She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 78 - The self-cultivation of brokers (4)

The pre-agreed location is an unforgettable place for the classmates of the year, but when revisiting the old place to find the location with vague memory, most of them will be moved by the great changes that have taken place over time.

The teachers and monitor who organized this alumni reunion had a good intention in the first place, but maybe it was because they were busy with work or felt awkward getting along with old classmates whom they had not seen for many years. Not many people came to the class “class reunion” arranged at noon.

But fortunately, when it came to the dinner time scheduled in the evening, the classmates came one after another. Although there were some turbulence in the class, it was generally united. In addition, it was quite friendly to many people. Students who want to retire at a convenient time are basically not rejected by the teacher.

When the college entrance examination was over, the students had a dinner in this hotel. At that time, the remaining class fees of the class were used, plus the expenses paid by each student and the sponsorship paid by the head teacher himself. It is known that this dish naturally cannot have any high-end ingredients.

This time is different. Although it has only been three years since graduation, it is not difficult to see that the students have embarked on a different life journey. Some are still studying, some are still confused, and some have already achieved a little in their careers.

The classmates who were sitting there chatting glanced at the door from time to time, looking forward to the appearance of the protagonist.

As for who is the protagonist? There is definitely no second answer to this, it must be that they never thought that Yu Huanyu could really make a career in the music world! You must know that the probability of having such a famous star around is pitifully low.

But someone couldn’t help but mutter: “You said Yu Huanyu is still here today? Isn’t he sick?”

It is normal for them to have such doubts. Just half a month ago, a Weibo post by Yu Huanyu landed directly on the top of the trending search.

In that long Weibo post, Yu Huanyu expressed his feelings with extreme sincerity, and the sadness and loss filled the gaps in every word.

For the integrity of the music he created, he chose to try his best to sing – this is naturally a bit silly. In fact, he didn’t say anything about the operation of dropping the key, and no one knew about it. The result was that he ended up having a vocal cord problem again. It’s stage fear again, it’s really stupid.

But there is admiration in my heart at the same time as this emotion. In the life of ordinary people, accommodating is the mainstream. This insistence is stupid and cute.

Weibo went viral that day. In the past, many people who listened to songs without remembering their names or who never read music or lyricists discovered that the songs they liked to listen to or thought they were good were actually composed by Yu Huanyu himself! As a result, his popularity has been further improved, at least now, it is rare to see who Yu Huanyu is.

After that day, Yu Huanyu’s previous car accident stage and lip-synching scene were released one after another and exposed.

The marketing account only posted videos and did not provide guidance is like simply wanting to explore the air, and the following netizens responded the same, that is, sympathy. A few passers-by who did not know the reason mixed in, but it was also revealed after being popularized. apology.

Now Yu Huanyu’s reputation is unprecedentedly good. It can be said that as long as he announces the resumption of work, he will definitely receive a soft hand. Of course, if he starts work too early, he may also be attacked. So far, all Yu Huanyu’s work has been suspended. , the broker apologetically declined all invitations.

“I don’t know if he’s better.”

As soon as I finished these words with emotion, I heard the movement at the door, and everyone turned their eyes away in unison—

The person who opened the door was Yu Huanyu. He was wearing a mask and was taking it off as he walked inside. He looked at his classmates whom he hadn’t seen for many years with a happy smile.

As soon as he entered the door, he was greeted warmly by everyone.

“Huanyu, you’re here! We thought you weren’t coming!”

“As soon as the big star arrives, I can brag with my parents when you come back, Huanyu! They like you very much!”

Yu Huanyu was pulled to the empty main seat at once. He was very accustomed to dealing with such a scene. Sitting in the middle of everyone was like a duck to water, smiling as he greeted everyone.

Those who really knew him could see the smugness in Yu Huanyu’s eyes, such an occasion couldn’t be more perfect for him.

Ning Chuxia, who appeared with Yu Huanyu, seemed uninterested, and she was walking in slowly, who had parked a car behind.

