She Quit the Air Bag

Chapter 79 - Self-cultivation by a broker (5)

When everyone left, Yu Huanyu was the only one left in the originally spacious apartment.

Yu Huanyu stared at the mobile phone that seemed to exist like a demon during this period of time with chills.

Every time the message bell rang, his brain would go blank and he would panic subconsciously. After a period of psychological construction, he could force himself to open his phone to read the message.

And the root of all this is the messages sent from the day of the class reunion.

That mysterious man, who has no name yet, seems to be hiding somewhere, spying on his life and sending messages at any time.

Yu Huan Yuning, the mysterious man asked for the money all at once, and his appearances over and over again made him very devastated.

The class reunion had just ended, and Yu Huanyu immediately transferred a sum of money that was very painful to him. He just wanted to keep his mouth shut.

Yu Huanyu is not stupid, of course he knows that this is a bottomless pit, and there is no way to completely fill it up. If the other party comes to him for money as long as he is short of money, it is an endless cycle that will never end.

But he had no other choice at all.

For example, when someone is extorted and extorted, the best choice is to call the police—does he dare to call the police? How would he explain to the police the threats he encountered.

“This person knows that I was reborn and copied the music of my previous life to threaten me with this?”

Is this ridiculous? Not to mention whether this kind of thing can be made public, it is estimated that it will be regarded as a research material or a lunatic if it is spread out?

Yu Huanyu once forced himself to think calmly and tried to communicate with that mysterious person.

“If you keep pushing me like this, it won’t be good for you if we die?” Yu Huanyu used up his thinking ability, which he hadn’t used in his two lifetimes, “Have you ever thought that I can turn myself in, it’s a big deal, everyone. Die together.”

Then how did the other party respond?

“No, Mr. Yu Huanyu, you are so naive. The account and phone number I gave you cannot be traced to the source of your information. If you don’t believe it, you can try to find out, I’m afraid you are the only one who died. .”

Yu Huanyu naturally wouldn’t believe it… So he spent more money, but it was still a lot of money.

He found a hacker on the Internet, and it was a channel that was difficult to use money to get through. God knows how much time he spent on transactions through virtual currency, and the other party must trace the owner of this phone and account.

As for what he would do after finding someone, Yu Huanyu was still reluctant to think about it. He couldn’t see the crazy look in his eyes when he was looking at the computer.

The “hacker” did not deceive him, but helped him to investigate, but the result was exactly the same as what the mysterious man said. The money in the account finally flowed into the Internet, and after several virtual coins changed hands, he had no idea where it went, even in China. It is not clear whether abroad.

And then-

“So you believe me now?” Five minutes after he received the result, the mysterious man sent a message, “Although it is understandable, you still make me very dissatisfied with your investigation. As a spiritual compensation, Call ten million here.”

He came to ask for money again. When Yu Huanyu saw this message, he immediately pulled all the curtains in the room, searched the scene with the information found on the Internet, and removed the camera attached to the computer.

“Don’t be so nervous, I’m not interested in spying on your sloppy life, I just want money.”

Yu Huanyu almost went crazy.

The pressure of money is one after another, and the hard-earned money is pulled out of the pocket little by little.

The mental oppression is even more terrifying. He feels as if he is living under the surveillance of others. It is obviously a house that should be at ease, but it seems that someone is always secretly watching him from the back. Every time he relaxes a little, he will welcome the next persecution.

The career and life that I had finally acquired were seriously threatened, and the handle was in the hands of others. As long as the other party poked lightly, Yu Huanyu’s life would collapse.

Moreover, he is like a plaything in the opponent’s palm, and he has no resistance, even if he thinks about it, there is no solution.

Why did everything turn out like this? Wasn’t his rebirth a miracle? He was destined to develop great careers in his second life.

