She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 78

Chapter 77 – Kiss Goodbye

When Lu Yinxi saw Fu Jianshu, he was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled gently: “Have you visited the filming crew? Would you like to come and see how we film?”

Fu Jianshu didn’t expect these words in the opening remarks, so he was taken aback for a moment, and readily agreed, taking out a post-it note.

Write down the words “go to the set once, watch a star filming” on the paper, and put a tick next to it.

Lu Yinxi leaned over to read what she wrote.

The handwriting is clear and graceful.

“Want to see it? I can tell you, skydiving, running a marathon, walking the most dreaded suspended glass bridge, going to a nightclub, please accompany me once. Miss Jiu…” Fu Jianshu wrote, expressing his wish The list was read to Lu Yinxi in a low voice, with a kind smile on his face, “When the previous two were in good physical strength, I was lucky enough to complete it. Now, I can’t even run 800 meters.”

Lu Yinxi was a little moved, and persuaded softly: “If you are willing to receive treatment, you can fulfill more wishes.”

“No, I’ve had enough fun, I don’t have any attachments anymore.” Fu Jianshu put away his pen, “Lead the way, little tour guide, let me see how you actors work?”

Lu Yinxi stopped persuading her, took her into the crew, greeted the producer and director, and then led her around this small studio.

“Filming is to act out, film, and cut out a story. You may see two actors on TV. In fact, there are a bunch of people around the actors on the set, photography, art, lighting, makeup, props, etc. Everyone is staring at the actors, so at the beginning of the performance, we should pay attention to one not to be afraid, not to be afraid of the camera, not to be watched by others.”

“The one that looks like a train track is the photographer’s shooting track. There is a small car on it. The photographer sits on the car with the machine in his arms, and the photography assistant pushes and pulls the car beside him to assist in the shooting.”

“Come to the crew to film, just like you go to the company to clock in and go to work. Most of the people are social animals, and the director and producer are the bosses. The crew is often short-staffed. The staff behind the scenes have basically acted as extras. Do you want it? Let’s try it? There will be a scene later, a grandpa faints, and everyone is watching the scene that they dare not support, which requires a lot of extras.”

Fu Jianshu pointed to himself and asked with a smile, “Me? Can I? Do you have any lines?”

Lu Yinxi also smiled and said, “I can ask the director to give you a line to call a doctor.”

“Do you want to change clothes and make up?”

“No, modern dramas, you can just wear your suit. Make-up, the staff of the make-up team will put some powder on the faces of the extras later, you already have your own make-up, so you don’t have to.”

It is a scene in which the old man who went to the doctor alone suddenly fainted in the waiting chair.

Surrounded by group performers, Fu Jianshu was sitting next to the old man, who fell down with a plop, and she stood up with a groan, and shouted, “Doctor! Nurse! Someone has fainted!”

The grandfather is played by a middle-aged man wearing a gray hood. The director reshot it several times.

“That old man, don’t be slow when you fall down, and hit the ground with a plop.”

“That female cosplayer, look a little more frightened, don’t laugh.”

“The people behind don’t snicker, they will be intercepted to make emoticons in the future.”

After reshooting several times, the director finally shouted: “Crack, pass, get ready for the next scene.”

Fu Jianshu ran to Lu Yinxi and asked with a smile, “How did the filming go?”

Lu Yinxi handed her a bottle of water: “When the people in the editing room finish editing tomorrow, I’ll take a picture of your part with my mobile phone to show you. It’s your first time acting, how does it feel?”

“The first time I was very nervous, the second time I was still very nervous, the third time and the fourth time I wanted to get over it quickly.”

“To each other, when I was acting for the first time, I felt the same way. Let’s go and sit over there.”

Lu Yinxi took her to sit on a stone bench under a sycamore tree and chatted casually.

Lu Yinxi asked her: “How did you find out about that disease?”

