Shock! The Real Daughter Made the Transmigrator Girl Cry

Chapter 192

Chapter 192 – Narrow Escape

Chapter 192 Narrow escape

Gu Han dodged reflexively. If it weren’t for the keen intuition and agile hands and feet that he had cultivated in his previous life in the shadow of swords, lights and swords, he would have turned into a lump of meat if he was a second later.

The boulder rolled away rumblingly, breaking countless branches. Gu Han raised his head with lingering fear, but saw Jiang Changning’s eyes sparkling. Seeing him dodging smoothly, the light in his eyes dimmed and he even sighed softly.

Gu Han almost laughed angrily.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a sneer, “If Miss Jiang doesn’t want to starve to death or be poisoned to death, you’d better pray that I can live well.”

I thought Jiang Changning would not pay attention, but saw the other party nodded very seriously: “Young Master Gu is right.”

It was almost dark, and it was not easy to find a shelter in the perilous mountain forest. The two of them walked forward in the dark very cautiously, and Gu Han almost lost feeling in his injured leg.

His vision was blurry, and he could fall down at any time.

Finally, when he was about to lose his hold, Jiang Changning, who was walking in front, exclaimed in surprise: “There is a hole ahead.”

These words made Gu Han feel certain that if he really wanted to stay in the forest at night, he didn’t know if he would be able to escape with Jiang Changning when he encountered a wild beast.

The entrance of the cave is narrow and deep hidden behind the weeds. The entrance of the cave is covered with small cracks, which should be traces left by erosion by wind and rain. The two looked at each other with excited expressions.

Jiang Changning carefully threw a stone into the cave, and after hearing no suspicious sounds, he took a few more steps into the cave. Looking at the dim sky, there is indeed a road inside. She turned her head and glanced at Gu Han, Gu Han nodded, and the two walked through the cave cautiously.

The cave is as tall as a person, and I don’t know where it leads, but the cave is very dry, and there is no feeling of humidity and shade. Gu Han’s right leg was already very swollen, Jiang Changning took a few steps and waited, the two of them didn’t walk fast, but they remained vigilant along the way.

The two walked for a while, and the cave finally came to an end.

At the end is a huge rock, which blocks the road ahead, and it seems that there is no danger. There is a hole about a foot wide above the head, and the clear moonlight shines in through the hole, allowing Jiang Changning to see the environment in the cave slightly, as long as there is no heavy rain, there will be no problem.

Jiang Changning carefully tapped around with a stick to make sure that there were no snakes, insects, rats and ants. Finally, he was able to breathe a sigh of relief by leaning on Jushi, and both of them sat down on the ground tired.

Gu Han looked around and found nothing abnormal, his body fluctuated from hot to cold, so he could only lean against the wall and not speak.

Jiang Changning held the dagger tightly and shrank aside, she was really sleepy.

I don’t know how long it took, but Jiang Changning’s consciousness gradually became blurred. When her consciousness was gradually losing consciousness, she seemed to hear a soft sigh coming from her ear.

Er Changning tried hard to open her eyes, trying to see what happened, but she could no longer control her consciousness.

The eyelids were so heavy that I couldn’t lift them up, my head was like being filled with lead, and I was so weak that I could only let my consciousness leave my body. She couldn’t shout out, she couldn’t move her fingers, and her eyelids were as heavy as a thousand catties.

Jiang Changning felt as if he was about to fall asleep, but he didn’t dare to close his eyes.

Just like that, Jiang Changning’s consciousness kept wandering, and finally couldn’t resist and fell into a deep sleep.

The evening wind blew into the cave through the cracks in the stones, brushing away Jiang Changning’s sweat-wet hair on her forehead, making her extremely uneasy even in her drowsy sleep.

A smell of fishy and salty stench came from far and near, accompanied by a suffocating sense of panic.

Jiang Changning only felt that there was a mass of black giant swallowing her in her sleep, her tailbone felt cold and she was startled awake, but when she opened her eyes, she met a pair of green eyes!

A hungry wolf with messy, messy fur and a ferocious face let out a Hittite growl from its throat. Its sharp fangs shone sharply in the moonlight, and its saliva continuously flowed down the corners of its mouth.

The hungry wolf has quietly approached Jiang Changning’s side. It has been hungry for an unknown amount of time. At this moment, its green eyes are shining greedily, and it looks around Jiang Changning as if it is enlightened, as if it is spying on her attack power. .

Jiang Changning tried hard to breathe steadily under the gaze of the wolf. She didn’t dare to make too much movement so as not to disturb it. She only slowly sat up straight and looked at each other. Gu Han was not around, and the dagger in her hand was nowhere to be seen. She didn’t have any weapons around her that could defend herself and survive. Her hands alone couldn’t fight this hungry animal no matter what.