When she picked up Yu Huanyu from Xiao Wu today, she could see the relief in Xiao Wu’s eyes, but Yu Huanyu, who was the source of the other party’s burden, didn’t feel how much his recklessness during this period of time had brought to the people around him. pressure.

It’s true that the public opinion on the Internet appeases Yu Huanyu, but doing nothing at home will make his mood worse.

Yu Huanyu obviously does not have too deep connotations. Before, many people on the Internet commented on his interestingness. They were all classic jokes from a previous life. The remarks that were widely praised on Weibo several times were also recorded by him. classic sentence.

In his previous life, Yu Huanyu was very immersed in alcohol and liveliness. He liked to be surrounded by crowds, sang on stage, and received attention off stage. Although the latter was not as smooth as he imagined, there were always people who thought he was “cool” to some extent. After returning home, he usually lights a cigarette after waking up from sleep, and then goes to play games after watching TV for a while. This game play is also purposeful. Yu Huanyu only plays popular games and does not get attention in reality. It’s not bad to be able to get it in the game. As for what to read, all he sees is shocking news. Even watching movies and variety shows that many people will try doesn’t exist in him. He doesn’t want to sit in that one or two at all. Do not move for hours to look carefully at something.

Therefore, after being completely idle this time, Yu Huanyu returned to the last leisure time in his previous life. Back then, he would occasionally worry about the economy and the future, but now he can play more freely without worrying about it.

So every time Xiao Wu enters the house, what he has to face is an eternal mess. The takeaways ordered on the table are basically spread out. Even if the oil on the top is solidified, it will not attract the attention of the owner. Walking straight for less than five meters and throwing it into the safe passage will not change anything, and the protagonist who created all the mess is sitting casually on the sofa, the lights are not turned on, and he is playing games enthusiastically. When he is tired, he just lies down and sleeps. Wake up and continue, the image is especially sloppy.

Yu Huanyu himself has a good reason for this. He thinks that he has to eat in the morning, noon and evening anyway, so why not collect the takeaway boxes three times a day and throw them together? Is there any special significance to throwing it three times? It’s not that the table can’t be set, and besides, he himself doesn’t think it’s dirty, why should others think so?

There is actually nothing wrong with this idea. After all, as long as it doesn’t disturb others, who cares? But the problem is that Xiao Wu, who is an assistant, is obliged to help clean up. For her, Yu Huanyu has approached the limit that she can accept.

And this mess and my own self-indulgence isn’t all.

Ning Chuxia, who was thinking about something, was tapped on the shoulder. When she turned around, she saw a familiar face.

“Long time no see.” Ye Xingyu smiled and looked at his classmate who he had not seen for a long time.

Ye Xingyu still pretended to be cool when he was in middle school, but he was actually a very warm-hearted person. Instead, his cheerfulness expanded after graduation. Now he looks very straight in a suit.

The two who were standing at the door and greeting each other seemed to be starting to chat. When most of the classmates didn’t notice the scene, Yu Huanyu was keenly aware of it.

Seeing the two people who shouldn’t be close to Yu Huanyu’s eyes immediately dimmed: “Chuxia, why don’t you come and sit?” He pretended to find out, “You, you are Ye Xingyu!”

Yu Huanyu looked at Ye Xingyu’s outfit with scrutiny. The other party was wearing a pure black suit. Yu Huanyu would never boast. He was just complaining in his heart. This outfit was like a salesman. Greetings to the very enthusiastic staff, thinking about it like this made him happy again, and he didn’t know what Ye Xingyu was doing now, he didn’t mind taking care of each other at all.

Speaking of which, he had never had much interaction in his life and was so enthusiastic about Ning Chuxia. Yu Huanyu speculated about Ye Xingyu’s thoughts and made a decision. Either this person thought that Ning Chuxia was his manager and wanted to make money or make music. Dream, or is it… an ugliness? He has also heard that some people have extraordinary aesthetics.

