She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 83

Chapter 82 – Lipstick

Jian Qing held the folder of medical records and froze in place.

The girl’s soft limbs clung to her, and her arms clung to her tightly like vines.

Enveloped by the unfamiliar body temperature, Jian Qing was stunned for several seconds before reaching out to wrap her arms around Lu Yinxi’s waist.

Lu Yinxi hugged her very hard, the longing for the past few days was mixed with pity and distress, and she wanted to rub her into her arms and protect her tightly, not wanting to let her suffer any more harm.

Jian Qing silently hugged Lu Yinxi, kissed the tip of her ear, said nothing, and his eyes softened little by little.

There are more and more eyes cast around.

Excited hugs are not uncommon here.

Every day, there are lost lovers, relatives, and friends who recognize each other here, and weep for each other’s rest of their lives.

After hugging for a while, Jian Qing worried that she was wearing a white coat, which was not too clean, gently pushed Lu Yinxi away, took her hand, and walked to the internal medicine consultation room.

The manpower is tight here, and after the ward rounds, you have to sit in the consulting room and receive patients.

I have to see almost all kinds of diseases.

The sanitation conditions in the disaster area are backward, and there are often people with abdominal distension, diarrhea, vomiting, and itchy skin. There are also patients who have been transferred from the front line. People who suffer from crush syndrome.

When there is no patient coming, Jian Qing has to hurry up and write the medical records.

There are no residents, postgraduates, or interns here to drive, and medical records must be written in person, and there is no electronic medical record system, which is all handwritten.

Lu Yinxi sat beside Jian Qing, accompanying her.

Jian Qing opened the drawer, opened a pack of toffee, and stuffed a few candies into Lu Yinxi’s hand.

Many children came to see the doctor in the field hospital. She and the volunteers ordered two packs of toffee, and when they encountered crying little patients, they would feed them a few candies.

“I’m not a child anymore.” Lu Yinxi muttered this sentence, but still peeled off the sugar coating, threw the toffee into his mouth, and then looked straight at Jian Qing.

She’s darkened a bit and thinner, with a sharper chin.

The long black hair was originally waist-length, but now it was cut short by a pair of scissors, barely reaching the shoulders. It was simply tied into a ponytail, with a plain face and no makeup.

All the women here are plain-faced, and some of them just came out of the disaster area, and they can even be called disheveled.

The weather was hot, and her white coat was replaced with short sleeves.

The long-sleeved white coat I wore when I set off lasted fifteen days.

At that time, there were no supplies, no water, and no one could wash. They dug and rescued people day after day. The sweat stuck to their clothes. After the clothes dried naturally, there were constant aftershocks at night. Everyone slept with their clothes on for fifteen days. Come on, everyone’s white coats are too hard to wear anymore.

People from the medical team wanted to throw it away, but were taken away by people from the museum.

People in the museum said, these are not dirty clothes, but your war robes, which are worth commemorating, and the people in the disaster area should always remember your war robes.

There were a few light blood marks on her bare arms and neck, Lu Yinxi stretched out her hand, and gently stroked those scars: “Does it hurt?”

Jian Qing said, “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“Are you hurt?”

Jian Qing shook her head: “No, don’t worry.”

Lu Yinxi looked at her, groaned softly, and after a while, walked out of the tent, squatted on the ground, and burst into tears.

Jian Qing lay down on the table to write the medical records. After finishing a few copies, she walked out of the tent and was caught off guard when she saw the child at the door with red eyes.

She also squatted down, tapped Lu Yinxi’s forehead, and asked, “Why did you become a rabbit?”

Lu Yinxi sniffed, lowered his eyelashes, and said nothing.

She felt sorry for Jian Qing.

Jian Qing became quiet again.

There was no expression on his face, the whole person was silent and gloomy, lifeless.

It seems very tired.

Still sad.

Jian Qing lowered his head and touched Lu Yinxi’s forehead, and asked softly, “Does this look worry you?”

Lu Yinxi hummed lightly.

Jian Qing was silent for a while, and turned to comfort the child: “Don’t be afraid, don’t worry.”

She’s not that vulnerable, she just needs time to heal.

Give her time and she will recover slowly.

Lu Yinxi put his arms around her neck, leaned over, pecked her forehead lightly, then stood up and said, “I’m going to teach the students! I’m a temporary art teacher for elementary school students. After 45 minutes, the get out of class will be over.” , I’ll come find you again.”

She was originally a volunteer who was assigned to cook in the cafeteria of a field hospital. One day, she saw a few children sitting in a daze in a corner, so she went to chat with them and drew small animals to make them happy. They arranged for her to go to a temporary school and take art classes.

There was a group of primary school students who resumed classes after the earthquake. Some students lost their parents and family members. Some students saw the dead bodies of their classmates and sat in the classroom with blank expressions, not communicating with others.

Anyone with medical knowledge can tell that they need post-disaster psychological intervention.

Mental health experts from all over the country rushed to the disaster area to provide psychological intervention to the survivors after the disaster. College students majoring in psychology in various universities also sign up to be volunteers, chatting with adults and playing games with children.

Rope skipping, eagle catching chickens, and grid jumping are familiar childhood games, and Lu Yinxi took those children to play them over and over again.

Play with the children, take the children to draw, but also keep a proper distance, so as to prevent those children from empathizing and becoming dependent on her.

She couldn’t stay here for a long time, so she couldn’t establish a deep relationship with these children, so as not to cause secondary damage to their psychology when she left.

