She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 84

Chapter 83 – Take A Shower

There was a cold and soft touch from the lips, and in an instant, the world was spinning.

In the dimly lit tent, Lu Yinxi saw himself reflected in Jian Qing’s black pupils.

Jian Qing reached out to cover her eyes.

Filled with joy, she closed her eyes and felt the kiss.

It’s like being in the soft clouds and drinking a cup of addictive wine.

It has a soft taste and a touch of sweetness, as well as a slight sense of dizziness and blurred erratic feeling, with the rose fragrance of that lipstick.

She was infinitely obsessed with this dizzy and soft feeling.

The jaws were pried open, the lips and tongue were intertwined, and the sucking was gentle and slow. Besides being gentle, there was a hint of aggression. Then the hem of the clothes was picked up, and the cold hands penetrated into her back.

Her fingertips seemed to be carrying a fine electric current. She grabbed Jian Qing’s neck and nestled in her arms. Her legs were so weak that she could hardly stand up. She wanted to melt into her body and melt into each other as one.

At the end of a long kiss, Lu Yinxi’s breath was disordered, looking at Jian Qing, his eyes were clear, he gasped lightly, his lips were so bright that he no longer needed to apply lipstick.

Jian Qing also looked at her, then tore off a makeup remover wipe, and carefully wiped off the red marks on her lips.

Lu Yinxi blinked and asked, “Yes… is it edible lipstick?”

Jian Qing hummed, and stuffed the lipstick and a pack of makeup remover wipes into Lu Yinxi’s hands.

Her handpicked, edible lipstick, scented with roses.

Lu Yinxi held the lipstick in his palm, thinking that when he used this lipstick in the future, he would always think of this rose-flavored kiss.

Be careful with this person…

After dinner, Jian Qing went to inspect the ward again. The patients were all fine, so she took off her white coat and found Lu Yinxi. The two of them sat on the steps of the square, enjoying the evening breeze.

The post-disaster temporary headquarters is also nearby.

This place used to be a gymnasium and a sports plaza, a place where people in M city would go for a walk after dinner, but now people from this city hardly come here to take up space, leaving the space for the disaster victims in the resettlement site.

Tens of thousands of victims of disasters were resettled here. Everyone didn’t like to stay in tents at night, so they came out to get some air.

On the lawn not far away, there are many children playing carefree.

They are students who survived the disaster, and their parents and family members are still there, so they still retain the innocence of children.

Lu Yinxi sat on the steps, her ears and cheeks were warm, and the excitement lingered for a long time.

Jian Qing was habitually silent, turning her head occasionally to glance at Lu Yinxi.

There is a distance between the two.

You look at me, I look at you, when the eyes collide, they will be burned, and they will move away as if nothing happened.

As soon as Lu Yinxi saw her, he could recall the soft and sweet kiss just now.

The shyness of delay slowly spread on the ladder of this approximate date.

The tingling feeling lingers in the body, and the cool evening breeze also becomes hot and dry.

Jian Qing’s expression was indifferent, but the roots of her ears were faintly burning.

The hand propped on the stairs moved a little towards the Luyin River, and the fingertips lightly rested on the back of her hand.

Lu Yinxi’s eyes flickered, he hesitated for a moment, as if making up his mind, he directly grabbed Jian Qing’s hand, held it in his own, stood up, and said, “Let’s take a walk, let’s go for a walk.”

Sitting here like this, without saying anything, she would really want to kiss Jian Qing.

Jian Qing turned the volume of the mobile phone to the maximum, then interlocked with Lu Yinxi, and walked along the periphery of the tent at the resettlement site.

Walk all the way and watch all the way.

Lu Yinxi saw the Yinhe Theater with red lights on the other side of the road, pointed to the building and said: “At first, before the government’s tents were delivered, those children were laying on the floor in the theater, and the people in the theater provided water. and food.”

The Yinhe Movie Theater is also the property of the Jian family. Jian Yan personally donated 90 million yuan, the Yinhe Group donated hundreds of millions, and there are countless supplies that are continuously shipped here. News reports call her “the most beautiful philanthropist”.

Jian Qing looked up at the building, but said nothing.

Lu Yinxi said: “The day after you went, Boss Jian called me and said she couldn’t contact you and asked if you had gone to the front line.”

In fact, Jian Yan didn’t speak so politely, the original words were: “Did my stupid sister go to die again?”

The tone was a little gloating.

Lu Yinxi couldn’t get used to it, so without further ado, she hung up the phone.

In those days, Lu Yinxi stared at TV, newspapers, and the Internet every day, hoping to see Jian Qing’s figure from the reports.

On the third day, when she read the news report, she didn’t see Jian Qing, but instead saw the most beautiful philanthropist, who was acting worriedly in front of the camera: “My sister is a doctor, and she also went to the front line. I still haven’t been able to contact her, and I’m personally willing to donate 90 million yuan to the disaster area, open the Yinhe Theater as a post-disaster resettlement site, pray for the safety of the people in the disaster area, and pray for my sister to return soon.”

On the day the report came out, the shares of Galaxy Group rose all the way.

Jian Qing rarely talked about Jian Yan, Lu Yinxi asked: “Don’t you like your sister?”

The relationship between the two sisters is very strange, they seem to be estranged from each other, and there are some connections that seem to be absent.

Jian Qing shook her head and replied, “I don’t like it, I don’t hate it.”

Except for Lu Yinxi and her own sister, she doesn’t have strong feelings for everyone here.

