Shokugeki no Imitation Chef

Chapter 329 - The perfect blend of spices vs original flavor

“Oh? Before you talk about it, do you have a crush on me? Hahaha … This guy still loves gossip so much! Hahaha …”

At this moment, suddenly Ichiro’s voice came.

Shiomirun was startled!

Before Ye Shanliang concealed him from Shimirun because of various reasons, he joined the “central gastronomy agency”, so he excused a new plant that could be used as a spice in the Balkan Peninsula, and Shiomirun Go away …

Shi see-run is not always good at socializing, so no one except Ye Shanliang can contact her!

If it was n’t for Shimirun who happened to be in the food magazine and saw the finals of the “Top Ten Seats Competition” at Yuanyue Academy, and found that Ye Shanliang was confused on the “Central Food Authority” side, I am afraid it is still there did not return!

And after she came back, she just inquired about the game, so she did not know that during the “qualifier”, Cheng Yilang appeared, and she did not know that Cheng Yilang was actually at Jixingliao …

However, Cheng Yilang’s “incomprehensible” did not change at all. After hearing what Shimirun and everyone were saying, he ran over and said so.

“Cai, Cai, Caibo Senior? What secret crush! It was all that guy from Nakamura!” Shimirun said quickly.

In fact, Shi Jianrun didn’t know his own. At that time, he was not considered “nonsense”, but he still denied it first.

“Huh? Yeah, that guy from Nakamura was nonsense from the beginning?” Cheng Yilang didn’t seem to notice anything.

“That’s right, that’s it! Senior Scholar Caibo always forced me to eat those unpleasant things! The most annoying thing was Senior Scholar Caibo!” Shimirun sat down on the matter quickly.

What surprised her even more was that she seemed to have nothing more special about him besides worrying about what “secret love gossip” he believed in, and complaining about tasting “dark dishes” many times after seeing Ichiro again. ‘S emotions …

“It turned out to be the case, but … I won’t need to emphasize anything to the Yi-shi seniors over the victory over Ye Shan! But after winning, how should I persuade Ye Shan, then …” The ringer must be the one who answers the bell! ” Xingping Chuangzhen said.

“Ah! Chuangzhen actually speaks with allusions. It’s worthy of being the ten masters! 咻咻” You Ji coaxed aside.

“My sense of presence is low enough, don’t black me …”

Xi Jianrun thought about it for a moment, and then said, “I understand! Bright personality … Only after losing can you listen to what others say. As long as the students of the same color can win him, leave it to me later. ! But … the coach wo n’t fire him? “

At the end of the meeting, Shimirun was worried again …

“Relax, as long as Ye Shan withdraws from the central gourmet agency, the old man will not be bothered by them!” Said Cheng Yilang.

“Huh, what Senior City Ichiro said, you can’t hear it!” Xi Jianrun said, turning her head.


As a result, the next morning, Shimirun started to have a high fever. Although she forced her to go to the stadium, she was eventually stopped by Ryoko and others. Finally, Ryoko and Yuki left to take care of Xijianrun. After all, she had already walked Unsteady walk.

However, the game time is from 10 o’clock to 1 o’clock in the afternoon. The antipyretic medicine must be effective. If Xi Jianrun’s condition is good, you can take her to the stadium to see the end before 1 o’clock in the afternoon …

“Hello, fellow students! I can see everyone every day recently, and Kawashima is so happy!” Rei Kawashima is still the master of the competition.

After more than half a month of sucking powder, Kawashima Rei also has more than half of his fans in his life!

After all, the difference between the male and female ratios of “Yuanyue Academy” is still very obvious, so Kawashima Rena, popular with boys, will always be a fan …

“In the fourth game of the ten-seater finals, the former ten-jie Yi Sehui, against the two-year-old” Spices Your Son “Ye Shanliang! The title” Lamb “, the time limit is three hours, and the cooking begins!”

At the same time, Yuki and Ryoko in Pole Star Liao are still taking care of Shimirun who has fallen ill. In order to give Shimirun a good rest, even Dawu’s proposal to record and broadcast on the scene has been rejected.

“That … I feel I’m much better. Let’s go … cough cough cough …” Shimirun said barely.

“Let’s lie back! What’s better, you are still steaming!” Ryoko pressed her back.

“Xiao Xi see a good rest! When we are about to end, we will go again.”

In just one night, “Professor Shimi” became “Xiaoxi” in Yuki’s mouth.

It can be seen that Shi Jianrun is really tired, and he fell asleep soon, but the biological clock was surprisingly accurate. After 12 o’clock, he woke up on time …

“Ah! Bright …” Xi Jianrun suddenly exclaimed, and then sat up.