This is the same as visiting orphanages and orphanages. You can release goodwill, but you can’t build emotional dependence. When you leave, holding each other and crying, it’s not a touching scene, but an unprofessional behavior.

After class, Lu Yinxi went to the internal medicine department of the field hospital to find Jian Qing and have lunch together.

This area is full of resettlement sites for the victims. There is a provisional government, a temporary school, and a field hospital. All the victims live in tents with their families. The government provides free meals for a limited time every day.

Occasionally, some disaster victims think that the food is not good enough, there is no meat, and there is too little meat.

On the side of the field hospital and the garrison troops, there are special canteens, which are all materials transferred from the rear hospitals and troops, as well as rice and vegetables delivered by farmers on tricycles all the way. and doctor.

Jian Qing ate compressed biscuits and instant noodles for half a month in front of him, but now even if he eats white rice and vegetables, he feels very appetizing.

Elderly people and children can also take a boiled egg. The master cook in the cafeteria saw Lu Yinxi who was working in the cafeteria a few days ago, and stuffed an egg for her, saying: “The girl nourishes the body.”

Lu Yinxi accepted it with a smile, peeled the eggs and put them on a simple dinner plate: “You eat to nourish your nutrition.”

Jian Qing recalled that in the hospital cafeteria, Lu Yinxi liked to take shredded chicken from her dinner plate. When Zhang Yue saw it, he joked that it was not in the time of the great famine, but only a few pieces of meat were picked back and forth, and he liked to eat it. It’s fine to go to the aunt’s side to get some help, and it’s like a couple of you and me who are mixed with oil.

Now that the country is really in crisis and supplies are in short supply, the girl in front of me likes to give her good things.

Using clean chopsticks, she divided the peeled boiled egg into two and said, “Half for each person.”

At night, Lu Yinxi rests in Jian Qing’s tent.

A tent in a field hospital with a bed and soft bedding.

When they were on the front line, their sleeping bags were soaked by the rain, and they were pushed to the bottom of the ruins by the aftershocks. Sleep in a body bag to shelter from the rain.

Now, Jian Qing can fall asleep with Lu Yinxi in her arms. Lu Yinxi is too hot and doesn’t want to be hugged by her.

The skin on her arm felt cold and soft, which was quite comfortable.

Jian Qing opened her eyelids, glanced at her, grabbed her restless hand, pressed it under the quilt, and said, “I’m sleepy, don’t make trouble.”

She oh, be good, and stop making trouble for Jian Qing.

In the middle of the night, the arms holding her suddenly tightened, she was startled awake, opened her eyes, turned around, stroked Jian Qing’s face, and touched the frowning brows.

She smoothed the gap between her eyebrows, then secretly kissed Jian Qing’s eyebrows, waiting for the tight arms to gradually loosen.

One night, Lu Yinxi woke up two or three times like this, and the next day, he had two dark circles under his eyes.

Jian Qing didn’t understand, so she lightly poked her dark circles and asked, “Why did you become a panda?”

Lu Yinxi looked at her, snorted softly, did not speak, and went to play games with the students.

Doctors from field hospitals are also sent to the countryside to make rounds from time to time.

Some villagers in the countryside do not want to live in the resettlement sites for disaster victims in the city. They live beside the ruins at night and are busy harvesting crops in the farmland during the day.

An earthquake killed many people, but the living still wanted to survive, and they were still thinking about their own farmland, unwilling to leave the land they depended on for survival.

The doctors had no choice but to go to the countryside with their medicine kits to treat their illnesses, and do some health education work on epidemic prevention and shock absorption.

Jane set off at six o’clock in the morning and didn’t come back until nine o’clock in the evening.

After returning, she handed over the work and looked around the patients. She called Lu Yinxi to the dormitory.

Lu Yinxi smiled and asked her: “What are you doing? Are you going to send me off after picking the wild flowers in the country?”

Jian Qing shook her head, took out a lipstick from her pocket, and put it in Lu Yinxi’s palm: “I bought it at a shopping mall.”

The people here are ashen-faced, plain-faced, and have no intention of dressing up.

But her little girl loves beauty.

Lu Yinxi squeezed her lipstick, shaking it under the light in the tent.

The lights are a bit dim, not as bright as those in the ward and operating room.

Standing under the light, Lu Yinxi said with a smile, “I haven’t used this for many days…well, I will secretly apply it tonight.” She unscrewed the lipstick cap and handed the lipstick to Jian Qing, “You apply it for me.”

Jian Qing took the lipstick, held up Lu Yinxi’s chin, and looked at her red lips.

There is a smile on the corner of the lips, the lips are full and soft, the lip line is smooth, and the beautiful lip shape is embedded in the fair skin, like a delicate flower blooming in the snow.

The lipstick was slowly applied along the peak of the lips to outline the upper lip, Lu Yinxi pursed her lips, Jian Qing held her face and stared at her lips.

Just as the lipstick was about to fall to her lower lip, Jian Qing paused suddenly, then turned the lipstick in her hand, and daubed it on her lower lip casually, then lowered her head, moved closer, turned her face sideways, and kissed Lu Yinxi’s lip.

The author has something to say: Why do you always finish writing at 1 o’clock? Does writing also have a biological clock? No, I have to adjust it~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-0201:22:18~2021-05-0301:11:06~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Roubaozi, Luocheng, Yuxi 1;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: you said 5 bottles; 2 bottles of Niluban;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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