She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 80

Chapter 79 – Rescue (2)

Dibengshan destroyed the strong men to death, and then the ladders and stone stacks were connected with each other.

When she was conscious, Jian Qing was half awake and half asleep, and heard Zhang Qin and several teammates discussing in a low voice: “The landslide and mudslide just now buried a truckload of PLA troops.”

She suddenly thought of this poem in “The Road to Shu”.

Last week, in the elective course of “Appreciation of Ancient Poetry”, she just analyzed the appreciated poems with the students.

She had stayed in Sichuan for twelve years, and spent both elementary and middle school here.

A few weeks ago, she was doing courseware, flipping through obscure and difficult poems, and saw the “Difficult Road to Shu” she had learned before, and subconsciously put this poem on it.

She remembered what the Chinese teacher used to say when she was in middle school: the meaning of poetry lies in being able to blurt out accurate descriptions when seeing similar pictures and experiences.

The ancients and the present have the same state of mind.

At 6:15, it rained again.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the visibility was still very low. Fine rainwater passed through the forest and hit the face. A young nurse opened her mouth to catch the rainwater.

There were originally five bottles of mineral water in their supplies bag. In order to pack the medicine, everyone threw three bottles out and took only two bottles of mineral water on the road on foot.

She has run out of water.

Seeing this, Jian Qing threw away her remaining bottle of mineral water and reminded her, “Apart from mineral water, don’t drink unboiled water these days.”

There is a folk saying that after a major disaster, there must be a major epidemic.

It is said that the sanitation conditions in the disaster area are backward, and the outbreak of infectious diseases is very likely.

The disease control and epidemic prevention teams in the province and neighboring provinces should have already set off and are on their way.

The first group sent by their hospital was the vanguard, either the professional backbone of various departments, or the assistance of experienced doctors and nurses, and they needed to be formed immediately to carry out rescue activities.

The second batch inherits the past and the future, and will bring logistics and material support to the first batch of teammates. Taking into account post-disaster epidemic prevention and psychological intervention, they will be drawn from public health and psychology majors.

Fifteen minutes later, Zhang Qin shook the sleeping team members one by one: “Everyone, wake up, wake up! Get up and continue on your way!”

She didn’t close her eyes for a full sixteen hours, and she didn’t dare to close her eyes. She had to pay attention to the aftershocks at any time. Along the way, she told the team members to contact their families, but she didn’t have time to contact them.

Jian Qing helped her shout and pull everyone up one by one. More than 30 team members supported each other and continued to climb mountains and mountains.

It was just dawn, and there were many army green helicopter groups hovering above their heads.

Hearing the sound, everyone looked up and commented, “The paratroopers are about to be dropped in.”

“The weather conditions are too bad. People will die if they land in such a place.”

“The dead can’t help it. I don’t know how many people have died now.”

Along the way, I met many refugees fleeing from the disaster, covered in dust, and fled in a hurry with the old and the young.

For some people, the wounds on their bodies were rotten and smelly. The medical team stopped, distributed masks, did some simple treatment for their wounds, instructed some epidemic prevention matters, listened to some news about County B, and sent some medicines. Then move on.

The golden rescue time passed by every minute and every second. The refugees along the way said that County B was in ruins, all the houses had collapsed, no one could be rescued, they were all dead, and it was useless to go there.

But the medical team is still going, to confirm the situation with their own eyes, and to rescue the people buried under the ruins. The golden seventy-two hours have not passed, and there must be survivors under the ruins.

Dozens of kilometers of mountain roads, over mountains and ridges, the team members passed out several times, walked in the rain for more than ten hours, from night to day, and then from day to night, and finally arrived at the destination.

At six o’clock in the evening, twenty-eighth hours after the earthquake, the medical team limped in and saw the county town that had been razed to the ground.

It was dark.

The empty county town has no lights, no sound, a dead silence, only their dangling flashlights, only their loud shouts:

“Is there anyone? We are from the Jiangzhou medical team!”

“Is anyone around?”

“Hello! Is there anyone?”

The voice echoed in the empty county town, the hillside in the distance was still trembling faintly, and there were scattered bodies all along the road.

Jian Qing reminded everyone: “Don’t go under the dilapidated house to look, there will be aftershocks at any time.”

An attending physician in the emergency department squatted down, looked at the corpses on the side of the road, and said with tears in his eyes, “There are no vital signs…”

Someone cried and asked, “Are there any living people who can be saved?”

They came over the mountains and saw a dead city.

Zhang Qin comforted everyone’s emotions: “Don’t cry, let’s go further, go to school, go to shopping malls, go to crowded places, there must be people alive!”

After walking for a while, I didn’t see a single intact house. The air was filled with a stench, and as far as I could see, there were ruins.

Going forward, gradually heard some faint voices, everyone limped and quickened their pace.

Under the ruined walls, some people were crying, some were calling for help, some were groaning in pain, and some were dead silent.

In front of nature, human beings are as small and fragile as an ant.

The team members walking in front suddenly shouted: “There are people! There are People’s Liberation Army!”

