She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 85

Chapter 84 – Child

The sound of pattering water lingered in his ears, and after getting out of the bathing car, Lu Yinxi’s ears were still red.

There is no hair dryer here, and the hair is dried naturally.

In late spring and early summer, the night wind is dry and hot.

After Jian Qing’s hair was cut short, it dried quickly. Lu Yinxi stood at a vent, her long hair still dripping, like a kitten soaked by rain.

Jian Qing took a towel and wiped the end of her hair for her.

Lu Yinxi muttered to himself: “Should I also cut my hair short?”

“It’s all right.” The hair is her own. Jian Qing didn’t interfere. After a pause, she added, “I cut it short at that time because it was inconvenient to take a shower.”

The implication is that there are field bathing vehicles now, although they are still not as convenient as at home, but at least they can solve the bathing problem without having to cut them short.

Lu Yinxi flicked his hair and thought, “Maybe I’ll be very handsome after I cut it short.”

Jian Qing turned her shoulders over, looked at her face shape, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

The standard oval face, delicate and clear, slender and feminine, is also the kind of appearance that can be recognized at a glance when a woman disguises herself as a man on TV.

Lu Yinxi asked: “What are you laughing at? Laughing at me?”

Jian Qing gently pinched her nose, pushed her back, and continued to wipe her hair.

Lu Yinxi was still muttering over there: “Your beautiful long hair can be sold for a lot of money, it’s a pity…you can’t be called handsome if you cut it short, maybe it’s not short enough…I read online that two When a woman is together, what kind of T and P are there? Who do you think is T and who is P? I am a P, I am a fart, this sounds too funny, I don’t want it, here it is…”

While chattering and chatting, he laughed to himself.

His shoulders trembled as he laughed.

Smiles are probably contagious. Seeing her smile, the corners of Jian Qing’s lips curled up, followed by a silent smile.

Lu Yinxi turned around, grabbed Jian Qing’s hair, compared it, and said, “Wait until next year, I wonder if it will grow to the same length as before?”

She really likes Jian Qing’s original long hair, it feels cool and smooth like silk, and feels good to the touch.

Jian Qing said softly, “See you next year.”

Lu Yinxi hummed.

She just lost her long hair. Many people here lost their relatives.

Thousands of disaster victims were transported here, and countless broken families lived here. From time to time, a burst of painful crying could be heard, and the radio in the square played looping notices about missing relatives.

Many people stayed in the sweltering tents, sitting on beds made up of quilts, with dazed expressions and blank eyes.

The two walked around the camp. Lu Yinxi looked at the vehicles that were being disinfected in the distance, and said, “There will soon be no room for so many people here. When there are too many people, epidemic prevention will be difficult.”

“It will be transferred back later.” Jian Qing threw the towel to Lu Yinxi, “Wipe it yourself, someone is here, I have to go back to the hospital.”

Every time a group of disaster victims are sent over, the doctors have to be on standby.

Some people who looked normal on the surface and seemed to have no external injuries actually suffered some internal injuries when they were hit by wood or stones. They felt that their bodies were fine, and they felt severe pain after a few days.

The field hospital is equipped with a laboratory and a CT room, and there are equipment to support them in auxiliary examinations.

More than ten days have passed, and now the people under the ruins have little hope of surviving; the weather is hot, and the remains of the victims are highly decomposed. In order to prevent the outbreak of the epidemic, some towns have begun to close the city, and the rescue team, medical team, and victims of the disaster have all evacuated Only the anti-epidemic team was left to bury and disinfect the bodies found on the spot. The chemical defense soldiers also flew several helicopters to carry out aerial disinfection.

All kinds of touching stories emerged on the news network: paratroopers who landed at high altitudes; teachers who used their bodies to protect students;

Lu Yinxi looked at it through the screen and burst into tears.

When Jian Qing came back, she saw her crying with her mobile phone in her hand, and stuffed a toffee into her mouth while looking disgusted.

Neither of them spoke, they quietly blowing the evening breeze, watching everything in front of them.

At night, when embracing each other and falling asleep, Lu Yinxi no longer finds it too hot, and the one who leans forward for a secret kiss is no longer Jian Qing’s forehead, but soft and cold lips.

She recalled that gentle kiss and touch like an electric shock, and the fair skin and flirtatious tattoos in the water vapor were also lingering in her mind.

Jian Qing still frowned in her sleep, as if frightened, she suddenly hugged her tightly.

The next day, Lu Yinxi asked Jian Qing what he dreamed of last night, but Jian Qing didn’t want to say, but just stared at Lu Yinxi, and asked tentatively, “What are your plans for the future?”

She remembered that Lu Yinxi wanted to leave her.

These people will leave her one by one.

Sooner or later, she would find a way to keep him by her side, and she would never be able to leave her.

Lu Yinxi rubbed the bridge of his nose, like a well-behaved student reporting the schedule to the teacher: “July and August are summer vacations, you can do some part-time jobs in the film and television city, you can also be a model, and you will go back to school in September.”

She is still 20 years old in this world and still studying.

“Don’t you want to go abroad to play?”

Lu Yinxi shook his head: “I don’t want to.”

Jian Qing doesn’t want to go with her, and it’s not interesting for her to play alone.

