She Who Became Immortal

087 – She, Who Has Eyes Full of Expectation

I changed Kairine's sex to female since it's not right for me to write "male fox spirit" when Serena has already established that fox spirits are all female, though not necessarily all fox people. Initially I tend to create her as muscular female wizard fox that looks like a true man but decided not to continue.

"It is over, Lex Asuka. Randall is dead."

The great eagle beastman, Brunoa, descended from the sky and whispered into Lex's ear.

The weight of those words took a moment to sink into Lex Asuka’s mind, permeating her consciousness and settling in her chest. Even for her, the information required a few moments to fully register.

Such was the gravity of this news.

They had laid the groundwork for this moment. For years... decades, even. They had devised countless strategies, reworked their plans innumerable times to ensure this outcome.

Lex placed a hand over her chest, consciously inhaling slowly, then exhaling just as slowly. Despite her efforts, her heart still pounded like a drum, a natural reaction to the momentous event.

But this wasn’t the end.

This was only the beginning.

"Understood. Brunoa, Kuon, follow the plan and signal from above. I will head to Lord Brandon."

"...What do you mean by this?"

The question came from Maya Grimoire, a demon woman. Flanking her were two young demon children and Serena's daughter, a young fox spirit. Although Nova, the leopardess beastman standing beside Lex, showed signs of caution, it was unlikely Maya intended to attack under these circumstances. Even if she killed Lex, she would be surrounded by beastmen. The girls under her protection would certainly be in danger as well.

"Randall is dead. We are moving to conclude this war and handle the aftermath. If you wish, you may join us."

"That Beast King... You managed to kill him? Of course, I'll come along. If you're going, it must be safe enough."

Maya’s surprise quickly turned into a nod of agreement, her face showing little emotion beyond that initial reaction. Soon, a carriage was prepared. Nova assisted Lex into the vehicle, and Maya and her wards joined without further prompting.

Lex's heart refused to calm, but she was certain her expression betrayed nothing. Or so she hoped.


As the wooden flutes of Brunoa and Kuon played from above, the sound resonated within the carriage. Lex watched the battlefield unfold before her.

Initially, being near the main camp meant there was little damage. Here and there, unfortunate souls lay on the grass, possibly having been knocked unconscious during Randall’s rampage. Lex couldn’t stop to help, however.

As they moved further, the signs of battle increased. Beast King soldiers, hearing the flutes, were either slumped in exhaustion, gazing at Lex’s carriage, or assisting the wounded.

From the battlefield's perspective, they were still on the Beast King’s side, meaning none of the 'Anti-Lion Coalition' fighters survived. Dealing with the bodies would be a problem for later. Lex’s mind, however, was focused on the heart of the conflict between the Beast King’s forces and the 'Anti-Lion Coalition.'

Arriving at their destination, Lex dismounted without Nova’s help. The stench of blood was overwhelming, and the grass was stained a deep crimson.

Arms and legs lay scattered, along with various body parts and numerous corpses.

Standing unscathed was Brandon Kruger, along with a few of his personal guards. Euphemia Grimwood, her ally Junos Grimoire, and the fox spirit Serena.

Identifiable among the dead were Garland Kruger, the Beast King’s son, and Oren, the Beast King’s serpent advisor.

At the center of this bloodbath lay Randall Kruger, the Lion King who had imposed his will and strength upon all.

"It’s over, then."

Lex's words, barely a question, were met with a nod from Brandon. His expression was a complex mix of emotions. Happiness and exhilaration were absent, but Lex could sense them. Their long acquaintance allowed Lex to understand Brandon’s deeper feelings, feelings that went beyond mere victory.

Despite being a tyrant, Randall was Brandon’s father and brother. It was natural for him to feel conflicted.

Even Lex, looking upon the Beast King’s corpse, felt a surge of emotion.

For so long, she had believed Randall needed to die.

She had taken countless steps towards this end.

The plan had succeeded.

Yet, standing before Randall's body, Lex couldn’t shake a sense of disbelief. Despite knowing this would happen, she found it hard to accept that the once mighty Randall was truly dead.

"Yes, it’s over. The flute signals have been understood on the other side. The 'Anti-Lion Coalition' seems to be standing down."

"Indeed. Their goal was to kill Randall, the Lion King."

They never aimed to take the throne themselves. This was especially true for the four wolf clans who had led the coalition. Lex did not know, nor did she care to know, what had transpired between them and the Beast King.

"Just as you planned, Brandon Kruger is now the next Beast King. The 'Anti-Lion Coalition' has achieved its purpose. They wanted to dethrone Randall, not rule over the beastmen themselves."

