Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

It was the second day that Haina made headlines, which happened to be Sunday.

Haina went to Royal Law University after a long absence.

Although it was Sunday, there were not many people in the school.After all, there is still one month left before the final exam, even if it is a temporary cramming, it is time to prepare.

Haina wasn't nervous at all.

She even put on her own armor and a special dagger for surveillance, and stood downstairs in the girls' dormitory, watching the schoolboys coming and going with a smile on her face.

"Hello, senior!"

"Senior Haina."

"Good morning, Haina-senpai."

"The Dragon with the Silver Crown... I wish you well, Miss Haina."

The juniors coming and going, even the students at the same level as Haina, all came over and greeted her politely when they saw her.Looking at Haina who is very leisurely, the busy students showed envious eyes.

They're still working on their final exams, but Hayena has graduated early!
But they never imagined that Haina did it on purpose.

She didn't have any business to do when she came back.

She simply wanted to see her juniors taking a leisurely walk around the school while the younger ones were busy taking exams.

So cool.Ah, so cool.

It was as if the accumulated fatigue and stress from staying up all night preparing for the graduation exam ahead of schedule had been purified...

King's Law University is not a purely transcendental school.

It has 140 teaching buildings and six departments.Only two of these departments teach students how to become transcendent, and two other departments give priority to teaching the mystical arts of other paths.

It was only 20 years ago that the school started to run, under the Queen's charter, to learn "forbidden arts" for the prosperity and development of the kingdom-such as alchemy, art and preservation.

The remaining two departments are used to produce high-quality civil servants for Avalon.The largest number of people are ordinary people.

The criss-crossing teaching buildings can almost be called a small town.It is divided into six areas by criss-crossing streets, and each area has various vendors and residents.You can buy most anything you want without even leaving the "university" territory.

The layout of the Royal University of Law occupies a considerable part of the area of ​​the Red Queen.The Red Queen is therefore also known as the "University District".

The housing prices here are very high.It was so high that Haina couldn't even think about it.

The core area of ​​the two glass islands, the Red and White Queen, is noble because you can directly see the "lake in the island" - from the top floor of the teaching building, you can even see the sparkling water in the sun with the naked eye. The Temple of Silver and Tin.

Here, you can meet Lord Knight almost every day when you go out.

And Haina's academy belongs to the [Individual Tactics] department.Although they are extraordinary, they also need to learn cultural knowledge.

——This is a policy proposed by Her Majesty the Queen to improve the quality of extraordinary talents.

Let the extraordinary be the rulers with extraordinary power, not the source of chaos - there is no need to worry about how much profit should be given to the extraordinary to appease them, because they are the pillars of the kingdom.

Because of this, Wang Li Law University's academic pressure is very high.

Iris language, Astral language, Elvish language, advanced mathematics, basic theology, modern history, and clerical writing are general education courses that all departments must master.

Specifically for Haina, she also has seven professional courses: "Law", "Law Tactics", "Swordsmanship", "Aerial Riding", "Battlefield Command", "Road Identification", "Equipment Maintenance and Field Healing" .

In addition, she has to take four more elective courses.

She chose four courses: "Applied Emerald Gemology", "Anesthesiology", "Wine Brewing Production Management" and "Prevention and Treatment of Common Animal Diseases".

It seems that her learning is very complicated... But her motives are actually very clear and traceable.

——This is Haina's flexible use of the extremely strong teaching resources of the Royal University of Law and the large number of professional books that can be taken at random in the library, and based on the fact that she may be seriously injured or even disabled in the future and lose her job as a benchmark, she studied and compared in advance Well feed yourself four courses.

But at the same time, she doesn't know what will make money in the future.So she learned four unrelated fields one by one.

Once you have the foundation, it's much easier to make up again.

At this moment, Haina suddenly shivered.

She instinctively sensed that someone quietly appeared behind her.

An extremely strong sense of fear clenched her heart, and her eyes suddenly opened wide.As if looking head-on at the gust of wind blowing against him, he inhaled vigorously, but couldn't inhale any oxygen.

Under the tense nerves, she subconsciously grasped the dagger in the sheath——

"Morning, Haina."

A resounding and clear female voice sounded, "Hey, don't be afraid. [Put it back]."

With only a clanking sound, she slightly pulled out a short dagger and let it go, slipping back by itself.It was as if her weapon refused to be drawn in front of this man.

When she heard her voice, Haina breathed a sigh of relief and slowly let go of her hand.

"Master Meg..."

Why did this kind of big man suddenly appear without any movement.It really freaked me out...

She complained softly in her heart, turned her head and stroked her chest with her right hand, bowed her head, and saluted her respectfully: "Good morning, Headmaster Meg."

In front of Haina's eyes was a middle-aged woman with silver-white hair, high cheekbones, and clear wrinkles on her face.

