She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 103 - The heroine\\\'s vicious sister (Part 3)

H City Foreign Language Middle School, like many other schools, has a fixed morning exercise time every morning after the second get out of class. This period is very long. The sleepy students will lie on their desks to catch up on sleep, and those who are hungry will go to school. Go to the cafeteria to buy something to eat. After all, reading is also a physical task.

On the way back from the cafeteria, the tall and sturdy boys walked shoulder to shoulder, completely ignoring the rules and etiquette of walking, standing in a row, blocking the road.

They use this kind of big array on weekdays, especially when they are walking in the hallway, they can always get out of the majestic momentum. They don’t know how many people are insulting behind their back because they are blocked in the back. Hundreds of sentences were spoken to them, but even if they knew, they would probably laugh, thinking that they had done nothing wrong.

However, the smug expression on everyone’s faces in the past has disappeared today, leaving only full of confusion.

Wu Fan put one hand in his pocket, and the other hand grabbed his hair, which was a little messy because he secretly slept in the last class. Fortunately, he is not bald at this age. In another ten years, he probably wouldn’t dare to mess with his noble hair like that.

“Tell me, did Lao Ban have a third eye recently?” It’s hard to tell when he was eating, but Wu Fan can now talk about it, “I came early this morning, what is the picture, or is it just copying? Homework? With so many people in the class writing, the old class actually caught me alone.”

Wu Fan looked depressed: “Fortunately, he didn’t accept my homework. He just told the English teacher, but I guess I won’t be able to go back on time after school today.”

The homework assigned by the English teacher is too many and difficult to do. What kind of exercise book is copying the word newspaper is a great tool that consumes time. It can take a long time to do it. The key is that this homework is basically multiple choice questions. It is easy to copy and also It is not easy to be found, after all, as long as you change a few options, everyone’s homework will look different.

It’s just that Wu Fan owes too much homework, and he was embarrassed to ask his brothers to come earlier, so he hit the same table with his crooked brains.

Of course, he can also start work ahead of time, but who made him want to do his homework from the bottom of his heart?

Not to mention, although his deskmate is not good at reading, he still does his homework very seriously. He glanced at the group leader when he was collecting homework. nothing.

And this Ning Chuxia was a little strange. It was supposed that she could come to school with Ning Xinxin, but she always came very early.

The combination of the two is perfect. This is the kind of homework that Wu Fan wants to copy but has no time to copy.

However, Ning Chuxia is not popular in the class, and no one has asked her to borrow her homework before. Just in case, Wu Fan went to everyone’s public account “Ren” last night to find Ning Chuxia, in the name of Ren Zhengyin. Said that Wu Fan asked him to borrow his homework to copy, but he came late and asked Ning Chuxia to help him.

As always, Ning Chuxia responded very slowly. Many people in the group complained about this matter. Ning Chuxia seems to be not from the same era as them at all. Forgetting it aside, just talking about the tone of voice when chatting, and the emojis that come with the system, they felt that they saw Lao Ban himself through the screen several times.

Hearing Wu Fan’s complaint, the boy next to him couldn’t help laughing twice: “Don’t you deserve it? Laoban sometimes comes early, and it’s normal for him to see through your hard work. “

After everyone laughed for a while, Gao Shu couldn’t help but join the topic: “But I think it’s a bit strange to say that, Laoban is a real **** recently, wasn’t there a live NBA game that day? I just watched it as usual, The back door was obviously closed, but in the middle of the class, the old class suddenly opened the back door, and when I came in, I just put away my mobile phone. Fortunately, I have a spare machine.”

Because of his height, Gao Shu sat in the last row of the class. His position was parallel to the back door. Unless the back door was open, it was difficult to see what he was doing.

And Gao Shu’s mobile phone device is also outstanding among the classmates. He asked the senior who was assigned last year for an unwanted textbook, and then directly took out a hole in the middle. Yes, it’s that simple and rude , and then every day in class, he would freely do things like changing the cover and playing with his mobile phone. Anyway, when he had the cover of a drawer, he would stick to whichever the teacher taught him. So far, he has not been caught.

“We all wonder if Lao Xue secretly installed some kind of surveillance in the classroom.”