Ning Chuxia sat down very calmly. She was sitting at a non-alcoholic female guest table. As for Yu Huanyu, she had reminded him before coming, and told him not to drink.

As soon as she sat down, Ning Chuxia was welcomed by her classmates. As a pistachio in the class, she was actually “superficially popular”. She was never pushed out in the class, but no one would ever talk to her. heart.

The same is walking through the aisle, the same is touching other people’s desks, other people get a normal recovery like you be careful, pay attention next time, etc., while the original body gets a much richer response.

“I don’t blame you, I don’t blame you, the aisle is too narrow, we will take the initiative to open the way next time you come!”

Then the next time, the other party took the initiative to put the table aside: “Please, open the way for the eldest sister.”

In retrospect, it was obviously a very interesting interaction, but the winking eyes and subtle tone of everyone at that time did not make people feel happy.

Many people don’t understand that every joke needs a “clown”. She plays a funny role and makes funny actions to cause everyone’s laughter, just like the one who was beaten for eating and sleeping with rotten beans. Will the beans themselves be happy? It’s just a joke.

After she sat down, she saw that the girls before the meeting were exchanging glances. Ning Chuxia probably glanced at it. Most of the girls who came today have certain achievements. The others who didn’t come may have no time or feel embarrassed. ?

Suddenly, a girl got up and poured her a glass of juice, and the other girls also raised their glasses to meet Ning Chuxia.

“Actually…” The girl in the lead looked at Ning Chuxia with hesitant eyes, but she still spoke earnestly, “Chuxia, we want to apologize to you.”

The other party actually came this time after hearing that Ning Chuxia was here. Among the ten people sitting at this table, six were best friends of the year.

There were many versions of jokes and rumors about Ning Chuxia in the class.

“Do you know Ning Chuxia? People around her say she smells bad, but yes, I heard that fat people sweat easily, and it’s normal for her to smell bad. I heard that she uses a bottle of toilet water every day. Fragrant and stinky, terrible.”

In fact, it’s a fact that fat people sweat a lot, and it’s a fact that the sweat smells a lot. The original body is worried about making everyone uncomfortable, so she takes a bath three times in the morning and noon every day. The smelly people around them are actually addicted to the back seat every day. A boy who plays basketball but takes off his shoes in the classroom for a nap at noon.

“Aren’t you curious about Ning Chuxia’s weight? Do you think she is as heavy as me?” Every physical examination is a public execution. Ning Chuxia’s physical examination list is often circulated privately. To the human miracle, being shocked that someone can weigh twice as much as someone else.

There are too many to count.

Occasionally, the original body will summon the courage to invite to go to the toilet or get hot water together, but many people who go with her will whisper when they come back, feeling that they almost occupied half of the aisle just now, and analyzing Ning Chuxia’s body There is no taste.

In the atmosphere of the group back then, no one felt that they were doing something wrong, and they didn’t carry any malice, nor did they crowd out and beat others, so why did they do it wrong?

Later, in the wider world, seeing more people and things, many people began to reflect, but this reflection was quickly persuaded by themselves: “If she doesn’t want to be laughed at, she can say that she can lose weight, right? How can a person who can’t even manage his body well manage his own life?”

But this kind of embarrassing persuasion is increasingly unable to convince the rational self.

Not to mention that some of their classmates later learned from the teacher that Ning Chuxia was hereditary obesity in her family. In addition, she fell ill in junior high school and took a lot of hormone drugs. She gained weight quickly during the growth period, and it was difficult to lose weight.

Even if she really can’t control herself, can everyone manage herself?

Even those who have a hard time sticking to regular work and rest, self-discipline and self-discipline, why should they accuse a person of not being self-disciplined? If you only use achievements to evaluate who is in charge of his own life, then Ning Chuxia is now more successful than everyone here.

Before Ning Chuxia came, the people sitting at this table had already reached an agreement. They also thought about apologizing in private, but they always felt that it was not sincere.

