She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 102 - The heroine\\\'s vicious sister (2)

The school’s teaching building is not high, and the green trees planted around the teaching building can just play the role of shading the sun, especially the corridor at the entrance of the teacher’s office at the corner is under the shadow for most of the time, cool and cool. Very, many daring students will come here to enjoy the cool breeze after class on weekdays.

“Chuxia, what are you looking for from me?” Xue Zhengyi is the head teacher and math teacher of Class 18 of Senior High School. This is not the first time he has served as a head teacher at the age of 45.

For Xue Zhengyi, compared to teaching, how to deal with the relationship with students is the most difficult.

As the saying goes, there is a three-year generation gap, and he and the young children today are more than one or two generations apart. Xue Zhengyi often finds it very difficult to communicate with these children, and even the **** is wrong.

This is still the front line of his teaching every day, so he won’t be completely out of touch with the children’s lives, but he will still be surprised by their different viewpoints. Several times he wanted to sigh with emotion, how could they be so different when they were studying? eventful.

Xue Zhengyi tried his best to make his expression look gentle. He knew that he looked fierce. Although Ning Chuxia often asked him questions, it did not mean that the two were close.

Speaking of Ning Chuxia, Xue Zhengyi felt a little emotional. This student was transferred to the class in the second half of the semester.

But it’s no use only hard work. This kid doesn’t have a good foundation. The previous teaching materials are quite different from the current set.

According to Xue Zhengyi’s usual observation, Ning Chuxia did not get along well with other students in the class. He tried to communicate with a few students and asked them to take care of Ning Chuxia, but it seemed to be of no use. If the melon is not sweet, it is hard to say anything.

Ning Chuxia came over today. He thought he was here to ask a question, but she didn’t expect that she would call him outside the office, as if to say something that could not be heard by other teachers.

Based on Xue Zhengyi’s experience, this is usually a prelude for students to talk to their hearts. On the one hand, he is very happy that Ning Chuxia, an introverted child, is willing to open up to him as a teacher, but on the other hand, he is a little worried, wondering if he can open up for the child. this mood.

Ning Chuxia lowered her head slightly and made an embarrassed expression: “Mr. Xue, I encountered something today, and I don’t know if I should tell you.”

In Yuanshen’s memory, this teacher Xue was really nice and responsible, but he didn’t have enough control over the class, and what happened to Yuanshen wasn’t the usual bullying method. The most he could see was The original body is not popular, but the teacher can’t force people to be friends.

Ning Chuxia is now in need of a responsible teacher.

Xue Zhengyi helped his glasses. He could only glance at the window of the office for a while, and relied on the reflection above to tidy up his clothes with small movements to make himself more upright and reliable.

“If you have anything, just tell the teacher, and the teacher will try to help you.”

Ning Chuxia opened her mouth and closed her eyes again, her eyes confused: “But I’m afraid that this will be like a snitch.”

Xue Zhengyi’s heart sank, and he was a little nervous. If this student came to complain, could there be any trivial matters? What’s going on with these kids in the class?

He quickly checked the possibility. He was originally teaching in a public school, but was dug over at a high price. To be honest, the difference between the two schools is quite big. For example, the children he teaches now, you have to be strict, parents. They are against it, saying that their children are not rushing to go to school, so why force it.

“You can tell the teacher, it’s nothing to snitch, you’re helping them.”

“The teacher, can you promise me? Just… After you know about this, don’t act rashly, otherwise I really don’t know what to do in the future.”

Xue Zhengyi was even more nervous. If it was before, he would have asked the teacher aggressively and asked the teacher about the conditions, but now he can only nod calmly and agree to everything. He can see that Ning Chuxia is not the kind of daring child.

Ning Chuxia breathed a sigh of relief, took out two pieces of letter paper from the book in her arms and handed it to the teacher: “Mr. Xue, this was put in my drawer at noon today.”

She lowered her head and rubbed her shoes lightly on the floor tiles: “I don’t mean it at all, but I’m afraid I’ll be hated after I refuse. I don’t have any friends in the first place.” Speaking of which, she already looked like she was about to cry .

