She Really Hates

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Meng Xi was holding the phone, and everyone was numb.

Song Zhiyi can play games? How could Song Zhiyi play games? ? She is still playing “Survivor”!

With a strange and complicated curiosity, Meng Xi clicked on the personal record of “knowing my meaning” in the friend list.

“Survivor” has a casino and a ranking field. Players can improve their personal rank by matching the ranking field to win.

There are nine tiers from black iron to king, and only the score is calculated after that.

In Song Zhiyi’s personal interface, the bells and whistles “King” icon shines brightly, and the winning rate is as high as 80%.

Meng Xi flipped through her lineup. Most of the time, her teammates were not fixed, and they should all be randomly arranged.

Then calculate her score – “Survivor” counts a season every six months or so, and the rank rewards are settled. After the settlement, everyone starts again. This season was only in the middle and late stages. Even if Song Zhiyi started playing from the first day, to achieve this score, he would have to win at least three to five games a day.

The numbers may seem small, but the game mechanics of “Survivor” determine that each game will not end soon, and even if you are unlucky, it can even drag on for forty-five minutes – no longer, because of the time limit of each game That’s forty-five minutes.

In other words, taking the average, Song Zhiyi would spend about an hour or two playing games every day.

– That Song Zhiyi!

As the producer of “Survivor”, Meng Xi had some subtle honors for a while.

When she checked the information, the countdown to the team invitation sent out skipped to the last few seconds.

Song Zhiyi might not be there…or he just didn’t want to agree.

Meng Xi was relieved, and she couldn’t tell whether she was lucky or regretful. It was too embarrassing to join the team, but she also wanted to know what kind of person Song Zhiyi was like playing games…

I haven’t regretted it yet, at the last second, the screen jumped.

Meng Xi watched the game automatically switch to the team interface. She and Song Zhiyi’s game IDs were in the same queue.

Meng Xi: “…”

How could she agree? Why agree? ? The number above is not me!

But Song Zhiyi not only passed the team invitation, but also asked the microphone:

“What’s up?”

The soft voice came through the electronic device, and the tone was very light. Meng Xi had an intuition that she was still concerned about the day’s affairs.

If the other party is not enthusiastic, Meng Xi is even less likely to catch up.

She wanted to casually reply “I clicked wrong” and quit the team, but before she could speak, the team window popped up:

The almighty Xiao Ming has applied to join your team.

…Han Yuming.

Is this the attraction between the male and female protagonists comparable to the gravity of the earth? It took less than half a day for her to add Song Zhiyi’s WeChat, and she was going to be a matchmaker for the two of them?

There are no doors!

Meng Xi refused him decisively, and then quickly placed his hands in the double mode of the casino.

—Don’t talk about the same team, neither of you will be on the same arena today!

After Meng Xi had done all this, he answered lightly, naturally, as if it was extremely normal, and there was nothing wrong with it: “What can happen to the game team, just find someone to line up two.”

Song Zhiyi did not speak.

It was too late for her to leave the team. The queue was very fast in the two-player mode. The screen flashed, and the two began to load the game map.

Han Yuming finally reacted at this time, bombard Meng Xi with a large string of “???” on WeChat.

Almighty Xiaoming: What’s the matter with you, sister? I just went to solve the physiological needs for a short time, which goblin squeezed my position?

Almighty Xiao Ming: Don’t stop talking, I know you’re watching!

Almighty Xiao Ming: [Aunt Xue.jpg]

Meng Xi silently replied to him at six points.

Han Yuming was not hit by her indifference at all.

The almighty Xiao Ming: Come on, it’s still a two-person casino, you’ve changed! You used to say that fried fish ponds are boring!

Almighty Xiao Ming: You’re not taking your sister, are you?

Meng Xi really wanted to open his head to see what was inside.

He also brought his sister, and regarded her as his alcoholic brothers. Even if she wanted to take her, she should take her… Wait.

Meng Xi had a flash of inspiration and replied: Yes, remember this ID, if you disturb me to cultivate feelings, you will never want to hug my upper thigh again!

Almighty Xiao Ming: …

Han Yuming was silent.

The ding ding dong dong message reminds me to stop, which shows that the game is very quiet.

The two of them randomly came to a coastline somewhere on the island map. There were waves and the sound of seagulls. Only the team channel was silent and no one spoke.

The game mechanism of “Survivor” is very simple. With the battle royale as the background, you can ‘survive” by collecting props within the time limit to escape the game scene, but the escape space is limited.

Another way to end the game is to kill all the other players and become the “winner”.

In order to intensify the conflict and prevent everyone from going to the end, the map will close a certain area every once in a while to reduce the living space; the characters controlled by the player still have stamina values, which will affect the character’s actions if it is low to a certain extent, and if it drops to zero, the character will be reduced to zero. Death, there are very few materials in the map that can replenish physical strength, and the more you get to the later stage, the more you need to fight for it.

