Shokugeki no Imitation Chef

Chapter 330 - history

The legendary ancient chef Xu Ling from 7000 years ago created eight “legendary kitchen utensils” using the meteorite …

However, whether Xu Ling exists or not, and whether it is 7000 years ago, has long been unknown.

Among the Chinese cuisines, it is the “Peng Zu” who is the same period as Yao Shun who has historical records and is regarded as “the first professional chef in history”.

It is said that Peng Zu Shou is 800, but there is also a saying that Peng Zu, the leader of the country, has died for 800 years, and it is not Peng Zu ’s own 800 …

However, Peng Zu is indeed the originator of Chinese cuisine, and the originator of health is recorded in the annals of history!

Peng Zu’s “Pheasant Soup” is the first time that Chinese cuisine has a “cooking” guiding theory.

“Yangfang Tibetan Fish” is the recipe created by Peng Zu and is also known as the first dish of “Ancient Chinese Cuisine”. Although it was already “Cangjie”, “Xian” was not created by Cangjie One of the characters “” …

According to legend, Peng Zu ’s younger son likes fishing, but Peng Zu is afraid of danger. He is banned from fishing on weekdays. As a result, once his younger son has just returned from fishing, Peng Zu came because he was worried that his father would find that the younger son had jammed the fish. In the lamb, Peng Zu found it delicious after eating it. After understanding the facts, he created the original recipe of “Lamb Fang Fish”.

It is originated from the first famous dish of “Yangfang Tibetan Fish”, which makes people have a deep understanding of fish and sheep for freshness. Since then, the word “fresh” has been used to describe the delicious taste of food!

Coincidentally, 2500 years ago, another person who had a profound influence on Chinese cuisine and even Chinese culture, created a “fish bite sheep” recipe …

This foodie has just put forward the Confucius of “don’t be tired of eating fine, and be fine”.

According to legend, Confucius was dismissed from office. When he traveled around the country and was unable to eat, the disciple asked for some lamb and fish, so Confucius boiled the two together, and found that it was very delicious. From then on, there was a prototype of “fish biting sheep” … …

Both are fish and sheep cooking together, but “Lamb Fang Zang Yu” is to stuff fish meat into the cut lamb, then seal it and stew in “fish soup”, while “fish bites sheep” On the contrary, it is to cut small pieces of lamb into the visceral fish belly, and then simmer in the “lamb soup”.

And Yishihui’s casserole lamb is different from “Yangfang Tibetan Fish” and “Fish Bite Sheep” …

But the principle of mutual reconciliation is the same!

At the moment of the entrance of lamb and soup, the judges even produced a kind of “fresh meat” that did not exist in reality but only appeared in ancient food classics!

“This is a whole piece of fish meat using large fish … well, it should be ‘Sumei fish’? Use the whole piece of fish meat, cut out the gaps, hide the cut lamb chops in it, then seal and cook The result! “Said Dojima Silver.

“It is worthy of Dojima Senior, can you even taste this?” Yi Sehui’s words also confirmed this.

That’s right, unlike “fish biting sheep”, it’s not that the lamb is stuffed into the belly of the fish, but put into the whole piece of fish meat, which is more like “lambda fish” from the process, but the relationship between the inside and the outside is opposite of!

“Su Meiyu … as the largest coral fish, it is indeed possible to cut out the whole piece of fish meat that is full of lamb …”

“And the deep-sea sumei should be used. The smell of deep-sea fish is relatively light, and the sumei has always been known for its tender meat … but the price is also quite expensive. Is it a few hundred dollars for a kilo? The most important thing is , Not easy to buy! “

“But the sense of harmony between the taste of lamb and fish is really intoxicating!”

“Yes, the umami flavors of the two not only blend with each other, but also completely offset the sheepskin and fishy smell …”

“The most important thing is that although a small amount of basic spices are also used in the fish soup, it is the lamb and the fish itself that ultimately achieve this blend.”

“If Ye Shan’s ‘French lamb chops’ are spicy and delicious, then players of the same color’s ‘Fang Fang Zang Yang’ are the flavors of the original ingredients!” The judges lamented.

Cheng Yilang also whispered below: “I can’t think I can achieve this level! Is it true?”

“The fusion of mutton and fish … can it really be done? Nowadays, the senior students still use the cultured sheep and deep-sea fish, both of which are very fishy and smelly! If they were replaced more than 4,000 years ago, Not only are there very few types of spices used, but the fish must be freshwater fish, and the product of the grazing technology is also equivalent to semi-wild sheep. Can the two really merge? “Youji has already merged with the large team at this time.