Xue Zhengyi took the letter and looked at it with ten lines. The mood was simply not complicated.

It was a relief at first, but luckily it was a matter between two students, not a big event like a fight.

Then he was shocked. He didn’t expect that Ren Zhengyin, a good student he liked, would fall in love quietly.

Xue Zhengyi thought that he had read it wrong and confirmed it again, but this trace looks like Ren Zhengyin’s, so it’s true.

Although Xue Zhengyi thinks Ning Chuxia looks a little ordinary, what kind of match is there in the school? In the previous term he taught, there was a famous student couple with a bigger gap in appearance.

“Don’t cry yet.” Xue Zhengyi has a big head. He understands Ning Chuxia’s embarrassment. Can it not be embarrassing?

According to the letter, Ren Zhengyin is still fully prepared. What kind of online contact is required to ask the little girl not to talk to him in class, which is to guard against their teachers.

If he goes to Ren Zhengyin, doesn’t that mean that the little girl is complaining directly? If Ren Zhengyin had a word or two with the people around him, there would definitely be a private exclusion from the class.

But if you don’t find…

“You want to refuse?”

Ning Chuxia nodded, “Teacher, I don’t want to fall in love at all, and I don’t like him either.”

This child is really good, Xue Zhengyi couldn’t help but sigh, he is fighting wits and courage with students who are in puberty and puppy love every year. He couldn’t help but want to praise him for being so self-conscious when he had a fever.

“Then why don’t you just reject him when you contact him at night?” Xue Zhengyi has relaxed now.

Ning Chuxia raised her head to look at the teacher, tears in her eyes had already fallen: “Teacher, but I’m afraid…” Her voice choked, “They ignore me and I can study hard, but I’m afraid they will toss me, I often Saw them throwing people in the classroom.”

Xue Zhengyi was startled and hurriedly asked, and then he showed a funny expression.

These so-called throwing people are basically students playing Aruba with each other, and boys deliberately throwing people with paper balls, or occasionally quarreling, kicking tables and chairs… To be honest, boys who are restless at this age have some When they quarreled and even pushed and shoved, it was quite scary, and it was no wonder Ning Chuxia was frightened.

“But Ren Zhengyin shouldn’t be like this, right?” Xue Zhengyi was extremely puzzled, and he still knew the naughty boys in the class.

“But the boys in the class are afraid of him!” Ning Chuxia explained solemnly, “Those boys tried their best to apologize every time they bumped into him. They seemed to be very afraid of him. I heard people say that, what is this called… School bully! Every time I see him, I want to go further.”

Xue Zhengyi finally understood when he heard this. He tried to explain for Ren Zhengyin, but he just said that he reacted after a few words. What did he explain? Explain that if one person and two children see each other, wouldn’t it be more finished?

“Then tell me, how do you want me to help you?”

As soon as she asked this question, Ning Chuxia knew the problem was solved. She looked at the teacher with confidence and gave her own plan.

Want to fall in love with someone? That’s the best.

Although the teaching management of S City Foreign Language Middle School is relatively loose, it is impossible to be too different from other schools.

Now the first year of high school is still very easy, and the house that the Ning family purchased is not far from the school. Ning Chuxia and Ning Xinxin go home for lunch every day at noon and in the evening, but because their time is relatively fixed, they usually eat first. , I won’t wait for Ning’s father and Ning’s mother to come home to eat together. After all, the time for the two of them is very irregular. Sometimes they have to arrive at home for dinner at one or two o’clock at noon, let alone at night.

For this reason, on every day off, unless the Ning family’s parents couldn’t come back to eat, the two sisters would usually wait for their parents to come back to eat together.

It was unexpectedly early today. It was just early six o’clock. Ning’s father and Ning’s mother came back from outside. The nanny went upstairs and called the two sisters down.

As soon as Ning Xinxin heard the news that her parents were back, she walked and jumped. She was always graceful and gentle at school, but at home she was a cute and coquettish daughter: “Dad, Mom, why did you all come back? Are you starving? If you don’t eat on time like this, your stomach will be bad.”

Ning Chuxia walked a little slower, and when she heard this, she just smiled.