Youji and Ryoko hurried over and looked for her, then asked: “Xiao Xi, what’s wrong? Did you have a nightmare?”

“It seems that the fever has gone down, I’ll go get a thermometer to confirm …” Ryoko continued.

“Well, it’s not burning anymore! Let’s go to the stadium quickly!” Shiomirun said immediately.

Ryoko and Yuki glanced at each other, and then agreed, Ryoko riding Shimirun to the stadium …

“Trouble everyone … In other words … Is this a children’s chair?” Shimirun sat in the back seat with embarrassment.

“Don’t care about the details!”

In the blink of an eye, it was already 12:45, and when the three of them came in, they just caught up with the two parties.

The first step is Ye Shanliang …

“The title is ‘mutton’, right? Look at Ye Shanliang’s plate … that’s French lamb chops? It feels a bit ordinary.” Ryoko said looking at Ye Shanliang’s dish.

“No, that should be … lamb chops of wild black goats!” You Ji said suddenly.

As a cooking expert for wild and semi-wild animals, You Ji can see Ye Shanliang’s lamb chops at a glance, not ordinary sheep meat!

It has been mentioned before that because of historical reasons, the island countries introduced mutton very late, so until modern times, islanders have no habit of eating mutton.

From the point of view of annual consumption, the island country consumes millions of tons of chicken, beef and pork, and mutton is only tens of thousands of tons. Among them, Hokkaido is the main consumption, usually Chinatown and Western restaurants, only lamb dishes At the same time, a small amount of lamb is also sold in the supermarket, mostly imported from Australia …

Most of the lamb exported from Australia is lamb, and wild goats are pests that need to be killed.

As for the birthplace of “French lamb chops”, goats eat less meat in the West and goat breeding is very rare. After all, it was once regarded as a symbol of “demon” by Westerners. In the religious sense, goats are more important than sheep. It also represents a group of people who have not been saved.

The cuisine with the closest proportion of goat meat and sheep meat in the world is Chinese cuisine. In Chinese cuisine, the lamb usually used in soup and stew is goat meat, and the lamb roll used in frying and hot pot is sheep. Meat, from the perspective of annual production, China’s goat meat is not much less than sheep meat!

“Goat? Why …” Ryoko questioned.

Ye Shanliang’s cuisine is obviously Western-style, and the five judges are Dojima Silver, Rising Yue Chao, Oizumi Persimmon’s Advance, Kakata Shige’s Advance, and Kikuji Garden Fruit …

Although the five people are all professional foodies or star chefs, their taste tends to be more comprehensive than ordinary islanders, but no matter what you think, there is no need to use goat meat?

“Not only goat meat, but also the meaty color, texture, fat division … absolutely nothing wrong, it is the meat of wild black goat!” You Ji gestured a telescope gesture with his hand, towards Ye Shanliang’s cuisine The lamb left on the stage looked over.

“Wild black goat meat? Is there anything special?” Ryoko asked.

“Usually, the mutton flavor of lamb is heavier than that of beef and pork, which is one of the reasons why most islanders are not used to eating mutton in their daily lives … And the mutton flavor of goat meat is better than sheep!

And the wild goat meat has a meat texture close to that of beef, and the taste will be heavier than that of goats! Therefore, in Australia, when wild goats are flooding, in order to protect the ecological environment, even the cremation and burial methods after hunting and killing are used to deal with wild goats! “Yu Ji said.

It can be seen that in the eyes of many people, wild goat meat should not appear in the recipe at all!

but now……

“No, Liang Liang, he can control the wild black goat … No, to be precise, only the wild goat meat in the lamb can make Liang exert his real strength!” Xi Jianrun said.

Indeed, looking at Ye Shanliang’s cooking table, in addition to the remaining goat meat, as well as the chemical laboratory, various test tubes, spice powders and juices in beakers, he knows his spice skills, compared with the previous grade assessment A lot has been improved!

I even saw alcohol lamps and thermometers on it …

It seems that each fragrance will be purely heated to the corresponding temperature before use?

There are many other small kitchen utensils that are heated separately, as if these spices are the protagonists, you need to gradually cook them!

“This … those things are used to process spices?”

“Yes, the pre-treatment before spice cooking, Liang has been studying this during the holidays.” Shimirun said.

“Pretreatment before cooking?”

“In fact, we usually do the same when we use spices. For example, if we use garlic in the stew, we will fry the garlic in a pan with a small amount of oil, and then add water to stew … but the research on Liang is more detailed! From the star chef’s point of view, the spice is also used directly, and he will also carry out the corresponding pretreatment to ensure that its fragrance can be fully stimulated before use! “Shimirun said.