Fu Jianshu said: “When I was taking a bath, I found a hard lump on my right breast. It didn’t hurt when I pinched it. My friend said it might be breast hyperplasia. I didn’t pay much attention to it. After a while, I felt it in the armpit again. It was a hard lump, and I felt that it was not very good. I went to the hospital to have a look. The doctor arranged for an examination and a puncture, but it turned out to be malignant. I said I needed to have an operation to remove it, but I refused. I was discharged from the hospital, quit my job, and played until Now.”

“Why won’t you accept treatment?”

Fu Jianshu asked back with a smile: “Why do you always like to persuade people to go for treatment?”

Lu Yinxi said: “Maybe because I have seen many…desperate survivors in the hospital.”

They seem to be in the boundless sea of suffering, holding a flat canoe, struggling to survive, looking at the doctor with longing eyes, and pinning their hope of life on the doctor.

But the doctor can’t save everyone, and if he is not careful, he will be drowned.

Lu Yinxi continued: “I had a dream before. In the dream and here, it is a different world. In the dream, I was also a medical student. Later, I couldn’t continue my studies and became an actor.”

Fu Jianshu asked, “Why can’t you read on?”

“Because I met a young female patient with breast cancer who is very similar to you, only in her early 30s.”

Fu Jianshu said regretfully: “It’s a pity that it’s the person in your dream, otherwise, you can get to know each other and be a fellow patient.”

“It’s a little different from you. She really wants to live, and wants to be admitted to the hospital by the doctor and receive treatment.”

“I misunderstood me, I also want to live, but life is like this, don’t let me live. However, she wants to live, what does it have to do with you, aren’t you a student?”

“It’s a student, a medical student. During the summer vacation, he was an intern in the hospital. He followed a well-known oncologist in the industry at the time. He followed her every day and helped her run errands. I learned a lot.”

“and then?”

“Then one day, I met that female patient who came to see a doctor. Her background was very poor. She was in her early thirties. When her boyfriend knew that she was sick, he broke up with her immediately. She had discovered breast cancer two years ago. It can be treated with surgery, but at that time, her father had a car accident, and the money she saved was first given to her father for treatment, and it took her two years to save enough money to continue the treatment, which became a late stage.”

“It can be regarded as filial piety, what happened later?”

“Later, when she was going to be treated, her family didn’t care about her. The money from the car accident insurance was used to buy a house for the youngest son in the family. Everyone gave up on her, but she didn’t give up on herself. In our hospital, One person sees a doctor for treatment, I sympathize with her, and often accompany her to go for examinations, and help her sign some papers. She has no money for treatment, so I look for clinical trials where she can meet the conditions, and I want her to receive free examination and treatment. , she was a little pessimistic at that time, I have always encouraged her to persevere.”

“Did you find it?”

“Looking for it, there is a clinical trial that she is perfectly qualified for, and it is also a very good international clinical trial. Drugs that have been proven to be effective abroad are listed in our country, and we still need to do our domestic trials. I am very happy. Tell her ‘There is hope now’, and tell her not to give up, but to persevere. She did have a little more hope at that time, and the smiles on her face increased.”

“I guessed it, didn’t I meet the conditions in the end?”

“Yes, not really. Before officially joining the trial, a pre-screening must be done to see if various conditions are met. She passed the pre-screening and can be enrolled the next day. She was very happy that day, Come to the outpatient clinic to find a specialist to get medicine, and come to see me. She came from another place, and I asked her to rest in the office next door. When she got her number, I went to call her in person. She waited for me there quietly, without saying a word , Half an hour later, when I got to her number, I walked into that office and saw blood all over the floor.”

“She committed suicide?”

“No. The lesion on her chest ruptured, but she didn’t dare to say it. She was afraid that if she said it, she wouldn’t dare to admit her into the clinical trial and wouldn’t give her treatment. Shouting, the whole chest was red, and the blood flowed from the stool to the ground. After I found out, she told me not to shout, just help her to stop the bleeding. I was only a sophomore at that time, where have I seen this I couldn’t handle the situation, so I didn’t listen to her, called the specialist next door, and sent her to the emergency room for treatment.