She could actually understand why the Ning family’s parents loved Ning Xinxin so much.

Good-looking, good-looking, and very good at acting like a spoiled child to their parents, what parents would not like such a child?

Of course, if Ning’s father and Ning’s mother had observed it in their hometown, they would have known that the original body was also a spoiled child, and her relationship with Grandpa Ning was similar, and the original body was not as “stupid” as they thought. She can’t speak.” She was thrown into an unfamiliar environment, getting along with unfamiliar parents, and there was a younger sister beside her, she was naturally uncomfortable.

Ning Xinxin has already acted like a spoiled child, wouldn’t it be embarrassing if the original body went over to learn it as it was? And it is true that in front of his parents, the original body really can’t make such a little daughter attitude.

Only when he appeared in the living room, Ning Chuxia heard the voice of Ning’s father.

“Xinxin, look at what delicious food Dad brought tonight?” Dad Ning’s voice was smiling, pointing to the packing box on the table.

Ning Xinxin just glanced at it, and her voice became even more excited: “It’s my favorite fish maw, isn’t it! Mom and Dad went to buy it for me, right?”

She said that this fried fish maw is one of the signature dishes of a restaurant in H City. It is sold in a limited amount every day according to the quantity of purchases, and it is not replenished when it is sold out. This dish is also a favorite of Ning’s father.

Ning’s mother was also amused by this scene: “Little greedy cat, it’s because your dad is greedy, he didn’t buy it for you!” She deliberately teased Ning Xinxin, and only admitted it when Ning Xinxin behaved well, “I just passed by. When there was no one in line, your dad remembered that you wanted to eat this some time ago, so he arranged it for you.”

Ning Chuxia stood quietly on the stairs, her heart filled with the sensitive and painful feelings of her original body.

How warm is this happy family scene, and how cold the original body is, because this moment has never belonged to her.

In fact, the conversation between Ning’s father, Ning’s mother, and Ning Xinxin was really not a problem. They got along like this on weekdays, and Ning Chuxia also believed that Ning’s father really bought it when he passed by and saw what his daughter liked to eat.

But the problem is that there is another Ning Chuxia in this family.

Every time a similar situation is encountered, the original body will start to lose.

Do my parents know what I like to eat? Why did they never buy anything specifically for me?

They have a lot of common special memories and a lot of tacit understanding. Not only is I not among them, but I can’t even join in.

This is the same as Ning Xinxin’s natural coquettish behavior, she should be able to do this, but she can’t.

Ning Chuxia knew that Ning’s father and Ning’s mother definitely did not have the idea of ​​excluding the eldest daughter, but everything they did, unless the original body really had a super big heart, it was really hard not to get hurt.

My parents and my sister have an atmosphere and good memories that others can’t insert, what about her? She also has. She used to have a grandfather who loves her the most in the world, but now his grandfather is gone.

When Ning’s mother turned around, she found that Ning Chuxia, who was standing still, was startled at first, and she couldn’t help complaining when her heart was beating fast: “Chuxia, why are you standing there motionless, come here quickly. ready to eat.”

She had a headache. The eldest daughter should be happy to be home for reunion, but she doesn’t know who this child is, she always shrinks to the side like this, the adults don’t know how to take the initiative, and she doesn’t know that Dad is still here. How do you manage time.

“Dad, Mom, you’re back.” Ning Chuxia walked over calmly, and sure enough, just like the original memory, every time she appeared, the atmosphere at the scene became very strange.

Ning Xinxin, who was still coquettish with her father just now, suddenly stopped and sat down. Ning’s father also coughed and reluctantly found a topic: “Chuxia, how’s this week going?”

“Very good.” Ning Chuxia answered cooperatively.

After this sentence, the topic came to an abrupt end again, and the Ning family’s parents couldn’t find the topic, so they all sat down to prepare for dinner.

This kind of scene actually happened more than once in the Ning family. Usually, it started with a happy family of three. When Ning Chuxia, who was watching by the side, was called, the happy time would end.

This seems to be a strange ecology, but it is normal in the Ning family. Ning’s father and Ning’s mother are both articulate people in the business field, but in front of their eldest daughter, they both become dumb.

