She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 89

Chapter 88 – Revenge

The lights in the study were extinguished, and the room was plunged into darkness.

The peripheral light from the living room came in, illuminating each other’s faces half-bright and half-dark.

Everything around became hazy, and Lu Yinxi only saw simplicity and clarity in his eyes.

Her body was bound by Jian Qing’s arms, she leaned back slightly, stood on tiptoes, leaned upwards, sat on the desk, stretched out her arms, and put her arms around Jian Qing’s neck: “You are threatening me, trying to change the subject, Yes or no?”

Before Jian Qing could answer, she took the initiative to get closer again, kissed the shepherd minister of the house, and even talked about the matter of making love to her. When you get home, you can vent as much as you want. Look at me, laugh when you are happy, cry when you are not happy, if you make me unhappy, I will kill you, because I know you will not be angry with me. But you don’t care, you always like to hide your emotions, I have to guess whether you are happy or not…”

Because of those past experiences, Jian Qing has always lived a very depressed life.

Knowing her for so long, Lu Yinxi has never seen her laughing.

She doesn’t seem to be really happy.

Jian Qing was silent, did not speak, her heart was soaked little by little, and soft emotions soaked her heart.

“Sometimes I may not be able to guess what is in your heart, but you must have encountered something today. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to talk to me for the time being, until you want to talk.” Lu Yinxi opened his arms and held Jane Qing hugged her into her arms, “I’m going to charge you now.”

The term charging is still the last time when the two met and embraced at the subway station, Jian Qing said “charging is complete”.

In the dark room, hugging each other’s necks, conveying each other’s temperature and breath, the body is like a mobile phone that is charging, and the battery is fully charged.

Tightly embraced by the warm body, Jian Qing stretched out his hand, wrapped around Lu Yinxi’s waist, hugged her back forcefully, closed his eyes tiredly, and leaned against her arms.

Lu Yinxi took a deep sniff and whispered: “If I was a cat in my previous life, you must be my catnip.”

Jian Qing raised her eyelids, a little disgusted with this weird metaphor.

After quietly embracing each other for a few minutes, Jian Qing let go of her embrace: “It’s done.”

Lu Yinxi jumped off the desk and followed her out of the study.

The disaster-stricken area has entered the stage of reconstruction work, and the dispatched medical teams have returned one after another.

The province began to hold a certificate awarding ceremony to select outstanding representatives of earthquake relief.

The publicity department of the hospital called to urge the manuscript, and asked the team members to write 毵┯问雯骨Howling鹁鹁直幁繁直书繁# for publicity.

The director of the publicity department heard about the death of Jian Qing’s mother, so he called Jian Qing and asked her to write a manuscript.

Jian Qing refused because of poor writing skills.

The director of the publicity department arrested Wu Xinmou Shimei, the director of the publicity department, and went to the oncology department to find Jian Qing, and briefly interviewed him for a few words.

The secretary asked, “Did you rush back overnight on the day my aunt passed away?”

Jian Qing: “No, I’m feeding the mosquitoes at the resettlement site in the disaster area, waiting for the news of her operation.”

“Did you see Auntie for the last time?”

“See you.”

“What was the scene at that time, you should be very reluctant for her to leave, right?”

Jian Qing looked cold, and said calmly: “No, I let her go without worry. After she fell, the cerebral aneurysm ruptured, causing a deep coma, and a second rupture occurred in a short period of time after the operation. Her physical condition was not very good. , and other venereal diseases, which are basically unrecoverable horseshoe crab thorns, go away early, and get rid of them sooner.”

Like terminal patients with malignant tumors, when euthanasia is not legal, they are struggling and suffering from pain, and there is not much quality of life at all. It is a relief to leave early.

After hearing this, the director of the Propaganda Section was stunned for a moment, and said comfortingly, “My condolences go with the changes, and my condolences go with the changes.”

On the official account of the Dory Dory Hospital, the “Mother died of illness, the doctor who rushed to help the disaster area bid farewell with tears and grief!” “The article, the words are sincere, and the sentimental atmosphere is exaggerated between the lines.

Looking at it briefly, the description of feeding mosquitoes at the disaster-stricken area resettlement site turned into anxiously wandering outside the tent in the disaster-stricken area, looking into the distance from time to time, with tears in my eyes…

The words of leaving early and being relieved early turned into crying bitterly in front of the sick bed, seeing off with tears, distraught…

The article attracted many people to repost, and the official media also reposted the report, and it was even featured on Weibo’s trending searches.

Lu Yinxi showed Jian Qing the hot search screenshots, and Jian Qing didn’t pay attention after seeing Du Jia.

In the article, she is a completely unfamiliar image.

Maybe it doesn’t matter how she is, the important thing is that the propaganda outlet needs to set up such a

Wuxin paws the sedan chair according to the image of toad (2) Xiaojia takes care of everyone.

Jian Qing doesn’t think there’s anything great about the profession of a doctor. To her, it’s just a job, like thousands of jobs, but the content of a doctor’s job happens to be related to health and life.

Excessive myths about this profession are not good for this industry.

God is omnipotent, and God is without blemish, but doctors are not gods, but ordinary people.

Doctors will have failures and setbacks. Doctors have conscience and darkness.

And her conscience is fighting against her darkness.

At the beginning of July, during the graduation season, Wu graduated medical students were sent away.

The last few exams in the final month will also end, and Jian Qing is arranged to invigilate the exams in the university town.

After coming out of the examination room, she plans to visit the Life Science Museum

A graduate of a five-year clinical class took an oath video in front of the Life Science Museum: “Health is the department, life is the one. When I stepped into the sacred medical school…”

Every year, every year after the start of school, students of the university must solemnly swear an oath in front of this life science museum, and then enter the museum to receive life education and learn to respect life.

