She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 79

Chapter 78 – Rescue (1)

The earthquake occurred at two o’clock in the afternoon, and the golden rescue time was only 72 hours.

Half an hour after the earthquake, the leaders of the First Attached Hospital got in touch with the Earthquake Bureau and the Health Bureau. After confirming the news, they immediately set up a leading group for earthquake relief to deploy and carry out rescue work.

One hour after the earthquake, the whole hospital activated the contingency plan for public health emergencies, and all medical staff who were on vacation or away from home returned to the hospital, and all medical staff stayed on standby.

The procurement department quickly went out to purchase large quantities of disinfectant, gauze, masks and other materials.

Three hours after the earthquake, all the ambulances in the warehouse were dispatched, and all medical supplies were loaded into the vehicles.

Neighboring provinces began to transfer the wounded from the disaster area to medical institutions in Jiangzhou City, and helicopters landed on the apron on the roof of the first building, rumbling.

At the entrance of the emergency department, large lights were installed, a cordon was pulled up, and a special green channel was opened for transporting the wounded.

In order to prevent the shortage of beds in the future, the staff of the General Affairs Department set up a temporary blue tent in the open space in front of the emergency department.

In front of the gate of the hospital, a white medical supply support vehicle was parked, waiting for the rescue medical team to gather.

On the wide field, white clothes surged.

Some people bid farewell to their wives, some to their husbands, some to their children, and some to watch.

Some doctors received a notice to join the medical rescue team as soon as they got off the operating table. They didn’t come home or notify their families in time. They took the material package issued by the hospital, took their certificates, and boarded the car directly.

Wei Mingming took Zhang Yue and squeezed into the crowd.

Zhang Yue kept stuffing compressed biscuits, mineral water, and paper towels into Jian Qing’s supply bag: “Senior sister, I met Deputy Hu just now, and he has no time to see you off, let me tell you, pay attention to safety and return safely! “

Hu Jianjun is still running around in the hospital, directing work.

Jian Qing replied: “Okay.”

She was brought up by Hu Jianjun, and under his hands, she grew from a small doctor to an independent doctor.

This afternoon, when Hu Jianjun informed her to go to the front line, he didn’t have many warm words, but ordered in a serious tone: “You are my student, you are in the first batch of lists, you go to the front for me.”

Wei Mingming hung a safety talisman around her neck: “The family members of Grandma Liu, who is in bed 14, heard that you were going to the disaster area, so they went to a nearby temple to ask for a safety talisman, and asked me to hand it over to you.”

Jian Qing squeezed the safety talisman: “Say thank you for me.”

Lu Yinxi didn’t say a word, and lowered his head to check the supplies package issued by the hospital.

In the material bag, there are first aid kits, rain boots, raincoats, tents, sleeping bags, flashlights…

Feminine accessories are missing.

She ran to the convenience store on the first floor, bought a few packs of sanitary napkins, stuffed them in, and just as she zipped it up, she heard a urging sound.

The deputy secretary of the Party branch of the hospital and one of the vice presidents, Zhang Qin, personally led the team to fight against the red flag of the [First Affiliated Hospital of Jiangzhou University Earthquake Relief Medical Team], holding a loudspeaker and shouting: “Comrades, personnel! Gather them all, get in the car, and get ready to go!”

“I’m leaving.” Jian Qing put on a mask and looked at Lu Yinxi calmly.

Lu Yinxi also looked at her, with thousands of words, stuck in his heart, unable to speak out.

Jian Qing waited for a few seconds, but before she could say anything, she stretched out her hand, put her arms around her shoulders, gave her a hug, then picked up the supply bag neatly, and boarded the car.

Lu Yinxi watched her leave.

She was wearing a pair of black hiking shoes, a black quick-drying suit inside, and a long-sleeved white coat with a badge on the coat.

The doctor’s qualification certificate and practice certificate are all put in the pocket close to the body, in case of accidents, the identity and unit cannot be identified.

Every time I set off, the worst plan is not to come back.

Four hours after the earthquake, at 6:00 p.m., the first batch of rescuers arrived in the attached vehicle and set off to help the disaster area.

They are all written on the hospital emergency plan list, the first echelon of rescuers.