Ning Xinxin next to her was also a sensitive girl, she naturally realized that the embarrassment was related to her, so she also shut up.

After Ning Chuxia came to this world, she was convinced that Ning Xinxin was hostile to Ning Chuxia’s sister – this hostility was not exaggerated to the point of death, it was just the kind of love that was divided and the original happy family life was destroyed. disgust.

Ning Xinxin didn’t admit this disgust in her heart, but she still showed it unconsciously, including talking to her parents, ignoring her sister, etc.

Sure enough, before the meal was finished, Ning Xinxin found another perfect topic: “Dad, this fried fish maw is still as delicious as before, I still remember that you bought this to go home, but I had a sore throat that day. Dare to eat it, you lied to me that eating this is to fight poison, but the next day I coughed and bleed, and you were told by my mother.” She recalled the past and smiled with a frown.

“What else! You hurt me that time. You said that you looked at me so eagerly, can I refuse you? Isn’t this a reason for you?”

started again.

In fact, Ning Chuxia also wondered whether this was human instinct or a conscious demonstration.

Just like it often appears in TV dramas and in reality, Bai Yueguang’s first love will definitely reminisce the past; childhood sweethearts are young and often talk about things from childhood…even if the other person at the same table does not at all. Knowing these things makes you feel isolated.

Ning Chuxia finished her meal quickly. She grew up beside her grandfather, which made her not picky. If she had to talk about taste, the dishes at home were actually bland for her, and she didn’t like eating river fish very much.

Seeing it was still early, she also interjected logically: “Dad, Mom, I…”

Suddenly being called by the eldest daughter, both of them were a little surprised. Father Ning and Mother Ning looked at each other: “Chuxia, what’s wrong?”

Ning Chuxia lowered her head slightly, with a bit of sadness in her expression: “I know something is not good for me, but…” She made some mental preparations, “Did Dad and Mom ever think about putting grandpa and grandma’s family together? Tomb moved here?”

As soon as she said this, the whole room fell silent.

Father Ning: “Why do you suddenly say this?”

The ashes of both father and mother were buried in their hometown, how could he suddenly mention this in early summer?

Ning Chuxia said faintly: “When grandpa was still there, he always said that he missed his parents and Xinxin. At that time, he said that he didn’t come here because he couldn’t bear grandma, and he was afraid of burdening you, but I think if grandpa knew about it. , I still want to be with you.”

Speaking of this incident, Ning Chuxia is actually quite embarrassed. Although from the perspective of her original body, part of her tragic life did come from her grandfather.

Grandpa Ning is a rare good man. He loves his children and his wife. I have heard from grandpa. When grandma was leaving, he often dragged grandpa and talked about what to do when grandpa was left alone when she was gone. , It is precisely because of Grandma’s words that Grandpa Ning guarded her grave in her hometown until she died.

Every morning when Grandpa Ning got up, he would say a few words to the portrait of Grandma Ning placed in the room. Every year, he would visit the place where Grandma Ning’s ashes were buried at least four times. How much, because Grandpa Ning is always very diligent.

Later, Ning’s father and Ning’s mother became prosperous, and some people in the county wanted to introduce a new wife to Grandpa Ning, but he did not agree.

Ning Chuxia could see that Grandpa Ning actually missed his son and granddaughter very much, but he knew that his son was “busy” with work, so he was not willing to force his son to come back for reasons such as physical discomfort.

Are Ning’s father and Ning’s mother really busy? Even if they were busy, wouldn’t they be able to take the original body to H city or send Ning Xinxin to H city during the winter and summer vacations?

Ning Chuxia wouldn’t just define it as Ning’s father’s unfilial piety. She could only say that people’s hearts are used to wildness. Grandpa and Ning Chuxia became like this over time.

Father Ning was stunned and didn’t react for a long time.

“I know that my parents are busy with work, and there is basically no way to go back for so many years, but grandpa and grandma will miss you, and I miss grandpa too. Although I have a photo of grandpa, I also want to be like grandpa used to treat grandma. Grandpa wipes the tombstone.” Ning Chuxia said in a wistful voice, “Grandpa often said that death shouldn’t cause trouble to the living, but Grandpa clearly cares about this.”

