She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 88

Chapter 87 – Do Bad Things

When Lu Yinxi woke up, the light in the living room was dim yellow, and he was covered with a thin blanket.

She guessed that Jian Qing was back, turned the lights to bright white, wrapped in a blanket and slippers, and saw that the food in the kitchen had been eaten.

Some little regrets, fell asleep, didn’t see her when she came back, and saw her own appearance.

Should be happy…

The door of the study was open, and a light was on inside.

Lu Yinxi looked in the direction of the study, opened the refrigerator, took out the lemon, worked for a while in front of the juicer in the kitchen, squeezed two glasses of lemon juice, inserted the straw, and brought it in.

Sitting at the desk, Jian Qing stared intently at the computer screen, raised her left hand, supported her forehead and gently massaged her temples, and held the mouse with her right hand to add annotations to Wei Mingming’s thesis.

Lu Yinxi walked in and looked at each other.

Reunited after a long absence, no greetings, just looked at each other and smiled.

Lu Yinxi was full of smiles, Jian Qing raised her head slightly, and looked at her quietly, her eyes were soft and sparkling.

She put one of the glasses of lemonade on the table and said, “Leave me alone, you are busy with your work.”

Then he walked around behind the screen, took a book from the bookshelf, and half leaned on the small bed to read.

In fact, my heart was a little restless, I couldn’t read the book, and looked at the figure in front of the screen from time to time.

Jian Qing took a sip of lemon juice.

Somewhat sweet.

She suggested: “You can put less sugar.”

She has a bland taste.

“Hmph.” Lu Yinxi snorted softly, without raising her head, she said in a low voice aggressively, “Measure as usual. Don’t be picky, some will be good to drink.”

Don’t praise her, but dare to pick on her too sweet, how can there be such a reason?

Suggesting that she came back fiercely, Jane let out a light oh, bit the straw, and continued to revise the thesis quietly.

After a while, I moved my ears and said, “Maybe my heart is sweet.”

Lu Yinxi managed to concentrate, and was able to read a few words. Hearing Jian Qing’s words, she bit her lip lightly, trying to restrain her smile, but the corners of her lips couldn’t stop rising.

In a word, coaxed her to bloom in her heart.

Chu Yan was a member of the second batch of medical teams sent out. On the third day after Jian Qing set off, he also set off for the disaster area.

Lan Zhou collaborated with people from the studio and fan support club to personally deliver a large number of medical supplies and living supplies to the disaster area.

After the two of them met in the disaster area and shared weal and woe, their relationship took a step further.

After Lan Zhou returned to Jiangzhou City, he invited Lu Yinxi to participate in the disaster relief charity performance and performed a chorus.

The shortest thing immediately after the disaster was supplies. She sent the supplies and started to make donations.

The donations received from the charity performance will be remitted to the disaster area.

Lu Yinxi readily agreed, and would go out to rehearse every day, and at night, would force Jian Qing to listen to her singing.

The lives of those who came back from the disaster area are getting back on track, but the whole country is still mourning the catastrophe, and the emergency repair work in the disaster area is still going on.

In the face of disaster, there are no miracles, only flesh and blood standing in front of us.

Helicopters still hover over the roof of Attached One every day to transport patients here, and the orthopedics and pediatrics departments are overcrowded.

The Oncology Department also received cancer patients transferred from several hospitals in the disaster area.

When the earthquake happened, they were evacuated downstairs by the hospital. Fortunately, they survived, but their family members died in the disaster, and they were unable to pay the treatment fee. The hospital approved to waive their treatment fee and reported to the medical insurance department.

From spring to summer, the weather is getting hotter.

At the end of June, Nurse Corey went to the warehouse to get new short-sleeved white coats, and almost everyone changed into short-sleeved white coats.

“This is not necessarily progress, because the test values and tumor markers have dropped a lot compared to the original, your physical fitness is also good, your weight has not dropped, and no other new metastases have been found.” Jian Qing pointed out Looking at the results of the imaging examination on the computer, I talked to Uncle Chen who participated in the clinical trial, “After we use immune drugs, there will be a 3% to 8% probability of a false progression. It turned out to be a little bigger, but it’s actually not a progress, these enlarged parts may be the immune cells activated by immune drugs entered here, it’s a kind of inflammatory swelling, and it will disappear later.”

