Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 32 Preparations for the Promotion Ceremony

Chapter 32 Preparations for the Promotion Ceremony

"Sulphur, salt, mercury."

In the evening, Sherlock Hermes was in his room, confirming the advanced ritual materials to be used tonight.

Wearing a monocle, he struggled to make sense of the words he had scribbled on the labels of bottles and jars.

Sherlock murmured softly, running his fingers over the bottles and jars on the shelf: "Consecrated silver powder, blessed holy water. A bunch of dried black sage, unused white crystal, Six new red candles..."

On the other side, in the Temple of Silver and Tin.

Princess Isabel also paced nervously in her room.

She kept reciting the names of the materials needed for the promotion ceremony in bits and pieces, feeling restless as she could see with the naked eye.

"And clove oil, cinnamon oil, cypress oil, benzoin oil...and helichrysum oil, chamomile oil...and...and..."

The elven artist Yanis, who was humming and writing the melody, put down her pen helplessly when she saw this.

"—and ginger, fragrant dill, and white bread. Let me tell you...Little Isa, what are you nervous about? You have to trust your court ceremonial masters, they are much more reliable in arranging ceremonies than preparing them yourself gone."

"Yes, I know……"

murmured Isabel, not even emphasizing the words "call me Isabel not little Isa".

She felt a little difficult to breathe, and gently grasped the neckline of her white gauze dress, as if she wanted to raise the collar to fan some wind in and relieve her tension—but she was afraid to go out because of the image and dignity of the royal family. Such vulgar behavior in front of people.

"The first step up is very simple, don't be nervous."

Yanis persuasively said: "You have to believe in yourself, you are very strong, and your foundation is more solid than most people. The first time you advance, it is the full moon... There should be about six or seven people who can advance , then what are you afraid of?"

"...that's what I'm afraid of."

Isabel looked worried: "If out of nine people, six of them can advance, but I don't - then if it gets out, the royal family will lose face.

"Besides, someone will gossip about you, teacher, and someone will speak ill of you. They will create terrible rumors..."

She was able to embark on the path of beauty purely because Queen Sophia doted on her.Because Avalon's royal family "Du Lac" normally can only choose the path of authority.

But of the Queen's six grandchildren, Her Majesty's favorite is Isabel, the second youngest.

The only one younger than Isabel is her two-year-old brother.

And Isabel showed her outstanding artistic talent at a very young age.

When she was only four years old, she accompanied the Queen to listen to the opera "Lulu's Magic Flute".When she didn't know Xingyu language, she could hum the aria directly after listening to it only once.

Queen Sofia was very happy.Because her old man dreamed of becoming an opera master before becoming a queen.Even after she inherited the throne, she had nothing to do and wrote several operas by herself.It was only because of identity that it was not released.

Among her many children, only Isabel inherited her opera talent.

Because of this, she resisted all opinions.

It directly set a precedent for Isabel.Allow her to step into the path of beauty and formally study "art".

The path of beauty is the path of harmony and art, flow and eternity.

The key skill in the path of beauty is "art".

Including opera, music, painting, sculpture, drama, dance, and poetry, all belong to the mysterious skills of the path of beauty.

Art itself is mysterious.Without exception, great masters of art are all pioneers of the path of beauty.

Just as the key skill of the authoritarian path is "leadership" - the skill of the monarch and the skill of manipulating others to obey oneself are also mysterious.

If you want to increase the depth of your path, it is definitely not enough to specialize in one skill.

Perhaps because of a quarter of elven blood, Isabel's talent lies in singing and dancing.

And since you want to embark on the road, you must go on firmly.

Once transcendents are on the path, they are obsessed with the desire to rise higher—they become obsessed with drilling deeper and rising higher.The longer you stay in place, the easier it is to go crazy.

It's like an outstanding young man in a certain industry with a little talent but not a genius.They tend to despair of their true talent—the soul-shattering abyss that no one outside the industry can feel, but understandable only when they're in the industry.

This feeling of powerlessness and shock, if it occurs on the extraordinary path, will drive a person crazy.

And the way of beauty emphasizes the perception of the beauty of the world, the harmony and eternity of the is easier to become crazy.

Those who specialize in one art masters, almost without exception, are crazy.

So the Queen specially invited Master Yanis for Isabel to teach her the skills of painting, sculpture and music arrangement.

Because this is the safest promotion route.

Anyway, it is not Isabel's turn to succeed.Since the queen is happy, let the children play.

Others thought so at the time.

However, the good times did not last long.

Since more than ten years ago, the royal family of Avalon suddenly began to get sick one after another.

At first, it was suspected that someone had poisoned it, but later it was determined that someone was carrying out a powerful extinction curse—a continuous and powerful curse that could not be completely dispelled even by the church's lighting technique, and that could not be sheltered by the holy bones of sages of all ages.

What cannot be dispelled and resisted by the power of a country can only be a curse issued by another country.

Who else could that be?
It can only be the Star Kingdom.

Although Avalon doesn't have any evidence, it can be deduced from common sense... Ritual masters who can use this kind of strength can only be in the Star Wars Kingdom.

And so, beginning a few years ago - with the first royal being dragged to death by an incurable curse - Avalon and the Stars have officially entered into a state of hostility.