“Chuxia, I…”

Ning Chuxia naturally saw the escape in Ning’s father’s eyes: “We didn’t go back during the Qingming Festival this year. I know that my father and mother are very busy, and I also know that we have to study. It is very hard to go back and forth. I think, if grandfather and If grandma can come here, at least we can visit them on Qingming next year, right?”

Yes, even this year’s Qingming, the Ning family did not sweep the tomb.

After all, every time I want to go back to my hometown, it’s an airplane to a car, and the cemetery is still on the outskirts of the next county. It takes another hour to drive alone, and the back and forth can be very tiring. Go, after all, they are not very superstitious, and their hometown doesn’t pay too much attention, but Yuan has always been concerned about this matter.

Seeing her husband’s lingering thoughts, Ning’s mother smiled reluctantly: “Chuxia, I have to discuss this matter with your father…”

“Why?” Ning Chuxia looked up at her father and mother, “Will it be troublesome?”

“It’s not that it’s troublesome, but in our tradition, relocation of graves is a very serious matter.” Ning’s mother was also surprised that Ning Chuxia would continue to question, but she explained it patiently, “It’s like There is a lot of attention to this relocation.”

The more she talked, the more she persuaded herself that she couldn’t take the plane back with the ashes, right? How can anyone leave their hometown with the ashes of the old man in their hometown?

However, this made her discover one of Ning Chuxia’s strengths, that she values ​​affection, but she was a little superstitious at such a young age—Mother Ning didn’t feel any conflict between her views and what she had said before.

Ning Chuxia’s voice gradually fell: “But I don’t think grandpa and grandma would care, grandpa is very indifferent.” She looked around for help and stretched out her hand towards Ning Xinxin, “It’s the same with Xinxin. Do you think so? Grandpa likes you so much.”

“Every year during the Spring Festival, grandpa thinks that you will go back and prepare a lot of food each time, but you rarely come back. In the end, grandpa and I have to eat for a long time before we can finish our food.” Ning Chuxia counted, “Grandpa said, Dad likes to eat dried salted fish sold by Lao Wu’s house in Cai Shi, and my mother likes to fry small whitebait most when eating porridge, and every time Xinxin comes here, she says that fried hairtail is delicious, and these are available on the dinner table every year.”

They have a common memory, Ning Chuxia also has it, but this memory has a sadness called waiting, and it is covered with a fog.

Ning’s mother’s throat was a little dry. This little silver fish is a word I haven’t heard for a long time.

Every year, Grandpa Ning sends a large package of dry goods from his hometown. The ones just mentioned are the basic equipment. In addition, there are a bunch of dry goods such as dried kelp and dried oysters. It’s very heavy. They mentioned several times that they couldn’t eat it, but Grandpa Ning insisted that they could not go back and could taste the taste of their hometown.

Few of those dry goods were left, and most of them were sent out as favors. They ate too much of them when they were young, and they had no obsession, and Grandpa Ning sent them too much to be frightening.

Ning Xinxin quickly lowered her head when she caught sight of her sister. She was ashamed to admit that she couldn’t even remember Grandpa’s face.

In fact, she doesn’t really like going back to her hometown. The hometown doesn’t even have air conditioning. There is always a smell in the house. The lights above her head are still flickering, which always makes people’s eyes hurt. It was the initiative, and she would take her to eat a local specialty pond. The sugar was so sweet that it was so sweet that her upper and lower teeth seemed to be smeared together.

Ning Chuxia saw that she had a KO and then said, “Is it really impossible?”

Father Ning said decisively: “Yes, of course.” He gave Ning Chuxia a deep look, “In the future, when you are free, tell me more about your grandfather.”

Ning Chuxia nodded and agreed to this matter and pretended to wipe away her tears and said that she went upstairs first. Before going upstairs, she looked back. It was still gloomy and misty, and there was only silence. Presumably Ning’s father and Ning’s mother would both sleep tonight. Not really, but it has nothing to do with her.

