She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 81

Chapter 80 – Mother

The sky is getting darker and darker, and there is no large-scale lighting equipment in the isolated city without electricity. The people gathered here are either holding flashlights or turning on the flashlight of their mobile phones. Several beams of light converge in front of the ruins to illuminate the People’s Liberation Army.

Jian Qing held up the flashlight while silently counting the small schoolbags in the open space on the left.

The principal of this elementary school, with tears in his eyes, arranged the small schoolbags and shoes that were dug up one by one, so that parents can identify the relics.

10, 20, 30… More and more…

Crumpled books were scattered all over the floor, stained with blood and dust.

The Chinese books and math books blown away by the wind left immature handwriting of the students.

The parents of the students who died squatted down and held the small schoolbags in their arms, crying like holding their own children.

In the hospital, Jian Qing heard many cries, but it was the first time she heard so many people crying heart-piercingly.

Weeping blood.

The anesthesiologist in the same team took off his glasses and wiped his tears; the surviving female doctor in the county hospital who lost her daughter heard the crying, but just looked at the direction of the ruins with a blank expression, not daring to shed tears. collapse.

It’s not time for her to break down.

When the earthquake happened, the students in this school were preparing for class. The ground shook and the students on the fourth and fifth floors staggered and ran downstairs. When they reached the second and third floors, the teaching building began to collapse.

The elementary school was originally five stories high. After the earthquake, it collapsed into two floors, and the remaining three floors sank into the ground.

The further you dig down, the less likely the buried person will survive.

As time passed by, the light of the flashlight gradually dimmed.

It’s running out of power.

When the power is completely out and the ruins cannot be seen clearly, the rescue work can only come to an end.

The higher-level department contacted the brigade commander of the army through a satellite phone and informed that a large aftershock might occur at night.

The brigade commander informed the onlookers to retreat to a safe open space and not to approach the dangerous building.

No parent is willing to retreat, still around the ruins, waiting for their children to dig out.

After the search and rescue team removed the stones with their bare hands, they found a female student who seemed to be alive, and hurriedly shouted: “Doctor! Doctor! Come and have a look! Her fingers are moving!”

Jian Qing and the two doctors beside him rushed up to assess the little girl’s vital signs.

“There’s still a heartbeat.” Jian Qing cleaned the dust from her face, mouth and nose to prevent her from suffocating.

The other two doctors dealt with the obvious bleeding on her body.

While dealing with it, Jian Qing said: “The limbs are swollen and there is congestion under the skin. Pay attention to prevent crush syndrome.”

“My doll, my doll!” A woman from the outside rushed in and shouted at the little girl.

There was still a huge stone on the little girl’s leg, and the woman rushed over to remove the big stone.

“Don’t move yet!”

One of the People’s Liberation Army prevented her from moving, and she burst out with a burst of brute force, pushing the Liberation Army away.

Jian Qing shouted to stop her: “Don’t move! Are you going to kill her!”

Hearing the word “death”, she paused, and took a step back, her face full of bewilderment.

Jian Qing lowered her voice and explained: “Don’t rush to move, wait until we finish processing. The heavy object has been pressed on her for too long, and her muscles have been necrotic. If you move away rashly, the toxins gathered around the necrotic tissue , Released instantly, it may cause her sudden cardiac arrest, or death from acute renal failure.”

In medicine, there is a professional term called “crush syndrome”, which refers to this situation. Human muscle cells contain potassium ions and myoglobin. When muscle cells are crushed and damaged by heavy objects, potassium ions, actin and acidic toxic substances in the cells will be released in large quantities. The blood supply to the parts of the body is restored, but a large amount of toxins such as potassium ions will also enter the various systems of the body along with the blood circulation.

The woman didn’t understand much medical terms, but she was willing to trust the doctor. Her knees softened, she knelt down, kowtowed, and begged, “Doctor, save her, save my baby…”

“Mom…” The little girl in the ruins heard her mother’s voice, and the tears in her eyes, mixed with the plaster, rolled down her cheeks together.

Jian Qing wiped away her tears and said to the woman: “I will save her, we will all save her…you get up, come here, talk to her…”

The woman grabbed her daughter’s dusty little hand and said cautiously: “Baby, mother is here, mother is back, the PLA uncles and doctors and aunts are saving you, don’t be afraid…”

The doctor quickly established an intravenous channel for the little girl, replenished fluids, protected the kidneys, and corrected electrolyte imbalance.

After completing these tasks and preparing the stretcher and other items, they signaled to the People’s Liberation Army: “Move.”

Excavating with bare hands is not so easy. It is necessary to consider not only not hurting the buried person, but also other survivors in the ruins, so as not to cause a secondary collapse.