In Yu Huanyu’s imagination, he who was originally from an ordinary background would succeed by relying on the re-engraving of Ye Xingyu’s life trajectory and the copying of classic works. After he had accumulated enough money, he would start investing in the entertainment he was most familiar with. In the circle industry, when his career is developing rapidly, he doesn’t mind expanding his career a little, such as writing a movie, TV series, etc., from the singer to the almighty king.

Then, after that, he can also consider going into business. Although he doesn’t remember many stocks, Yu Huanyu still remembers a few companies and technologies that suddenly developed later. When he has more money, he can directly take shares, and use this Earn a lot of money, maybe you can even become the richest man.

As for his future wife, he hasn’t made up his mind yet. He is still hesitating between the female star he liked before and finding a good lady to marry, but don’t worry, he is excellent himself, as long as he wants to find him at any time, if it doesn’t suit him It’s not bad for a direct divorce and a breakup anyway – by the way, you must do a good job in pre-marital property preservation, and he won’t suffer from it.

He even thought about where he would buy a house and settle down in the next seven and eighty, but he didn’t expect that his successful time would come to an abrupt end before he could enjoy it.

But it’s okay, Yu Huanyu bites his nails unconsciously. He didn’t have this habit before, but the recent anxiety and collapse have made him unconsciously beat himself up. Biting too hard, his fingertips are red and painful. He didn’t notice it at all.

After dealing with the studio affairs with Ning Chuxia two days ago, Yu Huanyu went to the intermediary to increase the price to sell the apartment he currently lives in. He aggressively slashed the price, and some people saw the price and signed the contract immediately. Delivery, now just waiting to go through the formalities.

When the time comes, at least the inexplicable surveillance will no longer be there.

As for the termination of the contract with Ning Chuxia for money? Yu Huanyu didn’t care at all now, there were quite a few powerful agents in his memory, and it was more important to ask for money.

Long-term vision, etc., it has to have a long-term perspective. The debt collector on the other end of the phone is trying to force the debt. If you don’t take out the money, it will not solve the problem.

In addition, the way Ning Chuxia and Yu Huanyu get along is not the same as that of ordinary stars and agents. She has always been careful, even she occasionally confirms the flow of water on Yu Huanyu’s card. Trust, but now all this has become a shackle.

For example, if he wants to get money in advance, will other brokers ask more? It is estimated that nodding will transfer the money, but Ning Chuxia will definitely ask endless questions, for fear that he will go astray.

In this context, what if, what he meant, if Ning Chuxia found out about the rebirth, I’m afraid the mysterious man would be able to fight Ning Chuxia first, right?

As for why you don’t want to go back to work?

Depend on! Speaking of this incident, Yu Huanyu gets angry, that mysterious person is really pink-eyed, and he actually said, “Today I swiped on Weibo to swipe your video, and I am very happy to see you singing other people’s songs on the stage. Envy, I need a mental compensation fee for being so envious, otherwise I may not be able to keep my mouth shut.” He always felt that if he returned to work and made a few hot searches, the mysterious man would be endless. .

He is a psychopath!

The phone rang again, and the lit screen illuminated the dark room.

Yu Huanyu stretched out his hand, covered his palm on the phone screen, and then moved down a little bit, when the familiar number appeared on the screen, his heart was ashes.

Another mysterious person, didn’t this just give the money a few days ago? What is he going to do?

“I’m so envious. How nutritious is a life where you can change houses at will? I also want to share your happiness. Since the house has been sold, why don’t you help me buy a house?”

A bunch of foul words came out one after another, Yu Huanyu didn’t want to drop the phone, but just swept it **** the table, and things fell all over the floor.

How the **** did he sell the house? Obviously he didn’t talk about it in the room at all, right?

When did Yu Huanyu collapse, he sat back on the sofa, he looked at his phone for a long time: “How much do you want?”

I don’t know when the rope was wrapped around the neck, and if the person pulled it gently, it would tighten.

Can this abyss mouth be satisfied? Yu Huanyu didn’t know.

At this moment, he was only fighting against the mysterious man, and he didn’t know what was going to happen next.

