Shock! Can You Become a God Even By Playing Games?

Chapter 49

Chapter 48: Semi-Finished Product


any clues?”

“No special clues.”

Tao Rong saw that Silas’ face collapsed, and soon returned to a gentle appearance. Tao Rong was a little puzzled about Silas’s position.

She is jumping up and down, what is she trying to do?

Theresa also seemed to understand that what she said was unreliable, and added after a pause: “But since the dean said that those people were removed by the contract teleportation array after the transaction, I can use my body as bait.”

Not necessarily.

Tao Rong remembered the winding and intricate underground passages she had walked through, and had doubts about the result of the contract teleportation array given by the dean.

It would be better to just dig a tunnel and take people away quietly.

Tao Rong suddenly thought that the existence of the contract teleportation array itself represented an unusual meaning. Tao Rong, who realized this, looked at it and was still discussing how to draw those people out Theresa and Silas.

Although Teresa doesn’t seem to have anything to do with this, she just wants to help.

But there was a Silas with an unknown purpose beside him who kept talking beside him, Tao Rong could not tell them what he found for the time being, and wanted to persuade Theresa not to take risks, and the other party did not Might listen.

In the end, Tao Rong could only remind him to be careful and leave the two of them.


After walking far away and never seeing Theresa and Silas again, Tao Rong stopped and took a small step and called softly: “Are you there, teacher? I have a question to ask you?”

The teacher who suddenly disappeared also suddenly appeared. She stepped on Taorong’s open palm and did not explain her departure behavior just now: “What’s wrong?”

“Teacher, can you tell that the traces on the scene are contract teleportation arrays, does it have other functions besides that?”

The array can add or delete content according to the user’s wishes. The combination of multiple functions is called a hybrid array, such as those in the previous cave that integrate fixation, noise reduction, and monitoring. A typical array of mixed arrays.


Understanding Taorong’s meaning, the teacher said this word: “In addition to the contract, there are sacrificial patterns hidden in the depths.”

“Dean he…”

“He knows.”

Interrupting Tao Rong’s questioning, the teacher blinked: “As soon as I found out, I told the dean.”


This is worse than a contract.

Because it can accept sacrifices, it is more or less evil.

Although the gods are only passed down by word of mouth among the crowd and chanted in poetry, no one can really see the gods in the true sense.

, there are always people who run into dead mice and create some kind of half-finished evil spirit.

And this kind of artificial **** often brings together the greed and ambition of creating people, and needs to constantly absorb energy and accept human sacrifices.

Life, soul, emotion.

Why did the dean hide this key point?

And what was the sacrifice of those people… what was it?

With such doubts in mind, Tao Rong bid farewell to the teacher. This morning, she spent all morning searching for clues in the burrow, which was equivalent to skipping all morning classes.

Fortunately, she is just an exchange student who was arranged to make up the number, and Comey College itself is not strict with student management.

Suddenly learned of more important clues, Tao Rong decided not to go to class in the afternoon, and went back to his home to keep the only useful “Basics of Mage”, Go to the library with other books.

Tao Rong didn’t see the senior student last time when she returned the book, but she didn’t think much about it. After returning the book, she went to the special book area of the library.

Thanks to the rich library of Comey College, the dean and teachers never prevent students from understanding the dark side of the world, those strange stories that are easily invisible to the outside world, and some banned “” “Forbidden books” are stored here, and even some students or teachers who have special experiences will record them and place them in this area for others’ reference.

Tao Rong squatted down, searched the past one by one, and pulled out “Special Creature Manufacturing Guide”, “How to Escape from Strange Forces”, “I became a Boss” books.

Tao Rong sat in the reading area with three books, the first one recorded what Josh once mentioned to Tao Rong, what the man did for the student who created the ghost horse The experiment, but the content was not recorded by him, but by his classmates.

The second book is the experience of a former senior classmate who encountered a dark organization and was almost sacrificed to something by the other party.

The third book is a teacher’s self-report, the beginning is the experience of undercover, the middle is the troubles that he faced after becoming the boss of the organization, and at the end he records all the information about the underground organization he has encountered. down.

