She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 77

Chapter 76 – Cold Treatment

In a word, Jian Qing not only declined Fu Jianshu’s invitation to have lunch together, but also revealed to Lu Yinxi that the other party was a patient.

The woman named “Jian Shu” smiled, ignored Jian Qing’s polite refusal, reached out her hand, and greeted Lu Yinxi: “Hello, my name is Fu Jianshu, and I’m Jian Qing’s high school classmate.”

She is a gentle and intellectual woman with a poetic belly, a thin figure and a delicate face.

Most of the patients who come to the oncology department are plain-faced and rarely wear makeup.

One is because they are not in the mood, and the other is that it affects the doctor’s ability to see, hear and ask.

But she was wearing delicate light makeup, unable to see her original complexion.

Lu Yinxi reached out to shake hands with her, and introduced himself, “Hi, I’m Teacher Jian’s… roommate, Lu Yinxi.”

Fu Jianshu smiled gently, nodded, looked at him and said: “Yinxi…you don’t look very old, it’s rare to meet a beautiful little girl, I invite you to lunch, can Ah Qing come with me?”

A few words and a few words, mainly anti-customer.

Jian Qing was noncommittal, looking at Lu Yinxi.

Lu Yinxi observed Jian Qing’s expression.

Jian Qing’s face seemed calm, but her eyes were much gentler.

Sometimes, a doctor’s indifference often means that you have no big problem, and the indifference in words and deeds just dislikes you for wasting her time and medical resources, but if the attitude suddenly becomes gentle, it may mean pity.

The three of them chose a western restaurant near the hospital for a simple meal. While waiting for the food to be served, Fu Jianshu looked at Jian Qing presumptuously, and said with a smile, “Ah Qing hasn’t changed much, she’s still the same as before, and doesn’t like to talk.”

Jian Qing was reticent, so Lu Yinxi and Fu Jianshu chatted and introduced each other’s majors.

After chatting for a few words, Lu Yinxi asked, “What does Teacher Jian look like in high school?”

Fu Jianshu looked out of the window, recalled, and said: “She is very beautiful, has good grades, is alone, doesn’t like to talk, many people like her, but they dare not chase after her, including me.”

They were tablemates for a week, and she had a crush on Jian Qing for three years.

The secret love in adolescence, if you say one more word, give one more look, you can be happy for a long time, never expect to confess, and dare not confess.

“I still hide your notebook at home. I picked up all the notebooks you lost after graduation; and your school uniform jacket. I was splashed with ink by the boy in the back seat. You lent me your jacket to wear, and I I’ll give it back to you after I wash it, but you don’t want it, I’ve kept it until now; at the graduation reception, I wanted to give you a last hug, but you didn’t come at all…”

Lu Yinxi dug a hole in his heart, temporarily buried his sore and dull emotions, and listened quietly, listening to Fu Jianshu tell the past Jianqing from the perspective of an admirer.

After Fu Jianshu finished speaking, Jian Qing took a sip of lemonade, glanced at Luyinxi, looked away, and said calmly: “Jianshu, you have changed a lot.”

She pieced together her impressions of this old classmate from her memories.

In high school, Fu Jianshu was handsome, quiet, somewhat introverted, easily blush, somewhat talented, loved poetry, and got high marks in composition all the year round.

Fu Jianshu said with a smile: “Probably because I want to open my mind. I don’t have many days to live, so let’s live a little more freely, do what I want, and say what I want. Think about it before, why bother to live so depressed , It’s like living in a set. When I was studying, my parents and teachers asked me to be obedient, sensible, and get good grades. Just get married. Being pushed forward for half my life, I don’t know what I want or what I want to do.”

Jian Qing did not give up persuading: “After receiving the treatment, your current physical condition is still very good. The treatment is not as terrible as you imagined. Even if it cannot be completely cured, it can prolong life and relieve pain.”

Now she is talking and laughing, and she can still walk around, but she is sick like a mountain, and she doesn’t receive treatment at all. In a few months, she will collapse.

Fu Jianshu shook his head, and said with a smile: “It’s better to have nothing than nothing. Take advantage of the last days to finish what you want to do and say what you want to say. You don’t want to waste time in the hospital, and you don’t want to…” She pointed His own face, “become ugly.”

Jian Qing couldn’t understand this kind of thought, so he didn’t speak for a while.

Lu Yinxi asked: “When did you find out?”

Fu Jianshu: “At the beginning of this year, triple-negative breast cancer, stage III, several well-known female stars in your entertainment industry have also had it.”