They complained a few more words, and someone turned the topic back to Ning Chuxia, but when they talked about this topic, their voices subconsciously became smaller.

“Speaking of which, Ning Chuxia said that she didn’t like Ren Zhengyin to deceive anyone?” The boy scoffed at this, “I told you, when I chatted with her last time, she also asked me a bunch of songs that I like to listen to and what songs I like. what to eat……”

“I’ve made a deal with you, she’s 100% excited, maybe she’s secretly preparing a gift! By the way, Wu Fan, you are her tablemate, you should pay more attention, we have no objection to this matter, but if Ning Chuxia brought the gift to him, and he was sure to say it, so it would be a lot less fun.”

The boy complained, but he still couldn’t bear the entertainment. He even asked Ning Chuxia’s favorite song that day, and he laughed. Ning Chuxia’s favorite song was actually an old song from ten years ago, although it was recently rewritten because it was covered. It was on the hot song list, but the song was too earthy, not fashionable at all, let alone what motto she had.

“Do you still need your ticket?” Wu Fan couldn’t help rolling his eyes. “We all know that, but Ning Chuxia is too old-fashioned and has no youth at all. We still helped him.”

When it was mentioned, everyone laughed in sympathy. Their group name has now been changed, and it is called [H City Buddhist Academy], and it is full of Bodhisattvas.

Aren’t they doing good deeds? Let Tu Niu feel the atmosphere of the big city and find common topics with her classmates. Otherwise, Ning Chuxia’s theories and viewpoints that seem to live in 800 years ago will definitely not make friends.

She is not surprised by smoking, drinking, getting tattoos, dancing and cheating in love. Every time she tries to preach, she is really speechless.

They chatted hilariously, tacitly ending the topic as they approached the classroom.

From a distance, they saw their classmates standing in the corridor, about to extend their hands to say hello, when they saw the surprised expressions on the faces of the other people who were chatting.

What’s going on here?

In the grade office, everyone has different joys and sorrows.

In high school, not only students but also teachers have to get used to the life of constant exams, but even if there are so many exams, it is still difficult for teachers and classmates to be paralyzed by their grades. , In this office, there is a happy family and a sad family.

“Lao Xue, your class’s average score for science has reached the first place in the grade this time!” It was the head teacher of the first class who spoke, and the other party looked at Xue Zhengyi with envy and jealousy, “Lao Xue, you are too much. will teach.”

Foreign language middle schools are not divided into good and bad classes in the first year of senior high school. According to the scores of the entrance examination, they are divided into classes by the S-shaped method. The initial situation of the students in each class is very similar.

However, teachers who often teach students will know that the grades in junior high school are actually not related to the grades in high school. In high school, many students will start to exert their strength, and some students will suddenly fall behind. In addition, the teaching level of teachers is also different. The students also gradually opened up the distance.

The overall grades of the eighth class taught by Xue Zhengyi are not too bad. The former student like Ren Zhengyin opened the way, and the students in the second half are not too short-legged. The average score every time is basically stable at the third or fourth grade Name, and this time, the average score of their class is advancing rapidly, especially the average score of science, which directly overwhelmed the first class and became the first in the year.

“Where is.” Xue Zhengyi said modestly, but he felt that he had swelled, “It’s just right, the new transfer student did well this time…”

There was a teacher next to him who couldn’t see his demeanor, so he couldn’t help but interject: “This is not a question of doing well in the test, but it is too good! If you are too modest, you should be beaten.”

Xue Zhengyi smiled embarrassedly: “This time, she played well. As you all know before, she did well in the test, so she transferred to another school at that time and didn’t quite adapt to it.”

To be honest, Xue Zhengyi was also surprised. He always knew that this child Ning Chuxia worked hard and was very sorry for this child. He never thought that this child would become the first this time.

But as long as you think about it, you will find that all this happened is actually traceable.

Don’t say anything else, just say that the homework that Ning Chuxia handed in is always neat. Xue Zhengyi didn’t know what the homework was seen by other teachers. At least he felt that Ning Chuxia’s problem-solving ideas were very clear. Several teachers praised her in this regard.