The emergency department needed an operation. I called her family members many times, but no one was willing to come and sign. In the end, I followed Anonymous’s method and asked the director of the medical department to sign the consent form for the operation. “

“Did she survive?”

“I survived the operation, but the clinical trial cannot be enrolled. The risk is too high. I am afraid that she will die during the trial and affect the entire trial. Therefore, doctors and international pharmaceutical companies dare not accept her into the group. Experts also dare not She was admitted to the hospital because there was no family member in an emergency. This kind of patient died in the hospital, and disputes were likely to arise. She knelt down and kowtowed, and kept begging me, the experts, to save her, but the experts still I dare not accept it because I am afraid of disputes, and I am afraid that she will die at my own hands, and my reputation will not be guaranteed. I am a student and I can do nothing. I ask experts and teachers, but no one is willing to talk to me. The next day, she came from the roof of our hospital. She jumped down and died right in front of me, almost hitting me, and I saw her blood flowed all over the floor, and flowed to my feet.”

“Then you won’t study medicine?”

“Well, I think I became the last straw that broke the camel’s back. After she died, I fainted when I saw the blood. In the worst case, when I saw the blood, I fell over and fell unconscious. This Where in the world is a doctor who faints at the sight of blood? I couldn’t continue my studies, my grades plummeted, and I was very disappointed in this industry. The real clinical practice is different from what I imagined. So great, there are many realistic factors, fear of disputes, risks, and reputation. At that time, I was still too immature, too idealistic, and too idealistic people were not suitable for staying in the clinic for a long time.”

After listening to it, Fu Jianshu commented: “Your dream is so real, it seems to be your real experience.”

Lu Yinxi smiled, did not speak, and took Fu Jianshu’s note to see how her wish list was completed.

A series of words are ticked at the end.

Lu Yinxi’s eyes fell on the last line [express love] four words.

“Isn’t the confession of love finished yet?”

“It’s almost finished. My scarf is almost finished. When it’s finished and I’m going to give it away, I’ll tick it.” Fu Jianshu blinked and hinted, “She never accepts my things, so I just need to send it to you.” Once this action is done, it is considered complete.”

Lu Yinxi secretly said, weaving a scarf for his lover, simple and sincere expression, Doctor Jane might like this better than roses.

Fu Jianshu observed her expression, saw that she didn’t understand the hint, and continued: “Maybe I’ve been used to being reserved since I was a child. After living for so many years, until now, I don’t understand the truth of what love wants to say. What to do if you hide ? You think, if the other party also likes me, if he hesitates, he will suffer for himself and the other party.”

In the next life, she must be reincarnated as a carefree person, who likes and dislikes, speaks out everything, no longer sensitive, no longer look at other people’s faces and live carefully.

Lu Yinxi faintly heard the hint, and murmured: “I said, if one day I have to leave, what should I do if I leave the other party alone?”

Fu Jianshu said: “That’s what I think, if she doesn’t love me, she will have nothing to lose if I get sick and leave.

If she loves me and I leave, she at least knows that they are in love with each other. The last period of time is spent together. It may be painful, but it will not be too regretful, and the wound will heal with time. Don’t say anything, leave her alone to guess, after leaving, both of them will have lifelong irreparable regrets.

Being together is a day. It’s better than the last moment, I’m about to leave this world, and I’m still regretting, ah, why didn’t I say it at the beginning? If you say it out loud, will there be a different result? “

After Lu Yinxi finished listening, he didn’t speak for a while, silently digesting these different concepts.

Fu Jianshu clapped his hands and said goodbye, “Okay, I’ve been playing here for a long time, I’m going to play somewhere else.”

Lu Yinxi sent her to the gate of the film and television city, and persuaded her again: “See sister Shu, please think again and receive treatment. The current medical treatment has improved a lot compared to the past. Cancer is not as terrible as you imagined. You have a chance to live.” down.”

Those who have the opportunity, don’t give up easily.

