gradually accelerated.

I felt the real warmth, as if I was in the soft clouds, intoxicated, joyful, and floating.

Jian Qing didn’t say anything, and Lu Yinxi didn’t ask anything.

She doesn’t like to talk, but what she gives is actions that feel more secure than words.

Just a hug makes the love buried in the bottom of my heart take root and sprout, break out of the ground, sprout branches and leaves, and bloom clusters of flowers.

At this moment, Lu Yinxi felt that there was no one better than Jian Qing.

There were people coming and going, and from time to time, amazing and curious eyes looked over. Lu Yinxi came back to his senses, and suddenly realized that this was a public place, his face was blushing, and he subconsciously pushed Jian Qing’s arm.

After hugging briefly for five seconds, Jian Qing let go of her hand, grabbed the handle of the suitcase next to her again, and said solemnly, “The charging is complete.”

He didn’t have too literary ideas, holding her, his body was like a charging mobile phone, and the battery was fully charged.

Lu Yinxi realized what Jian Qing meant, and fireworks exploded in his heart.

This man is downright cute.

She turned around and asked, “Are you Flash Charge?”

Jian Qing nodded: “I’m efficient.”

Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing, didn’t speak, and smiled all over his face.

In fact, in this kind of thing, the efficiency can be lower and the hug longer.

She took Jian Qing’s luggage with one hand, and led her with the other, and walked to the opposite side of the road.

The suitcase was stuffed into the trunk, Jian Qing sat in the driver’s seat, Lu Yinxi hesitated for a second, and got into the passenger seat.

The car started, and Jian Qing said, “I go to class at 6:30.”

Lu Yinxi raised his wrist to look at his watch: “It’s five thirty-five, five minutes’ drive from here to Jiangda University.”

Jian Qing: “Classes are held in Room 502 on the 5th floor of Teaching Building No. 3. It takes ten minutes from the gate of Jiang University to Building No. 3.”

Lu Yinxi calculated for a moment, and said: “I will let you arrive at the classroom five minutes earlier, and the total will be twenty minutes.”

They can also be alone for thirty-five minutes.

Jian Qing turned her head and asked, “Have you eaten yet?”

Lu Yinxi also turned his head and sighed: “No.”

She thought that if one day she and Jian Qing fell in love, the two of them would probably be like this. They would have to plan carefully when they met each other, and the time when they were alone would include eating.

Doctors and actors are both so busy that they hardly have time for themselves.

Entering the campus, outside the car window, students come and go in an endless stream, and there is a youthful atmosphere everywhere.

Lu Yinxi looked at those students and thought, if they knew each other when they were students, then they must have a lot of time to spend together. They can study together at night, go shopping together on weekends, and travel together during winter and summer vacations…

This idea was too greedy, after thinking about it, Lu Yinxi looked away and laughed dumbfounded.

Jian Qing turned her head and looked at her.

She shook her head without explaining anything.

How to explain it?

In her dreams, she wants to bring Jian Qing back to her own world. She imagines meeting each other in the real world. She imagines their past student days. She wants to write Jian Qing into her future plans.

She wants to spend the rest of her life with her.

“The advent of what love is?

The scientific research on love began in the 1980s—humans set up traps to capture prairie voles, often in pairs. Scientists installed trackers on prairie voles to track their behavior and found that voles are rare ‘monogamous’ mammals [1].

That is to say, when a male mouse meets a female mouse, after mating and giving birth, the two mice will live together, take care of the mice together, and spend the rest of their lives together, just like humans form a family. “

No. 3 teaching building, classroom 502, brightly lit, full of seats.

The pictures of voles and the contents of scientific research literature were displayed on the PPT. Jian Qing followed Lu Yinxi’s suggestion and combined ancient poetry with medical and biological knowledge. The students in the audience listened intently.

“Of course, they are the same as human beings. Some are devoted to each other, some are volatile, and some have established a relationship with other mice and then have relationships with other mice to raise mice for other voles.”