Ning Chuxia often came to Xue Zhengyi to ask questions, and he also witnessed the re-establishment of Ning Chuxia’s knowledge structure. Well, there are some things that teachers don’t quite understand themselves, how can they teach students to understand? After Ning Chuxia found her own learning method, the questions she asked became more and more in-depth.

At that time, Xue Zhengyi thought that Ning Chuxia could do it, but he didn’t expect it to be so fast.

“Smart children are like this.” The teacher’s tone was still a little sour, “In the previous class I took, there was a student who didn’t study hard for more than two years. Second, sometimes there is such a thing as talent, who can say for sure?”

I have been a teacher for a long time, and I have seen more students, and I have seen even more strange situations.

Besides, if the child is not really talented, then the child must be cheating, but the question is is it possible?

All the exams taken by H City Foreign Language Middle School, except for the small unit exams held by the class itself, the organization of all exams is in line with the college entrance examination – although it can’t be as big as the college entrance examination, after all, the space not enough.

For the convenience of commenting on the test paper afterwards, the test paper still uses the same set of questions, but the answer sheets in adjacent positions are different horizontally and vertically.

The seating arrangement in the examination room is arranged according to the grades.

The test papers are randomly selected from the question bank provided by each teacher. The teachers from the administrative department and the teaching team leader will form the questions together. The test paper will be printed the night before the test, and the standard answers will not be released until the test starts. The teaching team leader began to organize.

In other words, the whole school cannot have standard answers before the end of the test, so the only ways to cheat are using mobile phones and sending notes to each other. Basically, anyone who dares to cheat will be caught at once.

“By the way, Lao Xue, will your student apply for liberal arts or science?” When it was about to be divided into classes, the teachers’ focus was not the same as before.

“I don’t know yet. I now hope that her achievements can be maintained.”

The teacher next to him patted Teacher Xue’s shoulder: “But old Xue, this time, your class, Ren Zhengyin, rarely got a second place in the exam. I looked at it, and there seems to be a big gap between his and Ning Chuxia’s grades. To be comforted and comforted, it is such a sweet trouble.”

In the past two years, major departments have emphasized that students’ performance rankings cannot be disclosed, but private schools are still ranking. After all, if there is no ranking in reality, teachers and students will not be able to grasp the gap between learning.

However, when the results are published, the teacher will cut each person’s results into strips. Although there are still rankings, each student only has personal scores.

There is an honor roll in the school. In the early years, the top 100 students were listed in the front. Now after several rectifications, only the top three in each exam will be displayed.

For a long time before, Ren Zhengyin was ranked at the top of the triangle on this honor roll, but this time, the number one was finally replaced.

Mentioning Ren Zhengyin’s name, Xue Zhengyi inevitably stiffened, and he forced a smile: “Yeah, I have to think about it.”

Ren Zhengyin used to be a student that made him proud. If it was before, he would definitely have to worry about the reason for this child’s unstable grades – although he was still playing as usual, there was another better person, but now, Xue Justice just wants to say, yes!

Xue Zhengyi exchanged a few words with several teachers before returning to his seat. He opened the drawer and looked at the mobile phone placed in the drawer and couldn’t help falling into contemplation.

This time in their class, it wasn’t just Ning Chuxia who was the best in the class. Many students in the class who had been poor in the test had improved a lot. Otherwise, only one person’s excellent average score would not be able to pull much.

Many teachers in the same office wanted to ask Xue Zhengyi about this teaching secret. After all, high school students are difficult to discipline. Xue Zhengyi could only smile and pretend not to understand these inquiries, saying that there was no way, but What can he do? He can’t say that his method is to fall in love with the students in his class?

Back in time more than a week ago, he received this heavy task from Ning Chuxia, how much he wanted to refuse at that time, how fragrant at this moment.

Xue Zhengyi never thought that when the students were chatting in private, they could be so open-mouthed.

He felt like Bao Zheng who solved the case with the golden finger. With a single stroke of his mobile phone, he could easily solve any incurable diseases.

For example, he had been struggling with the class smoking case for a week or two before – this case was discovered by the dean. The dean went to the bathroom that day and smelled a heavy odor of smoke, and then he heard the students outside Chatting, according to the key words revealed by the students chatting, he quickly pinpointed that the suspect was in Class 8, but he couldn’t come out immediately due to personal reasons, so he couldn’t point out which students were smoking.

