Shock! The Real Daughter Made the Transmigrator Girl Cry

Chapter 193

Chapter 193 – Qin Huaisu Returns

Chapter 193 Qin Huaisu Returns

The two stopped and stopped, and finally found a small road in this deserted place, and after a few days of driving, they finally reached the end of the forest as they wished.

It has been more than half a month since they fell off the cliff.

The sky has darkened, and the sultry and humid atmosphere brings a sticky feeling of depression, gloomy as if a storm is brewing.

Jiang Changning put all his strength on the wooden branch in his palm and heaved a sigh of relief. He pursed his dry lips and raised his head. The wind in the wilderness brought a burst of dampness to his face.

It is raining in the sky.

Gu Han’s injured right leg was aching because of the weather, and the unhealed wound was unbearably sore, as if several ants were constantly biting him, his expression was ugly and his eyes were gloomy.

“Let’s go, if it rains heavily, I’m afraid it will be inconvenient.”

Jiang Changning glanced back at him, lowered his eyes watching his movements, and continued.

Although jackals, tigers and leopards rarely come and go in this area, if the weather is bad, there may be other dangers.

Gu Han was noncommittal, moved his lips pretending nothing happened, and followed in silence.

It was gradually getting dark, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier. The clothes on the two of them were soaked. Although it was a hot weather, they still felt a little uncomfortably cold in the middle of the night.

Because they reached the edge of the forest, the trees were weak and thin, and they no longer had the ability to shelter from the wind and rain. The two hurried and finally walked out of the forest before losing their way.

A wide and long road outside the woods extends far away, and it is difficult to see clearly under the dark sky. There are well-cultivated fields on both sides, and a short house stands not far away. The blue bricks on the eaves have been mottled with thick layers of moss. The light gray walls look old. The light orange candlelight reflected in the window gave off a reassuring and warm light.

Jiang Changning’s eyes were wet by the rain curtain, and the long eyelashes were continuously covered with raindrops. In the blink of an eye, long strings like strings of beads fell down, making her somewhat unable to see the scenery in front of her clearly.

She blinked, looked at the lights not far away and felt a glimmer of hope after a long absence, her heart was beating thumpingly.

Jiang Changning proposed aloud: “It’s raining too much, go and see if I can borrow a night.”

The stains on her face from the trekking were cleaned, revealing the original white and lustrous face. Although she has suffered a lot these days, under the bright eyes, it is still touching.

“I’ll go.”

Gu Han, whose expression has been dark and silent since the weather was gloomy, finally reacted at this moment. His gaze swept down from the top of Jiang Changning’s head, and landed on her unpainted but still bright face, asking to go knock on the door.

Jiang Changning knew that he did not refuse because of safety considerations, but she was still afraid in her heart, she couldn’t trust him wholeheartedly, even when the two of them were in the same predicament at the critical moment of life and death, she would still doubt Gu Han’s intentions. Is the person involved with him, what will he do after leaving the jungle…

There are too many unknowns, she can only walk the road ahead step by step.

“anyone there?”

Gu Han patted on the door, and big drops of raindrops hit the eaves with a pattering sound, covering up the knocking on the door from outside. It was not until a long time later that a couple of old people came out slowly. couple.

“Who is it?” The old woman who opened the door asked, holding a dark oil-paper umbrella, squinting at the person in front of her.

Jiang Changning stepped forward at the right time, put down his hands rubbing his arms, and whispered softly: “The two of us accidentally lost our way in the mountains, and it happened to be raining heavily. Excuse me, old man, can you let us come in for a night?”

“Who?” The old man who heard the sound stood beside the mother-in-law, hesitantly looking at the two people in front of him and did not respond immediately. Although Jiang Changning’s female class should not be a bad person, he is still very wary of strangers staying overnight in the middle of the night.

“Excuse me, my husband and I lost our way accidentally while traveling in the mountains. I hope the old man can make it easier for me.”

Gu Han still pretended to be a gentle and polite scholar in front of people, and he made the introduction with a calm expression. It was not obvious that he was lying, but Jiang Changning frowned slightly and retracted his arms, but did not interrupt him. .

It’s already drifted to this point, and it’s useless to talk about the rest, and she has no intention of tearing faces with Gu Han at this time, this person has an unpredictable temperament, so as not to go crazy and implicate innocent people.


The woman and her husband looked at each other, and couldn’t help but feel a thump in their hearts.

