She Who Became Immortal

088 – She, Who Gave Orders

In the midst of a gathering of beastmen, Lex Asuka stepped forward and slowly surveyed the crowd.

She wasn’t known for her quick movements, but today, Lex took her time. She carefully observed each of the assembled, blood-stained faces on the grassy field, turning a full 360 degrees.

Finally, her gaze met mine—Euphemia Grimwood. For some reason, Lex let out a small, wry smile.

Why? I had no idea. But whatever the reason, it didn’t matter.

"As you all know, Randall Kruger ruled over many beastman tribes. He forced some into submission, annihilated others, and earned the loyalty of many through his sheer strength and the fear he instilled," Lex began, her tone calm and steady.

His voice wasn’t particularly loud, but it resonated clearly in the tense silence as everyone held their breath, hanging on his every word.

"My clan suffered the same fate. Thirteen years ago, the Asuka clan was attacked by Randall Kruger and destroyed. Some were spared, including my mother, who was violated by Randall. She bore his child, sought revenge, and was killed in the attempt."

What a terrible story, I thought. Randall likely never considered his actions 'wrong'—he might have even enjoyed them.

"Why was such behavior allowed? As beastmen, we understand without needing to be told."

Because he was strong.

The Beast King’s strength justified his tyranny. Even if they didn’t allow it, there was no way to stop him.

The strong dominate the weak.

"Many of you might know, but I, Lex Asuka, have little combat ability. I am likely the weakest among us," Lex said, glancing at me. I smiled and nodded, silently agreeing that I was probably weaker.

This time, Lex didn’t smile back.

"This is proof. Strength comes in different forms. I possess a strength Randall did not. I had it when our clan was attacked, and it has only grown stronger. This is why Randall valued me."

Many in the Beast King's army seemed to have a realization, even Zonda, the pig beastman who had been furious about the king’s death, now grunted in acknowledgment.

Of course. There would have been no progress for a beastman society under Randall’s rule. It was because of Lex’s control and guidance that the Beast King's city and the surrounding cotton fields existed. Randall wouldn't have thought to cultivate wheat and levy taxes on the people—Lex did. That was Lex's strength.

Randall knew this different kind of strength, even if he didn’t fully understand it. He felt it instinctively, allowing Lex Asuka considerable authority.

When I asked Randall to give me Lex, he outright refused.

"Why, Lex Asuka? Everyone knew you were favored by Randall! Why did you kill him?" Zonda Pauga roared.

Looking around, I saw many shared this sentiment, including some from the Anti-Lion Coalition.

In their minds, Lex was the Beast King’s trusted confidant. They could never imagine they had been manipulated by her all along.

"If Randall remained king, we would eventually face ruin," Lex stated, her face calm as usual.

Her calmness only added to Zonda’s confusion.

"Ruin...? Us? What do you mean...?"

"There are many races besides beastmen. Nearby are the humans, and in the past, even the demon king visited Randall," Lex explained.

She added that they had agreed on a mutual non-aggression pact at that time.

"But while we lived under Randall’s rule, others would amass different kinds of power. A stronger force might appear suddenly. Or, what would happen after Randall aged and died?"

What would happen when the Beast King’s domain lost its ruler?

Someone stronger would emerge, becoming the new Beast King, and Randall’s people would be at the mercy of the new ruler.

That’s the beast's law. Lex Asuka despised it.

"We need a different kind of 'king.' Not one who only takes, only exhibits strength, only leads by fear. We need a king who can unite, inspire, and support."

"And that is Brandon Kruger?" questioned Kairine, the fox spirit, with a sly grin. It was unclear how much she understood, but Lex simply nodded.

"Yes. I believe he can bring the beastmen together, not through fear or intimidation, but through support and leadership. We can create a nation where the king is supported, where the people are not just subjects but contributors."

"So you killed Randall," Zonda said coldly, his earlier rage now turned to icy calm.

Lex nodded, still composed.

"Randall lived by a single law. If he was killed by that law, then the lion king Randall was—"


In that moment, the pig beastman charged.


To Zonda Pauga, the claim that Randall Kruger was weak was unforgivable.

But deep down, perhaps Zonda had anticipated those words. Otherwise, he couldn't have reacted so swiftly, launching himself at Lex the moment the words left her mouth. There was no time to digest what she had said.

Words you don't want to hear are the ones you harbor within.

Because right next to me, there’s a corpse.

If Randall had truly been the strongest, he wouldn’t be dead.


Zonda, charging at Lex with the recklessness of a boar, was abruptly intercepted by Brandon Kruger. With a single punch, Brandon sent Zonda sprawling onto the ground, flat on his back. The impact looked painful, as if he had run full tilt into an iron bar he hadn’t seen.

"This too is 'strength,' Zonda Pauga. Lord Brandon needs my strength and cannot allow me to be harmed. That is why he protects me," Lex declared.

To give and be given in return.

Not to take and subjugate.

"Randall was strong! Stronger than anyone! Stronger than me, stronger than you—stronger than anyone!" Zonda cried out, his voice breaking like a child’s.

"But Father is dead," Brandon stated.

Though he was the one who had struck the blow, Brandon’s face looked as if he had been the one punched.

"You heard him. Father refused help. He ordered everyone to stay back. I lived under the name of the Beast King, just like you—but I do not wish to remain in such a place forever."

"Why, Brandon? Why?!" Zonda pleaded.

"Because many had to endure. Not everyone fights like you. A king should lead his people and his subordinates," Brandon replied.

――If only I had been weaker――.

I remembered Randall’s final words.

"Zonda Pauga," Lex stepped forward, standing in front of Brandon.

"You must abide by the law set forth by Randall. Because you are Randall’s loyal follower, you are bound to the 'law of the beast' within you. It is Randall Kruger’s law."

The strong dominate the weak.

The weak must submit to the strong.

"We killed Randall. We are stronger than Randall. You are lying on your back. You are weaker than us."

If you follow Randall, then you must follow his law.

Because you are weak.

It was a compelling argument. Those who worshipped Randall could not denounce Brandon or Lex for following the same law. Randall was overthrown by the very law he upheld. What Lex and Brandon did was no different from what the Beast King had done to others. If one justifies Randall, one cannot deny Lex and Brandon.

At the same time, Brandon and Lex repudiated the 'law of the beast.' They advocated a different kind of rule. For those who opposed Randall, this was a beacon of hope.

The werewolf tribes nodded solemnly. Randall’s direct subordinates, who had returned from the Spade Castle expedition, remained silent but offered no complaints.

It seemed logical to both sides. At least, no beastman could find fault in it.

"Indeed, by this logic, even we foxmen, once disbanded by Randall, can accept it. Those who suffered under Randall will accept the rule of the new Beast King, Brandon Kruger," Kairine, the sly fox with nine black tails, concluded with a grin.

No one could deny the rise of Beast King Brandon Kruger in this situation. The Anti-Lion Coalition had achieved their goal. No matter how many had perished, they had made their decision and acted on it.

Randall Kruger was dead.

There was no denying their satisfaction.

For now, it seemed settled.

—Of course, that’s not how things work.

Ignoring the contemplative beastmen, I gave my orders.


"Katarina and Kirina, take Lex Asuka hostage. Maya, restrain Brandon. Junos and Serena, capture that insufferable fox spirit."

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