“Will it be much different?” Ryoko asked.

But the answer to her this time was not Shi Jianrun, but the performance of the five judges!

I saw five people move their knives and forks and cut off the “French lamb chops” in front of them. They all showed shocked expressions …

Even the mutton is contained in the mouth without chewing.

The expression gradually changed from shock to intoxication. After a long time, she started to chew, and every time she chewed, she stopped to taste it, and finally it was just this piece of lamb, which actually took two or three minutes to swallow!

And the first thing after that was not a comment, but a piece was cut into the mouth and repeated three times before speaking.

“The control of the heat is very good, the meat is similar to the goat meat of the beef, and the grilled is like a real steak!”

“Yes, the fat content of goat meat is much lower than that of sheep meat, so if it is fried, it usually gives the feeling of” old “…”

“But Ye Shan ’s lamb chops … I get it! When pickling in advance, the fat extracted from the visceral fat of the sheep was used? In this way, a part of the goat oil penetrated, while preserving the flavor of the wild goat, It also ensures that the meat is soft and tender, and the fat content is increased in disguise! “

The judges’ words gradually caused everyone’s doubts.

Ye Shanliang is famous for “spices”, especially the previous judges. Obviously, he is also most satisfied with the taste of this “French lamb chops”. Why now he says nothing about spices?

I saw the five judges also hesitated, and then said: “Perfect.”

“Yes, the use of spices is perfect!”

“Whether it’s the spices used in marinating, the spices used in grilling, or the final sauce …”

“All show Ye Shan’s attainments in spices, there is nothing worth valuing!”

In the auditorium, many people, Samsung chefs or great foodies, flashed four words of spice essence in their hearts!

It seems that Ye Shanliang is very likely to already have a complete “spice essence”!

Combined with Shang Ye Shanliang’s spice usage skills and knowledge, it is terrifying in terms of taste …

Probably now it has overtaken Liu Pengxing, who has not yet mastered the “spiritual essence”, and is able to make a better use of spices.

Even among all the cooks who have mastered the “spicy essence”, Ye Shanliang can be at the forefront in this respect. Only when Liu Pengxing has the “spicy essence” can he be used in the use of spices!

Is there any difference in the use of spices for cooks who also have “spice essence”?

Of course there is!

Liu Lousan also explained before that the so-called “spiritual essence” is the substantive realization of “inspiration” in cooking …

Inspiration, that is, Liu Pengxing’s ability to spice up to now, is completely compensated by his skill and computing power. Ye Shanliang is born with spice and has extraordinary inspiration.

Therefore, Liu Lousan will be interested in Liu Pengxing ’s ability to possess a “spiritual essence”, which is equivalent to the combination of the “extravagant” skills and the strongest inspiration beyond the limits of ordinary humans!

And now Ye Shanliang, while inspiring with natural spices, has not relaxed his tempering of his skills, unlike many talented cooks who have possessed the essence of the spirit early, and in the corresponding skills , But it is a weakness …

The essence of the spirit can also be said to be an ordinary cook, and can also have “super perception”, that is, “super inspiration” and “super sixth sense”, but unlike the super five senses, “super inspiration” is divided into various aspects in detail The spirit of God.

As for how to integrate multiple essences into the “super inspiration”, it is the question that Chef Long has to consider …

“Oh! Ye Shan classmates played so well and really put a lot of pressure on me as a senior!” Hui Yihui said with a smile.

At the same time, seeing that the judges have finished tasting, Yi Se Hui also presented his dishes!

Unlike Ye Shanliang, Yi Caihui’s dishes were presented in a casserole. After the judges opened the lid of the small casserole in front of them, they found that there was a boneless lamb chops in a milky soup.

“Oh? Is it also lamb chops?”

“But Ye Shan’s lamb chops that I just tasted … cough, although it shouldn’t be said, it really feels like the limit of ‘lamb chops’.”

“Wait, the taste of this casserole … it smells good too!” The judges spoke before they tasted it.

“I think it’s better to talk after tasting!” Yuan Guo said weakly.

Ye Shanliang asked Yi Shihui at this time: “Have you already tried it? How about my fried lamb chops?”

“Well, it’s excellent, I also prepared a casserole of mutton for you.” Yi Sehui smiled still.

“嘁! I have already tasted my” sautéed lamb chops “, do you still have the confidence to say so? Are you using ordinary lamb?” Ye Shanliang asked.