From the perspective of skin and appearance alone, she looks at least 50 to 20 years old, maybe even [-] years old.But her piercing eyes, strong body and loud voice make her look at least [-] years younger.

The most obvious feature of Senior Meg's body is the high and strong shoulders.Those are strong muscles that are difficult for young men who focus on fitness to have, and they can hold up loose clothes with obvious bulges.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

Meg laughed heartily.

Her laughter was hearty and loud, and her voice could be clearly heard even tens of meters away: "I knew it - I was shocked, right?

"But you did a good job, Haina! A few months ago, you wouldn't even notice my existence when I put your shoulders on your shoulders. Now I just approach your back, and you can feel it-this shows how much experience you have. Months, there is indeed progress!"

This incident can be regarded as a disgrace to Haina.

She applied for early graduation a few months ago—because of her exceptionally good grades, she was once full of confidence.The early graduation also alarmed Headmaster Meg, who came to witness Haina's graduation assessment in person.

At that time, like now, she quietly appeared behind Haina.But Haina didn't notice.

Even her bow tie was slowly untied by Senior Meg, but she didn't feel it the whole time.

It wasn't that Meg went into stealth, it was that she made Hayna's brain "afraid to realize she was there".

Like pointing a deer into a horse, the authoritarian power to forcibly modify cognition.

And now, at least Haina can sense the danger——

Although the head of Meg's school certainly didn't take it seriously, it can also show that she has indeed grown up.

After Senior Meg appeared, the surrounding students decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Originally, there were quite a lot of people around Haina, but now there is a huge open space around her.

It's not just about being in awe of school leaders.

It is because of the strong and obvious aura of "authority" that exudes from Head Meg.Those who are in the lower ranks of the same path dare not approach at all.

This old man who looks very energetic is one of the strongest in the world today.

—The Grand Arbiter, Meg.Deputy Director of the Arbitration Chamber.

Has the supreme privilege of being able to execute the direct blood of the royal family.

The reason why it is a "deputy" director... is because in Avalon, the deputy is stronger than the chief in a sense-because the principal has the longest tenure, but the deputy does not.

Since 20 years ago, Meg has been the deputy director of the Arbitration Hall.The director of the three-year term has changed seven times, and each term is her student.

Even at the time of the succession to the throne, Meg needs to be present to witness.

After the new king takes the throne, she will swear allegiance to the new king on the third day-the first is the Minister of Military and Political Affairs who controls the army and foreign spy agencies, and the second is the Knight of the Round Table Hall who also serves as the Minister of the Privy Council.And the third is her.

The rest of the royal family will be ranked after sixth.

Just standing with old Meg would make Haina feel palpitations.

It was as if the person standing in front of him was not a kind and generous old lady, but an adult lion who was close at hand.

——If I turn around and run away, I’m afraid I’ll fall down.Because the legs will become stiff from fear.

She once intervened in a war solely on her own.

It was a brief war between the Kingdom of Avalon and the Kingdom of Iris because of border friction 20 years ago, the "Ten Day War".

When Meg arrived on the battlefield, she only used one sentence to get the soldiers on both sides to put their swords back into their sheaths and point their guns at the ground.

She carved a "peace boundary" in the border area-as long as she considers herself a "soldier", she cannot cross the boundary.When you approach the limit, you will feel great fear, and you will be so intimidated that you can't move.

That boundary existed for four years before it gradually faded.Now that the relationship between the two countries has improved, it has become a well-known scenic spot to commemorate the short war that lasted only ten days.

Of course Haina was not a student of her old man.Because she is not qualified yet.

Sherlock had been offered to be her last student - but he declined.

And the old lady didn't force it.But since then, she has also stopped taking new students.

It is said that she has recently begun to prepare to step down from the position of deputy director of the Arbitration Office.This is a well-known secret in Wang Li University of Law-because the new deputy director will be their young principal.

And the headmaster was also a student of Headmaster Meg.

"It's in the papers, isn't it?"

Old Meg looked at her, raised her eyes, and asked inexplicably.

Haina was extremely nervous, she lowered her head and didn't dare to raise her head: "Yes, I'm very lucky... I actually didn't do anything, the main thing is Mr. Aiwass..."

"—oh, 'sir.'"

The old lady repeated with a smile: "You respect him very much."

Startled, Haina held her breath.I don't know how to answer.

"Don't be ashamed, you did the right thing. I heard Agnes tell about him."

Meg's voice was resonant and powerful, like a steel grip: "'The stronger is more correct'. Whether you are his senior or senior, you are not as good as him in this matter. Then you obey him command — that fits right in with the idea of ​​the authoritarian approach.”

Hearing this, she relaxed.

Being recognized and encouraged by a very respected teacher makes Haina very encouraged.It was as if the whole world in front of him lit up, and his body seemed to become much lighter.