Meng Xi’s chosen role is her favorite sharpshooter. The role is set in the army. She is good at firearms and close combat. Although her strength and physical strength are weak, her attack speed is fast and her actions are flexible. The default equipment is dual guns. Picked up sniper. Sniper. Gun, can also be used as ultra-long-range support teammates.

She bought the “Western-style” skin. The sharpshooter in the game has a slender waist and long legs, a red triangle scarf around his neck, half of his face is covered by the shadow of a cowboy hat, and he is playing with double guns. His heroic appearance is full of charming danger.

In comparison, Song Zhiyi’s character looks much simpler.

A thin and thin teenager in a black hoodie, with flip-flops on his feet and thick glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose, occasionally takes out his mobile phone to check it out.

This is a supporting role, hacker.

He does not have any combat ability, and his physical strength is also the lowest among all characters, but he can obtain information through skills, which can be used to unlock maps, clarify where materials are, use map organs, etc., which is a special role that needs to be played with a brain.

– Also have to communicate with teammates.

So it didn’t take long for Song Zhiyi to break the weird silence… Typing and sharing information on the team channel.

They were lucky, and they didn’t encounter any danger at the beginning. Occasionally, one or two teams came over, but they were easily solved by Meng Xi, which allowed Song Zhiyi’s hackers to grow up.

The more time passed, the more information Song Zhiyi got. He couldn’t just rely on typing, so he had to communicate with Meng Xi sentence by sentence.

Meng Xi tossed and turned on the bed while playing games, lying down for a while, sideways for a while, prone for a while

She listened to Song Zhiyi’s brief instructions and saved others by herself… It was really hard to imagine Song Zhiyi playing games in bed.

In the final analysis, Song Zhiyi has something to do with games, so it’s weird…

When Meng Xi heard the gunshot, it was too late.

She scolded herself for being careless.

If he died here, he would definitely be laughed at by Song Zhiyi until next year!

Fortunately, the enemy’s technology was not very good, and he missed the key point. Meng Xi was shot, and quickly made the sharpshooter squat down and roll into the promising bunker, wrapping a bandage to return to the blood.

The other party was two snipers. Meng Xi Lutou seduced him twice, and he could probably determine the direction, but he couldn’t find a figure, so he was very upset.

She is the type who will be hooked when provoked. Instead, she usually forms a platoon with friends. Even if she can’t win, she will go back and hunt down the two little cubs to the ends of the earth, mainly to be refreshing.

But his teammate is Song Zhiyi…

She also played a hack, Meng Xi was really afraid that after leaving for too long, there would be only one corpse left.

Meng Xi was not reconciled, so he could only say, “Withdraw.”

Song Zhiyi said, “Those two are not far from us.”

Meng Xi: “Huh?”

Song Zhiyi’s voice was calm: “My map is all open. I’ll stay here to lead them, listen to me, and kill them when they go around.”

Meng Xi… For the first time, Meng Xi felt that Song Zhiyi’s arrogant character was so pleasing!

She followed the route directed by Song Zhiyi and slowly detoured, where Song Zhiyi showed her head from time to time to attract people to shoot.

The gunshots kept going, and the two men were probably anxious after the hit, and the sound became chaotic, but the blood of the hackers in the team was always safe.

Meng Xi had already found a position and saw the two little fools who were squatting and shooting on the rooftop.

She put on the sniper gun she had picked up earlier, aimed at one of them, and shot her head.

The other reacted quickly, put away the weapon and ran, but it was too late.

Meng Xi fired a second shot.

Double kill!

Two kill messages came out one after the other, Meng Xi was proud and disdainful: “Hey, at this level, attack me?”

After I heard a chuckle in the team channel, I realized that I forgot to turn off the voice: “…”

Song Zhiyi finished laughing, but seemed to have broken some invisible barrier, and her tone was much softer: “Okay, come back soon. There are supplies in the house on your left, so take them with you.”

Meng Xi: “…Oh.”

Song Zhiyi started the normal communication, and they fought more smoothly.

Meng Xi originally thought that she chose the hacker to be the first ‘survivor” team, but she didn’t realize that she was running for the “winner” until she shot someone at her command and slaughtered the entire map. .

This kind of mowing that doesn’t need to think much, just needs to attack feels so cool.

After Meng Xi came out, seeing that Han Yuming was still online, he lined up again without thinking.

Then they won several games in a row. Meng Xi won even forgot who her teammates were. Before Song Zhiyi went offline, she said she would play again tomorrow, and she almost happily agreed.

Fortunately she stopped.

“Cough…you’re free.”

Meng Xi replied reservedly, and Song Zhiyi smiled vaguely with a sleepy look.

The laughter was soft and mushy, and it came along the earphone cable, like a feather brushing gently, making people’s ears go numb to the scalp.

Meng Xi took a long time to regain his senses.

… If this person can’t become a pianist in the future, he can also consider debuting as a singer.

She thought so, but she couldn’t see her soft and relaxed expression in the dark.

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