Ning Chuxia looked at them quietly. In fact, in the original body’s memory, this scene has happened more than once.

Although it can’t change the past, this apology can soothe the lasting pain to some extent.

“Chu Xia, I’m really sorry, we were too stupid back then and didn’t understand that our words would cause harm to others.” They also showed apologetic expressions, “No matter what, I don’t ask you to forgive me, I’m really sorry.”

Ning Chuxia just smiled and shook her head, took the juice and drank it: “Okay, I heard.” If she was here, she would definitely be the same as every time, smiling embarrassedly and saying that she didn’t really mind. .

It’s painful if you’re not used to having people poke at your sore spot and make it routine.

However, Ning Chuxia, who was here now, was not willing to forgive the original body, so she just received it.

After she said this, the other girls relaxed a little. They were about to continue talking to Ning Chuxia when they heard Yu Huanyu’s words coming from another table.

“Hahaha, teacher, do you still say that I haven’t changed?” He pointed at Ning Chuxia, “I see, the one that hasn’t changed the most is Chuxia. It’s been like one day for ten years.”

Winking his eyes, he meant something, and everyone understood the implication. Many boys at the main table laughed along, while the people sitting at Ning Chuxia’s table were silent, and many even frowned.

Time has changed, and when they realized that these words hurt people, they were very uncomfortable to hear them. They all looked at Ning Chuxia in unison.

——Actually, early summer is very sad, right? The achievement of this consensus could not change the situation, and they couldn’t help but look at Yu Huanyu.

As Ning Chuxia’s only friend, do you really think that Ning Chuxia doesn’t care about this kind of “joke”?

Yu Huanyu continued: “Chu Xia is my manager. With her, I can rest assured that she is standing in front of me, and the wind can’t blow me at all. Usually, one person can hold things that several people can’t hold…”

Yu Huanyu also became happy when he saw Ye Xingyu’s straight face.

I just learned from a classmate that Ye Xingyu, who was admitted to a well-known university as the first in his class, started his business when he was studying. It is said that his company will be listed soon.

Hearing that company’s main business, Yu Huanyu’s eyes were on fire. He didn’t have this company in his mind, but this technology was indeed promising, and it was difficult for him to accept this reality.

Why did Ye Xingyu succeed in his previous life, he had to be like a rat in the gutter during the class reunion, watching him smugly showing off.

In this life, he stole Ye Xingyu’s success, but Ye Xingyu was able to walk the other way.

Is this God ordained? Ye Xingyu is destined to be a successful person? Impossible, absolutely impossible.

With that in mind, he couldn’t help but mention Ning Chuxia again and again.

“Have you seen it? Your business partner in your previous life, the person who proposed marriage is now an agent that I send at will!”

Yu Huanyu, who was showing off like this, didn’t realize in time that Ning Chuxia’s departure and the subtle glances from many of his classmates, he just continued to be proud of himself.

“I’m going to pick up a call.” Ye Xingyu, who couldn’t listen anymore, frowned and left the table, holding the phone, and Yu Huanyu finally stopped when he walked out the door.

The teacher who had been listening next to him couldn’t help but say, “Huanyu, in fact, it’s not good for you to say that in early summer, right?” Although he is no longer the teacher of these children, he can’t help but teach him, “In this case Saying that would hurt one’s self-esteem…”

They are all adults, not children, how can they still talk like this.

“No.” Yu Huanyu waved his hand casually, “I usually get along with Chuxia like this. She is already fat, so why wouldn’t people tell me.” He also went out, the door of the bathroom in the box was open, and Ye Xingyu was also leaving the table at the moment.

“Teacher, let me go out.” Yu Huanyu, who was talking in such a hurry, immediately left the table. As long as he thought that Ye Xingyu and Ning Chuxia would get along alone, he felt a strong sense of crisis.

A person like Ye Xingyu… If he still chooses to sing, he will surely succeed, right? Although Yu Huanyu couldn’t imagine how Ye Xingyu would achieve without those classic music.