When Xue Zhengyi was struggling to cope with Ren Zhengyin’s greasy remarks that day, he asked casually: “I don’t know which teacher smoked. I smelled smoke when I was in class for several days!”

When he said it, he didn’t think anything, he was afraid that Ren Zhengyin would also smoke, but he didn’t expect Ren Zhengyin to answer like this: “No, why do you think it’s the teacher? Can you smell the teacher smoking? It’s a classmate in our class.”

At that time, Xue Zhengyi felt that his eyes were shining: “No way? Don’t lie to me, smoking is harmful to the body, and none of my former school students smoked.”

“No, you’re too old-fashioned, aren’t you? Let’s just say that in our class, Xiaopang, Brother Sen, and Boss Jie, even if they are heavy smokers, if they are bored in class, they will pee and smoke one, and you will also smoke at the same table, but it’s just that He doesn’t like it, he just takes two puffs when he’s yelled at.”

Xue Zhengyi can of course understand who this code refers to. He quickly sent a message to several teachers in the department, saying that he heard a report from his classmates that some students often go out in class in the name of going to the toilet, so that they can have students next time. Talk to him as soon as you run out.

What a coincidence, he just explained, someone bumped into the entrance of the wooden warehouse the next day, Xue Zhengyi swaggered and pretended to go in the toilet by himself, and then the stolen goods were captured, and they were punished with a few thousand words of self-criticism. The takeaway was picking up cigarette butts in the whole school for three days. Now those students still thought they were unlucky when they met Xue Zhengyi and had a urgency.

This is not an isolated case. Xue Zhengyi has already inquired about the cheating list of the last listening test from Ren Zhengyin’s mouth, those who rely on photocopying to cope with their homework, and those who go to the Internet to buy copying machines… Xue Zhengyi is simply amazing, he really thought that a student They are so nice!

He also learned from Ren Zhengyin that Xue Zhengyi never knew who to ask about the popular things among the students. Besides, as a teacher, Xue Zhengyi was most worried about conflicts among his classmates. When asked about the teacher, he kept his mouth shut, and would never say anything unless it was a big event in the end, but now he is not afraid, just ask Ren Zhengyin to find out, the other party can always tell him the ins and outs of the matter and the seriousness of the matter, Xue Zhengyi can also be based on the matter. The whole picture decides whether to intervene or not.

However, when the water is clear, there are no fish. Xue Zhengyi didn’t want people to suspect Ning Chuxia, so he didn’t catch them all. He just picked a few serious ones to kill chickens and show the monkeys. Little, everyone read carefully, no, the grades will get better.

But with the increase in his control over the class, Xue Zhengyi’s good impressions of Ren Zhengyin finally completely collapsed.

In the past, the Ren Zhengyin in Xue Zhengyi’s heart was aloof, dedicated to reading, talented, gentle, and gentlemanly.

now what?

Slippery and stubborn, he always says greasy remarks that even Xue Zhengyi can’t stand.

-What “Do you know where the farthest place in the world is for me? It’s in your heart.” Xue Zhengyi thought of it and wanted to soak another pack of Changweikang granules.

The temperament and so on are even more gone, Gao Leng is just a disguise, the talk is the essence, and it is very… gossip.

Xue Zhengyi doesn’t think gossip is wrong, but Ren Zhengyin also knows too many things, right? Occasionally ask questions that are not clear, but he can ask after a while.

Xue Zhengyi tried to use Ning Chuxia’s account to guide the other party to return to the right path. He also lost several questions to ask the other party, trying to turn this unhealthy trend into a learning pair. Isn’t dating also chatting together? How good is it to talk about the topic together?

But Ren Zhengyin didn’t want to study at all, and even said something like “don’t you want to talk to me about other things?”. When he saw these words, Xue Zhengyi was only glad that he didn’t reject Ning Chuxia, otherwise it would be better. children, can be spoiled.

There was an envelope pressed under the phone. Xue Zhengyi opened the envelope. The envelope contained an A4 paper with discarded practice questions on the back. There were many English letters written on the blank side. as garbage.