Yuanshen never felt that she and Grandpa Ning had endured hardship together, but this didn’t mean that Ning’s father and Ning’s mother should not feel even a little guilty about it – this is not Ning Chuxia’s high requirements for parents, but everyone knows, How different is her and Ning Xinxin’s living environment and educational environment.

Even if they didn’t feel any guilt for Ning Chuxia, they should have some apologies to Grandpa Ning.

For so many years, Grandpa Ning waited and waited in his hometown, comforting himself by explaining that his children were too busy again and again, but is he really not sad? Why does he hold on to his granddaughter so much, is it just because he is reluctant to part with his granddaughter? Absolutely not.

When the granddaughter is around, the concern of the son and daughter-in-law is not much, not to mention that the granddaughter is gone?

Their long absence also made Grandpa Ning pin all his feelings on his granddaughter.

Of course, he could also offer to bring his wife’s ashes and granddaughter into the city, but would he dare to bet? I bet whether my son and daughter-in-law will dislike him and want him to go after he goes.

Ning Chuxia went upstairs and began to prepare for today’s second wave of activities. After registering her number, she took the lead in adding today’s assistant, Teacher Xue.

Teacher Xue’s avatar is the default avatar, and the name is also very serious. Ning Chuxia used the calmest expression to send the most cowardly distress message: “Mr. Xue, do I really have to add him? I’m so scared.”

On the other end, Mr. Xue is not slow to reply to information. In recent years, teaching has been electronic, and he has typed a lot, but he still uses WeChat more on weekdays, because WeChat can complete the work of home-school communication: ” I’m here.”

Ning Chuxia quickly added the number left on the letter and added it directly. As soon as the friend passed, the other party immediately took the initiative to attack, as if in a hurry: “Chuxia, I’m Ren Zhengyin, are you finished? I’ll wait for you. long time.”

This is the beginning, Ning Chuxia guessed, the boys and girls on the other end should also be excited, right? They have military advisors, so does she, and…

“Student Ren, hello!”

“The words in the letter are all my sincere thoughts. What do you think?”

“Student Ren, we are still students, and the teacher also said that our most important task is to study. I don’t think puppy love is good, so after careful consideration, I decided to reject you. Thank you very much for your kindness, you are a good person. .”

As soon as this message was posted, Gao Shu, who was in charge of chatting today, couldn’t take it anymore. He could only quickly post the screenshot to the discussion group. Sure enough, the whole group was shocked.

【. : ? ? Shocked my whole family, no, Ren Zhengyin was rejected? 】

[Scrambled with preserved eggs with tomatoes: Be strict, it was our Ren Zhengyin who was rejected. @fan cub came out to be beaten, did you give false information, didn’t you say she had a crush on Ren Zhengyin? 】

[Liuwei Emperor Pill: I will testify for Wu Fan. I also think that Ning Chuxia is not quite right to Ren Zhengyin. Does she dare not fall in love early? I will go. 】

The group was shocked for a long time before finally discussing a result. It was decided that a girl in the group would take over the job of Gao Shu, but Gao Shu would not say anything sweet.

They believed that Ning Chuxia was timid, not because he really didn’t like Ren Zhengyin, but because he was aroused to challenge.

The girl disappeared for a long time, but the group was still immersed in this matter. After the shock just ended, she couldn’t help but laugh at the difference between good students.

What Ning Chuxia said, Lao Shizi, you are a good person. The most important task is to study. It’s too old-fashioned, and she really deserves her title of local girl.

[**Beautiful girl from the Eight Wildernesses: Here we come [screenshot], I said she was timid! ! Did you see what she said? Saying that we have never gotten along, what do you like about me? 】

[**Beautiful girl in the Eight Wildernesses: Tsk tsk, let me tell you, the girl is shaken by saying this! She was not confident and did not believe that she would be liked by Ren Zhengyin. 】

【. : I vomited, even though it was a love letter we helped write, but I still think she said that…]

[Liuwei Emperor Pill: But what to do now? Are you fooling him? 】

[**Beautiful girl in the Eight Wildernesses: No, I can’t fool you, wow, this woman is so inferior, she can’t stand it, and she’s so rude and rigid, I guess you have to get along slowly, who of you has time to chat with her every day? ? Just kidding her, I’ll show you the screenshots, you’ll all be speechless, she actually said, “Can we get along first? Actually, I’m not that good.” Isn’t this nonsense? Of course she’s not good. 】

[Jesus: Understood, she is playing hard to get, right? Isn’t that what it means to promise? I just don’t worry about wanting to play tricks first. The more old-fashioned I really like to play these names, I can’t be hypocritical. If she really refuses, I still think she has the ability. 】

Everyone discussed it, quickly arranged the shift, and prepared to start chatting with her. Not to mention, I immediately got a few curious quotes today.