The hungry wolf had already crouched down to attack, Jiang Changning’s face was pale under the absolute disparity in strength, and she couldn’t even think of resisting. She only hated herself for underestimating the enemy, and fell asleep in this cave, letting Gu Han calculated to steal her dagger and also attracted the hungry wolf.

Yes, Gu Han must have done it.

Thinking of the wild wolf who was subdued by Gu Hanxun before falling off the cliff, Jiang Changning felt unwilling.

She shouldn’t die here, she hasn’t seen Qin Huaisu come back from victory.

The disgusting stench was approaching her eyes, Jiang Changning subconsciously closed her eyes and waited for the arrival of death, but heard a puffing sound piercing the flesh and blood, and the warm blood splashed onto her face.

Jiang Changning opened his eyes, Gu Han jumped out from nowhere, dragged a swollen right leg, and stabbed the hungry wolf’s carotid artery with her dagger, killing him with one blow.

The wolf’s body hit the ground heavily, making a muffled sound. Jiang Changning panted a few times, and finally recovered from the palpitations just now, looking at Gu Han who was breathing steadily and wiping the blood on the knife with his sleeve, his expression was unclear.

“What? Scared?”

Gu Han smiled coolly, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.

He hid in the corner as early as he found the wolf’s trace, watched Jiang Changning being frightened by its approach, and after admiring her unwillingness and despair, he stood up at the end and stabbed him ruthlessly.

It is true that Jiang Changning escaped death, and he was indeed saved by him, but if he hadn’t taken her dagger, she wouldn’t have had a chance to struggle to survive. What’s more, she didn’t know the whole story, even if the wolf was killed by him, it might not have nothing to do with him.

“Give it back to me.” Jiang Changning wiped the blood splattered on his face expressionlessly, and stretched out his hand to ask him for the dagger.

Gu Hanyuan admired the beauty’s blood-stained appearance pervertedly, and saw her wipe it mercilessly. Unfortunately, he took a look at the snow-white face that was wiped clean by her, with a dissatisfied expression.

“Miss Jiang, I have saved you twice, is that your attitude?”

Hearing his words, the wariness in Jiang Changning’s eyes didn’t decrease but increased. This man has followed her by any means from the beginning. What exactly is he trying to do?

But she kept her face calm, stood up and looked at the gradually brightening sky outside, and said hoarsely, “It’s dawn, let’s continue on our way.”

The whole jungle is still sleeping, very quiet, occasionally there are some birds flapping their wings.

The two don’t know how far ahead they are, and their only choice is to go east.

Gu Han glanced at Jiang Changning, seeing that she didn’t intend to speak, he left first, Jiang Changning followed, and the two started on the road again, all the way east.

The footprints of two people left two rows of deep footprints in the mud.

Gu Han looked at Jiang Changning with the usual expression, and couldn’t help feeling a little curious. It wasn’t a short time for him to secretly pay attention to Jiang Changning. Although this woman looked tepid, Gu Han was impressed by her inner strength.

Jiang Changning walked in front, and Gu Han followed her. The two walked silently on the mountain road, neither of them talking.

The two of them walked for more than ten miles, the sky became brighter and brighter, and a red sun rose, and the sun shone on the earth, dispelling the gloom and darkness of the night, which made people feel happy

Jiang Changning was full of hope to be able to meet such fine weather in this desolate jungle.

Her stomach was growling with hunger, but there was no food in her hand. Jiang Changning looked at the lush trees around him, and secretly sighed helplessly.

Gu Han was sitting on the side taking a nap, his face was pale, his white robe was already stained with mud and blood, even a short stubble had grown on his smooth chin.

Jiang Changning left Gu Han and walked around the forest. She didn’t dare to go far and only dared to walk around.

Fortunately, it is summer now, and there are still many kinds of fruits that can be eaten in the forest.

Jiang Changning couldn’t make up his mind, so he picked some of the fruits he had seen that he thought were edible. Holding the fruit in her arms, she walked back the same way. When passing a camphor tree, the dense grass suddenly moved, as if some kind of living thing was hiding inside.

After these few days of thrilling experiences, Jiang Changning didn’t dare to be careless. She walked away from the camphor tree lightly, a sense of uneasiness welled up in her heart, and she intuited that the things in the grass were dangerous.

As if to confirm her conjecture, a familiar wolf cry completely made Jiang Changning’s face turn pale.

Jiang Changning turned around and ran, the fruit in his arms scattered all over the ground. The rustling sound behind her was getting closer and closer, and she followed behind her almost inseparably.

Jiang Changning ran a few steps and heard howling wolves. She gritted her teeth and ran forward at a faster speed. Her legs were so sore that she couldn’t feel it, and she couldn’t feel the slightest pain anymore, only numbness remained.

Jiang Changning didn’t know how long she had run, but she felt that she was almost exhausted, but she didn’t dare to stop.