Xue Zhengyi solemnly unfolded this A4 piece of paper. The letters on this piece of paper were all written by him. They were the names of the couples in the class, male, left, female, right. Those who fall in love with classmates from outside the class, and those marked with stars at the back are what Ren Zhengyin said about broken-heartedness and minor injuries, while those marked with a triangle are in an ambiguous period or in pursuit.

Seeing this, Xue Zhengyi couldn’t help but want to complain again, although Ning Chuxia is indeed excellent, but Ren Zhengyin is too well deserved, but if you use the gossip in the research class to study more, it will not be like this!

Xue Zhengyi matched the names on the paper one by one on the score sheet. He kept these lists, waiting to settle accounts in the autumn. He would keep those who have good scores and promote each other, but those with bad scores, then don’t. Blame him for calling out one by one.

You can’t read books well, and you still learn to fall in love? I also don’t know how to keep up with Ren Zhengyin. I spend so much time chatting with the girls I like every day, and I have to watch and listen to all directions to study the gossip of the whole class. This is the second place in the test!

The atmosphere in Class 18 of Senior High School is very strange today, and everyone’s eye movements are almost the same.

Look at Ren Zhengyin for a while, and Ning Chuxia for a while.

Can they not be surprised?

Ren Zhengyin started from the junior high school, and it has always been a steady first place, the kind that has not changed in the wind and rain. .

The most enviable thing about him is that in addition to his good grades, he is also good-looking, has the name of the school grass, and his usual talent is equally amazing. Although he is also a classmate, but standing together, that is not a good thing to say. , is there any difference between the immortal animals?

There have been countless students who tried to shake Ren Zhengyin’s throne, but they all failed after the challenge. The closest everyone came to the throne was when Ren Zhengyin had a high fever. He burned so bad that day, his face was red, and he would lie down from time to time during the exam. I went down to rest, and I didn’t even finish one subject, so I left the field early because I felt uncomfortable, but even so, when the results came out, he was still the first. Since then, everyone has regarded him as a **** of learning. , and no longer coveted the throne of the **** of learning.

But this time, Ning Chuxia, who came from a small remote county and was ignored by his classmates, who had averaged the exam, actually came out like this, kicked the school **** down, and sat on the throne himself. Is this reasonable?

Some people try to convince themselves of Ren Zhengyin’s abnormal performance or the difficulty of the test paper, but the distance between Ren Zhengyin and the third place is obvious. If it is called abnormal performance, then many of their students will call themselves mentally handicapped. .

They can’t even say that Ren Zhengyin was defeated, because Renning Chuxia did not do well in the exam this time. Her sub-subjects were basically close to full marks. Similarly, mathematics was only barely deducted two points for the last major question. The only thing that held her back was English and English. Language, but the former is not too bad, but the listening is deducted a bit, and the latter is dragged back on some extended topics.

The teacher on the stage said the get out of class was dismissed, but the class remained silent. The class would be quieter on the days when the grades came out, but today it was not quite right.

Ning Chuxia lowered her head to correct the wrong question, but she was actually thinking of two other things.

Ning’s father and Ning’s mother are not stingy in material matters. Ning Chuxia’s tablet at home is linked to her unused q?q account. This has also obtained the consent of Teacher Xue. Ning Chuxia only said that she has Some software wanted to use q?q to register, and the tablet directly synchronized all the news. Ning Chuxia also became a witness to the contemporary fishing record.

Every time she finished her homework, she would look at the previous chat records as if to pass the time, and then look at the classmates who were constantly rushing to the bait to make herself happy.

In fact, Teacher Xue’s questioning skills are very poor, and there are even some mistakes. If it wasn’t for Ning Chuxia’s account, it would have been seen at a glance.

But the students will only automatically rationalize all the actions made by this account.

Ask about love? Haha, this must be Ning Chuxia’s cowardice. She has to rely on other people to strengthen her courage, so just tell her, and it will be fine.

Why did she say that she didn’t dare to bring her cell phone in class? Hey, I can’t stand it, who doesn’t bring it? Just give her a few examples. By the way, Gao Shu, you can say that you are yourself. I think your trick is awesome. She definitely didn’t expect you to watch the game every day in class hahaha.