Fu Jianshu waved his hand and left without looking back.

At the beginning of May, the weather was a bit muggy, but the relationship between Jian Qing and Lu Yinxi dropped to freezing point.

The two places were separated, and because of anger, no one took the initiative to contact the other.

Jian Qing received another anonymous rose in the office.

She was about to throw the card into the trash can, hesitated for a second, and opened it to read.

[I thought I liked you very much. In fact, after contacting these few days, I may not like you as much as I imagined. You are a dream when I was young, a dream with a filter, a regret, I just want to In the last period of my life, to make up for this regret is considered to be the last brave one, and if I don’t say it, I can’t say it in my life. In the process of confessing, you are not important, others are not important, my own feelings are the most important. I went to another city to play. In this life, we will meet again by fate. 】

The words and sentences are still very literary. After reading it, Jian Qing didn’t have any ideas, and still sent Fu Jianshu a piece of breast cancer treatment data in a puzzled manner, trying to persuade her to accept the treatment.

Fu Jianshu didn’t reply.

Jian Qing also stopped paying attention.

The weather was extremely hot that day, and Lu Yinxi sat under a big tree to enjoy the shade. The birds on the tree had not returned to their nests, and row after row of wild geese flew to the south.

Someone was surprised: “It’s not winter yet, why do these birds start migrating?”

“Who knows, the mice are also moving. I saw a lot of mice running around in the street today, and many of them were killed by cars.”

Lu Yinxi didn’t care about small animals, but just missed Jian Qing silently.

She ignored Jian Qing, and Jian Qing didn’t take the initiative to talk to her.

They are all angry with each other.

She wasn’t angry at first, she just wanted to hide for a while, but that ice cube didn’t care about her emotions at all.

Nearly half a month has passed, and there has been no active contact.

She really got a little angry, and wanted to compare who she didn’t care about.

The next day, at noon, we ate a boxed lunch, and everyone rested for half an hour on the spot, ready to start shooting in the afternoon.

Lu Yinxi squinted on the recliner for fifteen minutes, just stood up, stretched, and when she lowered her head to fold the recliner, the recliner on the flat ground shook from side to side. She was curious and touched the handle of the recliner.

The shaking became stronger and stronger, and suddenly, the ground shook for a while.

She couldn’t stand still, and with a “snap”, she fell back onto the couch again.

People around were exclaiming and screaming, accompanied by loud rumbling noises from afar.

Lu Yinxi recalled her poor knowledge of geography, and the word “earthquake” flashed through her mind. She quickly stood up and shouted, “There’s an earthquake! Run!” Run in the clearing.

When I ran to the open space, there were people standing all around. From a distance, it seemed that no houses had collapsed, but the small car parked on the open space was still shaking faintly.

“Is it an earthquake?”

“It might be a small earthquake.”

“It’s strange, we don’t often have earthquakes here.”

“Is there an earthquake somewhere? We were affected by the shock wave?”

Everyone gathered in the open space, discussing in shock, surfing the Internet for a while, but did not find any information, and were called back to filming.

Throughout the afternoon, I swayed intermittently a few times. At around 17 o’clock in the evening, the director made a decision: “Closing work early, everyone is not in the mood, please don’t go back to the hotel, the hotel is tall, just stay here in the square .”

Lu Yinxi checked the Internet for a while, and it seemed that there were earthquakes in several cities in neighboring provinces.

Several cities in neighboring provinces border Jiangzhou City.

If there is an earthquake there, Jiangzhou City will inevitably feel the earthquake.

If there is a public health emergency, such as an epidemic or an earthquake, medical institutions will respond faster than ordinary people, and they will directly seek confirmation from relevant departments in preparation for the formation of a rescue team and preparation of medical supplies.

Lu Yinxi let go of his grudge, and sent a message to ask Jian Qing: [There was a slight earthquake this afternoon, how is your side? 】

Except for the initial earthquake and mountain shaking, the subsequent earthquakes were not very felt. Attached to this kind of hospital, it is strictly stipulated that the buildings must have anti-seismic functions, and the anti-seismic level is higher than that of houses in other places. She can guess that the other party is safe.