Breast cancer, the most malignant type, grows rapidly and often occurs in young women.

Those rich and powerful stars are withered like flowers, irreparable, let alone she is an ordinary person.

Jian Qing heard her subtext, and continued to persuade: “Everyone’s physique is different, so we can’t generalize it. Accepting treatment and not receiving treatment at all are two different effects.”

Lu Yinxi also persuaded: “If you want to talk about celebrities, there is a very famous actress from The Dream of Red Mansions, who is also an actor I like very much. After discovering breast cancer, she was unwilling to receive treatment and chose to escape into Buddhism. After a year or so He passed away, which is a pity.”

Jian Qing added an example: “I have a patient with a progression-free survival of up to three years after receiving treatment.”

The two sang together, hoping that Fu Jianshu would receive treatment and not give up.

Lu Yinxi minds Fu Jianshu’s admiration for Jian Qing, but compared to death, life and disease, personal love affairs are very insignificant, so insignificant that they are not worth mentioning.

When the dishes were on the table, Fu Jianshu’s eyes fell on the exquisite dishes: “You should eat and drink, people have thousands of ways to live, just be happy.”

The implication is that she is living happily now and declined their persuasion.

Instead of living painfully, struggling, and uglyly for three years or two years, she would rather live happily for half a year. In the end, it is unknown which road or scenic spot she will die on.

Jian Qing looked at her and didn’t speak anymore.

At the end of lunch, Fu Jianshu ordered another bouquet of dewy roses, and smiled and sent them to Jian Qing’s arms: “Flowers for beauty, you are more beautiful than before.”

The picture was a little harsh, so Lu Yinxi chose not to watch it, and bid farewell to the two of them gently: “It’s rare for you to get together, I won’t bother you, I’ll go back to the set first, see you next time.”

After speaking, he turned and left, leaving the two of them together.

Looking at the back of her leaving, Jian Qing sent the flowers back to Fu Jianshu’s arms, and politely refused: “Thank you, but I can’t accept it. I can only help you in terms of treatment.”

Fu Jianshu smiled and said: “Do you think I will use my illness and morality to kidnap you and make you accept my love? No need, I don’t care for such love. I won’t be with you, I don’t need to get Your feedback, I just want to send you flowers, you accept this flower, you can give it away, you can throw it in the trash can, if you don’t accept it, I won’t force you to accept it, and I won’t send it from tomorrow. I It’s just that I really want to do such a thing. I’m a bit willful, sorry.”

After the meal, the lipstick was wiped off, and she regained her original pale lip color, looking a little weak, and her smile was forced.

“Ah Qing, during this period of time, I have done many things that I didn’t dare to do before. I got divorced, resigned, had a big fight with my parents, went to many places, and finished many things. I didn’t know what to do, so I came to Seeing you in Jiangzhou City, I want to tell you that I liked you. You have been unhappy because of your sister and your mother. Let me confess to you so that you will not encounter any unhappy things in the future. , can also think about me, think about this world, someone once liked you very much.”

I like it so much that I am willing to use my own life to spare her a lifetime of suffering, in exchange for her being safe and happy for the rest of her life.

Jian Qing accepted the flowers, and in the evening, met Fu Jianshu’s older sister, Fu Yuan, and transferred the flowers to Fu Yuan: “Persuade your sister to receive treatment as soon as possible, and don’t delay any longer.”

“Those who didn’t know thought you wanted to pursue me.” Fu Yuan sighed while holding a rose, “I persuaded you, but I didn’t listen. I broke up with my parents and quarreled with me, and asked us to leave her alone. What did you say? She’s going to live for herself now.”

Jian Qing’s mother has been recuperating under Fu Yuan, and because of this relationship, she is more concerned about Fu Jianshu: “You bring all the medical records of her doctor, and I will see if there is any other way to be prepared. , in case one day she changes her mind and wants to be treated.”

Fu Yuan said: “She refused to give it to me, so I found time and went to her house to look through it.”

Jian Qing hummed.

Fu Yuan also talked about her mother’s recent situation: “Auntie Ruan has been thinking about a lot of things recently. If you are free, go visit her more often and chat with her. Maybe she will recognize you.”

Jian Qing still said yes, noncommittal.

She usually goes there once a month, and she doesn’t stay long when she goes. It’s only half a day, and she will leave after a while.

Recognized, there is nothing to be happy about, maybe only hatred is left, it is better not to recognize, as a stranger, we can coexist peacefully.