The voice fell to the ground, and the classroom roared with laughter.

Lu Yinxi in the audience also smiled slightly.

After the students stopped laughing, Jian Qing continued to explain slowly: “Neuroendocrinologist Sue Carter made further research and discovered that the secret of vole’s persistence comes from a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland of the vole—oxytocin. It can help to build a relationship of attachment and trust with each other and make people loyal.[1]”

The molecular structure model of oxytocin is shown on the PPT.

“Oxytocin also exists in our human body. You should have learned its function. It is also a commonly used drug in obstetrics-promoting the contraction of uterine smooth muscle and promoting childbirth.”

Students of elective courses come from a variety of medical majors, clinical, anesthesia, imaging, inspection…

Most of them are freshmen and sophomores, and it is time to learn basic medical knowledge such as physiology and biochemistry.

“Humans also release oxytocin during love. During hugging and sexual love, the level of oxytocin will increase significantly. Therefore, after physical contact and relationship, the attachment relationship between couples will be enhanced[2 ];”

Jian Qing was explaining seriously on the stage, while Lu Yinxi sat under the stage, thinking of the hug at the entrance of the subway station, her ears turned red silently.

“In addition, there are also studies that show that after hugging and sex, the testosterone level in women will immediately increase;

The increase of adrenaline in the human body will lead to physiological reactions such as nervousness and sweating when meeting the sweetheart;

Changes in serotonin lead to thoughts about lovers constantly pouring into your mind, which is commonly known as ‘missing’;

An increase in dopamine is behaviorally manifested in increased energy, decreased need for sleep or food, concentration, and enables individuals in love to find pleasure in the details of a romantic relationship. In other words, there is a certain scientific basis for “drinking water with affection”. “[2][3]

“Ask what is love in the world? In the field of biomedicine, love can be regarded as a chemical reaction in which oxytocin, testosterone, adrenaline, dopamine, serotonin and other hormones and neurotransmitters work together.”

“Love is the result of a chemical reaction, but the difference between humans and other animals is that humans are social animals who can learn, be educated, and be influenced by culture. Love activities involving humans are not just a chemical reaction.

Professor Sternberg put forward the triangle theory of love in 1988, and believed that love is composed of three factors: passion, intimacy and commitment.

Passion is a state of strong desire to combine with the other party, the main form of expression is sex. Love, self-esteem, care, belonging, **** and obedience are also the source of awakening passion experience;

Intimacy is an experience that feels kind and warm between two people. Intimacy includes mutual liking, respect, understanding, sharing, support, help, communication and cherishing. “[4]

Having said that, she paused for a while, and took a sip of warm water.

As Lu Yinxi listened, he couldn’t help but put every point on himself.

Jian Qing continued: “At your age, it’s normal for you to like someone and desire to touch them, but only by liking each other, respecting each other, understanding each other, and cherishing each other, can you build an intimate relationship. Otherwise, Regardless of gender, regardless of orientation, one-sided touching, touching regardless of the other party’s wishes, is obscene, harassing, and a crime.”

She is guiding students’ values.

The students below were laughing again.

Talking about **** in medical school is not ashamed, and the students of the School of Public Health even conduct research on the sexual, concept, and behavior of college students, but the students still show a knowing smile.

Jian Qing quietly waited for the students to finish laughing, then set her sights on Lu Yinxi.

When she is in class, she is used to looking at the computer on the podium most of the time, or looking at the students in the front row.

Lu Yinxi sat in the last row, felt Jian Qing’s gaze, and instantly felt that the air was stuffy.

Jian Qing looked at her, and said calmly: “A commitment consists of two aspects, short-term and long-term. In the short-term, you have to make a decision whether you love someone or not.”[4]

Her eyes are beautiful, deep and bright, as if there are thousands of stars hidden in them.

Her voice is also nice, cool and magnetic, it spreads to the ears, falls into the bottom of my heart, and I can’t help but think about it over and over again.