This even allowed her to have the courage to ask proactively: "Excuse me, Dean Meg... Are you here to find me?"


Meg smiled bluntly: "Isn't that obvious?

"You're a good boy, hardworking and serious. Still kinda stupid."

For Hayina, who graduated a year early and still maintained full marks in all subjects, Meg gave a "a bit stupid" evaluation.

This made Haina a little frustrated.

She knew that she was much worse than Sherlock...but she didn't know how talented Sherlock was vertically.

What kind of talents are the seniors from Sherlock's level and above—Haina doesn't know all of them.Because they have all become mid-level and high-level officials, their past identity information has been kept confidential.

But looking at her appearance, the corners of Meg's mouth rose slightly, giving a rare affirmation: "However, we kings who walk on the path of authority don't need to be very smart.

"I'm asking you—you know the Pelican is closed, right?"


It's normal to turn it off.

Hana said heartily.

After all, it is the gathering place of the Noble Red Society, a group of illegal transcendents—they can't get together to talk about iris literature and elf poetry, right?

"Then you know, do your roommates often go to the Pelican Bar?"

Seeing Haina who was startled suddenly, Meg raised her brows, and added: "[Tell the truth]."

"—not very often," Haina blurted out, "but they did."

She realized almost immediately that she had given away the secret.

But she doesn't have any secrets to speak of in front of those on the authoritarian path.

"Have you been invited?"

"Invited me once, but I declined. They didn't invite me after that."


Meg said meaningfully: "No wonder you don't know."

Do not know what is this?
"Do you know what they went to the Pelican Bar to buy?"

"buy what……?"

Haina was a little confused.

"They go to buy cosmetics."

Meg said the answer directly: "The powerful cosmetics made by the alchemists of the Star Antimony Kingdom can make the skin of a 40-year-old look as supple as a teenager-although I say, they still have it. It's far from the age to use this kind of thing. But it's normal for girls to be interested in this kind of thing.

"Star Antimony's anti-aging potion is also selling well. Although the side effects of the anti-aging potion can lead to weakness and obvious muscle loss-I warn you again and again, some of my students will still use it."


Haina was stunned.

——She said, what's wrong!
She had previously felt that the skins of the ladies in the capital were so tender and fair, as if they could pinch water.Even though they belong to the "Individual Tactics Department", they have practiced swordsmanship and riding skills, but there are no calluses on their hands, and the skin on their thighs has not been scratched at all.The waist is slender and soft, with no trace of muscle at all.

Before, Haina thought that they were talented, and felt inferior for a while - she felt that she was too rustic, her body looked like a farm worker, and it was too easy to gain muscle.

Now she finally knows.

It turned out that they were taking medicine!
"—Do you have anything to say?"

At this moment, Senior Meg looked over with deep eyes, interrupting Haina's thinking.

Her mind suddenly went blank.

I... what did I just want to say?

But the next moment, she vaguely caught something.

"The alchemy products of the Star Antimony Kingdom should be illegal, right?"

She murmured: "That's smuggling... I understand, that's why they didn't invite me again. Because they know I have no money.

"...No, isn't the Pelican Bar the gathering place of the Noble Red Society? Why can the Pelican Bar sell smuggled alchemy products?"

She was suddenly shocked and realized: "The association of Noble Red is related to the smuggling case?
"No, no—they are related to the star antimony official?"

"Not too stupid."

Old Meg nodded in satisfaction.

Finally, she got down to business: "Our spies on Xingyin have sent back important information——"

"Wait, wait, am I qualified to know this..."

Haina keenly sensed a strong sense of crisis, and hesitantly said to herself in a voice that only she could hear clearly.

Meg completely ignored Haina who was suddenly cowardly again, and said to herself: "A batch of powerful, small-sized portable alchemy bombs were sent to Avalon. The target should be the Glass Island.

"The power of this batch of bombs is enough to blow up the entire Red Queen District. We have not been able to find any traces of these bombs before. But since the day before yesterday, when investigating the Pelican Bar... the investigation by the Inspectorate found that these bombs It was delivered through the Pelican Bar.

"The meritorious service you have achieved is much greater than you imagined."

Meg's eyes were as sharp as a hawk's.

She laughed boldly and patted Haina's shoulder: "So, I'll give you a chance.

"The Inspectorate and the Court of Arbitration are investigating this matter. Originally, you, the Inspectorate, had no access to this kind of matter. But whether it is you, Sherlock or that Aiwass, I am very interested.

"I'll give you a temporary authorization, go check it out - your bureau chief has anything to say, let him come to me. Bring any consultant you want to invite, give him whatever you want, and I'll reimburse you; can't find it It's okay, I'll cover the bottom line.

"I want to see if I missed it a few months ago. If you investigate important information before we solve the matter..."

Meg said meaningfully: "I still have a position as a closed disciple... I can leave it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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