The first thing that caught the eye was a sea of green. People’s soldiers in green uniforms, carrying shovels and gloves, were digging on the ruins.

All those who wore white gloves had their palms stained red with blood.

The roads were impassable, and large-scale rescue equipment could not get in. The PLA and the survivors, regardless of their own injuries, dug their hands bloody.

In front of the ruins, there were many dusty people with blood on their faces and bodies. When they saw doctors in white coats rushing over, their cries and cries for help merged together.

“Doctor! Save my child!”

“Doctor, please, save my child!”

“Doctor, my child is inside, help me look at her!”

The army sent people to contact Zhang Qin and introduce the situation here: “This is an elementary school, and the students in it are the students who have no ability to save themselves. When we came, the local county government and the parents of the students took the lead in organizing this place. The rescue work, after we came, we also started the rescue from the school.”

Zhang Qin asked: “How about the local medical institutions and medicines?”

Their medical team received the task of stationing in the local county hospital and stationing in the local villages to assist in the rescue work.

“More than 80% of the local medical staff were killed or injured. The county government sent people to the ruins of hospitals and pharmacies to rescue and dig out a batch of medicines. At noon, a group of naval medical troops were stationed. The county hospital is gone, and everyone is building it. Rescue work was carried out in a temporary tent.”

The People’s Liberation Army troops and military medical troops in the province all entered the disaster area within 24 hours after the earthquake.

The road was interrupted, the communication was cut off, and this place became an isolated city. The first batch of troops all came in on foot, and almost all the soldiers and military doctors walked with a limp.

The situation is much more serious than expected.

“There are several villages nearby, but during the earthquake, the two mountains squeezed into one mountain at the same time, and the entire village disappeared.”

Zhang Qin was silent for half a second, and commanded the team members to say: “Set up a tent, transport the medicine to the tent, and then divide into temporary departments, only the Party Office, Medical Affairs, Pharmacy, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Each department has a person in charge, who is responsible for leading the medical staff in the department to immediately treat the wounded…”

At first, before the PLA came in, there were no tents and no supplies.

We picked up bricks, pillars, and white cloth from the ruins, built a few temporary sheds, and moved a few tables. On the table stood a piece of corrugated paper, and wrote “County People’s Government” and “County People’s Congress” with a black marker. , “County Party Committee”, there are mineral water and instant noodles dug out in the shed, and they are distributed to the surviving victims.

The medical team of Fuyi set up temporary tents next to these sheds.

Zhang Qin picked up a piece of wood, took out the red flag in his pocket, hung it up, and stood it in front of the tent.

Jian Qing picked up a wooden board from the ruins and wrote the words “Temporary Medical Treatment Point” and “Party Branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiangzhou University”.

After setting up the tents, the medical team endured hunger, thirst and fatigue, and began to treat patients.

The People’s Liberation Army carried out one child after another from the ruins, all covered in blood.

There is no electricity or equipment here, so you can only feel the injuries with your hands and use experience to judge the injuries. It is said that there are different departments, but the most common injuries are smashing and crushing injuries. Everyone has become an emergency doctor.

Their water and food had been exhausted. Zhang Qin and the People’s Liberation Army discussed some compressed biscuits and mineral water for the team members to eat.

The local refugees saw it and threw instant noodles and mineral water into their tents.

They also planned to give it to the People’s Liberation Army face to face, but the People’s Liberation Army didn’t eat the food of the common people, so the common people learned to throw it directly into their tents.

Jian Qing and an anesthesiologist were dispatched to the first-line rescue site, responsible for rescuing critically ill patients, judging the injuries of children whose heads were exposed in the ruins, establishing an airway, or establishing intravenous access, infusion of anti-infection, anti-shock treatment , Waiting for the People’s Liberation Army to dig it out, and then move it to a temporary treatment point. It is up to the surgical team to decide whether to amputate the limb or perform other operations.

To face the scene is to face death.

The hollow slabs of the teaching building were lifted away by the People’s Liberation Army. Inside were the corpses of children in various positions, with mutilated limbs and swollen and pale faces.

The parents on the periphery cried their hearts out and kept calling their children’s names.

Jian Qing sat on a rock and watched all this silently.

Next to her was a female doctor, a surviving doctor from the county hospital. Her daughter was also a student of this school. The body had just been dug up. She just went to see it, and then returned to the rescue site to continue the rescue work.

The author has something to say: I have traveled several times this month, and saved up a lot of compensatory leave. Next month plus May Day, I will take about half a month off. If I don’t go out to play, I will update it at home and try to challenge it. Continuous daily updates, as a make up for this month’s intermittent updates, thank you for your company all the way

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-2700:02:49~2021-04-2900:03:59~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: An Ling, I have a friend who said, wooden pigeon, meat bun, twelve and Tai 1;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: I have a friend who said 30 bottles; Muge 27 bottles; Luoshu, Laobai 10 bottles; Xingqi 5 bottles; Qingji 3 bottles; 1 bottle of Mamamu’s high-end hand mic, take a look, and far fish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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