Those who are close to the hospital can still go home to pack their luggage and say goodbye to their families.

Those who are far away from home, only sporadic one or two colleagues see off behind them.

There are also some people who sign up temporarily and want to go to the front line as soon as possible.

When we arrived in the car, some people were calling their family members, telling them about their hidden private money and bank card passwords; some people were calling their colleagues to explain the situation of their patients; .

Secretary Zhang Qin held the loudspeaker: “We will go to the airport later, take a plane to J City Airport in Province S, and after getting off the plane, transfer to a bus and go to County B and Xiacun to carry out rescue work. The local signal equipment is completely destroyed. There is no network, no signal, and it is still in the process of repairing. If there is anyone you want to contact, if you have something to explain, please contact me now and explain it!”

Having said that, more people took out their mobile phones.

Some even started writing suicide notes.

This is the last moment when they are allowed to be weak. When they arrive in the local area and put on white coats, they will no longer be allowed to be weak.

Jian Qing quietly looked out the window.

After hesitating for a long time, she edited two messages and sent them to Lu Yinxi.

Article 1: [L City Third Hospital, attending doctor Fu Yuan, patient Ruan Sheng, my mother. 】

She entrusted her mother to the only person she trusted.

Article 2: [The password of the safe at home is the same as the password of the bank card I gave you. 】

All property and wealth are also entrusted to her.

When Lu Yinxi saw the news, he no longer felt any resentment or sadness, and quickly typed a reply.

Article 1: [Received. 】

Article 2: [Doctor Jane, I love you. 】

An unexpected confession…

There were only a few words, but Jian Qing read them back and forth for no less than five minutes.

After staring at it for a long time, she looked out the window, showing a long-lost smile.

The sky was getting darker, and there were definite official news reports one after another, and ordinary people gradually realized the seriousness of the situation.

A huge natural disaster has befallen this world.

Lu Yinxi drove the car aimlessly on the streets of the city.

In the car radio, the announcer announced the situation in a hoarse voice: “At 2 p.m., a 7.8-magnitude earthquake occurred in B County, S Province, located at **** degrees north latitude A batch of medical rescue teams have entered the disaster area…The traffic roads are blocked, please refrain from going to the public vehicles…”

Lu Yinxi looked out the window.

Looking up, on the viaduct, a truck loaded with supplies, an ambulance, and a police car drove towards City D, which borders the neighboring province.

Bow your head, beside the green belt on the roadside, there is a blood donation house with a small red light on.

She found a place to park, got out of the car, and walked over to donate blood.

In the next few days, blood will become one of the items in short supply. At that time, central blood stations across the country will call on caring people to donate blood.

She is not a medical student, let alone a doctor, but an ordinary citizen.

What an ordinary person can do in the face of a catastrophe is nothing more than donating blood, donating money… making a small contribution.

Because of dizziness, she kept her eyes closed during the process of drawing blood.

The nurse who drew blood gave her some comforting words and gave her some mints.

She thanked her with a smile, walked out of the blood donation room in a daze, and stood on the sidewalk, a little dazed.

After Jian Qing left, her heart was empty, she didn’t know what to do next?

She saw hundreds of taxis on the road, still heading in the same direction, with some private cars mixed in between.

There are traffic police at the intersection directing the traffic.

She walked over and asked, “Comrade, hello, what are these taxis doing?”

The traffic policeman said loudly: “They are all going to pick up the wounded in D city, little girl, go home quickly, it’s going to rain! Traffic control will be implemented here soon!”

Lu Yinxi nodded his thanks, walked a few steps, relaxed his body, and had a goal in mind.

She started the car and joined the taxi team.

Driving from the urban area to the expressway, you can see a steady stream of taxis, ambulances, and police cars all the way, with emergency lights flashing, converging into a river, illuminating the entire expressway.

The traffic policeman on duty at the side of the road looked at the oncoming traffic, stood still, stood at attention, and saluted all the drivers.

Thunder roared, and after a short while, the rain poured down, and the sky in the distance was dark, with a few lightning flashes from time to time.

The car light beam penetrated the torrential rain, and the rain hit the window glass, making a series of crackling sounds. Lu Yinxi frowned as he looked at the swaying wipers.