Ning Chuxia sat leisurely at home, with the flower baskets that Xiao Wu gave her when she came to visit today on the bedside cabinet.

She casually set up a small table on the bed, and the screen displayed a statement that had been turned into a long picture.

Yu Huanyu should have almost finished moving by now. He didn’t expect that he could move out within a few days without help from living like a waste of life. This might be the motivation for being forced into debt, right?

Yu Huanyu’s surveillance was actually nothing more than mobile phone eavesdropping. In the last world, the technology for information security maintenance was very advanced, and the research on system intrusion was also progressing rapidly. Surveillance was placed on the mobile phone, but unfortunately Yu Huanyu dared to sell the house, smash the computer and smash the camera, just because he did not dare to lose the mobile phone that held his secret.

Well, of course, Ning Chuxia didn’t expect that Yu Huanyu could actually go to the search website to search for information such as how to contact hackers and how to investigate others. Isn’t this rushing to be deceived?

Since they are all going to be deceived, then the fat water will not flow to outsiders, so Ning Chuxia will bring it to the door by herself – look, she is so kind and gentle, at least she has saved Yu Huanyu’s mental blow, or she might just swallow the money and let it go. Guys understand what an internet scam is.

As for Yu Huanyu’s insistence to move, Ning Chuxia likes it anyway. She originally thought that the house could be used to pay off her debts. After all the incidents are exposed, Yu Huanyu’s few endorsements will probably come to claim compensation, right? But since he took the initiative, she would not refuse.

The artist who she once managed and cared for is about to move, so she, the former manager, should give a housewarming gift to celebrate the relocation of her artist.

She slowly calculated the time. Of course, the gift should be sent when the party could see it. Yu Huanyu’s work and rest were chaotic, and it was impossible to wake up during the day, so it was especially important to choose the working time in the afternoon.

The set alarm clock rang, and Ning Chuxia clicked send. She didn’t care about the comments below. It was like peeling an onion, layer by layer. She was very patient, and Yu Huanyu, who would not hide it, was probably not the only one offending her. One.

After closing the page, Ning Chuxia continued to chat with Ye Xingyu remotely.

Ye Xingyu still maintains a concern and love for music, but his company is now in business, and if he leaves easily, it may affect other employees of the company.

Based on his idea, Ning Chuxia put forward a suggestion, that is, Yu Huanyu used anonymous online publishing when she first entered the university. She designed an avatar “star”, which is similar to Ye Xingyu when you look closely. But if you don’t take a closer look at the avatar that can’t be seen, if Ye Xingyu doesn’t plan to admit it until the future, then she will release the program and continue to treat the other party as a virtual singer.

After hearing this idea, Ye Xingyu was eager to give it a try. He has already started to rehabilitate in his spare time, picking up the creative knowledge that he has understood but not in-depth enough, and Ning Chuxia, who has the original memory of creation, will respond, help.

Ning Chuxia, who was chatting, had a quiet time, and the statement she just dropped on the Internet was causing an uproar at the moment.

During this period of time, the reason why she has made so much effort to make Yu Huanyu improve his fame is at this moment, otherwise it would be too boring when the real face is exposed and no one cares.

The statement released by Ning Chuxia was very simple, straight to the point, announcing that she had ended her cooperation with Yu Huanyu, and in the long picture, she gave a detailed explanation of all this.

This long picture is the crux of the problem.

Professional netizens who eat melons have begun to discuss heatedly, while Yu Huanyu’s fan base is in chaos.

[Will the amount of information declared by Yu Huanyu’s agent be a bit too large? Tsk tsk, is this because of love and hate? 】

The landlord made a serious analysis of the summary.

“Yu Huanyu’s agent has explained the reasons for her decision to end the cooperative relationship with Yu Huanyu from several aspects, and there are some suggestions that the picture evidence is not clear to see the long picture, but I always feel that there are many points in it that are meaningful and meaningful. .”