The former hurriedly smiled enthusiastically and opened the door wide, saying hello: “Look, I’m getting wet, come in quickly. The house is small, if you don’t mind it, just rest here overnight to hide from the rain.”

Jiang Changning and Gu Han followed the old woman’s footsteps and walked in. An umbrella couldn’t cover everyone. Jiang Changning and the old woman held one together. Gu Han was already wet and could write for a while, drenched in the rain Following behind, the old man was the last one, with a smile on his face, he went out with a serious look, quietly hid behind the door and set off a cold flame, and then came in and locked the door behind him.

The house is very small. There is only a simple square table and a few low chairs in the living room. The old lady entered the house and lit the oil lamp to illuminate the room, and she seemed to feel the warmth just by being in it.

The old woman sent dry clothes and took Jiang Changning to another room to let her change her soaked dress, and greeted her with towels and hot tea, meticulously and eagerly.

After drinking a bowl of hot **** tea, most of the chills in his body were dispelled. Jiang Changning carefully packed his clothes and sat by the edge of the table to thank the old lady and talk about homework.

Gu Han came late from outside, because he didn’t have any clothes that fit him, he just put on a half-worn blanket. Fortunately, the man’s body is hot, so it’s more comfortable than being outside in the rain.

Jiang Changning glanced at the heavy rain outside, held the hot tea in his hand, felt the sense of stability that he had finally relaxed in recent days, and sighed: “Thank you for your hospitality, if it weren’t for the two of you, watching today’s rain It’s so big, I don’t know what kind of situation it will face.”

“Girl, you don’t need to be so polite, I just let you come in to shelter from the rain, even if it were someone else, they would definitely not be stingy to help.” The old woman added another cup of tea for her and said kindly.

After she finished speaking and put down the teapot, she looked outside again with a worried face, and she was a little worried in her words, “It’s raining so much today, I don’t know where my son has gone, but I can go home safely.”

Jiang Changning asked with concern: “What does the old man mean?”

Seeing that her words disturbed the guests, the old woman smiled embarrassedly and hurriedly laughed, “Hey, look at me, it’s nothing serious, you don’t have to worry about it. It’s just that my son went out early in the morning, and he should have been home early. But I guess it’s because of the heavy rain that slowed down the pace, so we haven’t returned yet. But we mountain people are used to coming and going in the rain, and I guess it will arrive after a while.”

While talking, there was a push and pull sound from the door bolt outside, the old man hurried out to look, and there were a few whispers outside the door, and the old man yelled inside, “Old woman, the child is back.”

“Just come back, just come back.”

The old woman’s name brought a trace of relief on her face, she said a few words in a row and was about to get up to look, Jiang Changning’s guest followed suit, thinking of staying at someone else’s place to say hello, unexpectedly the pair almost fell off Tears come.

Qin Huaisu entered the house wearing a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat, and the raindrops kept rolling down on the ground to form a stream, and with the raising of the bamboo hat, his knife-like face was revealed.

Jiang Changning’s heart palpitated for a moment, and his hands and feet were almost limp. He subconsciously supported the table at hand, and then stared at the person in front of him without blinking to confirm that this was not a dream.

He has lost a lot of weight, and his skin has become darker and tighter. A scar on the tip of his eyebrows extends to his forehead, making him look even more rebellious.

Qin Huaisu exchanged glances with her, and spoke first, glanced at Gu Han next to him indifferently, and smiled softly at Jiang Changning, “Is this the guest who came to stay overnight?”

Jiang Changning choked, and although he didn’t understand why he pretended not to know, he still acted cooperatively and subconsciously said: “It’s suddenly raining today and it’s inconvenient to travel, so I rashly asked for a place to stay. I’m really sorry for bothering you.” .”

Qin Huaisu took off the coir raincoat on his body, shook off his body, entered the room and sat down next to Jiang Changning’s side, his hands hidden under the table naturally intertwined with her fingers, but he showed a little indifference in front of him: “This No matter what, guests are welcome.”

His palm was very hot, and he held Jiang Changning’s cold fingers tightly, as if he was afraid that she would run away.

Jiang Changning shook his head helplessly. She wanted to struggle but found that she couldn’t get rid of it. She looked at the old woman next to her and was relieved when she saw that she didn’t notice his behavior.

She looked up at the sky outside. There were dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and heavy rain pouring down. The dark clouds in the sky enveloped the entire land like black clouds, making the already dark sky even darker.

In such a heavy rainy weather, fortunately, he came out of the forest now. If he stayed in the dark mountain forest again, what would happen to Jiang Changning?