The atmosphere in the box after he left was awkward, everyone looked at each other and just kept their heads down and continued to eat.

Their big star classmate was no different from that year, and even became more and more proud of his success.

But it is the lack of change that is the biggest problem. When you did something wrong in the past, you can also say that people were not sound and ignorant at that time, but what about now?

Ning Chuxia came out to pay. Yu Huanyu said before he came that he wanted to pay, but it was Ye Xingyu’s money anyway, so Ning Chuxia didn’t plan to save it for him.

After handing over the card, Ning Chuxia heard a familiar voice again: “Perhaps you are all right?”

She looked up at the young man who was much taller than her, and clicked on the established program of the mobile phone. According to the time in memory, someone should be coming in a few minutes.

“I’m fine, aren’t you used to it?”

Ye Xingyu showed a disapproving expression. The reason why he didn’t speak out and directly refuted it was because he knew that Yu Huanyu was Ning Chuxia’s most important friend. He was not as naive as he was back then. .

He changed the subject: “Congratulations, your dream is about to come true.”

Ye Xingyu felt a little emotional. He also liked music, but after he chose another path, he became more and more busy, and he no longer had time to study the things that he only explored by himself.

What he didn’t expect was that the music that could hit his heart actually came from his classmate Yu Huanyu back then. Ye Xingyu was a little confused when listening to those songs.

It can only be said that he should not link his personal character to his works, right? For some reason, he always felt that Yu Huanyu should not be the master of these music, but this idea was pressed into his heart at once. Does the principle that this work has nothing to do with personality still need to be repeated?

“You are also quite successful now.” Ning Chuxia looked at the man beside her, thought for a while before she said solemnly, “Perhaps, have you ever thought about creating or singing music yourself?”

Looking at Ye Xingyu’s unexpected eyes, Ning Chuxia just looked at him firmly.

The play was about to end, and when it was time to end, if the original protagonist wanted to appear, she would definitely stand by his side.

Yu Huanyu, who was already standing at the corner, naturally witnessed the scene of two people chatting, but before he could get close, he stood there with cold hands and feet.

Yu Huanyu took a few steps back defensively, sticking his back against the wall to avoid being caught by the information on the phone screen. The information sent was a number he had never seen before.

“Is it fun to steal other people’s works? A reborn loser who didn’t even know his name in his last life.”

Yu Huanyu hurriedly asked the waiter where the public restroom was. He reluctantly glanced at Ning Chuxia and Yu Huanyu. The two of them seemed to be about to finish their chat and were about to part.

This text message was not sent by them.

It is impossible to think about it. If one of them is reborn, the first thing is to fight with him, right?

So who is it?

Shouldn’t he be the chosen child of this world, there is only one lucky one? Why does anyone else have the same luck as him.

He quickly ran to the bathroom and sat on the toilet lid. Yu Huanyu opened the text message with trembling hands. He didn’t know how many times he had prayed, but this was not an illusion at all, even if he watched it a hundred times.

Maybe a liar? This is a deliberate trick to scare people.

Yu Huanyu, who was thinking so, received the second message.

“I searched for information on the Internet. You and Ye Xingyu are in the same class, so you robbed your classmate’s stuff, right? Do you think he would be curious about this? By the way, your agent is also Ye Xingyu’s agent. right?”

madman! How could anyone believe such a thing?

“Why doesn’t anyone believe it? Yu Huanyu, do you think I can’t tell the big events that will happen in the next month? After you pick two big news and verify it, some people will believe it, right?”

Yu Huanyu’s pupils opened slightly, yes, he actually forgot about this! Every year there are all kinds of things that happen, and the other party will definitely convince others by predicting two random things.

He stared at the phone in a state of collapse, and thought for a long time before replying to the message: “Since you are looking for me to negotiate conditions, what do you want?”

He tried hard to make his message look calm, but now that all his cards were seen, he couldn’t hide it at all.

Yu Huanyu tried to search for this very long number, but couldn’t find any results, not even the location.