In order to understand the current situation of the students who were kidnapped, Tao Rong first read the second book.

From the content recorded in the book, Tao Rong learned that sacrifice is not that simple. Although it is said that those half-finished evil gods need strength, but the pride of being a **** makes them not allow themselves to eat easily.

, the other party would rather die and die than force it.

It is for this reason that this senior escaped the fate of being sacrificed again and again, and finally escaped successfully.

At the end of the book, he also sighed with emotion, where did these organizations create an evil god, and they clearly created an older, willful ancestor.

After reading this book, Tao Rong felt relieved. If the evil spirits encountered by the arrested students were also so picky, then they would be safe for the time being.

The third book Taorong skipped the undercover part and struggled with how to be a good boss. Looking at the organizational power recorded by the teacher, the Chuangshen Organization was not unexpectedly ranked First, but most of the rest of the groups have been flagged to say they have been eliminated through intel provided by the teacher.

Tao Rong thinks about it too, since it has been blatantly written in the book, the teacher must have reported to the person in charge of this matter. Will these organizations stay?

After getting the information she wanted from the third book, Taorong opened the first book she took: “Special Creature Manufacturing Guide”.

Just opened the first page, Tao Rong picked up the book “How to Escape from Strange Forces”, after carefully comparing the handwriting of the two books, Tao Rong was surprised to find that it was written by the same person of.

As expected, Tao Rong saw the name of the senior in the introduction on the first page. The senior said that the book was recorded with the consent of a friend. The data was rigorous and there was no fraud.

This book is quite rich in content, from the most common insect transformation to the transformation of large beasts, all of which have been recorded in detail on the catalog page.

Tao Rong is not interested in these ordinary creatures, she won this book because she saw the sentence about the evil **** on the cover: #Shocked! There is a hidden evil behind the evil god…”

I found what I wanted at the end of the catalog page, Tao Rong turned the page.

At the beginning, the senior said that this time is purely an experiment. All the data of the evil **** comes from the part of the evil **** he once broke away. After he brought it back, he handed it over to his friends for testing. With the consent of the dean, there was no illegal operation.

Tao Rong was stunned when he saw this sentence, the book did not say that after he escaped, he brought back part of the evil spirit.

The space used accounts for dozens of pages of content.

Such leftovers.

Even in the process of research, the senior almost cultivated these evil **** fragments into perfect and complete products, but unfortunately the dean did not agree with him as a student to carry out such a dangerous experiment, he had to put the evil **** on the Hand it over to the dean and let it go.


Looking at the regretful sentence of the senior at the end, Tao Rong couldn’t help being sluggish.

The dean holds the perfect evil **** that is about to be cultivated. Can this kind of thing be recorded in the book so bluntly?

It seems that Comey College is really indulgent in the behavior of students, and does not inhibit the free growth of students at all.

The eyes fell on the sentence of handing over the cultivated product to the dean, Tao Rong frowned slightly, does this evil **** appearing now have something to do with this matter?

Unfortunately, Tao Rong knew that even if she took this book to the dean and asked him, he would either keep silent or ignore it lightly, just like Margaret and Carl, These people in high positions who hide many secrets and thoughts, talk and do things in a twisted way, and refuse to speak out directly.

Just like now, Tao Rong began to wonder whether Margaret put her into Comey College, whether she wanted Tao Rong to learn more as she said, or was she deliberately letting Tao Rong Melt involved in all of this to achieve what purpose.

But now, even knowing that she might be used by Margaret again, Tao Rong has been unable to withdraw. She can’t really leave it alone and let go of Louis who was taken away.

I sorted out the news I got today, the cave, the sacrificial circle, the half-finished product of the evil god, and it was already dark when Tao Rong walked out of the library. Baida County is no better than Rhine City. If you are not familiar with it, you can only slowly investigate according to the existing clues.

That night, Tao Rong went home and got into the hole again, trying to try his luck to see if he could meet a few people. Did not meet anyone.

Tao Rong turned over and got out of the hole. When she went to the academy to find out if there was any more information, Teresa ran towards her.

“Silas is gone.”

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