Absolutely, why did Ning Chuxia even ask why old A and Xiaopang quarreled today? Isn’t this normal? If we are curious to inquire about each other, we will know, who can inquire about her? I think if it goes on like this, she will definitely rely more and more on Lao Ren, which makes me laugh.

It was obviously excessive behavior, but Ning Chuxia found it funny.

Do they know that they are surrendering themselves and that their sentence cannot be commuted? In particular, there are those who exaggerate themselves in order to brag. She can see Lao Ban’s anger across the screen.

And that’s not all, the funniest part of it is the ** part.

“I saw you several times today, did you find it?”

“[Picture] This bottle of strawberry milk looks like you, cute and sweet.”

“I read the book for a long time today. When I opened the book, it was all you. I accidentally wrote your name when I was doing my homework.”

The other party who was molested answered dryly.

“I was in class and didn’t notice…Thank you?”

“Uh, no, you’re sweet too.”

“Then you remember to paint it out. If you won’t be seen by the teacher, you have to study hard.”

These few are still good, sometimes under the strong storm-like offensive of the opponent, even a real man like Teacher Xue, will have to reply something like “Momada”.

Teacher Xue really endured the humiliation and was on the front line of fishing law enforcement.

“Chuxia.” Sitting at the front desk of Ning Chuxia is a girl in the class who is not very familiar with Ning Chuxia. She is very quiet. When she first came to this school, she tried her best to be friends with him. Couldn’t refuse, and then alienated Ning Chuxia after noticing that she was being excluded.

This is actually quite normal. The original body encountered a group violence, and such a group violence only needs someone to release a goodwill to the original body, and the original body can escape from it. It is because the way of escape is so easy, this group Violence also has the function of coercing others. In order not to become the same excluded person or become a traitor, even if they do not agree with the current behavior, they can only be the silent majority.

“What’s wrong?” Ning Chuxia raised her head, she naturally noticed the look in Wu Fan’s eyes.

“That’s right… I want to ask how your grades improved so quickly?” the girl who asked the question hesitated, “Did you find any good tutors? Is it expensive?”

Yes, this is their conclusion after discussion.

Ning Chuxia and Ning Xinxin were born to the same parents. Ning’s father and Ning’s mother were rich, so they would definitely be willing to spend it on their daughter.

The girls who asked the question were actually encouraged to speak. They wanted to find out about the resources of tutoring or remedial classes from Ning Chuxia.

Speaking of which, it is estimated that it is different in each school. For example, in H City Foreign Language Middle School, everyone has the habit of keeping these things secret, including but not limited to tutoring teachers in learning, and language classes for studying abroad.

This is somewhat selfish, but everyone is used to it. For example, in foreign language middle schools, many students choose the independent enrollment channel. There are restrictions on the number of places to enroll in each place. , then it may be squeezed out by other competitors, such as activities and awards that can be written into the resume, also the number of registrations and awards is limited, how can it be easily disclosed, and if everyone goes to the same place to find the same A teacher, then how can we open the gap?

This message is a kind of resource.

Ning Chuxia glanced at the girl who was questioning, and laughed in her heart. Every time she went to a world, she always learned a lot of new things. For example, in this world, their school has been more or less in line with the society.

“I didn’t go to remedial classes, and I didn’t ask for a tutor.” Ning Chuxia saw disbelief in his eyes as soon as he finished speaking, “Although I have no obligation to explain to you, if you really can’t believe it, then go ask Ning Xinxin is fine.”

“However, why did your grades improve so quickly?” The girl blurted out and then began to explain, “I didn’t mean you cheated, you definitely couldn’t cheat, but your previous school…” She didn’t say everything, Just showing an indescribable expression.

“My former school was terrible, are you trying to say this?” Ning Chuxia put down her pen, “I admit that there are differences in teaching resources, but my former school is already considered the best school in the area. I think, you are like this. Expressions are impolite to me.”

The girl murmured as she looked at Ning Chuxia, her face full of disbelief, why was Ning Chuxia so tough all of a sudden? When she first came here, she clearly wanted to please her.

“The question you want to ask is nothing more than how can I pass the test, right?” Ning Chuxia looked at the other person with a calm expression, “If you want me to give a reason, it is that I work hard enough, I am smart enough, and nothing else. Well, if you think you want to ask me a question, well, I can explain it to you, but if you want to find a shortcut in me, I’m sorry, I really don’t.”