Every second in the bathroom was like a year, and he was shocked even when someone came in from outside.

“What do you say I want? Guess what? I only know that as soon as I open my eyes in my life, I realize that someone has become famous through other people’s works, great talent, do you feel guilty when someone calls you that? I thought I, who lived an ordinary life, almost forgot that I could still live as shrewdly as you, I’m really not reconciled, how can you be so successful just by being reborn?”

Yu Huanyu reacted immediately: “I see, you want money, right? You tell me the amount! I’ll give you the money!”

Isn’t it just money? What he has is.

The key is who is this person? Yu Huanyu licked his lips, just waiting for that person to reply.

The phone rang suddenly, and looking at the Ning Chuxia Yu Huanyu displayed on the screen, he felt a nervous breakdown for a moment, could it be Ning Chuxia? That’s out of the question at all.

Hesitantly answered the phone, Yu Huanyu heard Ning Chuxia’s helpless voice on the other end of the phone: “Where did you go? Didn’t you say we were going back at night? We have to leave for the eleven o’clock flight.”

The self who had just been hung up high was finally put down.

Scared him to death, he thought… he thought it was Ning Chuxia!

“Understood, I’m coming, I was in the bathroom just now.” Yu Huanyu realized that what he said was not right after he finished speaking, he had been in the bathroom for a while, “I just received a message from a former college classmate, He wanted to borrow money from me, so I contacted him…”

I don’t know if this excuse can fool Ning Chuxia, so Yu Huanyu hung up the phone after reluctantly answering. Just during the call, the mysterious man sent another message.

The text message is a multinational account, and there is no way to determine who the account owner is.

Obviously, this person was fully prepared to threaten Yu Huanyu.

He may not be able to catch anyone.

“How much do you want?” Yu Huanyu took a deep breath and sent the message.

If the money is gone, it can be earned again, and there is nothing scary about this person who wants money. If he wants a steady stream of financial sponsorship, he has to become an accomplice with Yu Huanyu, otherwise, if Yu Huanyu is exposed, doesn’t he also have no income?

At the same time, Yu Huanyu was still thinking about the other side. It seemed that he had to do second-hand preparations. It is estimated that this person only knew the income on the surface, and he could make some private investments.

However, investments like those movies and TV series in the past may not necessarily work, and when the results are good, it will definitely be in the news.

“Let me think about it, look at your sincerity, right? You made so much black money, so you should give it back to me, right?”

The message was successfully sent, but it was lying quietly in Yu Huanyu’s pocket. He didn’t want to see that message again for the time being.

Xiao Wu stood in the living room silently clenching his fists, watching Yu Huanyu fill the table with wine again, her emotions were out of control.

Over and over again during this period of time, she finally couldn’t help but suspect Yu Huanyu.

He loves music, why did he never create during this break? The guitar and computer at home are about to have dust.

He said that he wanted to take care of his throat, so he quit smoking and drinking a few days ago, but he never stopped eating food every day, and ordered anything that was sour, spicy or cold. After returning from a class reunion, he even continued to smoke and drink. .

If the word mental illness can explain everything, but she has never seen Yu Huanyu to see a doctor once, whether it is to see a vocal cord in a general hospital or a psychiatrist, not once.

He… did he really have a problem with his throat?

The original suspicion is getting bigger and bigger, but in the past few days, it has completely erupted due to the stimulation of unexpected factors.

“Don’t you think you’re going too far?” Xiao Wu pointed at Yu Huanyu very angrily, and this time he did an impolite move that he had never done before. At this moment, Yu Huanyu was not the idol she once loved, but just a Terribly bad guy.

“How did I go too far?” Yu Huanyu said lazily, his throat was hoarse, his eyes were hurting, and he held the phone tightly in his hand.

For him, the mobile phone is really his life now, and he can’t let go even for a minute.