At the same time, as an expert on wild mountain animal cuisine, Yuji has never been able to understand how to combine lamb and fish. Although the “umami” taste is close, it is only “close”, and it also has a fishy smell and a stale taste. Inadvertently it’s a pot of fishy soup, right?

“There is a debate. It is generally believed that the cooking skills of the ancient times are generally low, and the types of spices and ingredients are also very few.” Cooking “is just just budding. The real development of” cuisine “began in the Middle Ages. Developed in the ancient times, perfected in modern times, and ushered in the second peak after the “great fusion of world cuisine” … the “delicious” at that time should only be relatively speaking. “

“It seems reasonable. In the Chinese cuisine culture circle, the ancients refer from the Three Emperors and Five Emperors to the pre-Qin era? At that time, the processing of ingredients should be still in the stage of white water stew and fire roasting. Judging by modern standards, there should be nothing ‘delicious’. “Ryoko said.

In this world, the “circle cuisine” is used to calibrate the cultural circle. For example, East Asia, which is deeply influenced by the “Chinese cuisine”, belongs to the “Chinese cuisine culture circle”. In the ancient times of the “Chinese cuisine culture circle”, it means It was the period of integration of the Yanhuang tribe, until the unification of the first emperor.

That is, starting from the fusion of “roasting” and “boiling” …

The cooking skills are always restricted by tools. The Yellow Emperor tribe in the upper reaches of the Yellow River Basin, that is, the “earth”, burned pottery from the “earth”, so that “boil” has the birth conditions, and The fire of the Yandi tribe in the middle of the Yellow River, that is, the belief in “flame”, made the fire roasting, carbon roasting, and rock roasting have their initial germination.

After the fusion of the two, the intersection of “roasting” and “boiling” gave “Chinese cuisine” an initial prototype.

Later, in the Spring and Autumn Period, ironware began to be used. In the Qin and Han Dynasties, “iron pan” began to appear, providing a basis for the emergence of “fried”!

Therefore, the ancient times ended from the pre-Qin period, after the emperor ruled the world, and until the Tang and Song dynasties, they were called “middle-aged”, that is, the period when the “fried” civilization sprouted and developed and became the main force of “Chinese cuisine” …

During the Tang Dynasty, because of the opening up and strong national strength, there was a prosperous age of the nations of the world. It was also a period of large quantities of new ingredients and spices. With these foreign ingredients and spices, they began to be introduced, propagated, planted, and The diversity of this “Chinese cuisine” has greatly increased, and it has also opened the “Near Ancient” period.

Then came the modern times marked by the “Great Fusion of World Cuisine” until the 19th century …

As far as the Yanhuang period goes, it belongs to the “Ancient Times”, because there is no word circulation, only some legends are only left, such as the “Ancient Famous Chef Xu Ling” who does not know the true and false …

Therefore, the cooking industry today generally believes that the concept of “delicious” in any ancient and middle-aged period of any cuisine is different from the present!

For example, before the “great fusion of world cuisines”, it is generally believed that ordinary-level cuisine in star restaurants is already a “delicious” rare in the world …

After all, “delicious” is relative. When the overall cooking world is low or even very low, people’s inner expectations will also be lowered.

Therefore, the “old recipes” of any cuisine are either developed together with the times and eventually become “famous dishes”, or because of various reasons, they have not kept up with the development of the times, and gradually “lean the dishes” .

If you simply use “ancient recipes”, such as boiled meat and blanched dishes without any seasoning, no one will eat unless you are willing to lose weight …

“But as Mr. Ichiro said, these things still have‘ arguments ’, and it ’s just‘ usually thought ’to be that way …” Marui Saiji said with a pair of glasses.

“Huh? Sinji, do you have any other insights? Four eyes … If you just find fault, we won’t clean up your room after we meet tonight!” You Ji said.

“… Why did you say it as if you packed it up!”

At the same time, Marui Shinji said, “The reason why there is” argument “is because there are still many cooks who insist that there are some cooking methods that we do not understand in ancient, middle and even ancient times. They With simple ingredients and spices, they can also produce delicious food in a broad sense, but those skills have not been passed down for some reason … “

“Eh? Not scientific! Really have such” advanced “skills, how could it be lost? Even if some are due to war or the like, it doesn’t make sense for all the cuisines in the world, haven’t these skills passed down?” You Ji Questioned.

