Shock! Can You Become a God Even By Playing Games?

Chapter 50

Chapter 49: Infiltration

Hearing Teresa’s words, Tao Rong did not respond for a while, she was stunned for a few seconds and then looked at Teresa: “Silas? Didn’t you decide that you should be the bait?”

When Tao Rong left, the two of them were discussing how to lure out who to come out, but in every scenario, there was Teresa as the bait, how could it be Silas who disappeared?

No one responded.”

Silas went missing after Louis, and theresa, who could only watch her classmates in danger but powerless, hated her weakness.

“Don’t worry, can you take me to her house?”

Theresa brought Tao Rong to the place where Silas lived, Tao Rong felt in a trance that she had returned to the room where she met Margaret at that time, she could hardly imagine Baida County There will even be places that are outdated.

The door of the house was kicked open by Teresa long ago, and now it is barely closed by an iron chain. Go straight to the bed.

“I haven’t touched anything here. I ran back to the academy when Silas was gone.”

Even if she was disappointed with the dean before, but Teresa’s first reaction was to go back to the dean when something happened, and Teresa didn’t react until she reached the gate of the college, even if she went to the dean Another perfunctory statement.

Just as he was hesitating what to do, Tao Rong happened to appear.

Tao Rong groped for the simple bed board, trying to find if there was a mechanism like Lewis’s bed. When her fingers touched a certain place, she felt a different touch than other places, and Tao Rong pressed it hard.

As Tao Rong guessed, the originally closed bed board opened, revealing a familiar hole.

“This…what’s the matter?”

Looking at the hole that suddenly appeared, Theresa asked, Tao Rong stepped forward to observe carefully and found that the hole was also newly dug.

“The underground of Baida County has been dug through. Does your father know about this?”

Theresa had a blank expression on her face, and answered Tao Rong’s question indirectly, Tao Rong glanced at him: “Come down, you will know.”

Tao Rong jumped first. With the experience of the first two times, she landed smoothly, but Teresa was not so lucky. He did not expect the passage to be so deep. Fall down to the ground.

“What the smell.”

Theresa was in close contact with the ground. He sniffed hard and found that in addition to the smell of earth, there was also a very fresh floral fragrance on the ground.

Tao Rong squatted in front of Theresa, followed by smelling it, and found that it was indeed a smell that had not been smelled before, but it felt a little familiar.


“It’s Silas’ perfume.”

Perhaps because of the fear of being discovered, the smell left by Silas is very light, and you have to get close and smell it carefully. The other side can also make up.

The last two walked into a dead end, where the scent disappeared.

During this period, Tao Rong had already told Teresa about her experience in the underground passage yesterday. The way for both of them to the outside was controlled by the magic circle, and she was not surprised to see the dead end. , they all looked around for the magic circle.

“Found it, here.”

This time the magic circle was hidden directly above the two of them. After Tao Rong gave a sound, Teresa took out a star-shaped transparent patch, pasted it up, and the patch was integrated into the magic circle. , quickly cracking the operation of the magic circle.

Tao Rong, who was a step late, put away the gold thread that the teacher gave her when she left, thinking of Teresa’s identity, it is normal to have such a quick break.

“This was given to me by an uncle of mine. He is very good at magic circles.”

While waiting for the magic circle to open, Teresa explained: “It will only temporarily change the operation of the magic circle, and it will return to its original state after a while, and will not be discovered by the other party.”


Looking at the constantly changing magic circle, Tao Rong was inexplicably interested.

The magic circle tends to be auxiliary, and you need to remember how to arrange the various magic circles. It is not like getting a skill book like a skill, and you can use it immediately after you learn it.

Among the players, only life players or healers can learn magic circles, but Tao Rong saw the teacher’s various operations with his own eyes yesterday, and found that no matter what profession, as long as you learn the ultimate, you can use it .

Just as Tao Rong thought that after this incident was resolved, she could go to learn the magic circle class and increase her knowledge reserve, the magic circle finally broke open, but this time the hole happened to open in Under the feet of the two, before they could react, they fell straight down.

Remembering that the two sneaked in quietly, although both Tao Rong and Theresa were startled, no one made a sound during the descent.