“She explained that her contract with Yu Huanyu is not a one-man, chicken and a dog. Yu Huanyu, who had not shown his amazing musical talent in high school, became her first close friend, and she also decided to marry for this friendship. Friends entered the entertainment industry together (off-topic Ning Chuxia attached her college entrance examination scores, to be honest, her score was really a bit of a loss in Yu Huanyu School), from high school to now, she has been around Yu Huanyu, and signed Quan Entertainment The brokerage contract with the lowest division in the circle has never been made against Yu Huanyu’s will from the beginning to the present, including the fans who questioned not to find an assistant, all of which were strongly requested by Yu Huanyu himself, saying that he only trusted her, she I agreed.”

“After explaining the basic situation, Ning Chuxia revealed her differences with Yu Huanyu. In her career, she originally agreed with Yu Huanyu’s love for music and was willing to support him, but she slowly discovered what Yu Huanyu called music. Her persistence made her suspicious, disappointed and painful (there is a lot of information here, she seems to think that Yu Huanyu is not so persistent in her original intention, and in order to protect Yu Huanyu, she has done a lot of behaviors that go against her original intention, but She did not elaborate on why she was suspicious), and Yu Huanyu during this period of time also made her disappointed, and even during the meeting a few days ago, Yu Huanyu asked her for money, and even asked Ning Chuxia to give her money that should have belonged to her. Her dividends were also handed over, claiming that Ning Chuxia had no role in her career.”

“In terms of personal feelings, Ning Chuxia felt that Yu Huanyu did not regard her as a friend. The reason why she is a friend is that she can do useless work, pay attention, and be criticized by fans, and then there are a series of screenshots that are a little uncomfortable (saying) Yu Huanyu is really mean, I dare not think that in the chat records that can be made public, I would say that people are fat every day, what would I usually say when joking), Ning Chuxia admits that she is a sensitive person, and every time she encounters such a joke, she will Sadness, these sadness accumulated to the end, and she was shaky and collapsed directly in the face of Yu Huanyu’s distrust, she thought that Yu Huanyu had never affirmed her ability, and to him, she was just a useful and cheap labor force.”

“Ning Chuxia made up a screenshot of her going to the hospital for an examination. It can be seen that she has indeed been to the hospital many times because of lack of rest and other problems, and she was even hospitalized a few days ago. Yu Huanyu has not once. She went to see a doctor and never showed any concern. In the end, she said that she had a clear conscience and had never done anything to feel sorry for Yu Huanyu, and then said (the point is here) that she will work hard to find someone who is upright, respectful of her partner, She works with people who love life, who are self-motivated, who are honest with others, and who truly love music. If she can’t find it, she will return to the life of an ordinary person.”

The landlord threw bricks to attract jade, and the following discussion began enthusiastically.

“Simply put, I use friends as an excuse to make them cheap labor, and I’m a rotten person and never treat friends as friends… It’s still **** to sum it up, so it’s true that works and characters are not equal, right? Is there anyone in the know? Tell me the specifics, just curious.”

“Yu Huanyu’s ex-fans are here. I quit because he was resting and singing badly on the spot (I know his vocal cords are bad, but don’t scold me), scolding the manager is the basic operation of fans, now calm down and respond to this statement It is indeed the case, curious people can go to Yu Huanyu Station to search for pictures, and every time it is the agent who pushes luggage and moves things behind.”

“The onlookers are back, sour, what are Yu Huanyu’s fans being picky about? I read the N deadly sins of being an economic man before fans, why don’t you take more variety shows and show artists, and don’t take more film and television resources… Damn, Yu Huanyu’s Are the resources good enough? He’s only been famous for a few years, isn’t it enough to be steady? And there’s never been a single scandal before.”

“My fat man felt offended. I didn’t expect Yu Huanyu to be such a person. To be honest, I have never told my friends. I hate being told jokes about my body! Don’t take your lack of quality as fun, okay? Why? Treating others as funny jokes? We must be laughed at for doing something wrong?”