Euphemia Grimwood spoke loudly, as if to make sure everyone around heard. Knowing that the orchestration of Randall’s death would soon be common knowledge, keeping it a secret no longer mattered. It would have been ideal for Brandon to assume the throne without such knowledge spreading, but now it was unavoidable.

"Exactly as planned, human girl. It seems you understand the situation best."

Suddenly, a figure appeared with the grace of a ghost, a fox beastman with nine black tails.

It was Kairine, the fox spirit who had secretly collaborated with Lex and the 'Anti-Lion Coalition.'

Her golden-brown hair, black tails, slender jaw, and almond-shaped eyes gave her an enigmatic appearance. Though she smiled, her true feelings, unlike Euphemia’s, were unreadable.

She had likely been concealed by some form of magic. Lex had no way of knowing how long she had been there, nor did it matter.

"Kairine, is that you?"

"Oh, long time no see, Serena. What about your duties as the guardian of the frontier?"

The fox spirit Serena reacted to the familiar face, and Kairine responded smoothly. Lex had only met Kairine a few times, but Serena's impression of her was clear—untrustworthy.

There was no way to read her feelings or predict her actions. What she liked, what she detested, were mysteries. However, one thing was certain—she harbored enmity towards King Randall.

"And you, indulging in your grotesque puppet games. It's no wonder your very existence was a thorn in Randall's side."

"To label an innocent fox as sinful, such a notion shouldn't be tolerated."

"Such arrogance. What is your plan now, lioness? Kill the new beast king and take his place?"

"Not at all!"

Kairine exaggeratedly shrugged her shoulders, then deliberately turned her gaze to Brandon.

"Our 'Anti-Lion Alliance' exists solely to overthrow the lion king, Randall Kruger. The four great wolf clans, along with other like-minded tribes, share this goal. If Brandon Kruger’s reign is free from Randall’s tyranny, we have no issues with him becoming the king."

Brandon remained silent, his eyes scanning the growing crowd of beastmen from the Anti-Lion Alliance and the King’s Army, all gathering around the fallen king.

"What will you do, Brandon Kruger? What kind of king will you be?" questioned Polos of the Sendan Clan.

"Why did you kill Randall? Make the death of our father meaningful," demanded Lansus of the Reizatt Clan.

"If you seem unfit to be king, we will not follow you. We will live as we always have, apart from the king," declared Legaris of the Ridott Clan.

"I don’t want more sacrifices, but if necessary, we are prepared to do to you what our fathers did to Randall," warned Brios of the Burgtz Clan.

The sons of the four great wolf clan leaders, now standing before Brandon, were ready to risk their lives, knowing the necessity of their actions to overthrow Randall.

"Wait! What is this, Lex Asuka?"

Zonda Pauga, a boar beastman, stomped forward. His subordinates stayed back, sharing his expression of suspicion. Loyal to Randall, Zonda couldn't believe or forgive the current situation—that Brandon, with Lex’s plotting, had killed his own father.

Many beastmen were staring at Lex and Brandon with mistrust and doubt, but a larger number were watching the unfolding scene with bated breath, silently hoping for an end to Randall's tyranny.

"Now that most of the key players are here, it seems we should reveal the truth," Kairine declared with a grand gesture, her voice carrying a sense of performative joy.

"Speak! Lex Asuka! And Brandon too! Did you kill Randall? Why?!"

Zonda’s voice echoed his disbelief and rage. Brandon remained silent, his bloodied hand hanging loosely, but his face was resolute. Lex saw in him the qualities of a true king, someone who rejected becoming another Randall.

"Hmm," Lex nodded, surveying the scene.

Brandon and his loyal subordinates, who risked their lives on the front lines without knowing the full plan. Kairine and the Anti-Lion Alliance, a relationship of mutual exploitation, but Lex respected the werewolf clans for their noble pride. Zonda and those like him, who admired Randall’s strength, embodied the beastmen’s raw essence.

Then there was Serena, the demon Junos Grimoire, Maya Grimoire, the demon girl Katarina, and Kirina, Serena's adopted daughter. Perhaps she envied them. Lex had spent so long under Randall, plotting his demise. It had never been enjoyable, but it felt necessary.

Nova, the leopardess beastman, had acted as his protector for a long time. She showed loyalty, but Lex wasn’t sure what she saw in him.

And finally, Euphemia Grimwood. Standing near Randall’s corpse, her long golden hair playing in the wind, she watched Lex with gleaming eyes full of expectation.

Lex couldn’t understand what made her so happy. She didn't want to.

But she needed to show it. The 'strength' of Lex Asuka.

In the law of the beasts, the strong subdue the weak.

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