Shock! The Real Daughter Made the Transmigrator Girl Cry

Chapter 194

Chapter 194 – Three People’S Secret

Chapter 194 The Secret of Three People

Gu Han still didn’t understand the deep meaning of Qin Huaisu’s words, he only thought that he was going to kill himself. He hooked the corner of his mouth involuntarily and provocatively.

Skills are not as good as others, just admit it. It’s not a loss to disgust him before he dies.

Qin Huaisu patted his face with his hands, not hard but full of insult. He looked at Gu Han with a few strange smiles on his face: “Is it because this king cut off your head in the last life, so that you will not grow any brains in this life? Gu Han, if I kill you once, I will kill you naturally.” Your second time. What you are proud of is nothing to this king.”

Qin Huaisu understood every sentence clearly, but Gu Han felt that he didn’t understand a single word.

He looked at Qin Huaisu in a daze, and the smile completely froze on his face.

Qin Huaisu admired Gu Han’s broken expression with satisfaction, the secret he was proud of was no longer exclusive between him and Jiang Changning.

Qin Huaisu is not only clear about the events of the previous life, but even in this life, he has fulfilled his wish and embraced the beauty.

Gu Han’s canthus was about to burst into anger, and he bent his finger towards Qin Huaisu’s eyes like lightning. Qin Huaisu didn’t give him extra time to raise the dagger to slit his throat, and the blade pressed against the throbbing carotid artery, causing tremors.

Seeing that the knife was about to fall, Qin Huaisu remembered Jiang Changning’s words before he left, “Don’t kill him, it’s still useful to keep it.” He moved the knife away again, and it fell vertically on Gu Han’s right hand. superior.


His right hand was cut off horizontally from the wrist. Under the severe pain, Gu Han couldn’t restrain himself from letting out a shrill scream. But his scream did not alarm Jiang Changning, and was finally drowned in the rolling thunder.

Worried about disturbing Jiang Changning, Qin Huaisu found a rag and stuffed it into Gu Han’s mouth ruthlessly, then tied him up and threw him into the woodshed without doing anything.

Perhaps because he knew that this was Qin Huaisu’s place, Jiang Changning had a rare good sleep.

The raindrops outside the window hit the window slats densely, and there were bursts of thunder from time to time, and the quilt covered was slightly damp because of the weather. Jiang Changning folded his clothes and lay down under the quilt, unconsciously fell into a deep sleep due to various sounds, and when he woke up, he met Qin Huaisu’s eyes.

His eyes were dark and he didn’t know how long he had been guarding in front of the bed.

“Wake up.” Qin Huaisu’s voice was very soft, he reached out to touch Jiang Changning’s warm face from sleep, and rubbed the end of her eyes affectionately.

Jiang Changning knew that Qin Huaisu’s appearance here must be a sign that the border war was going well, but she couldn’t help but reached out and touched the scar on his forehead, her heart was wrinkled into a ball, the wound was so close to the eyes, how dangerous it must have been at that time.

A wordless tacit understanding and warmth lingered between the two, and neither of them spoke again. So many concerns, misses, worries… are all revealed in the affectionate eyes.

Qin Huaisu’s condition is not particularly good, the bloodshot eyes under his eyes cannot be concealed, and there is a short green stubble on his chin.

Jiang Changning scraped his chin with his hand, and the short green stubble tickled her palm. She moved her body into the bed, leaving half of the bedside.

The rain outside the window gradually subsided, the rain was pattering, and it was still dark, Qin Huaisu took off his shoes, put on his clothes, got into bed and lay down on the place Jiang Changning vacated. Under him was the warm bed covered by the little girl, and there was a soft body beside him.

The bed was not big, and there was a narrow gap between the two of them lying straight, no one crossed that line again, only one pair of hands tightly holding each other under the quilt.

No one knew what kind of mood Qin Huaisu felt when he learned that Jiang Changning fell off the cliff and his life was unknown. He only felt that there was a dead silence between the world and the earth, and there was no other sound in his ears, and he almost forgot to breathe.

He dropped everything at hand, led two teams of private soldiers and ran off to kill an unknown number of horses, and never closed his eyes to rest from day to night.

Except for two people who were sent to guard outside the forest, the rest of the people followed him into the forest to search and search. When he received the letter, he had just seen the dead bodies of wild wolves, and he felt a thousand reluctances in his heart. Thinking about guessing, fortunately, finally, he finally saw Jiang Changning who was safe and intact again.

Both of them were exhausted. At this moment, the person who missed them was by their side, and finally they were willing to close their eyes and have a good sleep. The candles flickered in the air and burned until dawn.

Jiang Mansion is almost in chaos.

It’s just going out to escape the heat, so there are no people there.