After Ning Chuxia said these words, she heard a dissatisfied voice from someone around her.

“If you don’t believe me, there’s nothing I can do. I just finish my homework on time, study hard, and stuff the different knowledge from both sides into my mind.” Ning Chuxia spread out her hands, a little confused in her eyes, “Everyone’s study Isn’t that the way it is?”

The class fell silent again.

Ning Chuxia is too simple, her face is full of natural confusion, and she sincerely asks other people questions.

But this kind of non-provocative question is particularly hateful.

Rely on, impossible, right? How could she have achieved such a test by herself without any external force?

Is it really an IQ gap? Are they stupider than Ning Chuxia? But she is obviously a wooden head!

The full of doubts did not last long, because Teacher Xue, who was shrouded in the light of the right path, came.

He shined brightly in the last self-study class. He ordered the names of his classmates one by one and went out to talk. What made the classmates horrified was that Teacher Xue ordered all the classmates in the class who were in love or had been in love, and was called out. The gentle and caring classmates came back and confirmed their thoughts.

But how did Teacher Xue know? They are clearly well hidden!

Could it be that there are traitors in the class! Once such an idea was born, everyone couldn’t help but look at each other, and they were very suspicious. Those of the classmates who were in love and had not been caught were the key suspects. They were stared straight at by the eyes called X-rays. keep them fidgeting.

Such suspicious eyes have never fallen on Ning Chuxia before——

The two reasons why she didn’t have the guts and she was also an “accomplice” were enough to clear her doubts.

This Ning Chuxia likes Ren Zhengyin so much, so he wouldn’t rush to talk to the teacher about love, right? Not sick.

Xue Zhengyi, who was using the persuasive lure outside the window, sneezed twice, and then looked at the girl in front of him seriously. At this moment, he was wearing a Tang monk’s cassock, and he was blessed with an annoying buff.

“The teacher is not a person who beats mandarin ducks, but you said that your grades have dropped so much this time, can the teacher not worry about it? There is only so much time in a day, if you divide it up to fall in love, you will not have less time to study. …”

Gao Shu was still buzzing with the teachings from Xue Zhengyi when he returned to the classroom.

Depend on! He was the first to object to Xue Zhengyi’s words.

Why? It’s all about love. Ning Chuxia talked about the first year, but he didn’t have a good chat with Ning Chuxia, so why did he blame him for falling in love?

The Chinese restaurant box in the hotel is decorated in ancient costumes. As the dishes are ordered, the room is full of the smell of food.

“Lao Ning, the children of your family are all excellent Miao Miao.” The person who said this was Director Li of the H City Foreign Language Middle School. The Foreign Language Middle School is a private middle school. The funded group is a local building materials group. The dean of education is the youngest son of the owner of the building materials group. On weekdays, he often goes out to socialize with his brother and father.

“Where, this is thanks to Director Li’s teaching.” Ning’s mother smiled and greeted.

“I’m not talking politely. Today, our first-year teachers are shocked. Your daughter is really amazing. Who says women are inferior to men? Our first ten thousand years, Zheng Yin, was directly tested by your daughter this time. Pressing it down, it opened a gap of more than ten points in one breath!” Director Li was quite emotional.

He was a little embarrassed at first, feeling that Ning Chuxia didn’t do well in the exam, he was a little embarrassed, but this time he can explain it.

“I think, you should just let your child stay in China to study.” He waved his hand, remembering what Ning’s father and Ning’s mother said before, Ning Chuxia would just find a foreign university for gold plating if she didn’t pass the exam, “If she If I can maintain this grade, I think several universities in China can consider it.”

Ning’s father and Ning’s mother looked at each other in surprise, and then shook their heads tacitly.

Ning’s father explained: “No, Xinxin likes music, I plan to…”

Director Li didn’t let him finish: “No! I’m fast. I’m not talking about your Xinxin, but your early summer. This time she took the exam first.” He toasted for his slip of the tongue. , “Your family’s Xinxin is still the same, about forty or fifty people, and it’s not bad to go abroad.”

The news made Ning’s father and Ning’s mother stunned at the same time, and both of them had incredible expressions on their faces.

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