The heavy rain after the disaster is tantamount to worsening the disaster for the people in the disaster area.

The road that Jian Qing has to take will not be too smooth.

Lu Yinxi voice calls the smart assistant on the phone, opens the communication tool of the phone, and checks Jian Qing’s profile picture.

The profile picture darkened.

There is no internet over there.

Lu Yinxi dared not call her for fear of affecting her work.

Perhaps, it has also failed.

I had no choice but to concentrate on driving and follow the traffic flow to D City.

The earthquake in D City was stronger than that in Jiangzhou City. Many houses collapsed. Some people were injured by the collapsed buildings and bled profusely; some people jumped from high buildings and broke their legs; .

Those who were seriously injured and needed medical equipment were sent to an ambulance and transported to a third-class hospital; those with minor injuries were simply bandaged to stop bleeding and transported to the nearest hospital in D city by taxi or private car.

The Second Affiliated Hospital, Provincial Hospital, People’s Hospital…

It wasn’t until three o’clock in the morning, when the fourth trip to pick up the wounded, that Lu Yinxi returned to the hospital in Fuyi.

At the entrance of the emergency department, the lights were fully turned on, as bright as day.

The door was full of doctors, and as soon as the car stopped, a doctor came over with a cart and carefully carried the wounded into the hospital.

Later, the trolley was not enough, and the medical staff went directly to the back of the hand.

“Come on, be careful.”

Lu Yinxi recognized one of the doctors carrying the man: “Obviously!”

Wei Mingming then turned his head, saw the female driver’s face clearly, and called out, “Xiaolu!”

“You were called to the emergency department?”

“There are too many wounded! The emergency department is about to collapse! There are not enough people, and young doctors have been transferred!”

After hurriedly saying this, Wei Mingming had no time to pay attention to Lu Yinxi, and pushed the patient into the emergency room.

After a long night of sleepless driving, Lu Yinxi was so tired that she could hardly keep her eyes open. She knew she was unable to carry it again. Fearing that there would be accidents due to fatigue driving, she drove back to the apartment across the road and lay on the ground in the underground parking lot. On the steering wheel, I squinted for about ten minutes before regaining my senses. She dragged her tired body upstairs, fell on the sofa, struggled to set the alarm clock for getting up at 7 o’clock, and fell asleep.

All the airports in City J are closed, and they are only responsible for transporting supplies, troops, and medical teams.

Seven hours after the earthquake, at 9:00 p.m., the medical team from Fuyi arrived at the airport in City J, and then departed by bus from the airport in City J to the national highway from City J to County B.

On the way, I met a photographer surnamed Wu and a TV reporter surnamed Zhang. With their press cards, they wanted to go to County B with the rescue team. Zhang Qin readily agreed.

The photographer carried the camera and started shooting and recording pictures from the car.

Reporter Zhang conducted a simple interview with the secretary and medical staff leading the team.

It was raining heavily outside the car, and the mountain road had nine turns and eighteen turns. The left side was the rolling river, the right side was the cliff, and there were constant aftershocks on the road.

There were rocks, trees, and mud rolling down the mountain, and the shooting and interviews were interrupted. Everyone was in fear, and the photographer tightly protected the machine with his body.

The driver of the bus saw white smoke coming out of the cliff, stepped on the accelerator to speed up, and the bus rushed out of this section of road quickly.

In the next second, soil mixed with rocks rumbled down the mountain, drowning out the sound of the car engine.

The driver was still in shock: “Mudslide, I almost lost my life on the road!”

Landslides, mudslides, common secondary disasters after earthquakes.

When everyone looked back, the mountain road was completely blocked, and they all felt lingering fear.

After driving for a while, several green military supply vehicles were parked in front of us.

The road was blocked by mud and rocks falling from the mountain, and cars could not drive in.

The People’s Liberation Army told: “Half of the mountain has collapsed and the road is cracked. It is impossible to drive over. Our people climbed over and took assault boats.”

Several PLA soldiers were injured in the aftershocks.

The medical team got out of the car and bandaged the wounded.

