Shock! Can You Become a God Even By Playing Games?

Chapter 11

Chapter 10: New House

Crossing the stone bridge, you will be greeted by a disc-shaped flower bed of bright purple and green grass. A masked statue is erected in the midst of thousands of flowers. It is clearly carved from stone, but every strand of The folds are so real, lifelike and ingenious.

A three-person road, paved with gravel, passed through two flower beds. Sally, who was walking on the gravel road, heard Tao Rong’s question and paused.

“Ah…that thing…”

She gathered the broken hair that fell on her chest with her hands, and hesitated: “It’s okay to tell you… It’s like this, five days ago, someone went to the Holy See to report a tavern with a strong smell. Darkness, but when our men went, they found it was business as usual…”

“We thought it was a prank, but someone came to report it the next day… The same thing happened for three days in a row, and finally Mr. Carr sent someone to wait at the tavern in advance. There was no difference on the way, but at a certain point In an instant, there is indeed a flash of darkness…”

“However, the dark aura is very shallow, not as strong as the person who reported it said. After careful investigation of the tavern, the source could not be found.”

“There is a dark atmosphere, wouldn’t the pub temporarily close first?”

Tao Rong’s voice just fell, Sally’s face showed a tangled look, and she complained a little, she sighed: “Mr. Carr originally planned to close the pub for the time being, but that one The owner of the tavern knows the people from the Brave Guild. The first night it was closed, and the next day, the Brave Guild came to the door, and Mr. Carr had to retreat…”

Tao Rong is a little surprised, the people of the Brave Union are so brave, dare to go against the people of the Holy See?

When Tao Rong entered the game in the last life, the Brave Guild made a big somersault on something, was caught by the people of the Holy See and rectified it severely, so that they met the people of the Holy See He ran away with his tail tucked in.

I didn’t expect that a month ago, the Holy See was at a disadvantage in the battle between the Brave Union and the Holy See.

This is really a feng shui turn, and it turns too fast.

I just don’t know if the dark atmosphere in the tavern is related to the incident of the Brave Guild’s downfall…

All kinds of thoughts flashed in my mind, Tao Rong will go to the tavern to explore this matter recorded in the to-do list, Sally led Tao Rong across the stone bridge, looking at her curiously: ” By the way, you only entered the city today, do you plan to stay in the city for a while after finishing the work?”

“I plan to settle in Rhine City first.”

“Really? Then you can come and play with me when you are free! You can call me if you need any help.”

Knowing that Tao Rong was staying in Rhine City, Sally smiled and spoke lightly.

“Okay, I will. By the way, do you know where there is a rental house?”

I calculated my savings in my heart. It is not enough, and there is more than the next. Now, dozens of silver coins are definitely not enough to buy a house. I live in a house and wait until I make money to buy a house.

“You want to rent a house? Let me think about it…”

Sally pondered for a moment, and finally remembered: “There is a Baker’s store on Sixth Street, and there is a man named Baker Boris, which is quite reliable, you tell your request He, no matter what kind of house, he can help you find it.”

“Thank you, I’ll invite you to dinner when I settle down.”

[Sally Qin favor +10]

After saying goodbye to Sally, Tao Rong stepped into the city hall again and informed the village chief of the outcome of the matter in front of the communication window on the first floor.

Before leaving, Tao Rong specially asked the village chief for the information code. The communication window is a unique communication method in the east, similar to the public telephone in the real world, but it is also responsible for the cross-regional transmission of objects, commonly known as courier function.

Managed by the government, only need to know the information code of the other party, no matter where in the east the information can be quickly arrived.

It may be that the village chief is not at home and has not received a reply. Tao Rong is not in a hurry, thinking that when he finds the house, he can move his information code to the house, and someone will look for it in the future, or deliver things through the window, and they can receive it at home.

After informing the village chief, Tao Rong walked out of the city hall, opened the map and began to find the location of Sixth Street.

The Becken store is located in an unremarkable corner of Sixth Street, surrounded by exquisitely decorated windows, only the wooden sign hangs up, the wooden door is half-closed, and a pair of love can’t enter appearance.

“Who is it? Come in at will?”

Pacing outside, with a hoarse voice and a lazy tone.

“Is it Mr. Boris? I was introduced by Sally to rent a house.”

Boris, who was swaying over with a jug, looked up and down at Tao Rong, threw the jug in his hand on the table at will, and rummaged in the display cabinet beside him.

Tao Rong heard him muttering while looking for it: “Really! This girl Sally! He really treats me as an omnipotent person!”

“Ah, I found it, let’s see for yourself, and tell me after you’ve chosen.”

After searching for a few minutes, Boris pulled out a file bag, patted the dust on it, and threw it to the waiting Tao Rong, then took the flask back and lay on the rocking chair.