Hong Xing and Jiang Changyuan came back with tears in their eyes and reported that Jiang Changning and Shen Yao accidentally ran into a pack of wolves when they went up the mountain to view the scenery. Shen Yao was seriously injured. After she finished speaking, Mother Jiang fainted when she heard Jiang Changning falling off the cliff.

This is gouging out her heart.

Jiang’s mother was lying on the couch, resting on a bowl of ginseng soup. The tears in the corners of her eyes had never dried up, and she washed her face with tears all day long.

She blamed herself, if it wasn’t for her, Jiang Changning wouldn’t have gone to Nao Shizi’s summer resort, let alone encounter this disaster!

Poor Jiang Changning has been suffering from disasters in recent days, and has not lived in peace, and now he has fallen off the cliff again. The Qingfeng Mountain is so high, and there are tall trees and dense forests at the bottom of the mountain, wolves, tigers and leopards, there is no hope of survival.

Jiang Changyuan also cried. If they hadn’t rested in the house because of Wangyingya’s distraction that day, they would never have encountered wolves. Hong Xing blamed herself so much that she couldn’t sleep at night. She should stop her young lady, how could she let her lead away the wolves…

Jiang Changbai even invited officers and soldiers to look for people at the bottom of Yingying Cliff overnight, but the deep forests are lush and inaccessible, where is the place where you can find people if you want to find them.

Jiang Mansion was shrouded in a thick layer of low air pressure, and everyone who entered and exited looked very solemn and sad.

It was a few days later when the news reached Jiang Luo’s ears. There was no news since the person fell off the cliff, so there must be no bones left and no anger. I secretly smiled.

Jiang Changning has repeatedly opposed her, and this time it can be regarded as God opened his eyes and gave her retribution.

【The host should not let down his vigilance. The system cannot detect Jiang Changning’s location and situation due to lack of energy, but her son of luck, judging from the stability of today’s Taoist order, she should not be dead yet. 】

The system sensed Jiang Luo’s secret joy and slackness, and issued a reminder.

“It doesn’t matter. Even if she is not dead now, she can’t last long at the bottom of the cliff without eating or drinking. Besides, as long as there is no news of her survival, this person’s life and death will still be unknown.”

Jiang Luo was a little unconcerned, she was now focusing more on how to cover up this unwarranted child, Mrs. Gu was very concerned about this child, she called the doctor over every three days to check the pulse, and then dragged on. Not to mention whether it is revealed or not, the system probably doesn’t have the energy to help cover it up.

Not to mention the unpalatable and messy tonic, the black chicken soup stewed with no spices, the big tonic soup, the nose is covered with ginger, and I can’t drink it. This waist is not because of pregnancy, but also looks fat and pregnant. .

Back then, in order to enter Gu’s mansion, she made a nonsense statement about being pregnant, but she didn’t expect it to be so troublesome. It would take countless lies to cover up one lie. Jiang Luo is really a little powerless, and she doesn’t want to continue pretending, she has to find an excuse to get rid of this child reasonably.

Jiang Luo turned her mind, remembering the chess piece she kept and hadn’t used it, she called Yun Jin and whispered a few words in her ear.

It was a dreamless night, and when Jiang Changning woke up, he was curled up in Qin Huaisu’s arms.

Blushing, she hurriedly backed away, and the man’s clear low smile came from her ear.

Although the two love each other for life, but after all, they are not married yet, and we slept together with him yesterday because of special circumstances, and now it is clear today Jiang Changning pursed his lips and suppressed his thumping heartbeat and sat up on the bed stand up.

Qin Huaisu came here and dumped a lot of things in his hands. Now that Jiang Changning has been successfully found, he should go back and continue to preside over the war between Dasheng and Xining.

The two sides are now in the truce stage. The struggle between the two armies is a bitter battle for the soldiers. There are countless casualties and the people are in dire straits. It is not impossible to have peace with Xining. This car brought Princess Xining back to the pilgrimage for peace talks. Unexpectedly, I heard the news from my own people halfway through the trip, and arranged for other people to **** Princess Xining, regardless of etiquette. He himself rode his horse and galloped straight to Qingfeng Villa.

After some breakfast, Qin Huaisu has recalled all the soldiers who were looking for people in the mountains and forests. After the inventory was completed, some people were sent back to suppress Gu Han, and the other two people were left with him to send Jiang Changning back to the Jiang Mansion.

Few people know that Qin Huaisu returned to Beijing, let alone went to Qingfeng Villa to find Jiang Changning.

So when she learned that Jiang Changning had returned home, Jiang’s mother, who was still crying, froze for a moment before she realized it.

She squeezed the veil tightly and couldn’t believe it. She looked at the beaming mother and asked tremblingly again: “What did you say? Changning is back?”


