Shock! Can You Become a God Even By Playing Games?

Chapter 12

Chapter 11: Detect

This house is exactly what Boris said. On the left is a well-designed garden full of flowers. Swings with vines and wildflowers stand in the middle, and chic lounge chairs are hidden among the fragrances. , attracting butterflies.

On the right is a clear and rippling blue lake, surrounded by greenery, fruit trees, and flocks of fish and shrimp in the lake, sparkling.

Except for the intersection of the back garden and No. 1107, it is quite far away from other houses, as if it is located in the suburbs, which is generally clean and peaceful.

The whole house surrounded by flowers is the most common bungalow villa design. The white fence is opened, and the white and pink house is entered from the gravel road.

There are many swings, flower rooms and back gardens in the fenced area. Even if no one lives there, the house has not been abandoned and cleaned. The three-story house is exquisitely decorated and made of expensive materials. It can be seen that the owner has spent a lot of thought on the design of the house.

The first floor is equipped with a living room, kitchen, storage room, bathroom, and a study room with a view of the garden as soon as you look up. A spiral staircase leads to the second floor, which has a secondary bedroom, a master bedroom, a study, a maid’s room and a lounge. The top third floor and the second floor have the same layout, but there is an extra small door that leads to the attic.

The interior decoration is well-crafted, the furniture is complete, and the renter can move in with a bag. From the overall point of view of the house, such a house only needs 10 silver coins per month, which is quite cost-effective. After all, if you squeeze in, a family of four generations can live in it.

“How? Are you sure you want to rent?”

The bronze-colored key ring twirled on her fingers, and after taking Tao Rong to visit Boris stood up straight and asked her.

“Well, that’s it, thank you.”

In addition to being a little bigger, Tao Rong is very satisfied with the rest of the house. Although she can’t live in so many rooms by herself, more is better than less.

Seeing Tao Rong’s decision, Boris took her to the City Hall to sign a lease contract. All house sales and leases need to be reported to the City Hall to avoid future disputes.

It is worthy of being the first street. It only takes one street and a few corners from the house to the city hall. It takes less than five minutes for two people to arrive at the city hall.

Tao Rong handed his resident card to the staff, and Boris also took out the room book and the resident card. After the staff checked it, they printed out the contract and signed the agreement automatically.

“Thank you, Mr. Boris.”

When paying, Tao Rong specially added five silver coins to Boris as an intermediary fee. The bearded Boris noticed Tao Rong’s movements, grinned at her and accepted it.

“As a reward for these five silver coins, let me remind you that if you want to find something, you’d better go to that tavern late at night.”

Boris put the silver coins in his pocket and made a crisp sound when they collided with each other when walking. Tao Rong, who heard this, quickly reacted and thanked him again.

Boris had already gone far, and waved at her without looking back, watching his back swaying away, Tao Rong stroking the key as if to understand.

In every village, town, and city, there is an omniscient, omniscient and omnipotent mysterious person, and Rhine City is no exception.

He is called an “intelligence man”, no one knows his name, whether he is a man or a woman, and what he looks like. To contact him, there is only an anonymous communication number.

Some people say that he is actually a member of the Holy See, some people say that he is just an ordinary person with many eyes and ears, some people say…


In his last life, Yu Qingfeng had a mission to find his true body. Tao Rong followed him all over the Rhine City, but found no trace of this “intelligence man”.

After all, who would have thought that such a powerful and hidden character was actually hidden in a small shop?

In getting along with Tao Rong, Boris did not hide his identity at all, telling her “I am that intelligence agent” with every move, and even pointed out Tao Rong’s purpose before leaving , reminding her where to start.

Tao Rong didn’t understand why Boris was so frank. From the tone of Sally Qin who introduced her past, she could tell that she didn’t know Boris’ true identity.

Unfortunately, after thinking about it for a long time, Tao Rong could not come up with a reason. In the end, it can only be attributed to the self-confidence of the boss. After all, judging from the incident just now, if Tao Rong had exposed his identity I am afraid that the other party will know in the next second.

However, Tao Rong really did not expect that Boris could clearly understand the conversation between her and Sally Qin in the Holy See half an hour ago. It seems that Rhine City really has his eyes and ears everywhere.

Since there was a reminder from the “intelligence man”, Tao Rong, who originally planned to stay in the tavern, adjusted his plan and decided to go to the tavern to take a look when it was almost midnight.