“The melon farmer came and threw out a melon that was asked by a friend in the industry. The friend was a well-known staff member in the industry (responsible for some auxiliary work) who had worked with Yu Huanyu. She told me that Yu Huanyu’s agent should To tell the truth, she herself really cares about Yu Huanyu, and she has done things alone that others and the entire team may not be able to do well. As for joking, my friends have heard it several times at the scene.”

The discussion became more and more intense, and Yu Huanyu’s fans who were a little stunned under the impact finally reacted. They tried to clarify for their idols, and they all came to criticize and post.

They held up Yu Huanyu’s works and the recent break to try to show that there is no one in this world who loves music more than Yu Huanyu, and the agent’s original intention is not a lie at all.

As for what is bad for the agent, they repeatedly emphasized that Ning Chuxia became Yu Huanyu’s agent as soon as she graduated, but she had some internship experience to be an agent, because Yu Huanyu took care of her friends. ? As for Yu Huanyu asking for money… that’s also reasonable! It’s just exercise, aren’t many interns also unpaid?

There are also Yu Huanyu’s remarks, they said that this is “one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer”, this is just a joke between friends, some people are born to like to be mean, this can only be said about the way friends communicate, and Ning Chuxia does not Did you admit it too? She is sensitive.

In the midst of the melee, Yu Huanyu, who finally received the news or just reacted, was long overdue.

This is not to blame for Yu Huanyu, Yu Huanyu is about to quit his mobile phone during this period of time. He is using a tablet to play games. If someone in the game said “Yu Huanyu” in the chat channel, he would not have reacted.

After reading Ning Chuxia’s statement, Yu Huanyu was very nervous at the time. He tried to contact Ning Chuxia, but the call was not connected. Ning Chuxia only replied to the text message. God knows he was in a cold sweat when he saw the text message.

“You don’t need to contact me anymore? I’ve already understood that since we met, I’m not considered a friend to you.”

Yu Huanyu’s explanation was edited and deleted, and changed several times: “Of course we are, we agreed to succeed together, right?”

“It was you who gave up first, I’m very disappointed, is the person I knew who loved music really you? Why did you become like this? There are so-called friends… I’m sober, in this world Shouldn’t we be friends like this? Let’s be successful together so far, you continue to work hard, just like you said that day, your success has nothing to do with me, and the future will be the same.”

Yu Huanyu wanted to post it again, but Ning Chuxia had already blocked him, and he had to face the public opinion that was already a melee.

Yu Huanyu’s experience in this area is about zero. He has never been popular in his last life. His Weibo fans are still zombie fans bought by the company. The comments under Weibo that are posted every day even sell pornographic films. I even occasionally get zero comments, let alone a statement.

Don’t talk about long Weibo, it is difficult for him to write a long paragraph seriously.

After thinking about it, Yu Huanyu could only reluctantly type a series of text without punctuation on the memo and send a screenshot.

In the statement, he explained these things a little bit. For Ning Chuxia saying that she was a joke, it was because Ning Chuxia never mentioned that she would mind when the two got along; the reason for not giving the corresponding salary is because his career still In development, he wants money to “make music”. In the future, when his career further develops, he will also adjust Ning Chuxia’s contract to increase his salary. As for music, he has always loved music and has never changed. I hope fans and netizens can trust him. Support him, he will bring you more good music in the future.

After releasing the statement, Yu Huanyu stared at Weibo anxiously. He was a little clumsy about this aspect, but he relaxed quickly.

After reading more than a dozen Weibo posts, all of them supported him, what Yu Huanyu was looking at: “Come on, Yu Huanyu, we all believe in you! You won’t be deceived by your agent!”, “Just take a good rest, don’t care about these public opinions. , People who truly love music shouldn’t be hurt.” He breathed a deep sigh of relief, but fortunately, he thought something was going to happen.