Nurse Mama’s firm answer reassured Mother Jiang, she quickly put on her shoes and urged, “Quick! Quick! Take me to see Changning!”

“Slave maid will help you out now.” Mammy hurriedly helped Mother Jiang out of the door. Mother Jiang was weak, and she was a little unsteady when she walked out of the door. Fortunately, the nanny helped her in time.

Jiang Changning went back to the mansion, naturally, he ran to Jiang’s mother’s yard first, and the two happened to bump into each other at the hanging flower gate.

Looking at Jiang Changning, who had lost a lot of weight and had scars on his face, Mother Jiang couldn’t help but cry.

From the moment she learned that she had fallen into a dead end, to the moment when the girl from the Shen family was wounded by wolves and was dying of blood, her heart was tightly clenched and she never let go. Although sometimes there is a glimmer of hope, to say something disrespectful, how could Changning die so easily with Feng Ming in his body?

But as time went by, the hope in her heart disappeared.

Now that Jiang Changning came back safely, he was naturally overjoyed, cried for a long while, and recited several times of Bodhisattva’s blessing.

Knowing that Jiang Changning has returned to the mansion, Jiang Changyuan and Hong Xing hurried to find him. Everyone’s eyes were red, and they cried head to head again.

After crying, several people went to the flower hall to talk. Mother Jiang ordered ginseng tea to be served, dismissed the servants, and asked Jiang Changning to sit beside her.

She looked at Jiang Changning lovingly, as if she couldn’t get enough of it. After he calmed down a bit, he asked, “My son, how did you come here after so many days after you fell into the sky?”

Hong Xing was tearful and blamed herself very much, Jiang Changyuan also stood next to Jiang Changning and looked at her with good eyes.

Jiang Changning thought for a while, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, he was attacked by wolves and rescued by Qin Huaisu together with Gu Han.

But if everything is concealed, it is obviously not convincing. In the end, I had to think about it and said: “I fell into the sky that day, but there was a turbulent river below, and the river saved my life. When I woke up, it had already been washed ashore.”

ah? ! “Mother Jiang exclaimed when she heard the words.

“Mother, don’t worry too much, my daughter has returned safely.”

Jiang Changning looked at the worried expression on his mother’s face and comforted him, but secretly sighed in his heart. If it was the river that saved him, it would be better to say that it was Gu Han.

Before she fell into a coma, Jiang Changning remembered clearly the hand that was around her waist in the water.

The river was so turbulent at that time, Gu Han appeared in time and rescued her.

If this matter is done by others, I’m afraid they won’t be able to do it. After all, the turbulence is too fierce, even Gu Han, who has a strong martial arts skill, will have to spend a lot of effort to do it.

However, Gu Han hated himself so much in two lifetimes, he didn’t want to let himself die like this, and wanted to live to torture and vent his hatred, Jiang Changning thought it made sense.

She wouldn’t let go of her guard against Gu Han because of his half-month care. After all, if it wasn’t because of Gu Han, she wouldn’t be in such a miserable situation.

Hearing what Jiang Changning said, Mother Jiang’s hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

“Okay, okay, just come back. Just come back.”

“Mother, don’t worry! I’m back.”

Jiang Changning patted Mother Jiang on the back and comforted her.

Although Jiang Changyuan sat quietly, her eyes were very sharp. She seemed to have seen something, and grabbed Jiang Changning’s hand. After seeing the thin calluses and scars on her palm, a tear fell down.

“Big sister, you have suffered.”

Jiang Changning saw several people with red and swollen eyes and the tendency to cry, and quickly comforted and explained that it was inevitable to suffer some injuries while looking for food in the woods. Besides, being injured by a wolf, one’s own strength is nothing.

Speaking of wolves, Jiang Changning thought of Shen Yao again. She was scratched by a wolf in the abdomen, and she didn’t know how her injury was now.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but asked worriedly: “Mother, how is Shen Yao during my absence? Is there anything else?”

“She hurt her abdomen. The palace got a letter and pointed to the imperial physician for diagnosis and treatment. She thought that there should be no serious problems now. It’s just that the girl’s stomach was hurt, and she was afraid of dying in the future—”

When Shen Yao was mentioned, Mother Jiang also had a dignified look.

Jiang Changning decided to visit Shen’s mansion by himself. Now that Qin Huaisu has returned to Beijing, as long as the two countries cease the war and make peace, Shen Dong and Old General Shen should also come back soon.

While Jiang Changning was worried about Shen Yao, Jiang Luo outside the mansion was doing another thing.

With a piece of candied fruit in her mouth, she leaned comfortably on the pillow. Yun Jin was kneeling on the ground and beating her legs, she was still talking with her hands on the side.

(end of this chapter)

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