If it wasn’t for Ren Zhengyin who didn’t seem to want to get involved, they would all want to interview Ren Zhengyin about his feelings.

When the group was happy, Xue Zhengyi was as dead as he was.

He was facing the computer at the moment, and couldn’t help but start to struggle.

As a teacher, it is natural to solve problems for students with the full trust of students.

But that doesn’t include this kind of problem…?

He looked at the screen, and the words from the account named [Ren] were speechless for a long time.

“[Screenshot] I put you in a unique group, and I will always wait for you, as long as you don’t ignore me.”

When I clicked on the screenshot, it was a group with a bunch of blank spaces in front of it for some unknown reason, and at the end I left two words baby.

Xue Zhengyi lowered his head and picked up his mobile phone with difficulty. He was about to send a text message to Ning Chuxia when he saw a long string of messages just sent by Ning Chuxia.

“Teacher, thank you so much. If it weren’t for you tonight, I really don’t know what to do. I won’t reject others, and I’m afraid that others will hate me. It’s a bit embarrassing to say. I haven’t made a single friend in this class. When I think about being hated, I feel very scared. I just came back from my hometown, and I am so afraid that my parents will be angry with me if I cause trouble at school. After all, I am worse than my sister. I used to be afraid of Xue Xue. Teacher, I didn’t expect you to think so much about me, Teacher Xue, and my heart is beating non-stop since I received the letter. Fortunately, with you, I can sleep well tonight.”

Xue Zhengyi held back what he wanted to say.

As a teacher, how could he shirk?

Isn’t it just to help students cope with a male classmate? What’s the trouble, just come and chat with him every day!

However, Xue Zhengyi continued to live in shock. He knew the people and the face but not the heart. He never thought that Ren Zhengyin would be so… sassy? Moreover, the girls are not good enough, and they are still unwilling to give up.

Xue Zhengyi thought about it, and also felt that what he did was meaningful. As a teacher, he should guide his students in the right path, otherwise, wouldn’t it be okay if Ren Zhengyin went after other girls in the class?

Xue Zhengyi tried his best to restrain the stormy waves in his heart, and was about to reply when he saw that another message came——

“Don’t you want to group me? In fact, everyone is like this. Gao Shu and Minming usually call each other husband and wife. What do you want to call me?”

Xue Zhengyi’s frustration just now disappeared, but his eyes flashed with light.

He really didn’t know there was such a young couple in their class!

He remembered his ignorance of what happened in the class before, and felt that he got a wonderful use of this matter.

Xue Zhengyi pondered for a moment: “I don’t know, I thought everyone in the class was studying hard.”

The other party began to chat freely and launched a self-destructing truck.

Ning Chuxia didn’t remember the “online object” she left aside until she finished her homework.

These people like to fall in love with wearing vests so much, and presumably they wouldn’t suggest letting the head teacher wear her vests and fall in love with them romantically?

Ning Chuxia read the textbook with satisfaction and returned to campus. In fact, the most annoying one is the difference in some terms and history caused by the different world; the other is how to use appropriate knowledge to solve problems. Now the knowledge system has been basically sorted out, The next reading will not be a problem.

There are many exams in the second semester of high school, which is also to meet the upcoming subjects of arts and sciences.

It has been two or three years since the news of no division, and some provinces have already started pilot projects, but this policy will obviously not affect this term. Everyone still has to prepare for the exam in full swing, especially the last few exams, which will also affect future scores. class situation.

After enrolling for so long, everyone’s test scores have basically stabilized.

But this time, a dark horse was killed.

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