She Really Hates

Chapter 9

Chapter 9:

Meng Xi galloped in the opposite direction of Song Zhiyi.

It’s not early, the apartment is too far from here, and tomorrow is Saturday again, she thought she would drive back to toss again, she sent a message to ask the housekeeper to take care of Sprite, and went directly back to the nearby Meng family.

Mrs. Meng called in the living room:

“…She doesn’t care if you deserve it? How did I hear that your son always goes to the company to trouble her?”

“It’s useless for you to tell me… Don’t beat around the bush, just tell me if you have anything.”

“…This matter is not under my control, and you know that Xueming and the He family have signed a contract… Yes, but if you want to compete with the He family, you have to show some strength…”

“I’m his wife, not his boss!”

“Song Peng, what do you mean by that?”

“Okay, okay, since that’s the case, don’t call for this kind of thing in the future!”

Meng Xi got more and more angry listening to her, and finally hung up the phone with a frosty face, walked over to her and called her like a little girl: “Mom—”

Mrs. Meng was called so, she turned to see her, her heart softened, and her voice softened: “Why did Xixi come back today?”

“I miss you, I’ll see you soon.”

Meng Xi sat next to her with a smile, “Who called just now?”

Mrs. Meng didn’t hide it from her: “It’s your Uncle Song.”

“Which Uncle Song?”

“Your favorite Uncle Song, he always came to see you when he was a child, brought you delicious and fun food, and played games with you.” Madam Meng glanced at her, “You also said that you want to go to his house to be his daughter, but you can Your dad is so angry.”

Meng Xi said: “I was ignorant when I was a child. How can there be better parents than my parents?”

Madam Meng finally smiled: “You are the best at coaxing people.”

She turned around, Meng Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, “What did Uncle Song call you? It made you so angry.”

Mrs. Meng said, “Didn’t you hear about it? He couldn’t open the company for a while, went bankrupt, and took on a whole lot of debt.”

Meng Xi: “Oh…”

She did have some impressions of this, but Mrs. Meng couldn’t remember it without mentioning it. There are so many bankruptcy liquidations in the business field every year, and she can’t remember them all.

Mrs. Meng sighed: “Recently, he doesn’t know where he can get a sum of money. If he wants to turn over, he always asks me. I can help some things I can, and sometimes I can’t help them, but he does this every day. Call me, what’s the matter?”

It’s actually quite simple to solve.

But Mrs. Meng and Song Peng were neighbors. They grew up together, and they were not too far apart when they got married.

Song Peng is acting like this now, and she feels troubled and sighs because she is young. Even if the other party’s face is not good, she can’t do anything ruthlessly.

Meng Xi didn’t have such troubles, she said with a smile: “It’s because you are kind, good-natured, bullying you, and easy to talk. I think it’s better to leave him alone, knowing that you are still harassing you, why didn’t he talk to me? Dad calls every day?”

From the bottom of her heart, she couldn’t look down on Song Peng, and her voice naturally brought it out.

Madam Meng paused and looked at her: “Meng Xi.”

Meng Xi’s skin tightened subconsciously.

Mrs. Meng is usually very talkative, but she is not a completely indulgent parent. As soon as Meng Xi heard her calling him that, she knew it.

Madam Meng said in a serious tone, “Mom won’t tell you a lie. I don’t agree with your Uncle Song’s actions. If he asks you, I want you to refuse.”

“But you can’t talk like that. You don’t get along with him when you grow up, but was he good to you when you were a child? If you want the stars but not the moon.”

“He has done something wrong now. Others can look down on him and spurn him. I don’t ask you to respect him. Do you have basic respect?”

“Mom, I know I’m wrong…”

Meng Xi listened to the training obediently, but when she was finished, she leaned on her, obviously reflecting on her lack of sincerity, “I just can’t stand him treating his family like that.”

Speaking of this, Mrs. Meng had nothing to say: “Oh… he really can’t blame you for being like that.”

When Mrs. Meng and Father Meng got married, Song Peng often interacted with them and got to know the daughter of Ye’s group.

Ye family is such an only daughter, love is like a pearl in the palm of your hand, Song Peng married her, it can be said that one hundred years less struggle.

For this reason, at first, the two were also an enviable pair of immortals.

But his father-in-law passed away early, and Song Peng completely transformed the Ye family into the Song family, so he became impatient to deal with his wife, and even thought that Miss Ye had given birth to a daughter, and was raising a mistress who gave birth to a son outside, and she might not return home for a year. once.

Miss Ye was depressed after giving birth. He was imprisoned at home for more than ten years in the name of recuperation. She lost weight to the point where she finally found a chance to run out and jumped down from the building of the Song Group.

It was also from that time that the Song family gradually went downhill.

Madam Meng recalled the past and felt uneasy. She didn’t notice that her daughter, who was leaning on her shoulder, looked a little gloomy—

Meng Xi really liked “Uncle Song” who was obedient to her back then.

At that time, she regarded Song Peng as a close elder and relied on trust wholeheartedly… If not later, she would know that Song Zhiyi was his daughter.

Mrs. Meng thought of the end and sighed deeply: “What you said makes sense. Leave him alone, it’s better to take care of Ye Lan’s daughter.”

Ye Lan is Miss Ye’s name.

