Shuttling Between the Two Worlds

Chapter 32: Heaven’s Force [1]

It just felt quite strange. Even 3 months ago, when I first knew of the truth, I didn't felt that strange.

I didn't expect that my best friend, whom I treated as brother in arms, is actually a girl!

Yes, her appearance before is a cute boy, similar to a trap. But the me from before couldn't have expected this..

That time, this strange feeling didn't burst out. But when I really saw her true appearance now, I felt.. complicated.

Aria can be said to be my trusted friend. But every time I change Dan's image to Aria, I couldn't help but have this inexplicable feeling.

Is this love? Or something else? Either way, I need to put it aside for now.


"That one?"


I overheard Red and Anna talking. Suddenly, another white light flooded my vision.

It seems that those white light is only aimed towards those who aren't members of the Order.

'Xiao Song, what's it?'

{A Memory Wipe spell, master. The array had been set up several days in advance.}

'I see.'

"Everyone, I hope that you can keep what happened here a secret—you can act as if you've lost your memories. I trust you all for this, but don't worry. We'll meet again soon after I settle some things."


The ones who are aimed by the white light collapsed to the ground. I didn't have much time to think of it when my sight became like an oil painting again.

Moments later, it went back to normal. It's just that, the surroundings are now filled with buildings.

The rest of the Order members pretended to collapse as well, since they'll stood out if they don't. I decided to mimic them.

I gave Aria a lap pillow, so it won't be a problem to lay her head in my stomach, I guess.

Moments later, many powerful auras are felt to be heading towards this building.


The door slammed, and 2 people came inside this classroom. One mature woman, and one middle age man.

"Young miss!"

"Where is she?!"

C+(S+) Ranks. Both of them are C+ Ranks but their actual strength is S+ Rank. Their Rank went down due to the deterioration of this planet. 

I can feel them looking towards my direction.

"Thank goodness she's fine!"

The woman then carried Aria away before leaving. As for me, I'll have to lay down here, lI guess.

More and more people came towards this building. They seemed surprise that this building suddenly came back.

Minutes later, I can hear ambulances. One by one, students and teachers are being carried away in a stretcher. 

It also didn't take long for someone to take me away.


I was being taken away by a stretcher, but someone else took me instead. Yep, it is my sister.

"Mom. Yes. I got him now. He's safe."

A sigh of relief could be heard across the phone. It's surely my mom.

In the end, I got carried away by my sister to our home. I guess this marks the end of a very long month.



I went back to the other world. My room, which consists of a bed, a technique bookshelf, a VR Console used to practice my techniques further, a fridge full of Cultivation Jellies, and a mirror.

Yes, I called them Cultivation Jellies since they do help you Cultivate by absorbing the energies within it. It can also help further my progress towards my Mental Aspects, thus I always eat it during training since it's helpful.

The fridge is filled with containers of such jellies. Every container has around 100 jellies.


I didn't try bringing some to my reality, but this will surely help my family. It's decided. I'll bring some for now and I'll give it to them later, until I could show my power already.

I stepped out of Master's house and began to train. I threw a jelly in my mouth before I started swinging my sword.

Slash! Slash!

Used to it now, I can swing a sword in a single place exactly. No 0.001mm error.

I'm now at S- Rank, yet my Master still asked me to do this. 

Exactly 12 hours later, my Master appeared.

"You can stop now."

I stopped swinging my sword.

"You're now at S-Rank, so we need to revise the training plan completely."


"Yes. Instead of just doing Guard Swordsmanship, we'll also throw in Offensive Swordsmanship into the mix."

"Offensive Swordsmanship?"

"The ability to fight against an enemy with a sword. You'll need to attack the projections as well before it's considered as your victory."

Offensive Swordsmanship? Finally! I'll have a proper means of Offense, not just swinging swords!

"Of course, it'll be very difficult. For now, you'll fight against one projection.


"It's only one but.. It has mastered the 4 techniques that I gave you to Initiate-Level."

What the.. 

"Don't worry, you'll be able to do it! Your comprehension towards the other 3 techniques would grow as well!"

"Understood, Master."

Knowing that its for my greater good, I didn't complain. Part of me is also wondering just how strong an enemy with Master's Techniques..

We went to the basement floor. Summoning a projection that's not different from usual, Master signalled the start of the spar.


I instantly focused my senses to the projection, but to my surprise, he disappeared.

He reappeared right behind me. 


Barely blocking that blow, I retreated to gain more distance, but like a ghost, he reappeared behind me again. This time, I'm prepared though.


I slid my sword right after blocking him, stabbing him in the shoulder, though he disappeared again before my attack connected.

Fighting an S- Rank is totally different from the F Rank Guard Swordsmanship spars that I used to have.

(Yes, the Ranks are limited to F+ Rank during Guard Swordsmanship training)

Even though we're both using Sword Laws, I'm at a disadvantage, a bad one at that.

My attacks won't hit and I'm in a passive situation. Furthermore, his attacks are becoming more and more harder, probably the effect of [Dance of the Sword God].

It's insane. 10% increase per hit? Blocking and hitting the enemy counts too? Master, just how monstrous is the technique that you've created?!


Not having the time to complain, I got stabbed in my stomach. 

Damn it. 

Thankfully, I don't lose my composure easily anymore, even without the [Decisiveness] trait.


Our swords clashed yet again, but I blocked it this time.

I gotta use the danger sense then. If I do this..


When the projection appeared in my right side, I sidestepped immediately. I then slashed at my right.


This time, it connected. I slashed at its chest, doing some damage. I also noticed that the consecutive damages brought by [Dance of the Sword God] was gone, probably because he didn't hit me.

I didn't have the time to continue my thoughts when I felt a very familiar feeling.

This should be.. 


I went up as high as I can, probably around 400m high, before seeing the damage that the slash gave. The air and space visibly cracked. It's now the [Sword of Destruction] that I'm quite used to.

If I didn't master that at Initiate-Level Mastery, I probably wouldn't be able to dodge that.

I then saw it. Countless swords appeared, making the projection's radius look like a sword domain.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Thousands of Swords flew towards me. as I'm airborne, I couldn't dodge so..

Stab! Stab! Stab!

I got stabbed by these things consecutively. Legs, arms, torso, nothing escaped.


This is probably the most painful moment for me. I'm like a kebab at this point.


The projections and its swords disappeared. My Master then hurriedly carried me towards the medical cabin.

"What did you learn today?"

"Master's techniques.. are too awesome."

I said so as I gave a thumbs up. Master visibly smiled, perhaps happy about the answer that he got.

"I've used this moment to gauge your ability. Tomorrow, you'll be sparring with it that has [Dance of the Sword God] first. We'll unlock the other Techniques as you become stronger."


Those five techniques, they're seriously awesome. When I have the Exp, I'll definitely Comprehend them all!

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