Yu Huanyu, who doesn’t know what it means to be criticized by fans, has no idea of ​​opening everyone’s avatars to see the homepage. In short, it would be great if netizens were not induced by Ning Chuxia!

The relaxed Yu Huanyu didn’t continue to hold the phone, instead, he was a little complacent. The mysterious person was reborn just like him. Ning Chuxia, a person who was deceived all over the world, thought he could overthrow him.

It’s just that the order of the comments displayed under his Weibo has been changed since he relaxed and lay down for a while.

Now the most popular comment is not the Weibo posted by fans, but a speechless sigh from a passer-by who really eats melons: “Still accusing comments? Silent, doesn’t his statement mean that I really mocked my agent, I don’t give money because I draw cakes like a startup company, no matter what others say I love music, even if there is no evidence, can this convince people?”

His unconvincing statement, which did not give any evidence, instead gave people a sense of his tacit consent. The melon eaters who had been hesitating to wait for further evidence began to fight one after another, and even the people who were originally standing on his side said I must believe that many of his fans are beginning to struggle.

Next is the melon field harvest scene.

The revelations appeared one after another.

Claiming to be classmate Yu Huanyu, he recounted that Yu Huanyu liked to make all kinds of jokes about Ning Chuxia when he was studying. He was still like this during the classmates reunion dinner some time ago. Chu Xia apologized for the joke, and left a sentence at the end of the revelation: “I don’t know what it means to joke between friends and expose each other’s wounds, I only know that if you cherish a friend, you can’t let her do it for you. You do so much, but you don’t even give care and respect, the capitalists will give you appropriate remuneration in order to squeeze the labor force, but your friends will even take away the remuneration from Weibo.”

They claim to be staff members of all parties, especially those who have cooperated with Yu Huanyu recently. They said that they encountered more than one time during the cooperation period that Ning Chuxia said that he was unwell and took medicine and drinking water by himself, while Yu Huanyu never expressed that even if Once I cared, even when my friend was already pale and his lips were too white, he said that he would lose weight by eating one meal less.

People who claimed to be hospital staff also came out. Anyway, this is not a patient. They only said that during Ning Chuxia’s hospitalization, there were only a young girl and another handsome man who was not Yu Huanyu. Yu Huanyu himself once came to see her. have never been.

In the end, there were friends from the agency who suddenly came out. They posted pictures of the agency’s previous show on the Moments. During this time, Yu Huanyu sold the luxury apartment he had just bought as if he wanted to sell it right away. Yes – this revelation has caused a lot of discussion. After all, Ning Chuxia said that Yu Huanyu wanted money, and later he was anxious to buy a house. What kind of music would cost so much money? Some even suspected that Yu Huanyu was addicted to gambling.

Facing the seemingly endless revelations, the fans became more and more at a loss, and the only support at this time was the big fans. Among Yu Huanyu’s big fans, there was suddenly one who started with ” The big fan who disappeared for the reason of now charging” appeared and posted a long Weibo.

This big fan named @小武 likes Yu Huanyu to sing. He is one of the top fans of Yu Huanyu.

And this fan revealed his identity for the first time: “I’m sorry that I haven’t told everyone, I, who had a good impression of Yu Huanyu, submitted my resume to Yu Huanyu’s studio, and thus became Yu Huanyu’s assistant, that’s right, The assistant that everyone noticed recently who was occasionally scolded was me.”

This stone shocked thousands of waves, and when Xiao Wu jumped out, everyone was really shocked. After all, the photos of Xiao Wu and Ning Chuxia can be found on the Internet.

Xiao Wu wrote down on Weibo the emotional changes that occurred during her contact with Yu Huanyu for so long.

From the beginning of liking and admiration, to deeper and deeper obsession, to gradually feeling wrong, and finally to disgust.

Xiao Wu’s Weibo is much more lifelike than Ning Chuxia’s Weibo, and the details she wrote made everyone amazed.

Although everyone knows that assistants serve stars, they didn’t expect Xiao Wu to do so many babysitting jobs.