Jian Qing did not reply for a long time.

Only then did Lu Yinxi start to feel anxious.

She looked around, but couldn’t find Chu Yan, and asked Lan Zhou, “Sister Lan Zhou, where is Dr. Chu?”

Lan Zhou was full of worry: “He left at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and suddenly ended his vacation and went back to the hospital.”

All medical staff who were on leave returned to the hospital.

Lu Yinxi’s heart skipped a beat, and he vaguely guessed the seriousness of the situation.

“I’ll go back to the city.” After reporting the itinerary with the person in charge of the crew, Lu Yinxi went back to the hotel, got in the car, and drove to the First Attached Hospital in the city center.

She turned on the location of the watch and saw that Jian Qing’s location was still in the tumor building of the hospital.

The car drove all the way to the city center, and the road was somewhat congested. The taxis in Jiangzhou City were all heading in one direction.

The direction bordering the city of D in the neighboring province.

On the road, there is a special lane, and white medical supply vehicles pass by one after another.

Lu Yinxi didn’t receive Jian Qing’s reply, so he started calling Jian Qing.

No one answered the phone.

Jian Qing’s position has been moved from the hospital to the home.

Lu Yinxi accelerated, drove to the community across the road from the hospital, ran up, pressed the combination lock, entered the door, and went straight to the master bedroom.

Jian Qing stood in front of the closet, pulled up the suitcase, and was about to go out.

Lu Yinxi stopped her, with a gloomy face, and asked, “Are you sent?”

Jian Qing glanced at her watch, there was still time to answer, and it was not yet the meeting point.

“Well, County B in the neighboring province suffered a 7.8-magnitude earthquake.” She has experience in foreign aid, and she has not yet married, and has no elderly or children to take care of. Insufficient, of course she was on the first batch of support list.

Lu Yinxi’s eyes turned red instantly: “Do you have to go?”

Jian Qing looked at her without speaking.

Lu Yinxi couldn’t figure out whether she was hesitant or determined during the few seconds of silence.

“Have you ever thought about my feelings? Why don’t you tell me about such a big thing?”

Jian Qing explained: “You will be worried.”

“I can rest assured by keeping it from me?”

“Come back soon, half a month at most.”

One batch of medical teams is definitely not enough, and the second and third batches will be formed in the future. When the third batch leaves, they can return to the first batch.

Lu Yinxi didn’t speak, but still blocked the door, preventing people from leaving, tears slowly accumulated in his eyes.

Jian Qing couldn’t see her red eyes the most, so he quickly let go of the luggage handle and hugged her: “Don’t worry, it won’t be very dangerous.”

Lu Yinxi hugged Jian Qing back hard, gritted his teeth, held back his tears, suddenly let go of his embrace, held her face in his arms, tiptoed slightly, and kissed her red lips.

No more superficial kisses.

Seal the lips with a kiss, pry open the jaws, penetrate the tip of the tongue, hook and suck, and dance with the lips and tongue.

A passionate kiss, full of sweetness and softness.

Jian Qing was stunned for a second before reacting and responding to Lu Yinxi’s kiss.

She was still thinking about the time of assembly in her heart, she was a little absent-minded, and the upper hand was taken by Lu Yinxi.

She hugged Lu Yinxi’s waist, breathing disorderly, and passively accepted the kiss.

Fifteen seconds later, Lu Yinxi pushed Jian Qing away, pulled up her suitcase, with red eyes, holding back tears, and said, “Let’s go, I’ll take you to the car.”

The author has something to say: Although I am crying, but the action is still very A, isn’t it~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-2400:15:40~2021-04-2404:14:01~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Wood Pigeon, Mu Ran 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: meat bun, 1 Neroban;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 95 bottles of Muyan; 24 bottles of wooden pigeons; 1710078315 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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