Lu Yinxi no longer took advantage of the breaks between filming to visit Jian Qing, for fear of accidentally running into a warm and sincere confession, or a scene of Jian Qing holding hands with others.

She searched her memories again, and recorded the plots and endings she still remembered in the memo on her mobile phone, and also chose to upload them to the cloud space to avoid accidents and information loss.

If it is limited to January next year, she and Fu will be considered as people whose time is numbered.

She envied Fu Jianshu’s courage, envied that Fu Jianshu and Jian Qing had a common youth, and also envied that they were people from the same world.

Fu Jianshu would come to the hospital every week to get some painkillers and invite Jian Qing to have a meal.

Jian Qing politely refused, and instead contacted Lu Yinxi to have dinner together, but Lu Yinxi said that he ate a box lunch in the crew.

After that day, Lu Yinxi left early and returned late, trying not to meet Jian Qing.

On the last day of filming in Attachment 1, she didn’t get home until one o’clock in the middle of the night. Jian Qing hugged the computer and worked on the courseware on the sofa.

Seeing Lu Yinxi coming back, she went to pour a cup of warm water and put it on the table.

Lu Yinxi sat down with a tired body, holding a water glass, and said softly: “I’m going back to the studio in the suburbs tomorrow.”

Jian Qing hummed and didn’t say much.

Lu Yinxi lowered his head and handed out a bank card: “This is the card you gave me before. The second batch of money from the crew has already been paid, which is enough for my future expenses. When the filming ends at the end of May, the third payment Money will come, thank you for taking care of me these few months.”

I haven’t communicated much for a few days, and what she said was a bit raw and polite.

“Thank you?” Jian Qing raised the corners of her lips slightly when she heard these two words, her tone was cold, showing a bit of sarcasm, “Then should I say, welcome to come next time?”

The smell of fire and medicine was too strong, Lu Yinxi didn’t want to quarrel with her, so he silently took a sip of the warm water, his long eyelashes trembling.

Jian Qing looked at her and wanted to ask her, what do you think of me and what do you think of this place?

Forbearance for a moment, without asking, lowered his voice, and said calmly: “You packed your luggage for you, you can wash up and go to bed early.”

Lu Yinxi said thank you again.

Jian Qing stopped responding and went back to the room with the computer in her arms.

The second separation was not as inseparable as the first.

Because there is no farewell.

Jian Qing went to work as usual, without a greeting, Lu Yinxi followed the crew’s bus back to the suburban studio.

Cold again.

Of course, this time it was her cold treatment that started first.

She couldn’t blame and resent Fu Jianshu’s enthusiastic and straightforward confession, and she couldn’t stop it, but she didn’t have the courage to listen to it again or see it with her own eyes.

I had no choice but to deal with it coldly, avoiding the two of them, filming day after day on the set, devoting myself to work, trying to forget their existence.

Emotions stagnate, but life still needs to go on.

At work, feelings can only be a small part of life.

Jian Qing spends most of her time concentrating on her work, with medical care and scientific research taking up most of her energy. Only in her spare time does she remember that she is being treated coldly.

In the face of Fu Jianshu’s occasional expressions of love, she just ignored them, refused to accept gifts, and refused to go to invitations. No matter what romantic means Fu Jianshu used, she would only popularize the treatment of breast cancer.

Fu Jianshu saw through Jian Qing’s object of interest, smiled and said: “The little girl is timid, and I dare not express it at her age. Do you want to use me? Take a photo of us kissing and holding hands, pretending to be careless Let her see it, try to stimulate her, maybe she will dare to face you when she gets emotional.”

Seen through his thoughts, Jian Qing still didn’t change his face, just shook his head, and refused, saying: “Thank you for the suggestion, but it’s unnecessary, it’s disrespect to you, and it’s also disrespect to her.”

If the other party is affectionate to her, she will do this intentionally to hurt her; if the other party is ruthless to her, if she does this, it will be nothing.

Fu Jianshu smiled and said, “I’m really jealous of her.”

The next day, Fu Jianshu found the crew of the suburban film and television city and appeared in front of Lu Yinxi.

The author has something to say: I am on duty again, I am excited to write, and I will come back to another chapter later, of course, to prevent accidents, don’t wait, and come back tomorrow morning~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-2301:17:15~2021-04-2400:15:40~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 meat bun;

Thanks to the little angels for the irrigation nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Jin Zhiyan’s girlfriend outside the circle; 1 bottle of Yuanyu and Mommu’s high-end hand wheat;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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