Meng Xi sat up straight and asked casually, “Mom, do you have contact with her? By the way, you said before that Uncle Song’s son went to trouble her. What happened?”

The acquaintance Mo Ruomu, Mrs. Meng looked at her carefully for a while, and suddenly smiled: “Oh, I remember you two were classmates before.”

Meng Xi: “…I graduated from high school for many years.”

Mrs. Meng shook her head with a smile and tapped her forehead with her finger: “If you care, just care, don’t pretend. What’s wrong with learning, learn from your father? Sometimes it can kill people’s popularity.”

Meng Xi defended: “No, I’m just curious.”

Mrs. Meng said, “Why do you want to inquire about other people’s private affairs? I won’t tell you, you want to know and ask her yourself.”


Ask Song Zhiyi? Meng Xi could only admit aggrievedly: “Okay… I care about her.”

In order not to grit her teeth and say this sentence, she almost exhausted her life’s acting skills.

Only then did Mrs. Meng tell her, “Ye Lan’s daughter is also very pitiful. She is now signing with our company…”

Meng Xi was stunned: “Why don’t I know?”

Mrs. Meng: “Then you still have shares in the company.”

There are too many companies in which Meng Xi has shares.

“Forget it if you don’t remember, don’t interrupt.” Mrs. Meng said, “Since your Uncle Song went bankrupt, his illegitimate son has often come to the front desk of the company to make trouble, saying that his sister won’t leave if he doesn’t give money, and he has to make trouble at the local stage… ”

“Is there any way? The little girl is a public figure now. No matter who is wrong, she will be embarrassed. She can only use money to send him.”

Meng Xi listened: “…”

It stands to reason that anyone with a bit of empathy should be angry at the victim these days.

But not only is she not worried about Song Zhiyi, but she also sympathizes with the illegitimate child – Song Zhiyi’s things, are they so easy to get?

Meng Xi was lying on the bed after washing up at night, thinking about it again.

In that dream, of course, the illegitimate son of the Song family also jumped out to find trouble, but was easily resolved by Han Yuming – a love novel, no matter what, it will eventually become the emotional development of the two protagonists.

Meng Xi is now sure that what happened in the dream will happen in reality sooner or later, but the situation on both sides is different, and the final result may not be the same.

She began to recall, what was in it closely related to the Meng family?

Mrs. Meng’s car accident – has been avoided by Meng Xi.

The Meng family will be destroyed by the Han family – the two families have a good relationship now, but this kind of thing is impossible to say. There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests.

Meng Xi was quite concerned about this, but she thought about it carefully, if something happened, neither Father Meng nor Meng Zhao would be able to turn the tide…

That doesn’t help her either.

It’s not that she underestimates herself, but that the father and daughter are too powerful. Now that they have joined forces, they are killing all sides in the mall. Meng Xi’s own family has to avoid the edge.

anything else?

Song Zhiyi was kidnapped, and this will be fine as long as Meng Xi insists on being a law-abiding citizen.

Song Zhiyi will fall in love with Han Yuming…

Meng Xi imagined that in her spare time, she would find friends to play with, and call Han Yuming to ask him to get up from sleep!

The result was a phone call that Song Zhiyi answered.


Even Song Zhiyi will invade her circle of friends from Han Yuming. The two will show their affection all day long like all fool couples, and they will post photos wherever she can see them. She will also give their wedding companions. , giving red envelopes to their children…

– Too suffocating!

Is this how people live? Meng Xi must never let this happen!

Han Yuming might have a problem with his brain, why did he fall in love with Song Zhiyi?

You can’t think about it carefully, the more you think about it, the more you get angry. Meng Xi couldn’t help but open the group called “Charity bosses who don’t work properly” and sent a long voice in it:

“Han Yuming, your leg is not broken, not your hand. You are lying in bed playing games all day, and you are still paying krypton gold. Why is your rank getting lower and lower? Do you think you deserve to stay in this group? Shame, quit the group Bar.”

This group, headed by Han Yuming, is a second generation who eats, drinks, and has fun all day long.

Meng Xi belongs to a successful career, but she is a little rebellious. It’s okay to chat with those well-dressed people when socializing, and it’s happier to hang out with these friends.

What’s more, she is in the game industry, so she should not integrate too naturally.

As soon as the voice came out, the bottom was all @HAN Yuming, lining up to make him retreat quickly, the atmosphere was very happy.

Han Yuming appeared quickly.

Almighty Xiao Ming: To be honest, I am not generating income for you!

Almighty Xiao Ming: This is the result, this is it? What game can the experience of the krypton gold boss be so bad? I advise you not to be ignorant of flattery, hurry up and take me online, or I will kneel down for you!

A group of people lined up below haha.

Meng Xi has been too busy these days, so he really didn’t play much. Today, he was a little free today. He fought with them for a while, and logged in “Survivor” in Han Yuming’s stalker.

She logged in with WeChat, and WeChat friends are automatically displayed in the game’s friends list.

Meng Xi boarded the game and habitually opened the friend list to find Han Yuming. The order of friends was displayed by rank. Although Meng Xi often disliked the dishes he played in the game, it was compared with her. He was usually ranked first among friends. .

As a result, the first line today shows three words-know my meaning.

The avatar is on, indicating that it is online.

Meng Xi saw it, but she was used to it, her hands were faster than her brain, and when she realized that something was wrong…

Team invitations have been sent out.

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