Two hours later, they successfully rescued the little girl. The People’s Liberation Army put her on a stretcher, and the doctor ran to the medical tent carrying the stretcher.

The rescue work continued until 22 o’clock at night. The power of the flashlight was about to run out, and the fingers were almost invisible. Everyone dared not dig rashly, and temporarily retreated to the open space next to the ruins.

Those people’s soldiers took the sky as their quilt and the ground as their mat, lying on the mud to rest.

The military medical unit, the medical team attached to No. 1, and the surviving doctors from the county hospital were still in the tent with flashlights, performing emergency operations.

There is no large-scale equipment, no completely sterile environment, everything depends on experience and technology.

The risk of surgery is extremely high, but death is inevitable without surgery.

After the internship and rotation, Jian Qing has almost never been on the operating table, and she is specialized in surgery. Even if the manpower is tight at this time, unless it is very urgent, otherwise, she can’t intervene casually. She only counts the remaining medicines with her teammates in the pharmacy department .

A teammate from the pharmacy department said: “If things go on like this, there won’t be enough medicines at all, and they will be used up tomorrow. I don’t know when the next rescue team will come in. Can you dig some more?”

They approached the local county party secretary and informed them of the situation.

The disheartened secretary of the county party committee didn’t close his eyes all day and night, and sent wave after wave of people to convey the news to the outside world.

The life and death of his family and children are uncertain. He didn’t have time to find out the news. Before the People’s Liberation Army troops came in, he had been organizing self-rescue work here.

“There is a health center more than ten kilometers away. I have arranged for cadres to dig it up. I also called the director of the county hospital. He will take people to dig on the ruins of the county hospital.”

After saying this, he thanked the medical team in Jiangzhou, then turned his injured right leg, and was busy relocating the affected people.

The teammates in the pharmacy department looked at his back and said, “This leader is doing practical things.”

A few of them went to the ruins of the county hospital together to dig medicine with bare hands.

The county hospital also smells rancid. From time to time, colleagues in white clothes can be seen on the ground. The white clothes are covered with a thick layer of dust. The surviving doctors have no time to bury the bodies of their colleagues. They just covered them with a piece of cloth while crying. , and then continue to rescue medicines.

The medicine can last for a while, but the roads are blocked, large medical equipment cannot enter, and the wounded cannot be sent out. The original county hospital was also destroyed in the epicenter. There is no hemodialysis machine, and it is impossible to treat the wounded with crush syndrome. With hemodialysis, doctors can only amputate their limbs, or even watch them die.

After drying up their sweat and tears, they went back to their tents to rest after two o’clock in the morning.

The tents we carry are limited, and there is no distinction between genders. Everyone sleeps together.

Aftershocks continued, the building was twisted into twists, and there was a rattling sound from the distant hillside.

Jian Qing lay on the ground and into the sleeping bag, feeling like a gravel in a shaking sieve.

She turned on the phone, read the chat history with Lu Yinxi for a while, then opened the photo album, stared at the face on the screen for a long time, then put the phone on her chest, and fell into a deep sleep.

After the aftershock, it rained heavily again. The rain soaked our sleeping bags and our backs, but we were too tired to get up, and we were too sleepy to keep our eyes open. So we soaked in the rain and slept for a few hours, waiting for the day to come. Mengmengliang, with a certain degree of visibility, got up again to save people.

On the morning of the second day after the earthquake, the crew began to raise funds and donate blood.

The filming of Lu Yinxi was coming to an end, she asked the director to concentrate her remaining scenes in these two days, and she wanted to go to the disaster area.

The director said: “You little doll, you are neither a doctor nor a nurse, you are not a soldier, you are thin and weak, where are you going to make trouble?”

Lu Yinxi said: “I’m going to be a volunteer. There must be a shortage of people there! I’m young and physically strong. Although I don’t have professional knowledge, I can still help purchase supplies, distribute items, bring some medicine, and accompany patients. Made it.”

At present, the volunteers who can sign up to enter the front line are only medical related personnel, and the rest are on standby in the urban area behind.

But in a few days, the victims on the front line will move to the back, and even the first batch of doctors on the front line will temporarily retreat to the back to rest.

At that time, she will have the opportunity to meet Jian Qing.

What she can do in this city is limited, and even if she can’t meet Jian Qing and just do some similar work, she can feel at ease when she goes to the place where Jian Qing is.

You don’t have to worry about it every day, and you don’t need to look for familiar figures on the TV all day long.

The director was worried, and continued to persuade: “There are still many aftershocks over there. I heard that the road is blocked. If you want to go in, don’t run around, it’s very dangerous!”

Lu Yinxi said directly: “My partner is over there, I’m worried about her, I’m going to find her.”