After getting the answer, Jian Qing stopped talking, rubbed Lu Yinxi’s head, and went to the ward to inspect the patients.

Post-disaster work, first rescue, second prevention, third reconstruction.

Prevention of suicide is a key work in the field of psychology.

Mental health experts have been stationed in the resettlement sites one after another. In addition to carrying out psychological intervention on the victims, they will also go to talk with rescue team and medical team personnel.

Many members of the first batch of medical teams in Attachment 1 experienced sleep disorders and negative cognitions of powerlessness after witnessing the tragic scene when they first entered the disaster area. They received psychological intervention and would go to the psychological consultation room for counseling, and sometimes they would gather together Chatting, playing mahjong, learning embroidery.

Jian Qing never went, she didn’t want to contact too many people, she was habitually silent, in her free time, she only wanted to stay with Lu Yinxi.

Lu Yinxi vaguely guessed that she had some psychological trauma, and it was not a new wound, but an old wound that had not fully healed, and the scar was uncovered by this catastrophe.

In the real world, there have also been major earthquakes, and there was a small peak of suicides from March to May after the earthquake.

Jian Qing’s current trauma may be subtly related to her future suicide behavior.

Lu Yinxi speculated and felt distressed at the same time, his heart seemed to be placed on a frying pan, turning left and right to suffer.

The post-disaster stress response can generally be recovered after self-regulation, but if it has not recovered after more than a month, professional treatment is required.

At present, psychological intervention in disaster areas, including disaster education, team counseling, and individual counseling, belongs to the preventive behavior of three-level post-disaster intervention.

For those who are unwilling to accept intervention, silent company is the best comfort.

Companionship is a sense of security.

Jian Qing was unwilling to accept psychological intervention, so Lu Yinxi took her by his side in his spare time to play games with the students.

She acts as a hen and protects the students, while Jian Qing acts as an eagle and catches the students.

Jian Qing is also willing to play these childish games with her.

While playing a game one day, the two of them met the little girl who had been feeding the cat a few nights ago.

The little girl was only seven years old. She lost many relatives in the earthquake, except for an aunt and a 3-month-old sister.

Perhaps it was because of that night that the little girl was willing to get close to the two of them, and pulled them into her tent to see her sister.

The little girl said: “My sister is 3 months old, and my aunt has been in poor health. She feels that she can’t take care of us for too long, so she wants to give her sister up for adoption.”

Lu Yinxi looked at the infant baby, and reached out to hold her little hand.

The 3-month-old baby still has a grasping reflex. If she points her little palm with her finger, she will curl up her little finger to hold it, stick out her tongue, and look at people with watery eyes.

Jian Qing guessed the little girl’s mind, and refused directly: “We can help you release the news and find some kind-hearted people who are interested in adopting, but the two of us have no plans to adopt children at present.”

The little girl lowered her eyelashes, looking a little disappointed.

She felt that the two older sisters were good people who helped her save the kitten, and she wanted to give her sister to good people to raise her.

Lu Yinxi patted her head.

She was only seven years old, and she was supposed to be a carefree child, but now she was forced to think about how to settle down for her sister.

Lu Yinxi knelt down and said to her: “The government will make arrangements in the future. This is a very important and serious matter. In the future, you can’t just bring someone over and say that you want someone else to adopt your sister. It will take a lot of complicated procedures. .”

A seven-year-old child still doesn’t quite understand the meaning of the program.

Jian Qing told her directly: “I will meet bad people.”

Only then did she understand a little bit.

After the disaster, many orphans lost their parents. How to resettle these orphans is the responsibility of the government.

After leaving the tent, Jian Qing suddenly asked Lu Yinxi: “Do you want to adopt a child?”

Lu Yinxi was startled, then shook his head, and said firmly, “I don’t want to.”

She can’t even see through her own future destiny, how can she be responsible for another life?

She doesn’t even want to raise cats and dogs, and she doesn’t want to have feelings with anyone if she doesn’t meet Jian Qing.

Jane said plainly: “I may not like raising children very much.”

She has no love, no empathy, can’t teach children anything, and can’t be responsible for a life.

Lu Yinxi smiled and said, “Then don’t raise it.”

Their families are not harmonious and beautiful families, and their parents are not perfect and conscientious parents.

What their parents gave them was a traumatized childhood. They spent many years repairing and healing those scars, and then they met each other and slowly licked those wounds.

Perhaps in this world, many people become parents without thinking about how to be a good parent.

In the evening, Jian Qing suddenly received a call from Fu Yuan, and the voice on the other end of the phone was a little hurried: “Doctor Jian, Aunt Ruan has been saying that she is dizzy for the past two days. After I arranged for an examination, I found that it might be a brain aneurysm. When she called to inform you, she fell and fell into a coma while walking, and now she is on the way to the hospital, can you see if you can make it back?”

The author has something to say: Another point, hey, I got up early today and went out for a ride. I am healthy and regular. Why did I finish writing at 1 o’clock…

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-04 01:02:02~2021-05-05 01:09:39~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the shallow water bomb: Muran 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 meat bun;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Li Xiaojin; 10 bottles of wooden pigeon; 8 bottles of mi; 5 bottles of you said; 3 bottles of Misaka Heizi; 2 bottles of Xiaogeshou and Lele;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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