To have nothing to do, Tao Rong simply went to the career hall next to the city hall to learn skills.

“Welcome to the career hall, may I help you?”

Compared with the City Hall, the Vocational Hall is much smaller in appearance. It is an ordinary three-story building. After Tao melts in, it goes straight to the reception.

“I want to learn skills.”

The professions in “New World” are roughly divided into three types, namely mage, warrior, and assassin, which means different focus directions. Mage pays attention to spirit and mana, soldiers need strength and defense, and assassins of course It’s agility and speed.

Although it is divided into three types, there is no conflict between occupations and occupations. As long as the player is willing to work hard, he can grasp it with one hand and learn the skills of all occupations.

But in addition to having extraordinary talent, you also need to have enough worth. After all, things like skill books and equipment are not cheap.

Only the most common introductory skills can be imparted to the players in the occupation hall. Selecting a mage will give a common wand with random mage common skills, and a warrior will have a set of armor with random mage skills. The ordinary skills of the warrior, the assassin is a dagger with random ordinary skills of the assassin.

In the case of randomness, most people get skill books that are readily available on the road, and of course there are also outbreaks of character. Once an assassin got a “Hidden” skill Books, which are necessary for assassins, after having a career path will be a lot smoother.

Players want better skills and equipment?

Some NPCs will post apprenticeship news in the career hall. As long as the player impresses the other party and brushes their favorability to more than 60, they can worship the other party as a teacher.

However, you need to be careful when apprenticing. Each player can only have one master. You can find another master only after leaving the master, being expelled from the master, or betraying the master.

Therefore, there is also a saying among players: apprenticeship is the second reincarnation.

If you vote well, you will become a boss, and if you vote badly, you will become a poor man.

“Okay, what skills would you like to learn?”

took Taorong’s resident card, the staff put it in the machine, ready to record the information.


The well-informed staff are not surprised. Although there are people who seem to be born for a certain occupation, most of them still don’t know what to do. People who are confused about which way to go.

“Then I will fill in all occupations on your record first. If you have a specialized occupation in the future, or want to change the level, you can come and change it.”

[Equipment: Blue Iron Staff (white)]

[Equipment: Cyan Iron Armor (White)]

[Equipment: Cyan Dagger (White)]

[Get random mage skill book +1]

[Get Random Warrior Skill Book +1]

[Get Random Assassin Skill Book +1]

[Player successfully learns the skill “Water Polo”]

[Player successfully learns skill “Rage”]

[Player successfully learns skill “Blink”]

After registration, the silver-white resident card has three lines of small characters, “Apprentice Mage”, “Apprentice Warrior” and “Apprentice Assassin”.

With the title of “apprentice”, as long as you go to the career hall to pick it up, it will be automatically awarded, upwards are apprentices, occupations, masters, if you want to upgrade, you can only go to the career hall to test, the moves issued reach A certain level of power is enough to pass the test.

If you want to accept bounty quests in places like the Brave Guild, you have to look at the level on the resident card. Titles like apprentices can only accept non-dangerous quests.

Tao Rong was a professional mage in her last life, it is not easy to upgrade, in order to get the most accurate results, everyone can only use the most common skills, those fancy big moves are not allowed .


The staff led Tao Rong to an empty room with only a one-person-high mirror.

“The primary test is relatively simple, you just need to attack the mirror. If you want to detect three occupations at the same time, you only need to attack three times separately, each time using the occupation trick you want to detect. ”

After telling Tao Rong how to use it, the staff went out and closed the door, leaving Tao Rong alone facing the mirror.


Facing her mirror image, Tao Rong exhaled and decided to start with the mage skills. Instead of using the gift staff, she took out the wolf king staff that accompanied her from Novice Village to the present. , the gray-white-red staff was raised high, and a fist-sized water polo smashed straight at the mirror.

At the moment when it hit the mirror, the originally flat mirror changed, like a funfair mirror in a playground.

After the water polo operation, Tao Rong picked up the axe again, took advantage of the run-up, and slashed towards the mirror.

The test results came out soon, and the information on the resident card changed again. As Tao Rong expected, both the warrior and the assassin were promoted to apprentices, and they could receive some ordinary dangerous tasks in the Brave Guild.

“Wow! You are very talented in mage. Recently, an archmage is accepting apprentices. You can try it.”

Looking at the familiar four words “professional mage”, Tao Rong was a little surprised.

In her last life, when she was tenth level, she only got the title of apprentice mage…

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