She Who Became Immortal

086 – Interlude: Lex Asuka

At the time of writing, I decided to sever the biological relationship between Lex and Randall. So, assume Randall is neither her father nor a father figure in the first place.

Lex Asuka was born into a clan of a Lion Tribe, growing up as something of a misfit due to her below-average physical abilities.

The Asuka clan's village was situated at the intersection of forests and grasslands in the southwestern part of the Beastmen’s domain. They survived primarily through hunting. Nearby, a village of the Sheep Tribe practiced agriculture, and the Asuka clan would trade their hunted meat for the Sheep Tribe's grains.

Lex struggled with hunting. From a young age, she realized that she was significantly less physically capable compared to other female members of the Lion Tribe. She couldn't keep up with the hunting practices of her clan. Although her parents hunted enough to provide for her, the fact that she wasn't contributing to the clan weighed heavily on her.

It wasn’t exactly inferiority she felt. Lex didn’t harbor guilt or a sense of inadequacy about her physical limitations. She had been born this way, and no amount of effort seemed likely to change it. So she deemed it pointless to dwell on it.

However, Lex did want to contribute to her clan. Her parents and clanmates had always treated her kindly, and this motivated her to find a way to give back.

Her father once told her, “Lex, you're better at thinking than I am. That’s rare in the Asuka clan. You should cultivate that talent.”

Her mother had her own advice. “Listen, Lex. We are swift and strong. But speed alone isn’t enough, and strength alone won't suffice. You are neither swift nor strong, and that must mean something. We await the day you discover what that is and show us.”

In the Asuka clan—though Lex wasn’t sure about other Lion Tribes—women were generally stronger and more temperamental. While the men were not weak, they were typically more mild-mannered. When her parents argued, her father often conceded first, though Lex suspected her mother would always apologize later.

Despite her shortcomings, the Asuka clan never belittled Lex. It was unthinkable for them to disregard a fellow member or partner.

Gradually, Lex began to contemplate her purpose and demonstrate her value.

She devised more efficient hunting methods, selected better targets, and scouted superior hunting grounds. She also learned to negotiate better trade deals with other tribes and even experimented with agriculture within the Asuka village.

Lex possessed the ability to lead her clan. This wasn’t innate; it developed as she pondered her purpose and realized that this was her strength, which she diligently honed.

She didn’t dislike thinking. Unlike physical exertion, it never left her exhausted. When she shared her ideas, some clan members would jokingly complain of headaches, leading her to think that mental effort for them was akin to physical labor for her.

Lex believed that by strengthening this intellectual ability, she could eliminate hunger and make the harsh winters more bearable for her clan. She was determined to grow stronger in this regard.

However, during this time, the Asuka clan met its end. They were attacked and annihilated by the Beast King, Randall Kruger.


It’s hard to pinpoint the exact reason now.

Maybe it was something trivial that upset her, a minor conflict, or perhaps it was the opposite—a complete lack of any offense. Whatever the reason, it no longer matters.

In the end, the Asuka clan was utterly devastated by a single man, Randall Kruger. Most of the clan members were slaughtered, leaving only a few women alive.

Among the survivors was Lex’s mother.

Randall took a liking to her, raped her, and she bore her a child.

After giving birth, Lex’s mother attacked Randall, but she was easily overpowered and killed.

Lex’s survival wasn’t due to any affection Randall had for her as a lioness. Lex was far too young at the time for Randall to have such interests.

It was simple: Lex Asuka proved her worth.

She exhibited a talent for thinking, a skill most beastmen struggled with.

As Randall’s following grew, with more subordinates flocking to his banner, Lex’s value soared. No one could match Lex’s intellect.

Lex allocated tasks to the beastmen, ensuring sufficient food distribution. The primary goal was survival—avoiding starvation. Development and improvement came later.

Surprisingly, or perhaps unexpectedly, once the beastmen were put to proper work, the food problem was swiftly resolved. Lex gathered diverse agricultural techniques from various races, consolidated them, and established adequate farmland. In less than three years, the issue was resolved.

Only recently did they notice the food wasn’t particularly tasty, but that’s another matter.

—We are too scattered.

This realization dawned on Lex after learning about the human and demon races. During her time with the Asuka clan, she knew nothing beyond beastmen, but as her knowledge expanded, so did her insights.

The human territory was separated from the beastmen’s domain by a forest, but the distance was manageable. While beastmen and humans generally showed little interest in each other, there were exceptions.

Lex arranged for ‘traders’ to circulate within the beastmen territories, gathering information. Occasionally, these traders brought back tidbits about humans.

Mostly, these were outcasts or criminals who couldn’t remain in human lands. Their stories about humans astonished Lex.

Humans, unlike beastmen who relied on physical prowess, were thinkers.

Of course, there were humans adept at physical activities, just as Lex was an exception among beastmen. Unlike beastmen who lived in isolated clans, humans did not strongly resist mingling with others.

In fact, they seemed to intermingle unconsciously.

Beastmen lived in clans, avoiding intermingling, which was the exact opposite.

Lex thought,

If that’s the case, eventually—beastmen will merge with humans.

This wasn’t a mere hunch but a certainty.

Beastmen would be absorbed into the human race.

That future seemed inevitable.

At least, as long as someone like Randall remained king.


He must be killed.


Truth be told, Lex didn’t harbor a burning hatred for the massacre of the Asuka clan. She didn’t hold a fiery grudge against Randall for raping her mother, impregnating her with the beast king’s child, and even for killing her after childbirth.

The strong devour the weak.

This is the fundamental law of the nature.

She understood it well.

Therefore, Lex’s intent to kill Randall is driven not by personal vendetta, but by a sense of duty. Leaving the beastman “pack” under Randall Kruger’s rule is unacceptable.

Within the Asuka clan, Lex was allowed to survive because the clan could afford to support her. This excess allowed for the nurturing of Lex, a thinker. Under Randall's reign, another Lex Asuka would never come to be.

Lex waited.

She laid the groundwork, then laid groundwork for the groundwork, and continued this intricate planning, all while patiently waiting.

Many things transpired.

Randall's children grew, and his daughter, the Lion King’s offspring and Lex’s half-sister, left the capital after a quarrel with her father. Randall, always surrounded by women, had only two children who matured properly: Garland and Brandon. The rest were either killed by Randall, by their own mothers, or they left the capital in disgust of their father.

The troubles with the fox beastmen worked in Lex’s favor. The fox spirits adept at using magic rather than physical prowess, were not favored by Randall. He found them "annoying," likely sensing a latent threat from them. While Randall could handle brute force, dealing with enigmatic magic posed a potential risk.

Even though Randall’s dense magical power made him nearly immune to ordinary magic, he still resented the fox beastmen.

Lex dispersed the troublesome fox spirits, who had conflicts with the racoon beastmen, throughout the territory, maintaining contact with some through her network of traders.

The one who harbored the greatest grudge against Randall was Kairine, the leader of the fox spirits. Not only was she powerful in magic, but she was also an astute strategist.



Endless preparation.

Time flowed on as Lex continued her seemingly endless scheming.

And then, one day, Euphemia Grimwood appeared on the fringes of the beastman territory, where Serena was stationed. Euphemia was growing stronger and more influential by mingling with others.

The time had come.

The time to demonstrate the purpose of her meticulous planning and self-improvement.


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