It was clearly a non-emotional narration, but when the word “love” came to his ears, Lu Yinxi felt his heart tremble.

She looked away, not daring to look at Jian Qing again.

Jian Qing also looked away, looking down at the computer screen: “In the long run, it means making a commitment to maintain this love relationship, including loyalty and responsibility for love.” [4]

“When two people get along, as time goes by, the hormones in the body may tend to normal levels, but this does not mean that love will disappear. The intimacy established with each other, the loyalty and responsibility in the promise, are the long-term maintenance of a relationship. Good medicine.”

In one class, the theme was poetry appreciation, but Jian Qing spent nearly half of the time explaining biomedical knowledge.

The students are not necessarily interested in the Fu Bixing of poetry, but young people in their twenties, who are in their prime, are most interested in love and sexual relations, and they all listen with great interest.

After class, Lu Yinxi was still thinking about the meaningful promise Jian Qing made while looking at her.

— making the decision to love or not to love someone.

If in the real world, it is confirmed that they are connected with each other, then it is not far from making a promise.


What lies between the two is not a question of love or not.

The black car drove on the campus, and Lu Yinxi sat in the passenger seat, overlooking the night view of the campus.

On the campus, there is no traffic, no neon lights, only lush forests and dense shadows, insects and birds singing.

Jian Qing drove the car quietly, while Lu Yinxi stared at her figure lying on the car window.

Very light.

The figure sat upright, with a straight back, as if it was straighter than the cedar outside the window.

As the car passed through a dimly lit place, the silhouette reflected in the window became clearer.

Lu Yinxi couldn’t help himself, and stretched out his hand to cover the figure.

The person in the driver’s seat said suddenly: “You can touch the ready-made ones.”

Said, stretched out his right hand.

Lu Yinxi was embarrassed for a second, then turned around, with red ears, patted her hand back, and whispered fiercely to her: “Drive safely!”

Jian Qing withdrew her hand, kept her eyes fixed, and drove seriously.

The car drove away from the campus and into a residential area.

It’s not a high-end community, but an ordinary residence.

From the outside, it looks old.

Lu Yinxi asked: “Why do you have so many properties?”

Didn’t do anything illegal?

Jian Qing explained: “When I was studying, I rented a room here. The landlord was an old lady who lived alone. She waived my rent and I took care of her. After graduation, she got cancer. I helped and took care of her, and she sold the house to me below the market price.”

She went to the hospital where talents were brought in. According to the policy, she was given a large amount of settlement allowance when she joined the job, which was enough to buy a second-hand house in the suburbs that was below the market price.

Lu Yinxi nodded.

The house is about 100 square meters, with three bedrooms and one living room, two of which are locked.

After Lu Yinxi took a bath, he wiped his hair, walked to the locked room, and pulled the lock, but it didn’t open.

Reluctantly, she walked into the only bedroom that was unlocked.

The bedroom is brightly lit. Jian Qing is wearing a black nightgown, with her hair brushed behind her ears, half leaning on the head of the bed, her eyes are focused on reading a book, she looks cool and refined.

Lu Yinxi wiped his hair and told Jian Qing: “Mr. Jian, the house over there is locked, I can’t get in, where is the key?”

Jian Qing raised her eyes, tilted her head slightly, moved her ears, and said, “I lost it.” She lifted the quilt, revealing a large space, “This bed measures 1.8 meters.”

The author has something to say: Jian Qing (Xiao Kai): The bed is big enough


[1] Cui Yuanyuan. “Companion Behavior” of Prairie Voles [J]. Nature Exploration, 2014(08):34-40.

[2] Fu Yang, Zhou Yuan, Liang Zhuyuan. The neurophysiological mechanism of love [J]. Science Bulletin, 2012, 57(35): 3376-3383.

[3] van Anders SM, Hamilton LD, Schmidt N, et al.

[4] Sternberg RJ. The Triangle of Love: Intimacy, Passion, Commitment. New York: Yale University, 1988.

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