Before entering the core earthquake zone, there are already a few sporadic people’s soldiers who died on the way to help.

After negotiating with the head of the army, Zhang Qin came back to inform and said: “Everyone get off the car, do not take personal luggage, belongings, medicines with the car, and distribute them to everyone. We will take the assault boat from the waterway to an aluminum factory first. Then walk from the aluminum factory into town!”

Jian Qing put on the raincoat and rain boots in the supply bag, discarded all personal belongings, stuffed a lot of medicine and small medical equipment, and got on the assault boat.

They did not bring reporters and photographers with them, because they had no spare time to take care of them, so they stayed behind with part of the People’s Liberation Army, and stayed in front of the blocked mountain road, waiting for the road to be dug for the delivery of materials in the future.

Rocks and rocks continued to roll down into the river, making loud thumping noises.

This time, there is no roof to block the view, and it is shocking to face the disaster directly.

The members of the medical team were cold and tired, and they huddled together to keep each other warm and encourage each other.

At midnight, the tenth hour after the disaster, the medical team got off the assault boat and arrived at the aluminum factory.

All the buildings of the aluminum factory collapsed, and the surviving victims, with expressionless faces, supported each other and walked out of the mountain.

When people are in extreme grief, they have no expression. Their eyes are dull, and they want to cry without tears. When they see the medical staff in white clothes, they don’t know to come for treatment. They just walk forward in a daze, and walk out mechanically, eager to Get away from this place.

Seeing the injured and bleeding victims, Zhang Qin told the team members: “Quickly, bandage them up!”

The medical team distributed medicines to them and bandaged them to stop the bleeding.

More and more victims came to their senses and gathered around, asking doctors and nurses to help treat their wounds.

Most of the surviving people here were slightly injured, and the medical team did not dare to delay for too long.

Zhang Qin explained to the victims: “We have received news that there are more seriously injured people in County B. We arrived late, and people there will die at any time. Please understand…”

All the members of the medical team began to walk on foot with bulging backpacks weighing more than 30 kilograms.

Crossing water when encountering water, climbing mountains when encountering mountains.

The mountain road was slippery after the rain, accompanied by aftershocks and rolling stones, risking being injured, buried and falling into the river. After walking for more than five hours, everyone was hungry and cold, and their feet were worn out. Blisters, cheeks, neck, blood streaks drawn by trees.

Everyone is miserable, exhausted, on the verge of collapse, helpless and hopeless.

Almost desperate because there is no hope in sight.

There is no hope of saving people, no hope of going back, and they will die on the road at any time.

At 6:00 a.m., the sixteenth hour after the earthquake, we arrived at a cracked flat road. There were no mountains on the left, and there was no danger of rocks or mudslides. Zhang Qin asked everyone to stop and rest for fifteen minutes.

Some sat down and sobbed; others lay on the ground and fell asleep.

Among them, some have experience in fighting against SARS, and some have experience in foreign aid. They are responsible for comforting and encouraging those inexperienced team members.

Jian Qing sat on the ground, drank water in silence, ate compressed biscuits, replenished her strength, and then went back to back with her teammates, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The author has something to say: Alright, both of you are asleep, let’s sleep too, good night~~~

Ps: I only have anti-epidemic experience, but no experience in anti-earthquake. When the earthquake occurred in 2008, I was still studying, so I referred to the anti-epidemic. I consulted a senior in the office who had anti-earthquake experience, and read relevant news reports of the year written. Speaking of which, SARS in 2003 was a milestone event in the development and construction of my country’s disease control system, and the earthquake in 2008 was a milestone event in the improvement of my country’s major disaster emergency rescue system. After 2008, medical students need to learn a discipline of disaster medicine. The hardships and sacrifices in the early years have accumulated a lot of valuable experience for the subsequent public health emergencies.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-2404:14:01~2021-04-2700:02:49~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Muran 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 1 before the end of July;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Yelan Xingye mint tea, Shi Lezhi; 57928 bottles; 25 bottles at the end of July; 20 bottles of self-melting, warm water; 15 bottles of Laobai; 6 bottles of Moyuanni; 5 bottles of Zheng Yang updated today; きこりは木が白い., 2 bottles of Yuanyu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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