“Sister Chu Xia is sick because of you, don’t you think you should see her?” Xiao Wu was furious, “As your manager, she has paid so much for you, doesn’t she even have to visit her once? Are you there? Well, even if Sister Chu Xia didn’t do a good job as an agent, isn’t she still your friend?”

When he first came to this studio, Xiao Wu came with doubts about the studio.

Even Ning Chuxia, her immediate leader, has a vague repulsion in her heart. She always feels that her idols are like those well-known football superstars and NBA stars. People make money or choose them.

But after the actual contact, she found more and more how absurd the accusations circulating on the Internet were.

As a matter of fact, Sister Chu Xia has long been exhausted. She takes a lot of pills to supplement her body nutrients on weekdays. Because of the stomach problems caused by irregular work and rest, she always covers her stomach, but she only needs to deal with work every time. Will cheer up and pretend to have nothing.

But he ignored what Ning Chuxia had done, and asked her to do more than others, but Yu Huanyu who they thought was not taken care of.

Xiao Wu didn’t understand why Yu Huanyu became more and more hysterical recently. Although she tried to explain it with mental illness, she felt that nothing made sense.

Sister Chuxia is so dedicated, if Brother Huanyu is really wrong because of this problem, he will definitely be taken to check and take medicine, right?

As one of the parties, Xiao Wu, this time, really used the first perspective to watch the whole thing happened. No matter how big her filter is, she can’t stand on Yu Huanyu’s side.

Especially in the first two days, Sister Chu Xia was preparing for Brother Huanyu’s work after returning to work. Her face was very pale after reporting a bunch of materials, but she still tried to cheer up.

During this period, Yu Huanyu, who should have had a good rest, was exhausted and said impatiently that he would continue to rest and did not want to work.

Facing Sister Chu Xia’s unbelievable look, Yu Huanyu stood up and accused Sister Chu Xia of pointing fingers too much.

When Sister Chu Xia was sad and wanted to leave, Brother Huanyu reached out and asked her for money.

This sentence sounds absurd to Xiao Wu. What Brother Huanyu wants is not only the work payment that he has not settled in the studio, but also the dividends that Sister Chuxia should have received.

“I said, you’re making too much money from me, right? Ning Chuxia, you have to understand, if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be able to make that much money at all.” Yu Huanyu’s calmness when he spoke was like a prelude to a storm. “It’s me who can make you a famous agent, otherwise who would choose you just like you?”

Ning Chuxia pursed her lips and looked at him very sadly: “You said we are friends, let’s realize our dreams together…”

“What dream? It’s my sympathy for you. I pity you for not having friends. Also, the dream is that both of you make the same effort. Go out and ask my achievements, aren’t they all created by me? You are Writing songs for me or writing lyrics for me? Just doing something that other agents can do.”

“I’ve never made money on you, my share…”

“Your score isn’t high because you’re only worth so much, and I don’t think you’re worth even that.”

At that time, Xiao Wu looked at him and suddenly felt that Yu Huanyu was like… a beast at the end of the road, as if he would attack in the next second if he couldn’t get the money.

Ning Chuxia calmed down a bit: “Huanyu, you shouldn’t be short of money there, can you tell me well? Have you been deceived? We can solve it together…”

Xiao Wu didn’t expect that Ning Chuxia was still thinking about Yu Huanyu to this extent, but Yu Huanyu gave this kindness with more anger: “You want to swallow my money?”

She didn’t want to recall the next scene anymore. Facing the stormy Yu Huanyu, Ning Chuxia nodded in agreement, and said that if Yu Huanyu insisted on not giving her the basic reward for her labor, she would leave.

And then…they ended the contract.

Ning Chuxia, who went out with the contract termination, almost fainted. Xiao Wu took her to the hospital. The doctor said that she was seriously lacking in rest and needed to recuperate. Under Ning Chuxia’s advice, Xiao Wu reluctantly came back to take care of Yu Huanyu.

But now, she can’t take care of it anymore.

Xiao Wu was speechless, slammed the door and left, leaving only the sound of the door closing.

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