Uncle Chen was a patient selected by Lu Yinxi during the Chinese New Year, and Jian Qing was more impressed with him.

Every time he returned to the hospital for chemotherapy, he and his wife would bring her some specialties from their hometown, sometimes dried bacon, sometimes a box of dried persimmons, and sometimes a jar of dried chilies.

The local products brought from thousands of miles away are not expensive gifts, but a precious gift. Jian Qing usually accepts them, but only takes home dried chili, cured beef and persimmon cakes and feeds them to Luyinxi , and the rest are placed in the department, and everyone eats together.

The examination and medication of patients in the clinical trial are free, but the registration fee and bed fee of more than ten or twenty yuan will not be reimbursed. Every time he brings cured beef, Jian Qing will charge one hundred and fifty yuan to his medical card. Ten yuan is a disguised purchase with him.

This time, after returning to the hospital for evaluation and medication, CT showed an enlarged lesion in the lungs. Based on Jianqing’s comprehensive judgment, he felt that it was a pseudo-progression after immunotherapy, not real progress.

Some of the simple country people don’t understand medical terminology, and their eyes are still blank, but they still say: “Doctor, if you say you can continue to use it, then continue to use it. Anyway, it’s like this, let’s treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.”

It is the heartfelt opinion of most subjects participating in clinical trials to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

If it is not that there is no medicine and no money to cure, no one wants to treat themselves as a test subject.

Jian Qing asked: “After using the medicine last time, did you feel any discomfort during this period?”

During the trial, every time the patient returns to the hospital, some adverse events such as diarrhea, rash, and fever must be recorded. These adverse events will be the [adverse drug reactions] precautions on the drug instructions in the future.

Uncle Chen said: “Last week, I developed some rashes on my skin. I applied some medicine and it disappeared.”

Rash is also one of the common adverse reactions during immunotherapy.

Jian Qing asked in detail: “What medicine did you use? How many days did you take it? How many times a day?”

These will be recorded in the study medical records.

After the consultation, Wei Mingming ran over, bent down and leaned into her ear and said, “A colon cancer patient from a prison who was transferred from the disaster-stricken area didn’t sneak away after the earthquake. Police, the prison guards over there sent it to our gastrointestinal surgery department. They wanted to have an operation, but when they opened their stomachs, they found that they couldn’t move, and their whole body was transferred. In stage IVB, they can only be transferred to our department. Deputy Hu asked you to be in charge of admission.”

After the disaster, the original prisons in the disaster area were also completely destroyed. When the order was not stable, some surviving prisoners clamored to go home to save others, or they just wanted to escape while taking advantage of the chaos. Participate in dig rescue efforts.

After order was restored, they were transferred to prisons in surrounding municipalities.

When prisoners in prisons get sick, they usually see a doctor in the prison hospital, but they usually only treat minor illnesses, serious illnesses or acute sudden illnesses. They will be arranged to go to social hospitals outside. If it is a disease such as cancer, they can even apply for parole for medical treatment.

The doctors and nurses in the hospital don’t like to see this kind of patients very much, and they don’t give them any good looks.

Jian Qing went to see the patient with a cold face, and asked Wei Mingming on the way: “What did you do?”

Wei Mingming curled his lips and said, “I heard from the police who accompanied him to the hospital that he was a kidnapper. He had participated in kidnapping and trafficking children before, but this time he performed very well in the earthquake and saved many prison guards. The prison guards wanted to release him for medical treatment, but his wife had already He just died, and no one at home came to take him away, so maybe the prison has to pay for him. Alas, the money in the prison is not our taxpayer’s money? Although I don’t need to pay taxes now…”

After Jian Qing heard this, a rare hint of disgust appeared in her eyes.

She hated traffickers the most in her life.

Her younger sister, Ruan Xi, was thrown into the river by traffickers and drowned.

If those traffickers hadn’t been caught by the police and taken to jail, she would have killed them no matter what.

The hospital prepared a separate ward for the transferred criminal patient. There were two prison guards guarding the door. When entering the door, two prison guards were watching by the bed. There was also a camera in the room.

The patient was lying on the bed, skinny and handcuffed, looking at the doctor in white who was coming.

Jian Qing looked at his face, was stunned for a second, then calmly, took the medical records handed over by Zhang Yue, and checked the information one by one.