The director didn’t speak anymore, blinked his eyes twice, and agreed to Lu Yinxi’s request, and concentrated the filming of her last scene in two days.

After finishing the work of the crew, Lu Yinxi signed up to join the volunteer team at Jiangzhou No. 1 Hospital.

She used to be an intern in Attached One, the leader of the volunteer team of the hospital, recognized her, and took care of her with the student volunteers of Jiangzhou University School of Medicine, and was about to set off with the fifth batch of medical teams sent by the hospital .

In just a few days, Affiliated One has dispatched four medical teams. The emergency department and orthopedic department of Affiliated One are full of wounded from the disaster area.

Before leaving, Lu Yinxi bought fruits and snacks, and went to the Third Hospital in the neighboring city to visit Jian Qing’s mother, Ruan Sheng.

She got in touch with Fu Yuan first, and told Fu Yuan that Jianqing had gone to the disaster area, and she still received relevant news from her. Before leaving, she entrusted Ruan Sheng to herself.

Fu Yuan took Lu Yinxi to visit Aunt Ruan in the ward.

It was an extremely thin woman, close to 1.68 meters tall, but weighing less than 90 catties, skinny and wrinkled.

Between the eyebrows, there is a vague demeanor when she was young, and she was also an extremely beautiful woman when she was young.

Her eyes were a little dull, but when she saw Lu Yinxi, there was a gleam of brilliance, she rushed over, hugged her and said, “Xiaoxi, are you finally here to pick up your mother?”

Lu Yinxi’s body stiffened for a moment, then he hugged her back and patted her shoulder lightly.

She had read Ruan Sheng’s medical records and knew that she had a daughter who died early, named Ruan Xi.

“Xiaoxi, have you grown so big? Even taller than me.”

Lu Yinxi took Ruan Sheng for a walk in the small garden downstairs of the hospital. Ruan Sheng was holding a stack of paintings in his hand, chatting away, looking very happy.

“They all said you were dead, and your sister also said you were dead. She lost you and said you were dead. I didn’t believe it. I beat her up, and now she ignores me. I knew it ,you are still alive.”

Hearing this, Lu Yinxi was a little angry and distressed, thinking to himself why did you beat her?

But I also understand that this is a mentally incompetent patient, so I can’t be too harsh.

“She locked me here and didn’t let me go home to see you. I can’t celebrate your birthday myself, but I celebrate your birthday for you every year. Look, I draw a birthday cake for you every year.”

Lu Yinxi pulled her to sit on a bench, fed her small pieces of fruit, and took the drawing paper from her hand to read.

The first few photos, without exception, are of an adult, a little girl with braids, and a birthday cake.

In the next few photos, there is a slightly taller girl holding the hand of the little girl with braided hair.

“You are so good at choosing a date. On New Year’s Eve, everyone is celebrating the New Year. You put me in the hospital and got out of my stomach. Look at you, you are 2 years old when you are born. Every New Year’s Eve I For your birthday, you want your sister to blow out the candles with you, and she will coax you to sleep at night. Your sister lost you, do you blame your sister?”

Before Lu Yinxi could answer, Ruan Sheng looked ahead with blank eyes, asked himself and answered, “Don’t blame her, there were a lot of human traffickers back then, after you lost me, I saw your sister cry for a long time.

It’s mother who didn’t take good care of you, mother is useless, mother doesn’t know that **** wants to do that kind of dirty thing to you two children when I’m not at home.

After you lost, mom was afraid that she would not be able to take care of your sister, so she sent her to dad.

After seeing her off, I missed her very much, but didn’t dare to go to see her, and her father wouldn’t let me go. I sat at the gate of her school, and when school was over, I took a look from a distance.

Later, I desperately wanted to forget her, and if I forgot, I wouldn’t think so, but I really forgot, and I only remembered it some time ago.

Your sister thought I didn’t want her anymore, and now she’s still secretly blaming me, and hasn’t come to see me this month.

I didn’t want her. Which child is not a piece of meat that fell from the mother? I just feel that I am sick and useless, I can’t take care of you well, and I have caused you two children to suffer a lot. “

The author has something to say: Happy Labor Day! Let them meet in the next chapter!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-29 00:03:59~2021-05-0101:13:20~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: Muran 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Yuxi 2; Zhibeiyou, Muge, Luocheng, Kanshuji 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 66 bottles of bread today; 10 bottles of Superman, Liang Ji Ji Ji, ,, shredded radish; 5 bottles of Zhe, …, knock down coriander, Bai Han; 1 bottle of Bai, Moyan Wuxuan, Wangyue Ningxiang, Mamamu’s high-grade hand-made wheat, and Yuanyu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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