Waiting for the landing in the aisle will give people the illusion that the time has become long, and finally came out, Tao Rong used somersaults to relieve the pain when falling, with a lesson from the past Theresa also changed her posture and did not throw herself on the ground again.

“This…is the basement?”

The two quickly adjusted their state, Tao Rong looked at the messy items in front of him, the clutter thrown on the ground at will, and looked up at the closed hole.

The exit of the underground passage is actually the basement?

“The scent is back.”

Theresa began to look for Silas’s mark as early as she stood firm, and soon found a familiar smell at the exit, Tao Rong gently pushed the door and found that it was Locked from the outside.

, this time the infiltration failed.

“I’ll try it.”

Seeing that Teresa was unable to open the door with brute force, Tao Rong stood in his place and thought for a moment before an ice needle appeared in her hand.

The ice needle floated up and slipped out along the crack of the door. The ice needle condensed with energy will not dissipate as long as the peach melt does not remove its power.

Tao Rong attached his mind to the ice needle, and quickly found the keyhole. The ice needle was inserted three times and twice successfully unlocked, Tao Rong pushed the door again, and the door was successfully opened.

The two left the basement without forgetting to lock the lock again. There is a long staircase outside the basement. , there is no possibility of disorientation.

The stairs are too long to see the edge, Tao Rong feels that he has walked for a full ten minutes, but the surrounding environment has not changed, there is an illusion of walking in place.

Another ten minutes passed, Tao Rong finally saw the sky light, the two slowed down and went up quietly, the moment the fresh air entered the lungs, Tao Rong felt alive .

“Would you like to go back and get help first?”

It seems that they have found each other’s nest directly, Teresa’s heart is filled with worry, fortunately they have not met each other’s people along the way, once they are found, they can’t be rescued If people don’t say it, maybe even the two of them will get in.


Tao Rong suddenly dragged Theresa back to the stairs, hiding in the darkness. Seeing that she seemed to have found something, Theresa obediently shut up and stayed quietly behind Tao Rong.

Soon, a footstep sounded, the sound of high heels stepping on the ground was as crisp as a beat, followed by a slightly dull footstep.

“Do you know how much trouble you’ve caused me?”

The delicate and charming female voice was full of dissatisfaction, although Tao Rong couldn’t see the other party’s appearance, but she had already imagined the appearance in her mind, and the accusations continued: “Who made you act without authorization? If there’s trouble, I’ll take care of it.”

“But that’s an elf, a single elf…”

She seemed to be glaring at the other party, keeping the man’s defense in her mouth, not daring to say any more.

“What happened to the elves? Can you be responsible for destroying the plan?”

She put her hands on her chest and said coldly: “Why did you catch another little girl last night? She is also an elf?”

I heard that the elf and the little girl were officially Louis and Silas from the other party’s mouth, and finally was able to know the whereabouts of the two, Tao Rong couldn’t help but breathe quickly.

“We didn’t want to catch her. That little girl is too evil. She summoned that thing.”

The person who spoke was also a little depressed. The reason for catching the elf was because there was no shop in this village, so they took the risk and captured him, but catching the little girl was a waste of them. My own time: “She has seen that thing, isn’t it now to be silenced? We had to take her back too.”

After this sentence, the conversation between the two disappeared, and footsteps sounded again. Tao Rong watched the figure walk away, and lowered her head to think about the conversation just now.

I heard that they meant that Silas summoned something, so I led them over.

This group of people doesn’t seem to have any intention of arresting anyone now, and Louis has suffered because of his rare elf status, and Silas sent it to his door.

But what did Silas summon?


Where did she learn the summoning method?

Silas has been wearing a disguise from the moment she appeared, and until now Tao Rong has not figured out what she was thinking.

“Yo, look what I found.”

Seeing Tao Rong thinking, Teresa did not disturb her, but at this moment a low voice sounded, and the two looked up, only to realize that the red-haired woman who had left just now was actually Appeared in front of them silently.

Confronting the panicked expressions of the two of them, she hooked her lips and smiled: “It turned out to be two little mice.”

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