Moreover… Yu Huanyu’s usual expressions are not so sloppy and arrogant.

“He said he loves music, but I’ve been with him for so long, I’ve never seen him read even an article about music, he’s never clicked on the music on the charts, and the table in the studio at home has fallen to dust. If he has to talk about love, he probably likes the background music of the game the most, right? I am lucky to hear this every day.”

“He said he had to take good care of himself and he would come back when he recovered, but all I saw was a man who never stopped eating and stayed up late every day, and kept smoking and drinking. I don’t know if these are bad for his voice, but it was hard for me to convince myself. He’s taking care of himself.”

“He said he was a good person, but he was used to calling everyone around him. At first, I received concern from him, but this concern didn’t last long. After I got used to my appearance, he became more and more Directly calling, I don’t think it’s strange for me to do these things beyond normal work.”

“And Chu Xia, who everyone complained about, is the one who really did her best, never complaining, always thinking about Yu Huanyu, and putting the focus of her life on Yu Huanyu, at least during the time I spent with them, I didn’t feel the oppressed artists that everyone imagined, but Chu Xia, the manager, was oppressed even more.”

Xiao Wu said a lot, and there was a lot of sadness between her words. At the end of this long Weibo, she wrote this sentence: “I sincerely want to convey my feelings to fans, maybe he can really create He has produced excellent works, but I don’t think his creation comes from hard work or love. I can only say that talent sometimes really hits bad people. You can like his works, but I want to be sincere. Tell you, he doesn’t deserve to be liked by others, and he never has the good character that everyone imagines.”

Xiao Wu showed countless details of life, and these details also made Yu Huanyu complete.

A man who only plays games every day after a break. He can stay at home for two months without bathing for up to a month, drink and smoke every day, order takeout non-stop, never do hygiene, as long as he can clean up a place to live, he can live in peace , he doesn’t respect women, and he can even call Xiao Wu to help her buy cigarettes in the early morning. If he doesn’t buy it, he will get angry. He never considers how Xiao Wu moves things. A full case of beer…

Of course, even so, some fans tried to continue to defend him: “It’s not that bad, my dad is like this at home, don’t everyone lie there and play with their phones all day when they get home? It’s impossible to take off fans. , I think Brother Huanyu is very real!”

There are not many such remarks, and even there are only question marks in the building.

If only a few of them are occupied, it can barely be called a normal person, but if all these are occupied, you have to say that he is normal, which is really an insult to normal people.

“Yes, it’s normal, but if you want to live like this, won’t your family blame you? I want to ask if people in this world are dead? Just like such a garbage?”

Yu Huanyu played two games before clicking on Weibo again. He was still thinking about what Ning Chuxia would do if he asked him to bow his head – then, let’s discuss the next brokerage contract and reduce some of the share? After all, Ning Chuxia is still easy to use.

Yu Huanyu swept the surrounding environment. Not long after he moved, the place was in a mess. Xiao Wu didn’t come, Ning Chuxia didn’t come, and the garbage piled up, but anyway, the sofa can always sit.

He opened the Weibo he posted in the afternoon, and was planning to take a screenshot of the comment and send it to Ning Chuxia – he just remembered that the two had added **** when they were studying, and they can send a message later.

But when he saw it, he was stunned.

No… what about those who supported him before? Why is it all gone now? Is it some PR operation? Ning Chuxia acted so ruthlessly?

Yu Huanyu searched for his name in disbelief, and sure enough, there was not a single good thing to say, just cursing.

What the **** is going on here?

And when he was most frightened, the mysterious man who always appeared at the right time came again.

“Tsk tsk, it seems that you have no use value now? Loser, you are welcome to return to the world of failure. In this case, wouldn’t it be more interesting to fail?”

What’s the meaning?

Yu Huanyu didn’t understand it, but it didn’t take long for him to get the answer.

“Yu Huanyu’s works for many years are all plagiarism!”

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