Today, in Isabel's father's generation, only her father is left alive.

And in her lifetime, half of her had already died of illness.

Only Isabel's eldest brother, Isabel, and her two-year-old brother were left.

Without doing anything, she inexplicably became the third heir to the kingdom of Avalon.

——If she does inherit the throne, then there will be a big problem.

Avalon, whose whole country advocates the way of authority, has no compatibility with the way of authority at all for its new queen.

Now she is the third heir, but no one knows if she will suddenly become the first.Because "third" is already a very dangerous position.

Isabel did nothing wrong, and Master Yanis even more so.However, because of the changes in the situation, there were even rumors among the high-level officials of the kingdom that the purpose of the Star Wars Kingdom was to let Isabel ascend the throne—in this way, Avalon could be plunged into chaos from within.

The privileged class of the entire kingdom, all the supernatural beings in the government department, and even most of the soldiers, all come from the path of authority.How could the Queen of the Path of Beauty get their [-]% loyalty?
So Isabel was under a lot of pressure.

Any mistakes on her body will be constantly magnified by others.Then be criticized and accused.

But she didn't want to blame them either.

Because she can feel that they are also under a lot of pressure and worry about that kind of future.

She could also understand that their worries were correct—if she really became queen in the future, I'm afraid Avalon would really experience long-term chaos.But she really doesn't have the adaptability of the way of authority... She has tried many times, but she really can't learn it.

All she could pray for was that her brothers and sisters would not die again.

But she can't do anything.She didn't count on that either.

She can only do everything according to the rules, do her best silently and do her best - don't let others have a chance to criticize.

Because of this, she did not use her privilege.Instead, he entered the university and lived with other students.

She became a Transcendent through formal channels only after she passed the comprehensive assessment for the first three semesters of her freshman year.Before that, she strictly restricted the scope of her study, only learning the marginal part of the "art" skills, the part that ordinary people can touch... Then she continued to hone the basic skills, but never did anything related to the extraordinary. strength learning.

She was patient and practiced the basic skills for 13 years.

It's boring and meaningless, and it's painful enough to make you want to vomit.But she persisted.

Because she wanted to show that she would not use royal privileges at will.

She hoped this would silence those voices of discontent.

She tried her best to downplay her image as a "princess", hoping that people would only see herself as an ordinary person, not the third heir to the kingdom.

Until now, she suddenly realized——

Maybe I have never become an "ordinary person" in the true sense.

She is still being served, coddled, and helped.

While other extraordinary people were preparing the ceremony by themselves, she could only sit aside and drink tea.The royal ceremonial master will help her handle everything, and she doesn't have to do anything - she doesn't have to worry about making mistakes in her ceremonial array, and she doesn't have to worry about buying inferior or fake materials that will cause the ceremony to fail.

"...I still, do it by myself."

Isabel made up her mind.

She bowed deeply to the ceremonial master: "Master Osborne, I'm very sorry... It's not that I don't trust you. I just thought... Maybe it would be bad for me to watch from the sidelines."

Isabel didn't know how to describe the tension and anxiety in her heart.

But when she watched the white-haired ritual master prepare the ceremony for herself, she always felt restless.

It's like it's my own fault, but someone else took it away and took the blame.

Her older brothers and sisters loved her very much.She accidentally broke something, and they were the first to admit it.

Although Isabel was not reprimanded at that time, she always felt restless.

——just like now.

It was as if something was tormenting my heart.

"Please let me prepare for the promotion ceremony myself."

Princess Isabel repeated.

Her voice became clearer, and she was not as timid as before: "You can help me from the side, Master Osborne."

The white-haired ceremonial master cheerfully stroked his beard, smiled and nodded.

"Okay, my little princess. It's true, this kind of thing... It's true that you have to let yourself do it to have a sense of ritual.

"Remember this feeling well, Your Royal Highness. It is the first time I entered the dream world, and the first time I came into contact with the other eight paths. I really got rid of the status of 'apprentice' and became a real extraordinary person—"

the other side.

In Moriarty Manor, Aiwass got up from the bed clutching his forehead.

He hadn't actually gotten enough sleep yet.

But his spiritual intuition told him that if he didn't wake up, it would delay the matter - so he forced himself to wake up.

The sun is setting outside.

Aiwass rubbed the match with trembling hands, repeated several times before igniting it.

He shivered and lit the white candle on his bedside—this was obviously the "healing medicine" prepared by Oswald.

Aiwass grasped the flame, feeling the vitality pouring into his body from the candle flame, and then slowly heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately... because Aiwass is interested in occultism, he prepared various materials in his room.There will be no delay.

The so-called "poor students have a lot of stationery".

Although he didn't know how to use it, he bought everything he could buy.

...It's just that he hasn't eaten all day.Hungry and flustered.

Find a way to fill your stomach first, and then come back and prepare for the promotion ceremony.

 I have read more than 8000 times, Maomao is very happy-so today is an update of more than [-] words! ! !
  Today this chapter says that you can’t see it after posting it, but I can see it in the background, so if you want to complain, or you see typos and wrong sentences, you can still say it!If there is no accident, it should be restored tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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