Ryoko suddenly said, “Wait, Shanji, wouldn’t you be one of these ‘Second’?”

“Cough, although there is no direct evidence, but … we did find it in some ancient books …”

“What do the unclear records show? Some records are originally legends?”

“So I said it was not ‘direct evidence’!”

Regardless of the debate over whether the development of the culinary world is Chonggu or Chongjin, the voting process has already arrived.

In the announcement of Kawashima Rei, the score screen showed the votes of both parties!

5: 0!

Although Yi Shanhui used to say, “If I am a judge, I will vote for me to win”, Ye Shanliang has already felt bad, but when he saw that he did lose, Ye Shanliang was still at a loss …

And it’s not like a bitter defeat of Chunyu You, Ye Shanliang is already a complete defeat of absolute disadvantage!

At this moment, Shimirun yelled at him below: “Bright!”

Ye Shanliang stunned for a while, and when Shi Jianrun actually came, he was undoubtedly caused a double blow, not only lost, but also saw his own fiasco by the person who did not want to be seen …

“I jump …” Xi Jianrun whispered for herself, then jumped out from the first row of the auditorium.

I saw Xi Jianrun hurriedly hurried towards the stadium and ran to Ye Shanliang.

When Ye Shanliang was approaching, his arms were swept backwards, and his steps were similar to running!


That’s right, it’s not “pop”, but “bang”!

Seeing that Xi Jianrun wanted to give Ye Shanliang a “breaking face palm”, after all, he was very weak, slipped on his feet, and fell on the field in the classic fall posture of kindergarten children!

The audience under the field couldn’t help but a silence …

It was Ye Shanliang who first responded and squatted down quickly to help see Fuxi.

“Run! How about it? Didn’t I tell you not to run in boots …”

Well, I always feel that the relationship between the guardian and the guardian is instantly reversed!


The broken face palm that I just did n’t have time to hit now is now filled, but it looks like the unreasonable anger after the little **** fell down …

“what are you doing?”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Did it hurt? Did you get hurt, wait! I’ll get the medicine!”

After breaking her face, Xi Jianrun’s performance was more tense than Ye Shanliang’s, and she started to check it out.

“It’s not that exaggerated yet, but what are you going to do … let’s go down first!”

With Ye Shanliang’s reminder, Shimirun reacted immediately, and everyone is paying attention here …

There has already been a lot of discussion on the ground, and some annuals who do not understand the relationship between Shi Jianrun and Ye Shanliang are about to spread more than 10 versions of “Gossip”!

Xi Jianrun, who hadn’t stood up yet, was sick, and his brain was down due to shame. His blushing pupils were all gone.

Ye Shanliang was about to embark on the princess Xi Jianrun’s waist embarrassment, and then he was able to exit …

Others only saw that after the end ~ ~ Shi Jianrun broke away from Ye Shanliang, then angrily said something to Ye Shanliang, and gradually became a more gentle expression, and Ye Shanliang The look of her, from the initial bias toward indifference, gradually transformed into a complex expression with some aura …

Afterwards, the “Spices Research Society” started to receive foreign customers again, and Ye Shanliang was not like Ning Ning, the country of Ji. He hadn’t gotten anything from the “Central Food Authority” yet, so there was no pressure to leave … Because of his defeat, he didn’t have a ten-jie seat anymore, and Yazi cut thistle too.

With Yi Sehui’s victory, the coaching staff has locked six seats of ten outstanding players, but that night, Ji Xing Liao and other specially arrived Erina, Alice and others, but did not have the slightest joy …

Because Liu Pengxing has not come back!

Originally he made an appointment with Yu Mei, he will come back one night in advance!

At Jixing Liaozhong, after seeing Yu Mei hanging up and calling back to the Mito Group, everyone hurried up and asked in a rush.

“Should, should be directly to the field before the game tomorrow.” Yu Mei said.

“Should? What the **** are you doing? It’s impossible to see that Kobe beef jiao is addicted?”

“Yes, I felt a little weird before. At this time, Xiao Yumei, don’t hide it …”

“Couldn’t it be dangerous?”

“Don’t …”

Seeing everyone deeper and deeper, Yu Mei said anxiously: “There is no danger! The people of the group just told me that there is a normal life reaction in the room …”

“What? Life reaction? In what room? To detect by life reaction?”

“What the **** is he doing? Is there any danger to his life?”

“This …” Yu Mei realized it was too late to swallow the words when she talked about the leak. (To be continued.)

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