Since Qin Huaisu entered the door, Gu Han stared at him, his eyes were not even half warm.

He turned his head to look at Jiang Changning and said in a very friendly tone, “Madam, why don’t we go to bed earlier when it’s getting late?”

The old woman listened to the conversation between the two, then secretly glanced at Qin Huaisu, and said dryly, “Girl, if you don’t mind tonight, would you like to stay in my room temporarily?”

Anyway, you can’t live with the man who came with you.

Obviously knowing that Gu Han was provoking intentionally, Qin Huaisu couldn’t help but squeeze Jiang Changning’s hand tightly under the table.

He looked at Jiang Changning affectionately, with a seeming frivolity: “Why is it so troublesome, my room is the best in this house, the little lady should live in my room, why not go to other places wronged her.”

Gu stood up from his seat angrily, with a gloomy face, looking at Qin Huaisu with viper-like malice in his eyes. He had already recognized this person’s identity, and wanted to see how long he would pretend, but he didn’t expect this person to be so shameless that he became addicted to acting here.

Jiang Changning suffered slight pain from the force on his hands, but he still meekly let him interlock his fingers, his eyes were full of Qin Huaisu’s appearance, and he only softly snorted “Don’t make trouble.”

With just this one sentence, Qin Huaisu lowered his eyelids obediently like a large dog whose hair has been patted down, and he loosened his hands belatedly and gently rubbed them for her.

Jiang Changning’s eyes were a little blue, Qin Huaisu felt sorry for her because she must have suffered so much and didn’t sleep well these days, so he hurriedly asked someone to take her to rest.

“Come with me, girl.”

The old woman was shocked by the wink, and called Jiang Changning into the house to rest.

Qin Huaisu squeezed her hand comfortingly and lifted her chin, “Go.”

Jiang Changning glanced at him reliantly, then said something softly, and obediently followed the old woman away.

Qin Huaisu kept watching the figure disappear from sight, then he suppressed his smile and turned around to look at Gu Han as if he were a dead thing.

Receiving this look, Gu Han no longer concealed it, and confronted Qin Huaisu across a square table, with the same cold expression on his face.

Looking at each other, he suddenly bent his lips as if recalling something happy, and said provocatively, “I didn’t expect to see His Royal Highness Banquet here, but it’s a pity that you came late, Jiang Changning and I were there It is really a good memory to spend so many days together in the forest day and night, what should have happened and what should not have happened has happened.”

Although Qin Huaisu knew that Gu Han only said these words to provoke him, his arm still had a vein swell unconsciously. He couldn’t tolerate anyone making up Jiang Changning’s affairs in a frivolous tone.

“It’s just a puddle of mud and you dare to dream of fishing for the moon. Who do you think Chang Ning is? Even if she closes her eyes, she won’t look at you more.”

Qin Huaisu’s tone was calm and composed, as if he was as sure as he was at the scene, his certainty deeply hurt Gu Han. What Qin Huaisu said was right, Jiang Changning never looked him in the eye from the beginning to the end, she was always fearful and defensive, and never trusted him.

The majestic heavy rain outside hit the ground and made a deep pit, rustling, and a thunderbolt broke the atmosphere in the room. I don’t know who made the move first. The square table between the two was split from the middle, and there was a crisp sound. Qin Huaisu and Gu Han had already engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

Gu Han dodged a flying kick from Qin Huaisu, and what he was holding in his mobile phone was the dagger that Qin Huaisu had given Jiang Changning for self-defense. If you freeze, you know that it has something to do with Qin Huaisu, so you use this to say, “Yan Wang, don’t deceive yourself anymore, Changning and I are destined to be so close that you can guess at will. I knew we were married in a previous life.” , I have lived two lifetimes with her, we are the destined companions.”

Qin Huaisu’s expression didn’t change when he heard the words, and with skillful strength, he kicked sideways and pointed at Gu Han’s face, kicked the dagger in his hand before he kept retreating and evading in time, and hit him hard in the heart.

Seeing the person lying on his back on the ground and having difficulty breathing, Qin Huaisu picked up the dagger and wiped it with the sleeve of his sleeve Shi Ran said, “Speaking nonsense, but the neck doesn’t hurt anymore?”

He held the dagger to restrain Gu Han’s gestures back and forth on his neck, the cold front of the knife tip stimulated Gu Han to tremble unconsciously, and the hairs on his skin stood up.

(end of this chapter)

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