Tao Rong opened the document bag, took out the thick stack of documents, and opened a few pages, revealing something strange.

[1501 Fifth Avenue

Owner: descendant of a broken marquis

Number of people in the house: 1 descendant of the marquis, 1 wife of the descendant of the marquis, 3 maids, 1 housekeeper

Family situation: The family is struggling to maintain dignity, and when communicating with people, they rely on the glory of their ancestors (Supplement: Dogs look down on people), which is actually a safe hidden in the portrait of the master bedroom Inside, only a few pieces of jewelry were left, as well as the last three gold coins.

The descendants of the marquis are suspected to have an affair with the maid in charge of the garden flower arrangement, and they have seen the two touching their hands in the corner to express their love (comment: The maid is too young, she does not know that this guy has no money, but also in that respect no)…】

[1348 Third Street

Owner: a hairy boy who does not respect the elderly

Number of people in the house: Maotou boy 1, male servant 1

Family status: I don’t spend much on weekdays, all the things in the house are good, the hairy boy is kind (supplement: stupid and naive), the housekeeper is responsible for the whole house sanitation, daily food and going out Build a good relationship for the Maotou boy and others (Add: *, how can I not meet such a hard-working person? Sooner or later, I will give him a corner!).

There was a conflict between Maotou boy and the housekeeper a few days ago, the housekeeper did things as usual, Maotou boy angrily ran back to the room and shut himself up, only came out at dinner time, and apologized to the housekeeper (comment: Although she is a bit stupid and will be deceived by women, her heart is still good)

Identity guessing: It should be from the capital of the capital to remain anonymous, the purpose is unknown, the real family situation should be quite good, blindly guess which descendant of the big family]

Tao Rong hurriedly swept through other information and found that here are the detailed information of each homeowner, their family situation, personal hobbies, and behavior since moving in are all recorded, some of which can be obvious Apparently it was obtained by illegal means.

Holding this pile of thick materials, Tao Rong’s heart was complicated, she looked at Boris who was holding the bottle tightly and hesitated: “Did you take it wrong, I’m here to rent a house of…”

Not here to buy intelligence!

“…you really come to rent a house?”

Boris widened his eyes, looked at Tao Rong carefully again, thought about it, and said indifferently: “Forget it, just read it, you should get to know your neighbors in advance. Now. What kind of house do you want to rent? How many people live there? Are there any special requirements?”

“If you live alone, the house doesn’t need to be too big, and you need a certain storage space. If you have special requirements… I hope the surrounding area can be quieter.”

“Location requirements?”

“It’s better to be closer to the city center if possible.”

After all, the City Hall, the Holy See and the Brave Union are all in the center of the city, and the shops of the larger chambers of commerce are also nearby. If it is too far, it will be troublesome to travel.

A few bucks.”

Boris took a sip of wine, and then said: “But you are lucky, I just know that there is a house for rent, which meets all your requirements except that it is bigger, and the position is the first On the street, if you live alone, your safety is also guaranteed.”

“As long as the lions don’t open their mouths, the price is not a problem.”

It is a pleasant surprise to be able to rent a house on First Street. After all, Rhine City is also the center of this town and country. Although it is not as prosperous as the royal capital, the supply of houses in this area is also in short supply.

“Price? I think… well, ten silver coins a month.”

In “New World”, 1,000 copper coins are equal to 1 silver coin, and 100 silver coins are equal to 1 gold coin. The eastern region is vast, with a large number of people, and the price is not expensive. An ordinary family of three spends only one month’s expenses. But about 1 silver coin.

One month’s rent for a house on the first street is enough to support ten ordinary three-member families, which is an inch of land.

Tao Rong’s body was only 67 silver coins and 600 copper coins, except for the daily food and drink, equipment replacement and drug consumption, and the monthly rent of 10 silver coins, barely able to support two months.

“If you want to rent, the one in your hand that says 1107 First Street is your neighbor. Except for the intersection with him, other houses are far away. It’s far away and quite clean.”

After hearing this, Tao Rong turned over the information in her hand, and pulled out a piece of paper with a five-pointed star drawn on it. After seeing the name of the owner, Tao Rong’s eyes lit up.

[1107 First Street

Owner: Joseph Carr (currently acting head of the Holy See)

People in the house: Joseph Carr

Family status: Lonely, pretentious, accidentally found out with a mysterious woman, heard Joseph Carr being called by the mysterious woman: My pure little daisy (evaluation: ****, * Yes, why do others care so much about me, I will be frozen by the side, *****, Boris *****, I will sooner or later *****)…]

The author has this to say:

Beautiful new cover! try to get bu

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