The patient’s surname is Lan, and his name is Bin. A few months ago, he found abdominal pain, diarrhea, and blood in the stool. He didn’t pay attention to it, and his weight dropped rapidly for no reason in a short period of time. Half a month ago, he went to the Judicial Police Hospital of D City due to severe abdominal pain, and was admitted for colonoscopy. The examination revealed a mass in the sigmoid colon, and the pathology showed “adenocarcinoma”.

Afterwards, he was transferred to the Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery in Attached No. 1, Jiangzhou City.

Jian Qing carefully read the transfer record written by the parenteral parenteral department, changed his indifferent attitude, under the mask, there was a calm and strange smile on his lips: “Hello, I am Jian Qing, the doctor in charge of your treatment, you The doctors in charge of the bed are Dr. Zhang Yuezhang, Dr. Wei Mingming and Dr. Wei…”

After a day of rehearsal, Lan Zhou drove Lu Yinxi home.

When Lu Yinxi got off the passenger seat of Lanzhou, he bumped into Jian Qing who was coming home from get off work.

Lan Zhou was still a little embarrassed, got out, greeted Jian Qing, and apologized for the unpleasantness last time.

Jane said calmly: “Forget about the past. Our hospital’s physical examination center has a free physical examination activity. Didn’t you say that you would bring the dean of your welfare home for a physical examination last time?”

Lan Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: “I’ve been too busy for a while, why don’t you take her to see it next month?”

Jian Qing asked again: “Your name sounds nice, did your dean choose it?”

Lan Zhou said: “Forget it. When our dean picked me up, I had a blue character sewn on my clothes. The dean guessed it might be my last name, so she named me Lan Zhou. She hoped that the children in our orphanage Together through thick and thin, we share weal and woe.”

Jian Qing nodded, and asked again: “Why don’t you go to your family if you know your last name?”

Lan Zhou waved his hand, still with a smile on his face: “They don’t want me anymore, why should I go to them? I think nurturing grace is better than giving birth to grace. The dean is my mother, and she is enough for me.”

Jian Qing’s concern for Lanzhou caught Lu Yinxi’s attention.

A strange emotion rose in Lu Yinxi’s heart.

It’s not about taste, but, in the original destiny, these two people will inevitably go to opposite sides.

Jian Qing’s excessive concern for Lan Zhou is a very abnormal behavior.

At night, Jian Qing looked up information on the computer, and Lu Yinxi went into the study to accompany her as usual.

Jian Qing rested and rubbed the gap between her eyes, Lu Yinxi moved a chair, sat beside her, and read the information she checked.

Colon cancer, hypokalemia, hyperkalemia…

Lu Yinxi asked: “Have you met a patient with colon cancer?”

Jian Qing hummed: “Colon cancer, frequent diarrhea, loss of potassium ions, often critical hypokalemia.”

Lu Yinxi recalled medical knowledge and said, “Then pay attention to potassium supplementation in urine.”

The normal blood potassium in the human body is between 3.5~5.5mmol/L, if it is lower than 2.5mmol, potassium supplementation is needed.

However, potassium is mainly excreted through urine. If the patient’s urine output is too small, potassium supplementation may cause too much potassium in the body, which in turn will lead to hyperkalemia, which can cause death in severe cases. It is commonly known as “replenishing potassium in urine”.

Jian Qing didn’t speak, but reached out and rubbed Lu Yinxi’s head.

Lu Yinxi asked her: “Did something happen to you today, you don’t seem very happy?”

“No.” Jian Qing withdrew her hand, closed the computer, “sleep.”

Lu Yinxi groaned, followed Jian Qing to stand up, and was about to walk out of the study to wash up.

As soon as she took a step, she stopped again, leaned against the table, pointed behind the screen and said, “Doctor Jian, do you still remember that you promised me in this study not to do bad things?”

Jian Qing turned to look at her and said, “I remember.” After a pause, he asked again, “What bad thing have I done now?”

Seems like… nothing bad was done…

Lu Yinxi was poor at words and couldn’t answer for a while, but she just felt that something was wrong with her today.

Jian Qing kept her composure, turned off the lamp in the study room, walked towards the light step by step, put her arms on the desk, circled the deer drinking creek, leaned close to her, and breathed like blue in her ear: “I want to say goodbye to you now.” You do bad things.”

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