Her eyes were blurred, and she could only run with her intuition. Her ears were full of howling wolves. These howling wolves made her feel scared, even terrified. She didn’t know how much longer she could last.

The wolf was getting closer and closer, and before it jumped up, Jiang Changning rolled on the ground. She watched helplessly as the extremely dirty wolf body jumped over her scalp.

The stench came towards her face, almost making her sick.

The wolf missed a hit, turned around and rushed towards Jiang Changning again.

Jiang Changning turned around and stabbed the dagger like lightning. This dagger cuts iron like mud. It was also her luck that she stabbed one of the wolf’s eyes blind by accident.

Realizing that Jiang Changning couldn’t get anything cheap, the wolf stared at Jiang Changning with only one eye in a human way, and finally disappeared into the grass with its tail down.

Jiang Changning didn’t fall to the ground until he was sure that the wolf would not come back again, panting heavily. Her chest was heaving violently, and her heart was still beating wildly.

Jiang Changning felt a little lucky, the moment just now was so dangerous, she almost thought that she was going to die.

The movement of the wolf naturally alarmed Gu Han, he opened his eyes suddenly and looked in Jiang Changning’s direction. Without using a bamboo stick, he stood up straight and walked in the direction of howling wolves with one deep foot and one shallow foot.

He first saw Jiang Changning’s footprints, and then he saw the muddy fruit on the ground. Gu Han stopped and lost the courage to move forward.

He looked into the distance, the blurry mountains and the endless woods made it almost impossible to see a glimmer of hope.

He stared blankly at the fruits, his eyes were lifeless, and some had only infinite emptiness, as if his soul had been hollowed out, his lips moved subconsciously twice, but no sound came out.

Gu Han squatted down and picked up the fruit on the ground, and he wiped off the muddy water on it with his hands. After picking it up, I found that most of them were inedible. Thinking of Jiang Changning’s embarrassment in picking these fruits, and the fear of being chased by wolves, he laughed for a while.

His voice became louder and louder, and he almost burst into tears. It was at this time that someone cursed lightly: “Crazy.”

The soft words made Gu Han’s laughter stop abruptly, and he froze and didn’t dare to look back. Jiang Changning didn’t know what was going on in his mind, he just thought that Gu Han was happy that he was buried in the belly of a wolf, and he had just escaped from the dead. place to go.

Gu Han didn’t follow, his heart was still beating violently. It wasn’t until Jiang Changning walked away that he slowly followed.

This time they did not encounter any danger. Jiang Changning even found herbs to stop bleeding and reduce inflammation. She chewed the herbs in her mouth and applied them to the injured area.

Gu Han put his hand on his broken leg where Jiang Changning couldn’t see it. This leg has dragged him down for a long time. In his previous life, as a swordsman, it was common for him to be hurt by swords and swords. Although he is not proficient in medical skills, he does know some bone-setting methods. This method is riskier and the process is more painful. But now he can’t care about that much anymore.

Wolves are animals that live in groups. When they met the second wolf, Gu Han realized that he and Jiang Changning had been targeted by the wolves.

The wolf that died in the cave was probably the wolf king. Now that he is injured, Jiang Changning doesn’t know how to box and kick. If he encounters a wolf or a pack of wolves next time, it’s hard to say what the outcome will be.

I wanted to torture Jiang Changning, but it was too aggrieved to be buried in the belly of a wolf like this.

Gu Han broke a wooden stick and bit it in his mouth. With his chest heaving, when he exerted his hands hard, he heard a toothache “crack”, the dislocated bone had been reset. Gu Han gritted his teeth tightly, his whole body seemed to have collapsed.

In the next few days, as Gu Han said, they were attacked by wolves several times. Fortunately, because he was always on guard, he was not seriously injured.

Drink some stream water when you are thirsty, eat wild fruits when you are hungry, and eat rabbit meat if you are lucky. When passing through a valley, Jiang Changning unexpectedly discovered the flint, which made their situation better.

I have written almost 500,000 words here! I can’t thank you all enough! Without everyone’s company and tolerance, I really would not have persisted for so long. After getting married and having children, I feel that I have changed a lot. I have no hobbies or friends. Writing novels is the only thing that persists. The first time I wrote an article, there were many shortcomings, such as the plot was not compact, and it collapsed as soon as I wrote it. Writing problem. The character of the main character. Hope the next one is better! The preparation for this month is over, let’s finish it well! The quarrel has already begun, and I will explain the identities and fate of the two Jiang Luo later, Gu Xiujing’s choice after losing the control of the heartthrob, Jiang Changning’s reason for hearing the system dialogue… Finally, I would like to thank everyone again, thank you for your tolerance and company, We have spent almost four months together. I wish you all success in your studies and work! thank you all!

(end of this chapter)

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