Lu Yinxi said again: “I visited Auntie Ruan in the Third Hospital this month, and her condition has improved a bit. Let’s visit her again next month, shall we?”

Jian Qing didn’t answer, but instead asked, “Did she recognize you as my sister?”

“I look a lot like your sister, don’t I?”

“She is eight years old, and you are twenty years old. Where can you look like her? It’s just that the eyebrows and eyes are a little similar.”

The clean and clear sense of purity is exactly the same.

Lu Yinxi was a bit concerned: “Hmph, don’t lie to me…Jian Yan also said that I look like me, and Aunt Ruan also regarded me as what she would look like when she grew up…You must have treated me well in the first place because I looked like me… “

The last point, Jian Qing did not deny it.

But on the first night under the moonlight, she really didn’t regard Lu Yinxi as anyone, but her heart was surging, and she wanted to get closer for no reason.

Seeing that she didn’t explain, Lu Yinxi snorted again and shook off her hand.

She took it back with a good temper, and Lu Yinxi shook it off again, and she took it again.

After repeating it two or three times, Lu Yinxi had had enough trouble, so he didn’t shake it off. The two held hands, swayed, and continued to walk and talk.


From the corner of the lawn came the meowing of a cat.

Jian Qing stopped.

After the earthquake, in order to prevent the epidemic, the stray dogs and cats in the disaster area will be culled and buried deep. If they are resettled here, how can there be cats?

Lu Yinxi stopped and asked, “Where did the cat come from?”

Some people raised cats and dogs in the resettlement site before, and they lived together with cats and dogs. There were several bites and scratches. The hygienic conditions here are not as clean as they were in normal order. The government is worried that the stray cats and dogs coming out of the disaster area will be hungry. Bitten the corpse, carried the pathogen, and gave the culling order.

This approach has been criticized by many.

Some members of the local animal protection organization came overnight and took away many animals.

Jian Qing followed the sound to find the source, and saw a little girl squatting on the ground, tearing the white steamed bun into small pieces, and feeding a little fluffy orange cat on the ground.

Seeing someone coming, the little girl quickly hugged the cat into her arms, looked at the two of them timidly with big watery eyes, and explained in a low voice: “Xiaoju is not sick, but her leg is hurt, don’t kill it…”

Jian Qing watched indifferently, Lu Yinxi squatted down, and said softly, “Cats are not allowed here, let me see it.”

She also wears a red armband with the words “volunteer” written on her left arm.

The little girl hid the cat in her arms and refused to show it to her.

Jian Qing also squatted down, and said coldly: “If you don’t let me see, then I will call the People’s Liberation Army and your parents over.”

The little girl was threatened fiercely by her, and her voice turned into tears: “It’s really not sick, don’t kill it, it’s not a stray cat, it’s raised by me, it came out of the ground with me, I can’t survive without it Days…”

Lu Yinxi comforted and said: “I didn’t say we would kill it, we just checked and took a look. It was found by the epidemic prevention team, and it could not escape the fate of being culled. If it is healthy, I will help you contact the animal shelter.” Brother and sister, send it out, and pick it up after you leave the resettlement site.”

The little girl looked between Lu Yinxi and Jian Qing. Lu Yinxi had a kind face and looked more like a good person. The little girl handed the cat to her.

Holding the orange cat in his arms, Lu Yinxi inspected its torso and limbs, and found that its left front leg was limp. When he brushed away the fur, he saw a **** wound.

After this kind of traumatized animal is discovered, it will most likely be culled and buried.

“It seems to be broken.” She glanced at Jian Qing.

Knowing that her heart was soft, Jian Qing stood up and said, “You are here, I’ll go get something.”

She went to get bandages and antiseptic supplies.

She had some small scratches on her hands, and she dared not touch the cat directly. She put on a mask and gloves before touching it, washed its wound with clean water, disinfected it with iodine, and then took a small wooden stick and tied it to its leg to fix it.

Lu Yinxi picked up the spray alcohol and disinfected the little girl: “You can’t raise it in this place, if you find it, you will be culled. I will contact the Animal Protection Association, take it to the veterinarian, and send it to the pet rescue Stop, you have to take a shower and wash your hair when you go back tonight, and you can only enter the tent after washing yourself.”

After disinfecting the little girl, she also washed her hands and disinfected herself, then contacted a volunteer from the Animal Protection Association, rushed over, and picked up the cat.

After sending the cat away, Lu Yinxi also rushed back to take a bath.

The bathing at the resettlement site is carried out on a field bathing vehicle, which is equipped with an engine and heated by a boiler, and can wash 9 people at a time.

Lu Yinxi took the clothes, walked in, and stood under the shower head, Jian Qing also got in, with his back to her, stood under the shower, and began to strip his clothes.

The clothes were taken off, revealing the jade-white skin. Lu Yinxi saw the flower tattoo on her shoulder blades, and his eyes were glued to her body, and he couldn’t move away for a while.

Jian Qing noticed her gaze, and said softly, “Turn around.”

Lu Yinxi groaned, blushed, and turned away.

The steam was lingering, and the two showered back to back.

The sound of water splashed, and the tattoo on Jian Qing’s shoulder blade was always lingering in her mind, unable to get rid of it.

The author has something to say: Another chapter of emotional drama. Hey, the schedule failed

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-03 01:11:06~2021-05-04 01:02:02~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the mines: Meat buns, seven or five deep in one;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of blowing and blowing; 5 bottles of zidaaaaaaaaan; 1 bottle of Mama’s advanced hand wheat, formula, and old white;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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