“Not ordinary! This was obtained by the classmate Mito who helped me, and the top Australian top lamb steak was cut out! Very expensive!” Yi Shi Hui quite kind of sell cute.

“You know I didn’t mean that! Although it’s expensive, it’s just” precious “ordinary lamb, right?”

“It’s okay to say so.”

“Then you should understand that you have no chance of winning? Our topic is” Lamb Cuisine “. Ordinary lamb can not be in the” lamb “flavor. I use more than 27 kinds of spices, each of which will completely separate the fragrance. After the guided treatment, the ‘spicy lamb chops’ with marinade, frying sauce and sauce are combined! “Ye Shanliang said.

“Who knows.” Yi Sehui didn’t mean to worry.

At this moment, the judges also used spoons and chopsticks to taste Yishihui’s casserole …

In Ye Shanliang’s heart, he was still nagging: ordinary lamb can’t beat me! The same is true for seniors of the same color! But … he has tasted my food, why is he still so confident?

“What?” Ye Shanliang exclaimed suddenly, because he saw the five judges swallowing the boneless lamb chops in the casserole, and the spoons were sent to the mouth all the time!

“Ye Shan, I have already tasted your dishes. If I were a judge … I will vote for me!” Yi Sehui turned to Ye Shanliang while taking advantage of the taste of the judges.

At this moment Yi Shihui’s eyes flashed the companions of Jixingliao, the “serious” brilliance that he had never seen before!

Although Yi Sehui sometimes had a duel with a man who ate halberd or privately, but they all won the light and flirt, and did not feel that he came up with something that he was good at, but this time his eyes were completely different!

“This, this taste …”

“It seems that the use of spices is deliberately controlled in the cooking, but the” original flavor “is more prominent!”

“The most outstanding thing is not any kind of spice! It is exactly the opposite of Ye Shan’s cooking …”

“This taste … if you must describe it. That’s right … it’s” fresh “!”

“Wait … Xian? If I say that, I get it! It’s fish meat, there’s fish flavor in this soup! Do you use fish soup to cook lamb chops?”

“No, it’s not just fish soup. It’s lamb’s fish … but should it be ‘fish’s lamb?” Said Dojima Yin with a smile of appreciation.

“Yangfang Tibetan Fish? Ah! It is the famous dish in that Chinese cuisine, known as the first dish in” Ancient Chinese Cuisine “!” Rising Yue suddenly remembered something.

“Wait a minute, I have also tasted the lamb’s Tibetan fish, but because of the flavor of the lamb and the fish, it can’t be truly fused, so it’s just the first dish in the ancient Chinese cuisine … but this one …”

While the judges were discussing something, Mito Yumei was puzzled.

As an expert in meat dishes, she suddenly heard of a seemingly famous lamb dish ~ ~ She didn’t know what was going on, she immediately asked: “Lamb recipe fish? The first dish of ancient Chinese cuisine What do you mean … “

I didn’t think about it until halfway after asking, Liu Pengxing was not here!

Fortunately, although Liu Pengxing is not there, Cheng Yilang, a wandering chef, naturally has a deep understanding of Chinese cuisine. He introduces it as follows: “Lamb recipe fish … from the original recipe, it should have been more than four thousand years. History … “

“Four thousand years?”

“Yes, think of the word” fresh “in hiragana! The hiragana of” fresh “comes from Chinese characters, left fish and right sheep … When the ancestors of the Chinese nation created the characters, the original meaning was that the lamb and the fish were combined , Can be called ‘fresh’! And the lamb’s Tibetan fish is the expression of ‘fresh’. The original recipe is to cut the lamb open, stuff the fish into it, and cook together …

There is also a similar “fish bite sheep”, which is stuffed with lamb in the belly of the fish to cook. The original recipe of “fish bite sheep” has been born for more than two thousand years.

After thousands of years of development, the fish and sheep cooking recipes have become more and more mature, but some problems have gradually been exposed, that is, although the two kinds of meat are very delicious, it can be really delicious, but it is really If you want to keep improving, it is difficult! After all, there are two kinds of meat, and they are both meat that can be used as a main course, and the taste is difficult to reconcile.

So in Chinese restaurants, although the frequency of lamb fish and fish bite sheep is not small, it rarely appears as a signature dish, because it is too difficult to blend the two umami flavors … “

“Wait!” Fish bite sheep “is lamb held in the belly of the fish. Why did the senior of Tangdao say” fish side Tibetan sheep “? Does he not know” fish bite sheep? “

“Impossible … It should be that he tasted something else.” Seiichiro said affirmatively. (To be continued.)

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