These graduates, in the filming from 大毜酱笪米旒旒!

Jian Qing stood aside, quietly listened to the whole oath, and walked into the Life Science Museum.

When she came back last time, she brought Luyinxi to visit.

She took her to see the famous smiling baby, and she popularized the process of a fertilized egg developing into a scorpion and growing into a scorpion.

At that time, Lu Yinxi hooked her little finger and said with emotion, “Life is amazing.”

The little finger seems to retain the temperature between Lu Yinxi’s fingers.

Jian Qing lightly stroked her little finger.

She has been too immersed in her emotions recently, sometimes accidentally ignoring Lu Yinxi.

Lu Yinxi never had any complaints, but just accompanied her silently, covering her with tenderness that dripped water.

Recalling that look in his eyes, the simple and clear sentence made a certain person cry.

Lan Bin was admitted to the hospital for treatment these days, suffering from cancer pain every day, and often groaned in pain at night.

But he is not alone, he is accompanied by prison guards.

Those two prison guards were rescued by him himself, and now they take good care of him.

Jian Qing has many ways to deal with him, hypokalemia, hyperkalemia…all can kill him.

But she is a doctor, and he is her patient, a patient with an estimated survival period of less than 3 months.

As far as he is concerned, an early death is also an early relief. It is better to hang his life and let him suffer for a few more days.

Jian Qing treated him with all her heart, which fell into his eyes and became kindness.

One day, Jian Qing went to the ward to inquire about Lan Bin’s past.

Lan Bin established the trust between doctors and patients in her, and told her about the wrong way when she was young.

In the early years, he had a Tatar wife, who fell seriously ill after giving birth to a daughter.

His family was poor, unable to treat his wife’s illness, and unable to raise his daughter, so he gave his daughter to the couple who had a child of Wu Yue.

On the other hand, he searched hard for a way to make money, and finally started a human trafficker business with Wu Junjiao, who lived in the same village.

Initially, their gang did not abduct other people’s children, but only found parents who were willing to sell their children, introduced them to families who wanted to buy children, and earned intermediary fees from it.

This is a quick job, and it won’t hurt people’s lives, but after all, it hurts nature and reason. He plans to work for a while, save enough money for his wife’s medical treatment, and then wash his hands in the golden basin.

Unexpectedly, Brother Liu from the same village would develop into stealing and holding children and selling them to others.

At that time, he learned that the couple who adopted his daughter had their own biological child and abandoned his daughter.

He felt that it was his retribution for doing too many bad things, so he persuaded his eldest brother surnamed Liu to stop, disband the gang, and stop doing it.

The surnamed Liu went to the hospital to visit his wife, and snatched the girl from the hospital, and told him that after selling this, I would quit and go back to my hometown to marry a wife and have children.

He didn’t stop him, and went back to the ward to accompany his wife.

That pretty little girl was abducted into their warehouse, and the badger boy in Zheng’s gang threw her into the river after getting drunk.

The intention was to frighten her, but unexpectedly drowned her.

The next day, Lan Bin came to the warehouse and saw the corpse floating in the river. He was so frightened that he jumped into the river and picked up the corpse.

Juan Qian, surnamed Liu, planned to run away, but Lan Bin had a conscience, so he surrendered himself to the Public Security Bureau, and later became a tainted witness.

Strontium grandson frontal gizzard.

After talking about the past, Lan Bin said with a wry smile, “Maybe it’s really retribution. Some of those people in the prison were about to be released from prison. As a result, Bi> Yourong pressed them under the ruins and buried them for many days. , I couldn’t dig it out, and slowly died inside. I came out and was about to be released from prison, but I got this dying disease. I wish I could die soon. The only thing I’m thinking about now is my daughter. I don’t know if I’m still alive or not. alive…”

After Jian Qing listened, she remained silent, turned around and returned to the office.

She called Hu Jianjun and said that she wanted to change to another doctor to treat Lan Bin. She was not good at treating colon cancer.

Hu Jianjun disagreed with her evasive behavior, saying: “It is because you are not good at it that you have to deal with a few more patients like this.”

The skills of doctors are obtained by treating patients.

Hu Jianjun’s subtext is that such patients are for Jian Qing to practice.

Jian Qing couldn’t stop resenting Lan Bin, and couldn’t do anything to him.

In fact, Lan Zhou is his biological daughter.

These days, Lan Zhou would send Lu Yinxi home every day. Jian Qing took some time to chat, got some of Lan Zhou’s hair, and did a paternity test with Lan Bin, and got a confirmed result.

She imagined murdering Lan Zhou’s life, letting Lan Bin know that his daughter was still alive before she died, and then died immediately, so as to take revenge on him and make his life worse than death.

But Lu Yinxi always looked at her with gentle eyes, and she gradually lost the courage to take revenge.

In mid-July, all the medical teams dispatched for rescue returned. Hu Jianjun held a trial experience sharing meeting in the hotel exhibition hall near the hospital, and held a dinner for all the team members to welcome them.

Jian Qing was given a few glasses of wine by his colleagues, and left the table on the pretext of dizziness to go home.

There are still people waiting for her at home, and she doesn’t want to stay out too late.

Opening the door of the house, I saw a dirty suitcase standing quietly by the wall in the living room.

Jian Qing was stunned, and subconsciously went to the bedroom to search for Lu Yinxi.

Lu Yinxi’s bedroom was tidied up, a few summer clothes were missing from the closet, and the cosmetics on the table were neatly stored…

Lu Yinxi on the balcony, lying on the hanging chair, checked the performance schedule of the charity show, heard the sound of Jian Qing coming home, got up quickly, and trot in to find her.

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